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op, Laudanum, гомеопатический опиум, opium homeopatia, мак снотворный гомеопатия, папавер гомеопатия, papaver somniferum.Источник описания
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Papaver somniferum.
Natural order: Papaveraceae.
Preparation: Tincture of the gummy exudation from the unripe capsules.
Natural order: Papaveraceae.
Preparation: Tincture of the gummy exudation from the unripe capsules.
Психика и сознание
Emotional. Delirium. Delirium. Sometimes delirium. Delirium and rage. Raging delirium, with distortion of the mouth. (* сaused by applying Opium to the temples. HAHNEMANN. Violent delirium, with red face, glistening eyes, and great physical activity.
Furious delirium (fourth day). He rolls about the floor in delirium, burning with anger, threatens, does not recognize his friends, with swollen head and face, reddish-blue swollen lips, with protruding, inflamed eyes. While delirious he talked about all sorts of things with open eyes, and afterwards remembered them only as in a dream. Talked of his business, cast up columns of figures, and started up at any noise (after three hours); much better (after six hours). Her laudanum was left off for three days, and, in addition to the other symptoms, she appeared to see the most frightful animals and other objects. Delirium lasted twenty-four hours. His joyfulness and mental bliss increased until he became irrational and delirious. From large doses. HAHNEMANN. Evidently delirious, but, by persevering in our endeavors, he became capable of giving very pertinent answers, though the uttered the, with much labor and difficulty (after half an hour). Made delirious attempts to resist any treatment, but soon relapsed into unconsciousness. Delirium with the spasms.
He said many disconnected things, and pointed with his fingers to masked people who seemed to approach him. At one time he broke into loud laughter; at another he started up in affright on account of fancied swordsmen, who threatened to stab him; became angry if any one argued with and thought him delirious; however, he blamed himself while in delirium for his folly. From Opium given for dysentery-like diarrhoea. HAHNEMANN. Render fechtern swordsmen. HUGHES. She was tormented while wake with an apparent vision of ghosts, spectres, and chimeras, that constantly collected about her bed and distressed her very much, while she talked deliriously. This always happened whenever Opium was taken as a palliative for her ailments-palpitation, vomiting, hiccough, cardialgia, colic, trembling, or convulsive movements. HAHNEMANN. Revised by Hughes. The moment of ecstasy usually commences in about three- quarters of an hour; he then becomes and altered being the expression of countenance is horribly wild; he exhibits his delight in a thousand different ways-he gesticulates, he talks. Some of them, compose, excellent verses, and address the bystanders in excellent language; at last they return to their homes, each processing some imaginary bliss which the dull reality of life could never give. Those who encounter the, divert themselves at their expense, and made them chatter nonsense; they are, however, too happy to pay attention to anything but their own reveries. Even the loud laugh and the hootings which accompany them home produce no effect; they are wrapped in an elysium, from which they are only to be awakened by the miserable reaction which must, sooner or later, recall them to existence. An agreeable reverie, at the end of three-quarters of an hour, or an hour at most, never fails to animate these automatons, causing them to throw themselves into a thousand different postures, but always merry. This is the moment when the scene becomes most interesting; all the actors are happy, and each retires home in a total state of irrationality, but likewise in the entire and full enjoyment of happiness not to be procured by reason. Disregarding the ridicule of those they meet, who divert themselves by making them talk absurdly, each imagines and looks and feels himself possessed of whatever he wishes. The reality of enjoyment often gives less satisfaction. Hot, anxious, and intoxicated; she talked of all sorts of things; took her words back at one time; started up in fright; at another angrily seized the hands of those about her. Effects of Opium administered for indescribable pains, which threatened to end in convulsions. HAHNEMANN. Intoxication (ninth day). Opium-eaters are always indolent and intoxicated. Intoxication and vertigo after sleep. A kind of intoxication that prevents his keeping upon his legs. Feeling of intoxication waking from a nap (eighth day). Intoxicated appearance (after two hours). Appearance of most profound intoxication (after half an hour). When taken in larger doses than those which cause liveliness it causes intoxication. A half intoxicated and excited condition, so that I came near being run over by a carriage, and at another time of running into a horse, though I had seen it coming from some distance (second day). Dizzy intoxication; he reels to and fro.
