Другие названия и синонимы
visc, Viscum album, омела белая гомеопатия.Источник описания
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Viscum album, Linn. Natural order: Loranthaceae. сommon name, Mistletoe. Preparation: Tincture of leaves (and berries).
Общие симптомы
About 10 p.m, when he was going to see a patient, he felt very queer, as if he must fall down; he felt a glow that rose up from the feet to the head, and it seemed to him as if he were on fire, at the same time his face became very pale; this kind of aura epileptica recurred three times during the winter (after 40 drops), 4. Every muscle of the body, except those of the eyes, were paralyzed. сould not speak or swallow, and both died about the eight or ninth day, literally served. Frequent recurrence of the symptoms during two years.
Психика и сознание
Inclined to be violent. Spectral illusions. Insensibility. Stupor, succeeded by almost entire insensibility, lying motionless, with her eyes closed, as if in sound sleep, but easily roused by a loud noise, and then would answer any question, but when she relapsed into her former condition there was a slight disposition to stertorous breathing (second day).
Голова, лицо и уши
Giddiness (second day).
Conjunctiva injected. Pupil slightly dilated and fixed. Pulse contracted, and at first appeared insensible to light (second day).
Countenance suffused. Lips livid.
Conjunctiva injected. Pupil slightly dilated and fixed. Pulse contracted, and at first appeared insensible to light (second day).
Countenance suffused. Lips livid.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Whole of the alimentary canal paralyzed.
Bowels obstinately constipated.
Bowels obstinately constipated.
Органы грудной клетки
Breathing slow and stertorous. Slight disposition to stertorous breathing (second day).
Конечности и позвоночник
He felt in the dorsum of the left hand as if a large spider were crawling over it; soon afterwards he felt the same sensation in the dorsum of the right hand (after 40 drops).
Lower Limbs.
In the same winter suddenly felt in the right foot a violent aching pain from within outwards, that compelled him to take off his boot, as it felt too light; this sensation went off in an hour.
Lower Limbs.
In the same winter suddenly felt in the right foot a violent aching pain from within outwards, that compelled him to take off his boot, as it felt too light; this sensation went off in an hour.
Drowsiness (second day).
Skin warm and very moist (second day).
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Pulse small, quick, and very irregular (second day). Pulse slow, full, and bounding.
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