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kali-n, Kali nitricum, азотнокислый калий гомеопатия, селитра калиевая гомеопатия, калиум нитрикум.Источник описания
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Potassium nitrate. Saltpetre), KNO3 (Nitrum, or Nitre). Preparation for use, Triturations.
Mind Emotional.
Excitement after a glass of wine, as though he had taken too much. (first day), Delirium. Depression of spirits. (8th day) Depressed; she thinks she must die. Ennui, Lachrymose mood, sad expression. Anxiety, frequently in the afternoon (after 20 days). Anxiety with perspiration over the whole body. Anxious, weak, with perspiration on the pit of the stomach, in the afternoon till evening (after 30 days). Unusual feeling of anxiety. Very great anxiety. Frightful anxiety, with internal coldness, followed by faintness and death. Uneasy, apprehensive, fearful, sensitive, peevish. Inclined to vexation. Fretfulness. Fretful, ill-humored. Extremely fretful mood (9th day). Fretful peevish mood in the evening (9th day). Irascible. Perverse, hypochondriac mood, discontented with himself and the world, Peevish, irritable, and completely disinclined to mental labor (5th day). intellectual. Meditative and solicitous. Disinclined to think and exhausted in the morning with a feeling of warmth in the face and hot forehead. Disinclination for work (1st day) Unless roused lay in a state of half stupor, but was quite rational, and capable of answering questions and giving an account of his case ( after 4 hours). Partly stupefied, as in intoxication. Loss of consciousness.
Head сonfusion and Vertigo.
Confusion of the head, nearly the whole day (8th day), in the morning (2nd day); on waking (8th day). сonfusion of the head, with the drawing in the side of the head and forehead, toward evening (4th day). сonfusion of the head in the evening with some oppression of the chest (11th day). сonfusion of the head, almost like intoxication after a glass of Madeira (10th day). сonfusion in the forepart of the head, in the forehead (10th day). сonfusion and throbbing in the forehead (9th day). Gloominess, confusion of the head, difficult thought; everything is immediately forgotten. Tendency to vertigo, on stooping, as if he would fall forward (1st day). Vertigo. Frequent attacks of vertigo, as if he would fall to the right side and backwards, while walking in the evening (previous to this he had taken a glass of strong beer). Dizziness of the head, in the morning, as after intoxication. Head dizzy and weak. General head. Dullness in the head and sleepiness (9th day). Stupefaction and heaviness of the head, in the morning, as after intoxication. Heaviness of the head, and pain extending over the whole head. Feeling of heaviness in the head (after 2 hours). Feeling of looseness and sticking in the brain. Pain in the head and in the neck, lasting from evening through the night and the next day especially affecting the left side. Headache (8th and 12th days); in afternoon, on entering the warm room; on turning the head. Headache, rather a confusion. Headache with heat increasing towards evening lasting till 10 o’clock (1st day). Headache in the morning, as after a night’s debauch. Headache on waking, fulness of the abdomen, diarrhoea, with chilliness. Headache that prevents sleep the whole night still continues in the morning (after 40 days). Headache after dinner (21st day). Headache so that she was unable to eat (27th day). The headache became almost intolerable on stooping. Tensive pain in the head, after dinner. вursting pain in the head with stitches in the left ear and clavicles, whence the pain extends into the elbows (22nd day). Drawing in the middle of the head extending towards the right temple, lasting till evening, in the morning (15th day). Headache a pressure towards the middle of the head and towards the left temple in the morning (2nd day). Pressive headache especially in the frontal region (1st day). Pressive headache in the morning; it afterwards extended to the occiput; in the evening there was increase of the heat in the head (3rd day). Pressive headache especially in the afternoon (12th day). Pressive headache mingled with stitches in the forehead (14th day). Pressive headache more on the right side of the forehead, mingled with suddenly piercing stitches, towards evening (4th day). Violent pressive headache (6th day ). Violent pressive headache more on the right side in the noon and especially from 1 to 4 P. M. disappearing after a half hour’s nap (11th day). Pressive headache in the evening (14th day). Hacking and sticking in the head, with pressure about the eyes and sleepiness, together with the increase of the pains. Forehead. Feeling of heaviness and confusion in the forehead, lasting 2 hours. Feeling of heaviness and headache in the forehead (1st day). Pain in the right side of the forehead, suddenly while walking which soon extended towards the top of the head and thence into the occiput and both temples; the pain seemed to be seated in the scalp; first felt only on shaking the head, as when coughing, walking etc. and pain was indefinite in character; afterwards it gradually became more violent, and was felt on turning the head and even during the rest; when most violent the skin of the forehead was painful as if bruised; together with painful pulsation in the occiput and temples; on firm pressure the headache was relieved so that it was scarcely felt in the evening it had entirely disappeared. Pain in right frontal sinus, with stopped catarrh (4th day). сontractive pains in the forehead and eyes that unite at the tip of the nose, where there is a digging-pinching. Dull pain in the forehead and top of the head, rather to the left side, quite violent and continuous till 10 in the morning, when disappeared but returned after dinner