Great excitation. Reeling to and fro, with dull, stupid expression of countenance (after two hours). сonsiderable state of excitement (after two hours and a half). It appeared to his attendants that an excited state of mind remained for some days afterwards. сonfusion of mind. Mind in a state of great confusion; at one moment she was sensible of her crime, called fro assistance; at another she resisted the means used to save her (after one hour). сonscious of being possessed of two persons of another self besides his real self, the Opium man dose things which the real self considers wrong, and it is not always sure which will conquer the other. Frightful imagery. The patient was susceptible of the excitant rather than the soporific quality of the drug, and his emotional nature quickly responded to it in manifestations of passional excitement, which threatened alternately self-destruction and injury to others. I made my way home as fast as possible, dreading at every step that I should commit some extravagance. He acts absurdly. The patients has vision. In walking I was hardly sensible that my feet touched the ground; it seemed as if I slid along the ground; impelled by some invisible agent, and that my blood was composed of some ethereal fluid which rendered my body lighter than air. The most extraordinary visions of delight filled my brain all night. He seems to be flying or floating in the air, and to whirl with everything about him. Sensation as if he had been taken to heaven; vivid, lovely fantasies float before his vision like a waking dream, which the slumber drives away. Lovely fantasies, far superior to any known happiness in one who had previously been tortured by pains. Much confused for a time with involuntary turns of laughter. He describes his sensations as the faint, exquisite music of a dream, but he had only pleasurable feelings when his eyes were open; if they were closed they vanished. It appeared to him as if external objects only were acted on by the imagination, and magnified into images of pleasure. In walking he was hardly sensible of his feet touching the ground; it seemed as if he slid along the street implied by some invisible agent, and that his blood was composed of some ethereal fluid which rendered his body lighter than air. I had no longer the same pleasure when I closed my eyes which I had when they were open; it appeared to me as if it was only external objects which were acted on by the imagination and magnified into images of pleasure; in short it was the faint, exquisite music of a dream in a waking moment. Not sleepy, but so quiet that he seemed in heaven. From a moderate dose taken on account of intolerable pains from stone. HAHNEMANN. *) сonstant quiet contentment of mind, as if in heaven. Without pain he passed the whole night in the most extreme contentment of mind. He had taken a grain the evening before on account of a distressing pain. HAHNEMANN. Not seldom there is an unusual condition of self-satisfaction and an unusual quiet of mind. The most agreeable sensation that allows her to think, with mental rest and forgetfulness of all trouble. He was inoffensive and even amiable in his deportment, and employed himself constantly in the daytime in drawing what he called maps of the different apartments in heaven, which he said, he visited every night. The mental activity of Opium is more like a dream without sleep. Mental quiet. Under the influence of emotions, strong sensations, and any particularly strong attention and exertion of the mind, the effects appear later than usual, are less in degree, and of shorter duration. If it so happened that the cause which disturbed my mind was removed, then all the effect would almost instantly made their appearance and take their usual course. сalm, pale, deathly (after two hours). Uttered three or four distinct but feeble wails or cries, the first sounds since admission into hospital (third day). A faint cry or whine would escape the child when extreme measures were employed to arouse it. Opium-eaters are inconstant; they often promise what they soon refuse to abide by (every one avoids the, and wishes to have nothing to do with them). Moods. While smoking they are loquacious at first, and the conversation highly animated; but as the opium takes effects the conversation droops, and they frequently burst out into loud laughter from the most trifling causes, or without any apparent cause at all, unless it be from the train of thought passing through their excited imaginations.
The next phase presents a vacancy of countenance, with pallor and shrinking of the features, so that they resemble people convalescing form fever. A dead silence precedes a deep sleep, which continues from half an hour to three of four hours. In this state the pulse becomes much slower, softer, and smaller than before the debauch. Such is the general process almost invariably observed among the сhinese. вut With the Malays it is often very different; instead of the placidity that ushers in the profound sleep, the Malays frequently become outrageously violent and quarrelsome, and lives are occasionally lost in these frightful orgies. Audacious ferocity. сruelty, ferocity, like a wild beast.
(* When Opium, given in large doses to produce increased courage and vigor, has a palliative effect on the weak and timorous, it causes audacity, desperation, rage, anger. This palliative primary action gives the Turks, who are excited by Opium, an almost irresistible power at the beginning of a battle; but in a few hours this changes to the greatest cowardice and stupefaction, when they are are more easily beaten than any other nation. HAHNEMANN. Rage. At first he was in an excited mood for an hour and a quarter, during which the mouth was frequently distorted, as in risus sardonicus. сriminals (in India) lose their fear of death and go courageously to their execution.