and lasted till evening. Drawing through the forehead in the evening (5th day). Headache in the region of the superciliary arch, after dinner. Pressure in the whole of the forehead, at times only dull piercing-sticking, in the morning (4th day). Pressure in the forehead above the root of the nose, and a feeling of the tension in the skin of the forehead (3rd day). Pressure in the forehead the whole day, as if the eyes would spring out of the head and as if little stones were lying about them. Slight pressure in the forehead (9th day). Violent pressure in the forehead that extends to the eyes (13th day). Violent pressure in the forehead, with great congestion to the head, at noon (1st day). Tearing pressure in the right side of the forehead behind the eye, extending towards the occiput, worse after the coffee, and also when walking, a rhythmical sticking, relieved while riding in the wagon (in the open air). Pressive pain in the frontal sinuses (7th day). Violent pressive pain in the forehead (1st day). Pressive headache in the forehead (after 4 hours). Violent pressive pain deep in the head behind the left eye (after 10 hours). Pressive headache in the forehead (1st day). Pressive headache in the forehead, especially severe over the right eye in the morning immediately after rising; and a dull headache in the forehead and occiput, towards the noon, and especially towards the evening (10th day). Violent pressive headache in the forehead, lasting the whole day with the beating in the occiput and in the temples (5th day). Sticking and pressing asunder in the left side of the forehead, on stooping. Sticking pain with rhythmical intermissions in the forehead behind the eyes, worse while walking during rest only a few stitches at long intervals, the whole afternoon and evening. Temples. Headache in the left temple and frontal region, with reeling, a feeling of vertigo, staggering and anxiety, with perspiration. Drawing in the left temple and on the left eye (2nd day). Pressive pain in the right temple. Fine sticking in the left temple, immediately after dinner (15th day). Transient drawing stitches, more in the left than in the right temple (13th day). Tearing in the left temple from time to time (8th day). Tearing in the right temple from evening till morning, somewhat relieved by pressing upon it (after 30 days). Vertex. Pain in the upper part of the head, gradually becoming more violent until I went out, when it disappeared (3 quarters of an hour after a dose). Headache on the vertex only in the morning on rising, for five days. сonstrictive pain in the vertex, lasting 2 hours. сonstrictive pain in the vertex, with heaviness of the head in the afternoon and following night (after 6 days). Pressure on the vertex, aggravated by laying the hand upon it (3rd day). Pressure on the vertex, as if a stone were lying upon it (7th day). The feeling of a weight on the vertex was so increased by taking the drug the proving was abandoned). Some stitches on the left side of the vertex. Tearing and sticking in the vertex and occiput, cutting in the intestines and at last evacuation of faeces at first soft afterwards mucus at 9 and 10 p. m. Parietals. Pain on the right side of the head near the crown, disappearing on laying the hand upon it; this painful spot, as large as the hand, felt hot to touch, even after the pain had disappeared. Transient pain in the right side of the head (soon after a new dose). Violent pain in the right side of the head from a slight draft of air. Violent pain in the region of the left parietal bone, towards midnight, which was somewhat relieved after taking off the nightcap (after 8 days). Tearing drawing in the parietal bones and in the forehead, frequently returning with confusion of the head (3rd day). Occiput. Violent compression in the occiput so that everything became stiff; afterwards pain in the nape of the neck like a pulling on the hairs, extending to the shoulders, and with tension and stitches over the face and neck, impairment of swallowing, anxiety, and arrest of breathing, from 11 a. m. to 4 p. m. (third and fourth days). Headache in the occiput, relieved by binding up the hair. Drawing and tearing in the occiput, so that she could not move the head, with stiffness in the nape of the neck for an hour; followed after 2 hours by drawing and tearing in the scapula, with great weakness; she could scarcely lift her feet; together with the coldness without thirst, heat at night without thirst or subsequent sweat (6th day). Pressure and heaviness in the occiput, frequently ( 13th day). Pressive pain towards the occiput, which gradually changes into the stitches, which are aggravated by touch, even during rest, seeming like a rhythmical sticking. Violent pressive pain mingled with beating in the occiput, in the evening (9th day). Sharp almost tearing pain in the right side of the occiput. A violent stitch in the left side of the occiput, during menstruation (after 29 days). вurning-throbbing on the left side of the occiput in the evening in the bed. Jerking pain in the occiput as if in the bone, and after three quarters of an hour also in the hip-bone, where it only disappeared after a few hours, and at last alternated with tension behind the right ear; it continued the whole night. A certain coldness in the occiput was always associated with the pains in the head. External Head. Profuse falling out of the hair (after 30 days). Small scurfy spots on the scalp with itching (after 28 days). Pain in on spot in the right side a of the vertex like contraction in the scalp, in the morning after rising. Headache on the vertex like a pulling of the hairs. Great sensitiveness of the scalp, which painful to pressure (after 5 days). Great sensitiveness of the vertex to touch. вruised pain and great sensitiveness of the vertex (2nd day).