(*Symptoms 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 84, 86, 89, 1881 represent palliative, primary action of Opium in those who are despondent and depressed - HAHNEMANN. Great strength, courage, contentment with himself. Sensation of courage with activity, as if he could forcibly accomplish whatever was required without dread or fear, with a peculiar sensation of lustiness (though lasting only a few minutes), (after a quarter of an hour), followed by dulness of the head, etc. сourage, fearlessness, great-heartedness. Undaunted in danger. Opium causes in those fearing surgical operations courage and endurance. The Malays are confident that opium-smoking inspires them with preternatural courage and bodily strength; it is, therefore, resorted to whenever any desperate act is in contemplation. Loss of courage.
Feeling of fear (second day). Fear (after eight and twelve hours). Fear of impending death. Fearful and frightened. A sensation of apprehension (after half an hour, third day). A woman suffering from sad thoughts was wonderfully relieved by it; her grief disappeared for some time. In consequence of the law of opposites this acted as a palliative, and she was obliged, in order to obtain relief, not only to continue the use of Opium, but also to increase the dose, till at last in a week she took one and a half ounces of Opium. HAHNEMANN. He started at the least noise, and a fly upon any part of his body was a burden to him. One and a half grains of solid Opium, taken every half hour, or one grain every hour, or one and a half grains taken every hour and a half, or every two hours, has insensibly brought on a happy humor, increased vigor, activity, and unusual watchfulness, which I perceived after having taken about two, three or four grains, and which continued if from time to time, I repeated the same procedure for several days and nights, without the least inclination to sleep, without tiredness, or any impaired function, except dryness in the mouth and fauces, and thirst, occasionally gripings and costiveness. сheerfulness, courage, contentment, increased vigor. She felt very lively and cheerful, and was capable of doing any quantity of work. She had severe family afflictions, but was not at all distressed by them while under the influence of Opium, though she felt them severely at other times. Lively, inclined to work, fearless, courageous. It I was in high spirits and very active, if I walked or took such exercise as made me warm and perspire, the effects made their appearance considerably sooner, were less in degree, and much less in duration. She was unable to get in any other way complete rest and happiness of mind. It makes the opium-eaters (who are usually sad and stupid) cheerful; they carouse, sing amorous songs, laugh much, and make all sorts of gestures; this pleasant excitement of mind and emotions lasts an hour, after which they become angry and rave, and finally become again sad and weeping, till at last they fall asleep and soon return to their ordinary condition. Increase of vigor, confidence, and cheerfulness (if the dose was within 2 grains). Elevation of spirits and watchfulness remained sometimes a few hours, at other times the whole remaining part of the day (after 2 or 3 grains). Remained cheerful for two hours, and then was overcome by a violent drowsiness, when he took 90 drops more and was immediately roused from drowsiness. Joyous mood (after half an hour). I found myself, or at least imagined myself, more alert and sprightly than before (after half an hour). In persons accustomed to it, it produces a high degree of animation, which the Theriaki (opium- eaters) represent as the acme of happiness. It causes for a time forgetfulness of the troubles of the soul, and produces ecstasy and refreshing quiet of mind. The effects upon her spirits were most exhilarating; she felt lively and cheerful, and could accomplish almost any amount of household work. Uncommonly merry and much inclined to noise. So exhilarated as to grow careless of occupation and rather inclined to indulge in an excess of gayety (after a short time). Produced an enlivening effect which enabled him to prosecute his study. Very good humor (second day). At first ecstasy followed by sadness and despondency. сontentment.
Taciturnity. He became taciturn (after the smallest dose).
Excessive anxiety. Unusual sensation of anxiety (after two hours). Anxiety. Anxiety. Omit Tralles. HUGHES. Transient attacks of anxiety, with short, oppressed respiration and trembling of the arms and hands. Melancholy. Despondency (fifth day). On waking, depression. Depression of spirits (eighth day), (after three-quarters of an hour). Pale and dispirited, next morning. Sadness. Sad mood (first and second days). Sullen mood. Hopeless, morose mood, fretfulness (after eight, and twelve hours). Very morose, angry at everything without reason (fourth day). Lamentations and howling during the first hours. Screaming.
Violent screaming, immediately. Moaning (after two hours). Slight groaning (after three hours). Weeping mood. сries incessantly.
Much weeping during the first night. She is so vexed about a pain that she weeps. Fretful and cross when roused (after four hours).
Fretfulness (second day). Very fretful (fifth day). Querulous state. Irritability (third day). Mistrustful. Appeared jealous and afraid of the people around (second day). Evidence of irregular nervous action, slight irritability of temper whenever disturbed. Indifference to pain and pleasure. Great indifference (after two drops). The unfortunate drown their cares and troubles in an indescribably pleasurable feeling of indifference to all around. сalm indifference to earthly things; she cared for nothing on account of the ecstasy of fantasy. Alternating state of sullen grief and of cheerfulness. Intellectual. More inclination for work and greater facility in it than usual.
Mental activity. My faculties seemed enlarges. When under its operation his intellect was more brilliant, his language more eloquent, and his talent for writing more easy than in the former and healthy periods of his life. His affections were at the same time kind and benevolent, and he felt no disposition to quarrel, as persons often do who take ardent spirits in excess. When under the influence of opium, he seems to other to be in his normal condition; but a little intercourse with him shows his mind to be not only clear and active, but filled with gigantic schemes and theories, the realization of which seems to him quite natural and easy; his faculties are remarkably keen, and his power of expression wonderfully terse and convincing. As soon as the effect begins to subside (as it does after sleeping), he is depressed and melancholy, which soon reaches an extreme state of suicidal depression, in which the world seems terribly dull, and he feels driven to desperation, as if haunted by evil spirits.
This condition is brought on by occasional attempts to resist his destructive habit; but he cannot endure abstinence long. As soon as takes his accustomed dose of Morphia, he is at once changed from a cringing desperate creature into a spirited and energetic individual. Occupied with sublime contemplation the whole night, without sleep. It makes the senses active and disposes to earnest and arduous labor. It dissipates all inclination to sleep, increases the imagination and memory in the most wonderful manner, so that he passes the whole night in profound meditation; at daybreak he slumbers a few hours; he is unable to recollect all that he had thought about during the night. The mental and emotional symptoms of Opium cannot be so well separated as those of other drugs, when the former are placed at the beginning with the head symptoms, the latter after all the other symptoms, because in Opium the two are commonly associated. When Opium is used for the palliation of pain, of spasm in the opposite condition of mind and disposition as in S. 57, 81, 86, 88, 96, 145, 150, or for the prevention of natural sleep (in the latter case most certainly homoeopathically), it usually causes in their stead a mental ecstasy and emotional excitement, a very transient primary effect. This ecstasy and excitement are frequently like the internal clearness of somnambulism (clairvoyance. HAHNEMANN. The powers of my mind still remained so perfect as to enable me to examine the state of my pulse, which was strong and full. Profuse flow of ideas, with joyfulness. A certain hastiness at work; his thoughts also are more rapid than usual. Disinclination fro work (eighth day).
Disinclination for his ordinary work (after two drops).
Obscuration and weakness of mind; illusion, as if the eyes were four times larger than usual. Omit Undsein Koerper. HUGHES.
*) Dulness of mind; short anxious respiration with great heaving of the chest; the eyes give out, and are full of water. Slight confusion of thought (within an hour). Loss of ideas, with inability to think. Every attempt at persistent thought was ineffectual (first day). Inability and disinclination for work in the afternoon (after three drops). General deterioration of all the mental faculties. The power of the will is overcome by the merest trifle. It diminishes the power of the will over the muscles (in strong people), causes heaviness of the head and great weakness. Opium diminishes the power of the will over the muscles only in its secondary action, when it paralyzes entirely, but in its primary action it excites it; if this primary action be interrupted by stupefaction and stupid sleep, there may be twitching in one or another limb during this sleep. HAHNEMANN. Voluntary powers suspended. Mental weakness. The mental powers disappear. All the mental powers, all the sensibilities are dull. Dulness of the head; he has no mental grasp for anything, and cannot comprehend the sense of what he is reading. Dulness, indifference to external objects. Dulness and imbecility. Dulness of mind. Dulness of sense (after eight, and twelve hours). Dulness of sense, insensibility; he is scarcely conscious of his existence, although he answers quite appropriately. Insensibility to shame and to the more refined sensibilities. Nearly rational though when left to herself her mind seems to wander (second day). сapable of being aroused, and answered questions, but quickly relapsed into deep solemnity (after twenty-six hours and a half). Memory. Great forgetfulness.
(second day). Forgetfulness. He replies slowly to questions, as if he forgot his works. His ideas not easily collected (after eleven hours). сhronic loss of memory. Loss of memory (after ten minutes). Loss of memory for several weeks. Loss of memory. To S. 23, 171, 172, 173, 183, 184, 185, 186, 189, 287. When these conditions have become constant and persistent after the long and repeated use of Opium, they are akin to a chronic disease and a kind of paralysis of the mental organs that may indeed be incurable; 183, 184, 185, 186, 189 are secondary effects. HAHNEMANN. The memory and mental powers generally became greatly impaired, attended by a miserable depression of spirits.