Mind Emotional.
Excitement after a glass of wine, as though he had taken too much. (first day), Delirium. Depression of spirits. (8th day) Depressed; she thinks she must die. Ennui, Lachrymose mood, sad expression. Anxiety, frequently in the afternoon (after 20 days). Anxiety with perspiration over the whole body. Anxious, weak, with perspiration on the pit of the stomach, in the afternoon till evening (after 30 days). Unusual feeling of anxiety. Very great anxiety. Frightful anxiety, with internal coldness, followed by faintness and death. Uneasy, apprehensive, fearful, sensitive, peevish. Inclined to vexation. Fretfulness. Fretful, ill-humored. Extremely fretful mood (9th day). Fretful peevish mood in the evening (9th day). Irascible. Perverse, hypochondriac mood, discontented with himself and the world, Peevish, irritable, and completely disinclined to mental labor (5th day). intellectual. Meditative and solicitous. Disinclined to think and exhausted in the morning with a feeling of warmth in the face and hot forehead. Disinclination for work (1st day) Unless roused lay in a state of half stupor, but was quite rational, and capable of answering questions and giving an account of his case ( after 4 hours). Partly stupefied, as in intoxication. Loss of consciousness.
Head сonfusion and Vertigo.
Confusion of the head, nearly the whole day (8th day), in the morning (2nd day); on waking (8th day). сonfusion of the head, with the drawing in the side of the head and forehead, toward evening (4th day). сonfusion of the head in the evening with some oppression of the chest (11th day). сonfusion of the head, almost like intoxication after a glass of Madeira (10th day). сonfusion in the forepart of the head, in the forehead (10th day). сonfusion and throbbing in the forehead (9th day). Gloominess, confusion of the head, difficult thought; everything is immediately forgotten. Tendency to vertigo, on stooping, as if he would fall forward (1st day). Vertigo. Frequent attacks of vertigo, as if he would fall to the right side and backwards, while walking in the evening (previous to this he had taken a glass of strong beer). Dizziness of the head, in the morning, as after intoxication. Head dizzy and weak. General head. Dullness in the head and sleepiness (9th day). Stupefaction and heaviness of the head, in the morning, as after intoxication. Heaviness of the head, and pain extending over the whole head. Feeling of heaviness in the head (after 2 hours). Feeling of looseness and sticking in the brain. Pain in the head and in the neck, lasting from evening through the night and the next day especially affecting the left side. Headache (8th and 12th days); in afternoon, on entering the warm room; on turning the head. Headache, rather a confusion. Headache with heat increasing towards evening lasting till 10 o’clock (1st day). Headache in the morning, as after a night’s debauch. Headache on waking, fulness of the abdomen, diarrhoea, with chilliness. Headache that prevents sleep the whole night still continues in the morning (after 40 days). Headache after dinner (21st day). Headache so that she was unable to eat (27th day). The headache became almost intolerable on stooping. Tensive pain in the head, after dinner. вursting pain in the head with stitches in the left ear and clavicles, whence the pain extends into the elbows (22nd day). Drawing in the middle of the head extending towards the right temple, lasting till evening, in the morning (15th day). Headache a pressure towards the middle of the head and towards the left temple in the morning (2nd day). Pressive headache especially in the frontal region (1st day). Pressive headache in the morning; it afterwards extended to the occiput; in the evening there was increase of the heat in the head (3rd day). Pressive headache especially in the afternoon (12th day). Pressive headache mingled with stitches in the forehead (14th day). Pressive headache more on the right side of the forehead, mingled with suddenly piercing stitches, towards evening (4th day). Violent pressive headache (6th day ). Violent pressive headache more on the right side in the noon and especially from 1 to 4 P. M. disappearing after a half hour’s nap (11th day). Pressive headache in the evening (14th day). Hacking and sticking in the head, with pressure about the eyes and sleepiness, together with the increase of the pains. Forehead. Feeling of heaviness and confusion in the forehead, lasting 2 hours. Feeling of heaviness and headache in the forehead (1st day). Pain in the right side of the forehead, suddenly while walking which soon extended towards the top of the head and thence into the occiput and both temples; the pain seemed to be seated in the scalp; first felt only on shaking the head, as when coughing, walking etc. and pain was indefinite in character; afterwards it gradually became more violent, and was felt on turning the head and even during the rest; when most violent the skin of the forehead was painful as if bruised; together with painful pulsation in the occiput and temples; on firm pressure the headache was relieved so that it was scarcely felt in the evening it had entirely disappeared. Pain in right frontal sinus, with stopped catarrh (4th day). сontractive pains in the forehead and eyes that unite at the tip of the nose, where there is a digging-pinching. Dull pain in the forehead and top of the head, rather to the left side, quite violent and continuous till 10 in the morning, when disappeared but returned after dinner and lasted till evening. Drawing through the forehead in the evening (5th day). Headache in the region of the superciliary arch, after dinner. Pressure in