Memory continued weak. Frequent weakness of memory. From the frequent use of Opium. He does not recognize his nearest relatives nor familiar objects. сomprehension wavering.
Furious delirium (fourth day). He rolls about the floor in delirium, burning with anger, threatens, does not recognize his friends, with swollen head and face, reddish-blue swollen lips, with protruding, inflamed eyes. While delirious he talked about all sorts of things with open eyes, and afterwards remembered them only as in a dream. Talked of his business, cast up columns of figures, and started up at any noise (after three hours); much better (after six hours). Her laudanum was left off for three days, and, in addition to the other symptoms, she appeared to see the most frightful animals and other objects. Delirium lasted twenty-four hours. His joyfulness and mental bliss increased until he became irrational and delirious. From large doses. HAHNEMANN. Evidently delirious, but, by persevering in our endeavors, he became capable of giving very pertinent answers, though the uttered the, with much labor and difficulty (after half an hour). Made delirious attempts to resist any treatment, but soon relapsed into unconsciousness. Delirium with the spasms.
He said many disconnected things, and pointed with his fingers to masked people who seemed to approach him. At one time he broke into loud laughter; at another he started up in affright on account of fancied swordsmen, who threatened to stab him; became angry if any one argued with and thought him delirious; however, he blamed himself while in delirium for his folly. From Opium given for dysentery-like diarrhoea. HAHNEMANN. Render fechtern swordsmen. HUGHES. She was tormented while wake with an apparent vision of ghosts, spectres, and chimeras, that constantly collected about her bed and distressed her very much, while she talked deliriously. This always happened whenever Opium was taken as a palliative for her ailments-palpitation, vomiting, hiccough, cardialgia, colic, trembling, or convulsive movements. HAHNEMANN. Revised by Hughes. The moment of ecstasy usually commences in about three- quarters of an hour; he then becomes and altered being the expression of countenance is horribly wild; he exhibits his delight in a thousand different ways-he gesticulates, he talks. Some of them, compose, excellent verses, and address the bystanders in excellent language; at last they return to their homes, each processing some imaginary bliss which the dull reality of life could never give. Those who encounter the, divert themselves at their expense, and made them chatter nonsense; they are, however, too happy to pay attention to anything but their own reveries. Even the loud laugh and the hootings which accompany them home produce no effect; they are wrapped in an elysium, from which they are only to be awakened by the miserable reaction which must, sooner or later, recall them to existence. An agreeable reverie, at the end of three-quarters of an hour, or an hour at most, never fails to animate these automatons, causing them to throw themselves into a thousand different postures, but always merry. This is the moment when the scene becomes most interesting; all the actors are happy, and each retires home in a total state of irrationality, but likewise in the entire and full enjoyment of happiness not to be procured by reason. Disregarding the ridicule of those they meet, who divert themselves by making them talk absurdly, each imagines and looks and feels himself possessed of whatever he wishes. The reality of enjoyment often gives less satisfaction. Hot, anxious, and intoxicated; she talked of all sorts of things; took her words back at one time; started up in fright; at another angrily seized the hands of those about her. Effects of Opium administered for indescribable pains, which threatened to end in convulsions. HAHNEMANN. Intoxication (ninth day). Opium-eaters are always indolent and intoxicated. Intoxication and vertigo after sleep. A kind of intoxication that prevents his keeping upon his legs. Feeling of intoxication waking from a nap (eighth day). Intoxicated appearance (after two hours). Appearance of most profound intoxication (after half an hour). When taken in larger doses than those which cause liveliness it causes intoxication. A half intoxicated and excited condition, so that I came near being run over by a carriage, and at another time of running into a horse, though I had seen it coming from some distance (second day). Dizzy intoxication; he reels to and fro.