the whole of the forehead, at times only dull piercing-sticking, in the morning (4th day). Pressure in the forehead above the root of the nose, and a feeling of the tension in the skin of the forehead (3rd day). Pressure in the forehead the whole day, as if the eyes would spring out of the head and as if little stones were lying about them. Slight pressure in the forehead (9th day). Violent pressure in the forehead that extends to the eyes (13th day). Violent pressure in the forehead, with great congestion to the head, at noon (1st day). Tearing pressure in the right side of the forehead behind the eye, extending towards the occiput, worse after the coffee, and also when walking, a rhythmical sticking, relieved while riding in the wagon (in the open air). Pressive pain in the frontal sinuses (7th day). Violent pressive pain in the forehead (1st day). Pressive headache in the forehead (after 4 hours). Violent pressive pain deep in the head behind the left eye (after 10 hours). Pressive headache in the forehead (1st day). Pressive headache in the forehead, especially severe over the right eye in the morning immediately after rising; and a dull headache in the forehead and occiput, towards the noon, and especially towards the evening (10th day). Violent pressive headache in the forehead, lasting the whole day with the beating in the occiput and in the temples (5th day). Sticking and pressing asunder in the left side of the forehead, on stooping. Sticking pain with rhythmical intermissions in the forehead behind the eyes, worse while walking during rest only a few stitches at long intervals, the whole afternoon and evening. Temples. Headache in the left temple and frontal region, with reeling, a feeling of vertigo, staggering and anxiety, with perspiration. Drawing in the left temple and on the left eye (2nd day). Pressive pain in the right temple. Fine sticking in the left temple, immediately after dinner (15th day). Transient drawing stitches, more in the left than in the right temple (13th day). Tearing in the left temple from time to time (8th day). Tearing in the right temple from evening till morning, somewhat relieved by pressing upon it (after 30 days). Vertex. Pain in the upper part of the head, gradually becoming more violent until I went out, when it disappeared (3 quarters of an hour after a dose). Headache on the vertex only in the morning on rising, for five days. сonstrictive pain in the vertex, lasting 2 hours. сonstrictive pain in the vertex, with heaviness of the head in the afternoon and following night (after 6 days). Pressure on the vertex, aggravated by laying the hand upon it (3rd day). Pressure on the vertex, as if a stone were lying upon it (7th day). The feeling of a weight on the vertex was so increased by taking the drug the proving was abandoned). Some stitches on the left side of the vertex. Tearing and sticking in the vertex and occiput, cutting in the intestines and at last evacuation of faeces at first soft afterwards mucus at 9 and 10 p. m. Parietals. Pain on the right side of the head near the crown, disappearing on laying the hand upon it; this painful spot, as large as the hand, felt hot to touch, even after the pain had disappeared. Transient pain in the right side of the head (soon after a new dose). Violent pain in the right side of the head from a slight draft of air. Violent pain in the region of the left parietal bone, towards midnight, which was somewhat relieved after taking off the nightcap (after 8 days). Tearing drawing in the parietal bones and in the forehead, frequently returning with confusion of the head (3rd day). Occiput. Violent compression in the occiput so that everything became stiff; afterwards pain in the nape of the neck like a pulling on the hairs, extending to the shoulders, and with tension and stitches over the face and neck, impairment of swallowing, anxiety, and arrest of breathing, from 11 a. m. to 4 p. m. (third and fourth days). Headache in the occiput, relieved by binding up the hair. Drawing and tearing in the occiput, so that she could not move the head, with stiffness in the nape of the neck for an hour; followed after 2 hours by drawing and tearing in the scapula, with great weakness; she could scarcely lift her feet; together with the coldness without thirst, heat at night without thirst or subsequent sweat (6th day). Pressure and heaviness in the occiput, frequently ( 13th day). Pressive pain towards the occiput, which gradually changes into the stitches, which are aggravated by touch, even during rest, seeming like a rhythmical sticking. Violent pressive pain mingled with beating in the occiput, in the evening (9th day). Sharp almost tearing pain in the right side of the occiput. A violent stitch in the left side of the occiput, during menstruation (after 29 days). вurning-throbbing on the left side of the occiput in the evening in the bed. Jerking pain in the occiput as if in the bone, and after three quarters of an hour also in the hip-bone, where it only disappeared after a few hours, and at last alternated with tension behind the right ear; it continued the whole night. A certain coldness in the occiput was always associated with the pains in the head. External Head. Profuse falling out of the hair (after 30 days). Small scurfy spots on the scalp with itching (after 28 days). Pain in on spot in the right side a of the vertex like contraction in the scalp, in the morning after rising. Headache on the vertex like a pulling of the hairs. Great sensitiveness of the scalp, which painful to pressure (after 5 days). Great sensitiveness of the vertex to touch. вruised pain and great sensitiveness of the vertex (2nd day).
Голова, лицо и уши
Some catarrhal inflammation of the eyes, especially of the left, on waking in the morning (3rd day). вurning in the eyes and weakness as from sleepiness (6th day). вurning and lachrymation of the eyes in the morning (22nd day). вurning in the eyes, which are intolerant of light (after 17 days). вurning in the outer canthi (3rd day). Violent burning of the eyes, in the morning after rising, disappearing after washing (14th day). Violent burning in the eyes and lachrymation, in the morning after washing with cold water. Violent burning in the eyes with redness of canthi, for three days. Pressure in the eyes (6th day). Pressure in the eyes and on pressing upon the ball, painfulness of the orbits (14th day). Pressure in the right eye (2nd day). Momentary pressure in both eyes at different times (5th day). Pressure shooting through both eyes, soon after supper (5th day). Slight pressure in the left eye (2nd day). Painful pressure in the eyes, as if sand or dust were in them, the whole day (after 16 days). Drawing pressure through the left eye and left eye and left side of the forehead, following an oblique course (7th day). сonstant tearing in the inner canthi. вurning biting as from salt water, especially in the left eye (28th day). Itching of the right eye, and constant acrid lachrymation, which runs over the cheek. Sticking itching on the inner angle of the left and on the outer angle of the right eye; itching on the right side of the neck, left upper arm, left side of the forehead, right side of the chest, etc. (9th day). Orbit. сompressive pain in the orbits aggravated by pressing on the upper part of the eyeball (9th day). Lids. Lids of the right eye still red with much itching (11th day). Inflamed redness and swelling of the right eyelid, burning in the external canthus of the same eye and pressive stitches (9th day ). With the headache the eyelids close. Agglutination of both eyes, in the morning (19th day). Agglutination of the right eye with mucus, in the morning (15th day). Pressure beneath the upper lid of the left eye, as from a hair. Sticking and burning in the lid constantly increased together with the headache, so that I was totally unable to work, on account of which I took Aconite 6th by olfaction, which somewhat relieved the pains (9th day). вurning biting of the lids of the right eye; is obliged rub them. Lachrymal Apparatus. Much water constantly flows involuntarily from the right eye. вall. Pain in the left eyeball as if it were grasped and compressed from both sides so that its long axis was increased, at 3 p. m. during dinner (2nd day). Pressure in the right eyeball (7th day). Very transient pressive pain in the right eyeball. Slight pressure on the right eyeball at different times (9th day). Vision. Loss of sight. Transient blindness. After taking saltpetre, the odor of camphor frequently makes it black before the eyes so that she can see nothing. Rings of variegated colors before the eyes, with good visual power, for 2 days.
Inflammation and swelling of the right lobule of the right ear with violent burning and itching, so that he was obliged to scratch it; heat and redness of the lobule. Pain in the ears tension in the right meatus. Tensive pain behind the right ear the whole day, with sticking behind the left ear, on diminution of the pain. Pressure from opposite side in the ears and temples (3rd day). Sticking in the right ear, in the evening (5th day). Sticking in the right ear, so that she could not lie upon it at night (34th day). Sticking in the ear with headache (35th day). sticking behind the right ear as if deep in the head. Dull sticking pain in the right ear. A stitch in the right ear followed by twinging in it. Violent stitches behind the left ear, extending towards the articulation of the jaw. Tearing in the right meatus (7th day). Tearing behind the ears for 2 hours (14th day). Throbbing rhythmical with the pulse in the left ear (6th day). Tickling in the cartilage of the right meatus auditorius, in the morning in bed (9th day). Excessive itching in the external meatus (15th day). Hearing. Loss of hearing. Transient deafness. Rushing in the ears, as of running water (1st day). Very slight dull hissing in the head (1st day). Ringing in the ears; (37th day). Great ringing in the left ear, in the evening (2nd day). сlear toned ringing in the left ear. A pulsating roaring noise in front of the right ear.