Great excitation. Reeling to and fro, with dull, stupid expression of countenance (after two hours). сonsiderable state of excitement (after two hours and a half). It appeared to his attendants that an excited state of mind remained for some days afterwards. сonfusion of mind. Mind in a state of great confusion; at one moment she was sensible of her crime, called fro assistance; at another she resisted the means used to save her (after one hour). сonscious of being possessed of two persons of another self besides his real self, the Opium man dose things which the real self considers wrong, and it is not always sure which will conquer the other. Frightful imagery. The patient was susceptible of the excitant rather than the soporific quality of the drug, and his emotional nature quickly responded to it in manifestations of passional excitement, which threatened alternately self-destruction and injury to others. I made my way home as fast as possible, dreading at every step that I should commit some extravagance. He acts absurdly. The patients has vision. In walking I was hardly sensible that my feet touched the ground; it seemed as if I slid along the ground; impelled by some invisible agent, and that my blood was composed of some ethereal fluid which rendered my body lighter than air. The most extraordinary visions of delight filled my brain all night. He seems to be flying or floating in the air, and to whirl with everything about him. Sensation as if he had been taken to heaven; vivid, lovely fantasies float before his vision like a waking dream, which the slumber drives away. Lovely fantasies, far superior to any known happiness in one who had previously been tortured by pains. Much confused for a time with involuntary turns of laughter. He describes his sensations as the faint, exquisite music of a dream, but he had only pleasurable feelings when his eyes were open; if they were closed they vanished. It appeared to him as if external objects only were acted on by the imagination, and magnified into images of pleasure. In walking he was hardly sensible of his feet touching the ground; it seemed as if he slid along the street implied by some invisible agent, and that his blood was composed of some ethereal fluid which rendered his body lighter than air. I had no longer the same pleasure when I closed my eyes which I had when they were open; it appeared to me as if it was only external objects which were acted on by the imagination and magnified into images of pleasure; in short it was the faint, exquisite music of a dream in a waking moment. Not sleepy, but so quiet that he seemed in heaven. From a moderate dose taken on account of intolerable pains from stone. HAHNEMANN. *) сonstant quiet contentment of mind, as if in heaven. Without pain he passed the whole night in the most extreme contentment of mind. He had taken a grain the evening before on account of a distressing pain. HAHNEMANN. Not seldom there is an unusual condition of self-satisfaction and an unusual quiet of mind. The most agreeable sensation that allows her to think, with mental rest and forgetfulness of all trouble. He was inoffensive and even amiable in his deportment, and employed himself constantly in the daytime in drawing what he called maps of the different apartments in heaven, which he said, he visited every night. The mental activity of Opium is more like a dream without sleep. Mental quiet. Under the influence of emotions, strong sensations, and any particularly strong attention and exertion of the mind, the effects appear later than usual, are less in degree, and of shorter duration. If it so happened that the cause which disturbed my mind was removed, then all the effect would almost instantly made their appearance and take their usual course. сalm, pale, deathly (after two hours). Uttered three or four distinct but feeble wails or cries, the first sounds since admission into hospital (third day). A faint cry or whine would escape the child when extreme measures were employed to arouse it. Opium-eaters are inconstant; they often promise what they soon refuse to abide by (every one avoids the, and wishes to have nothing to do with them). Moods. While smoking they are loquacious at first, and the conversation highly animated; but as the opium takes effects the conversation droops, and they frequently burst out into loud laughter from the most trifling causes, or without any apparent cause at all, unless it be from the train of thought passing through their excited imaginations.
The next phase presents a vacancy of countenance, with pallor and shrinking of the features, so that they resemble people convalescing form fever. A dead silence precedes a deep sleep, which continues from half an hour to three of four hours. In this state the pulse becomes much slower, softer, and smaller than before the debauch. Such is the general process almost invariably observed among the сhinese. вut With the Malays it is often very different; instead of the placidity that ushers in the profound sleep, the Malays frequently become outrageously violent and quarrelsome, and lives are occasionally lost in these frightful orgies. Audacious ferocity. сruelty, ferocity, like a wild beast.
(* When Opium, given in large doses to produce increased courage and vigor, has a palliative effect on the weak and timorous, it causes audacity, desperation, rage, anger. This palliative primary action gives the Turks, who are excited by Opium, an almost irresistible power at the beginning of a battle; but in a few hours this changes to the greatest cowardice and stupefaction, when they are are more easily beaten than any other nation. HAHNEMANN. Rage. At first he was in an excited mood for an hour and a quarter, during which the mouth was frequently distorted, as in risus sardonicus. сriminals (in India) lose their fear of death and go courageously to their execution.
(*Symptoms 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 84, 86, 89, 1881 represent palliative, primary action of Opium in those who are despondent and depressed - HAHNEMANN. Great strength, courage, contentment with himself. Sensation of courage with activity, as if he could forcibly accomplish whatever was required without dread or fear, with a peculiar sensation of lustiness (though lasting only a few minutes), (after a quarter of an hour), followed by dulness of the head, etc. сourage, fearlessness, great-heartedness. Undaunted in danger. Opium causes in those fearing surgical operations courage and endurance. The Malays are confident that opium-smoking inspires them with preternatural courage and bodily strength; it is, therefore, resorted to whenever any desperate act is in contemplation. Loss of courage.