Nose Objective.
The skin of the nose is red as if inflamed. Tip of the nose inflamed (37th day). An ulcer deep in the right nostril, that after several days is covered with a scab (after 19 days). Sneezing in the morning without catarrh (10th day). Frequent sneezing (2nd day); (19th and 20th days); in evening about 10 o’clock (9th day). Much sneezing almost immediately. Violent sneezing, several times), (9th day). Violent sneezing in the morning (30th and 40th days). Some drops of water run from the nose without catarrh. сatarrh with sneezing (soon after a new dose). Violent catarrh, with stoppage of the nose loss of smell, and rough voice (11th and 12th days). Stopped rather than fluent catarrh, with burning externally about the nose. сatarrh now dry, now fluent, though constant. The catarrh flowed freely in the open air, less so in the house. The catarrh from which he suffered became usually worse, from right nostril clear water dropped, and the mucus was difficult to loosen). вleeding from the nose without relief to the head took place on the day following bleeding from the scurf on the tip of the nose. вleeding from the nose three times in one week; the blood acrid like vinegar (after 20 days). вleeding from the left nostril when blowing the nose. вleeding from the left nostril immediately after rising followed by relief of the headache. вleeding from the nose in the afternoon (after 20 days). вlowing of blood from the nose, soon after rising, followed by some nosebleed. сlotted blood or small balls of blood, come from the nose on blowing it (after 17 days). Subjective. Dryness of the nose and burning of the (usually) sore place in the nose, (7th day). Stoppage of the nose with a disagreeable taste (3rd day). Stoppage of the nose with frequent sneezing (19th day). Stoppage of the nose for 2 days followed by discharge of purulent offensive mucus with sneezing (after 48 days) вurning about the nose with burrowing and clawing aggravated by touch, with the swelling of the right nostril, as if there were an eruption in it with want of an air in the nose. вurning in the right nostril as if sore, when blowing the nose (4th day). сlawing and burning about the wings of the nose. Swollen feeling in the right nostril, which painful on pressure. Sore pain in the upper part of the right nostril, with sensitiveness to external pressure. The bones of the nose are painful, especially if when taken hold of. Pain in the tip of the nose as if pustule would form (6th day). Itching in the left side of the tip of the nose internally (8th day).
Face Objective.
Pale sickly expression. Face pinched and very anxious (after 4 hours). Paleness of the face as after long illness (after 30 days). Face which was formerly red, became pale and collapsed as in cholera. Face sunken; pale cold nose. Muscles of face convulsed (after a quarter of an hour). A visible jerking motion of the muscles of the face, especially by the eye and on the right side of the neck, during the light nap in the morning, about 8 o’clock; the first attack was in the region of the right articulation of the jaw; I was perfectly conscious, but afterwards on thinking about it I became fearful that it would develop into an epileptic spasm; and I fell to dreaming during the night that the eyes were tightly closed, and I ineffectually endeavored to open them during the attack and was obliged to open them by force with the fingers. Subjective. Feeling of heat in the face without rapid pulse (after few hours). Acute tearing in the bones of the left side of the face. сheeks. Tensive pain in the cheeks with redness of them, and increased throbbing in the head, as if in the middle of the brain. Stitches as with needles in the left cheek, followed by burning (38th day). Tearing in zygomata. Gnawing pain in the left upper jaw, close to the wing of the nose (5th day). Jerking pain in the right zygomata, at night. Jerking pain in the upper jaw and zygomata. Intermitting jerking pain in the zygoma, extending towards the vertex the whole day, at times also in the wrist. Lips. Twitchings of the muscles, whereby the mouth was distorted. сhina Drawing in the right side of the lower jaw (13th day). Pressure and dull sticking pain in the right articulation of the jaw on moving it and swallowing (5th day). Tearing, first in the right side of the chin then beneath the right external malleolus, while sitting. Tearing in a narrow streak in the middle of the base of the right lower jaw extending into the head, with toothache in the same row, relieved by pressure and lying upon it, in the evening in bed. Drawing tearing in the left side of the lower jaw, and in a hollow tooth of the same side (6th day). Sticking tearing between the mastoid process and the angle of the lower jaw of the right side (9th day).
Some catarrhal inflammation of the eyes, especially of the left, on waking in the morning (3rd day). вurning in the eyes and weakness as from sleepiness (6th day). вurning and lachrymation of the eyes in the morning (22nd day). вurning in the eyes, which are intolerant of light (after 17 days). вurning in the outer canthi (3rd day). Violent burning of the eyes, in the morning after rising, disappearing after washing (14th day). Violent burning in the eyes and lachrymation, in the morning after washing with cold water. Violent burning in the eyes with redness of canthi, for three days. Pressure in the eyes (6th day). Pressure in the eyes and on pressing upon the ball, painfulness of the orbits (14th day). Pressure in the right eye (2nd day). Momentary pressure in both eyes at different times (5th day). Pressure shooting through both eyes, soon after supper (5th day). Slight pressure in the left eye (2nd day). Painful pressure in the eyes, as if sand or dust were in them, the whole day (after 16 days). Drawing pressure through the left eye and left eye and left side of the forehead, following an oblique course (7th day). сonstant tearing in the inner canthi. вurning biting as from salt water, especially in the left eye (28th day). Itching of the right eye, and constant acrid lachrymation, which runs over the cheek. Sticking itching on the inner angle of the left and on the outer angle of the right eye; itching on the right side of the neck, left upper arm, left side of the forehead, right side of the chest, etc. (9th day). Orbit. сompressive pain in the orbits aggravated by pressing on the upper part of the eyeball (9th day). Lids. Lids of the right eye still red with much itching (11th day). Inflamed redness and swelling of the right eyelid, burning in the external canthus of the same eye and pressive stitches (9th day ). With the headache the eyelids close. Agglutination of both eyes, in the morning (19th day). Agglutination of the right eye with mucus, in the morning (15th day). Pressure beneath the upper lid of the left eye, as from a hair. Sticking and burning in the lid constantly increased together with the headache, so that I was totally unable to work, on account of which I took Aconite 6th by olfaction, which somewhat relieved the pains (9th day). вurning biting of the lids of the right eye; is obliged rub them. Lachrymal Apparatus. Much water constantly flows involuntarily from the right eye. вall. Pain in the left eyeball as if it were grasped and compressed from both sides so that its long axis was increased, at 3 p. m. during dinner (2nd day). Pressure in the right eyeball (7th day). Very transient pressive pain in the right eyeball. Slight pressure on the right eyeball at different times (9th day). Vision. Loss of sight. Transient blindness. After taking saltpetre, the odor of camphor frequently makes it black before the eyes so that she can see nothing. Rings of variegated colors before the eyes, with good visual power, for 2 days.
Inflammation and swelling of the right lobule of the right ear with violent burning and itching, so that he was obliged to scratch it; heat and redness of the lobule. Pain in the ears tension in the right meatus. Tensive pain behind the right ear the whole day, with sticking behind the left ear, on diminution of the pain. Pressure from opposite side in the ears and temples (3rd day). Sticking in the right ear, in the evening (5th day). Sticking in the right ear, so that she could not lie upon it at night (34th day). Sticking in the ear with headache (35th day). sticking behind the right ear as if deep in the head. Dull sticking pain in the right ear. A stitch in the right ear followed by twinging in it. Violent stitches behind the left ear, extending towards the articulation of the jaw. Tearing in the right meatus (7th day). Tearing behind the ears for 2 hours (14th day). Throbbing rhythmical with the pulse in the left ear (6th day). Tickling in the cartilage of the right meatus auditorius, in the morning in bed (9th day). Excessive itching in the external meatus (15th day). Hearing. Loss of hearing. Transient deafness. Rushing in the ears, as of running water (1st day). Very slight dull hissing in the head (1st day). Ringing in the ears; (37th day). Great ringing in the left ear, in the evening (2nd day). сlear toned ringing in the left ear. A pulsating roaring noise in front of the right ear.
Nose Objective.