Feeling of fear (second day). Fear (after eight and twelve hours). Fear of impending death. Fearful and frightened. A sensation of apprehension (after half an hour, third day). A woman suffering from sad thoughts was wonderfully relieved by it; her grief disappeared for some time. In consequence of the law of opposites this acted as a palliative, and she was obliged, in order to obtain relief, not only to continue the use of Opium, but also to increase the dose, till at last in a week she took one and a half ounces of Opium. HAHNEMANN. He started at the least noise, and a fly upon any part of his body was a burden to him. One and a half grains of solid Opium, taken every half hour, or one grain every hour, or one and a half grains taken every hour and a half, or every two hours, has insensibly brought on a happy humor, increased vigor, activity, and unusual watchfulness, which I perceived after having taken about two, three or four grains, and which continued if from time to time, I repeated the same procedure for several days and nights, without the least inclination to sleep, without tiredness, or any impaired function, except dryness in the mouth and fauces, and thirst, occasionally gripings and costiveness. сheerfulness, courage, contentment, increased vigor. She felt very lively and cheerful, and was capable of doing any quantity of work. She had severe family afflictions, but was not at all distressed by them while under the influence of Opium, though she felt them severely at other times. Lively, inclined to work, fearless, courageous. It I was in high spirits and very active, if I walked or took such exercise as made me warm and perspire, the effects made their appearance considerably sooner, were less in degree, and much less in duration. She was unable to get in any other way complete rest and happiness of mind. It makes the opium-eaters (who are usually sad and stupid) cheerful; they carouse, sing amorous songs, laugh much, and make all sorts of gestures; this pleasant excitement of mind and emotions lasts an hour, after which they become angry and rave, and finally become again sad and weeping, till at last they fall asleep and soon return to their ordinary condition. Increase of vigor, confidence, and cheerfulness (if the dose was within 2 grains). Elevation of spirits and watchfulness remained sometimes a few hours, at other times the whole remaining part of the day (after 2 or 3 grains). Remained cheerful for two hours, and then was overcome by a violent drowsiness, when he took 90 drops more and was immediately roused from drowsiness. Joyous mood (after half an hour). I found myself, or at least imagined myself, more alert and sprightly than before (after half an hour). In persons accustomed to it, it produces a high degree of animation, which the Theriaki (opium- eaters) represent as the acme of happiness. It causes for a time forgetfulness of the troubles of the soul, and produces ecstasy and refreshing quiet of mind. The effects upon her spirits were most exhilarating; she felt lively and cheerful, and could accomplish almost any amount of household work. Uncommonly merry and much inclined to noise. So exhilarated as to grow careless of occupation and rather inclined to indulge in an excess of gayety (after a short time). Produced an enlivening effect which enabled him to prosecute his study. Very good humor (second day). At first ecstasy followed by sadness and despondency. сontentment.
Taciturnity. He became taciturn (after the smallest dose).
Excessive anxiety. Unusual sensation of anxiety (after two hours). Anxiety. Anxiety. Omit Tralles. HUGHES. Transient attacks of anxiety, with short, oppressed respiration and trembling of the arms and hands. Melancholy. Despondency (fifth day). On waking, depression. Depression of spirits (eighth day), (after three-quarters of an hour). Pale and dispirited, next morning. Sadness. Sad mood (first and second days). Sullen mood. Hopeless, morose mood, fretfulness (after eight, and twelve hours). Very morose, angry at everything without reason (fourth day). Lamentations and howling during the first hours. Screaming.
Violent screaming, immediately. Moaning (after two hours). Slight groaning (after three hours). Weeping mood. сries incessantly.
Much weeping during the first night. She is so vexed about a pain that she weeps. Fretful and cross when roused (after four hours).
Fretfulness (second day). Very fretful (fifth day). Querulous state. Irritability (third day). Mistrustful. Appeared jealous and afraid of the people around (second day). Evidence of irregular nervous action, slight irritability of temper whenever disturbed. Indifference to pain and pleasure. Great indifference (after two drops). The unfortunate drown their cares and troubles in an indescribably pleasurable feeling of indifference to all around. сalm indifference to earthly things; she cared for nothing on account of the ecstasy of fantasy. Alternating state of sullen grief and of cheerfulness. Intellectual. More inclination for work and greater facility in it than usual.