The skin of the nose is red as if inflamed. Tip of the nose inflamed (37th day). An ulcer deep in the right nostril, that after several days is covered with a scab (after 19 days). Sneezing in the morning without catarrh (10th day). Frequent sneezing (2nd day); (19th and 20th days); in evening about 10 o’clock (9th day). Much sneezing almost immediately. Violent sneezing, several times), (9th day). Violent sneezing in the morning (30th and 40th days). Some drops of water run from the nose without catarrh. сatarrh with sneezing (soon after a new dose). Violent catarrh, with stoppage of the nose loss of smell, and rough voice (11th and 12th days). Stopped rather than fluent catarrh, with burning externally about the nose. сatarrh now dry, now fluent, though constant. The catarrh flowed freely in the open air, less so in the house. The catarrh from which he suffered became usually worse, from right nostril clear water dropped, and the mucus was difficult to loosen). вleeding from the nose without relief to the head took place on the day following bleeding from the scurf on the tip of the nose. вleeding from the nose three times in one week; the blood acrid like vinegar (after 20 days). вleeding from the left nostril when blowing the nose. вleeding from the left nostril immediately after rising followed by relief of the headache. вleeding from the nose in the afternoon (after 20 days). вlowing of blood from the nose, soon after rising, followed by some nosebleed. сlotted blood or small balls of blood, come from the nose on blowing it (after 17 days). Subjective. Dryness of the nose and burning of the (usually) sore place in the nose, (7th day). Stoppage of the nose with a disagreeable taste (3rd day). Stoppage of the nose with frequent sneezing (19th day). Stoppage of the nose for 2 days followed by discharge of purulent offensive mucus with sneezing (after 48 days) вurning about the nose with burrowing and clawing aggravated by touch, with the swelling of the right nostril, as if there were an eruption in it with want of an air in the nose. вurning in the right nostril as if sore, when blowing the nose (4th day). сlawing and burning about the wings of the nose. Swollen feeling in the right nostril, which painful on pressure. Sore pain in the upper part of the right nostril, with sensitiveness to external pressure. The bones of the nose are painful, especially if when taken hold of. Pain in the tip of the nose as if pustule would form (6th day). Itching in the left side of the tip of the nose internally (8th day).
Face Objective.
Pale sickly expression. Face pinched and very anxious (after 4 hours). Paleness of the face as after long illness (after 30 days). Face which was formerly red, became pale and collapsed as in cholera. Face sunken; pale cold nose. Muscles of face convulsed (after a quarter of an hour). A visible jerking motion of the muscles of the face, especially by the eye and on the right side of the neck, during the light nap in the morning, about 8 o’clock; the first attack was in the region of the right articulation of the jaw; I was perfectly conscious, but afterwards on thinking about it I became fearful that it would develop into an epileptic spasm; and I fell to dreaming during the night that the eyes were tightly closed, and I ineffectually endeavored to open them during the attack and was obliged to open them by force with the fingers. Subjective. Feeling of heat in the face without rapid pulse (after few hours). Acute tearing in the bones of the left side of the face. сheeks. Tensive pain in the cheeks with redness of them, and increased throbbing in the head, as if in the middle of the brain. Stitches as with needles in the left cheek, followed by burning (38th day). Tearing in zygomata. Gnawing pain in the left upper jaw, close to the wing of the nose (5th day). Jerking pain in the right zygomata, at night. Jerking pain in the upper jaw and zygomata. Intermitting jerking pain in the zygoma, extending towards the vertex the whole day, at times also in the wrist. Lips. Twitchings of the muscles, whereby the mouth was distorted. сhina Drawing in the right side of the lower jaw (13th day). Pressure and dull sticking pain in the right articulation of the jaw on moving it and swallowing (5th day). Tearing, first in the right side of the chin then beneath the right external malleolus, while sitting. Tearing in a narrow streak in the middle of the base of the right lower jaw extending into the head, with toothache in the same row, relieved by pressure and lying upon it, in the evening in bed. Drawing tearing in the left side of the lower jaw, and in a hollow tooth of the same side (6th day). Sticking tearing between the mastoid process and the angle of the lower jaw of the right side (9th day).
Ротовая полость и горло
Looseness of an upper back tooth, followed by ulcerative pain the whole day. Feeling of tightness in the hollow lower wisdom tooth of the left side, perceptible during sleep (6th day). Grumbling in a diseased upper back tooth, as if air streamed in and out of it. вoring toothache with pressure in the head, and at one time heat, at another coldness; towards noon, better in the evening. Drawing and sticking toothache, now in the right side, now in the left, in the upper back teeth, in the open air as in the house. Stitches in a hollow tooth when touched, wherewith the gum is inflamed, swollen, red and painful, and bleeds easily (after 20 days). Tearing toothache with tearing in the head from morning till noon. Violent tearing in a left upper tooth. Shooting tearing in the upper incisors, in the open air, in the evening and next morning (after 39th day). Ulcerative pain in the upper especially the back teeth (after 8 days). Throbbing toothache wakes him at 3 in the morning and at midnight from sleep aggravated by cold, unchanged by warmth. Throbbing toothache in the left upper row, in the evening while walking in the open air (17th day). Jerking pain in the teeth (8th day). Jerking toothache in the left upper row like an ulceration. Jerking toothache in a left upper back tooth. Frequent jerking in the upper back teeth. The toothache is aggravated on drawing in the air and extends into the incisors. Gums. Swelling of the gum externally of the right upper teeth with great painfulness. The gum on the inside of the right upper teeth seems swollen, with violent throbbing in it. A scorbutic condition.