Mental activity. My faculties seemed enlarges. When under its operation his intellect was more brilliant, his language more eloquent, and his talent for writing more easy than in the former and healthy periods of his life. His affections were at the same time kind and benevolent, and he felt no disposition to quarrel, as persons often do who take ardent spirits in excess. When under the influence of opium, he seems to other to be in his normal condition; but a little intercourse with him shows his mind to be not only clear and active, but filled with gigantic schemes and theories, the realization of which seems to him quite natural and easy; his faculties are remarkably keen, and his power of expression wonderfully terse and convincing. As soon as the effect begins to subside (as it does after sleeping), he is depressed and melancholy, which soon reaches an extreme state of suicidal depression, in which the world seems terribly dull, and he feels driven to desperation, as if haunted by evil spirits.
This condition is brought on by occasional attempts to resist his destructive habit; but he cannot endure abstinence long. As soon as takes his accustomed dose of Morphia, he is at once changed from a cringing desperate creature into a spirited and energetic individual. Occupied with sublime contemplation the whole night, without sleep. It makes the senses active and disposes to earnest and arduous labor. It dissipates all inclination to sleep, increases the imagination and memory in the most wonderful manner, so that he passes the whole night in profound meditation; at daybreak he slumbers a few hours; he is unable to recollect all that he had thought about during the night. The mental and emotional symptoms of Opium cannot be so well separated as those of other drugs, when the former are placed at the beginning with the head symptoms, the latter after all the other symptoms, because in Opium the two are commonly associated. When Opium is used for the palliation of pain, of spasm in the opposite condition of mind and disposition as in S. 57, 81, 86, 88, 96, 145, 150, or for the prevention of natural sleep (in the latter case most certainly homoeopathically), it usually causes in their stead a mental ecstasy and emotional excitement, a very transient primary effect. This ecstasy and excitement are frequently like the internal clearness of somnambulism (clairvoyance. HAHNEMANN. The powers of my mind still remained so perfect as to enable me to examine the state of my pulse, which was strong and full. Profuse flow of ideas, with joyfulness. A certain hastiness at work; his thoughts also are more rapid than usual. Disinclination fro work (eighth day).
Disinclination for his ordinary work (after two drops).
Obscuration and weakness of mind; illusion, as if the eyes were four times larger than usual. Omit Undsein Koerper. HUGHES.
*) Dulness of mind; short anxious respiration with great heaving of the chest; the eyes give out, and are full of water. Slight confusion of thought (within an hour). Loss of ideas, with inability to think. Every attempt at persistent thought was ineffectual (first day). Inability and disinclination for work in the afternoon (after three drops). General deterioration of all the mental faculties. The power of the will is overcome by the merest trifle. It diminishes the power of the will over the muscles (in strong people), causes heaviness of the head and great weakness. Opium diminishes the power of the will over the muscles only in its secondary action, when it paralyzes entirely, but in its primary action it excites it; if this primary action be interrupted by stupefaction and stupid sleep, there may be twitching in one or another limb during this sleep. HAHNEMANN. Voluntary powers suspended. Mental weakness. The mental powers disappear. All the mental powers, all the sensibilities are dull. Dulness of the head; he has no mental grasp for anything, and cannot comprehend the sense of what he is reading. Dulness, indifference to external objects. Dulness and imbecility. Dulness of mind. Dulness of sense (after eight, and twelve hours). Dulness of sense, insensibility; he is scarcely conscious of his existence, although he answers quite appropriately. Insensibility to shame and to the more refined sensibilities. Nearly rational though when left to herself her mind seems to wander (second day). сapable of being aroused, and answered questions, but quickly relapsed into deep solemnity (after twenty-six hours and a half). Memory. Great forgetfulness.
(second day). Forgetfulness. He replies slowly to questions, as if he forgot his works. His ideas not easily collected (after eleven hours). сhronic loss of memory. Loss of memory (after ten minutes). Loss of memory for several weeks. Loss of memory. To S. 23, 171, 172, 173, 183, 184, 185, 186, 189, 287. When these conditions have become constant and persistent after the long and repeated use of Opium, they are akin to a chronic disease and a kind of paralysis of the mental organs that may indeed be incurable; 183, 184, 185, 186, 189 are secondary effects. HAHNEMANN. The memory and mental powers generally became greatly impaired, attended by a miserable depression of spirits.
Memory continued weak. Frequent weakness of memory. From the frequent use of Opium. He does not recognize his nearest relatives nor familiar objects. сomprehension wavering.
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