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Рута гравеоленс

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ⓘ Подробнее о цифровых аудио препаратах
  1. Фармакологическая группа
  2. Дополнительные факты
  3. Психика и сознание
  4. Голова, лицо и уши
  5. Нервная система
  6. Ротовая полость и горло
  7. Желудочно-кишечный тракт
  8. Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
  9. Мочеполовая система
  10. Органы грудной клетки
  11. Сердечно-сосудистая система
  12. Конечности и позвоночник
  13. Аналоги по действию
  14. Входит в состав
  15. Фирмы производители препарата

Другие названия и синонимы

ruta, Ruta graveolens, рута душистая гомеопатия.

Источник описания

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen

Фармакологическая группа

Гомеопатические классические монопрепараты

Дополнительные факты

 Ruta graveolens, Linn. Natural order: Rutaceae. Preparation: Tincture of the whole plant.

Психика и сознание

 Good humor. Very frequent anxiety, with despondent thoughts and fear. Very anxious all day, as though he had done something wrong; if any one only opened the door he feared that someone had come to arrest him. Morose, peevish, if everything did not please him (after twenty-four hours). Morose, peevish, fretful.
 Very ill-humored in the afternoon and evening; he was melancholy, dissatisfied with life, and sad. Fretful, ill- humored, and irresolute. Peevish and mistrustful all day; he no longer trusted his best friends, he thought that he was constantly deceived (after forty hours). Inclined to contradict.
 Quarrelsome, inclined to anger and vexation. Much dissatisfied by everything that happened to him, and especially with whatever he did himself, and great inclination to weep.
 Indifference. She was disinclined for every work, and took no interest in anything; she felt uncomfortable. Thought and comprehension slow. Slight confusion of ideas (after second dose). Frequent loss of thought; he does quite mechanically, and at the wrong time, things that have become easy from frequent repetition (after forty-eight hours). Stupefaction, from which, however, she could easily be aroused.

Голова, лицо и уши

 General Head. Dullness of the head. Head dull, heavy, with tension in the forehead (fifth day). In the head and in the body a sensation as though he had not slept enough. Heaviness of the head (second day). Persistent heaviness of the head, especially in the forehead, as though a heavy weight were lying on it (after three- quarter of an hour). Tensive pain in the brain (second day). Rhythmical pressive pain in the head.
 Confused pressure in the whole head. Oppressive feeling in head (after second dose). Pressive headache over the whole brain, in the morning, after rising (after twenty-four hours).
 Headache, like a pressure over the whole brain, with great activity of nervous system, and uneasiness in the whole body, that did not permit him to sit still, after dinner. Headache from reading a little (third day). Sense of uneasiness in head (after first dose). вurning compressing pain on the head externally, stupefying him (after eleven hours). Forehead. Dulness in the brain, in the forehead, throbbing pain, in the evening, before going to sleep, and still worse in the morning, on waking from sleep that was too sound. Gnawing pressive headache in the right side of the forehead. Pressure in the forehead above the root of the nose (after two hours and a half).
 Pressive stupefying headache, especially in the right side of the forehead, with nausea and a sensation of heat in the face (after four hours and a half). Sticking and pressure above the left eyebrow (second day). Pressive sticking pain over the whole forehead, especially when coughing (after two hours). A sticking-drawing pain in the frontal eminence (second day).
 Stitches in the left frontal bone, only while reading (second day). Intermittent boring stitches in the right side of the forehead (while sitting). (after three hours and three- quarters). Temples. Pain as from a fall, in the periosteum, extending from the temporal bones to the occiput. Dull tearing in the temporal bones (after one hour). Parietals. A tearing on the right parietal bone, that disappeared in the evening; on the next morning there was a boil there as large as a walnut, painful to touch, as if suppurating; disappeared after a few days). Occiput. Pressure in the occiput (third day). Pressure, heaviness, and tension in the occiput (fourth day). Pressive pain in the occiput (fourth day). вeating pressive pain in the side of the occiput. External Head. Erysipelas on the forehead.
 The forehead is thick and swollen; a thick red stripe, like a long swelling, extended from the root of the nose, at the inner margin of the eyebrow, upward to the frontal eminence, on both sides; the swelling was not sore to touch. Two ulcers on the scalp, one on the left side and one towards the nape of the neck, with biting itching, obliging scratching, and frequently returning (after thirty-eight hours). Itching of the scalp just behind the left ear; the spot is painful when touched, like itching, associated with soreness; on scratching the itching and soreness disappeared. Violent pain, sticking and tearing, on the scalp, after which there arose a pimple as large as a half dollar, and elevated to the thickness of the finger, at first painful to touch). вiting itching, as from vermin, over the whole scalp, especially on the left side and one the occiput, only disappearing after scratching a great deal, but always returning (after thirty-eight hours). On the left side of the scalp biting itching as from lice, that obliged scratching, and frequently returned (after thirty- six hours). Tensive drawing pain, as from a blow or thrust, externally on the side of the head. Sticking drawing externally in the vertex (after twenty-four hours).
 Involuntary starting at a single point, with contracted pupils (after half an hour). вurning beneath the left eye (after three hours). Sensation of heat and fire in the eyes, and aching while reading (in the evening, by the light). Slight pain like a pressure in the right eye, with obscuration of vision, as if one had looked too long and intently at an object, which distressed the eye. Pressure on the inner surface of the left eye, with profuse lachrymation, in the open air (after forty- eight hours). The eyes feel fatigued, as after reading too long.
 Weary pain in the eyes while reading (second day). вrow and Orbit. Twitching and visible jerking in the muscles of the eyebrows (after twelve hours). Spasm of the lower portion of the orbicularis palpebrarum, which is drawn back and forth. Pressure deep in the orbits (second day). Pain as from a bruise in the orbicular cartilages. Pressure on the upper margin of the orbits, with tearing in the eyeball. Lid. Mucus in both canthi, in the morning, constantly reproduced after wiping it away. сramp in the lower lid, the tarsal cartilage is drawn back and forth, and after this ceases water runs from both eyes for an hour and a half. Sticking and biting as from dust in the canthi, in the morning (fifth day). вurning and smarting in the outer canthi (fourth day). Itching and biting in the lids, in the evening), (fourth day). Itching in the inner canthi and on the lower lids, that after rubbing become a biting, so that the eye filled with water (after a quarter of an hour). вall. Pressure on both eyeballs, associated with a spasm of the lower lid, which was drawn partly upward, and still more towards the inner canthus, lasting several days (after eight hours). Pupil. Pupils contracted (after two hours and a half). Vision. He sees distant objects more distinctly than usual; (the prover was myopic). Vision very weak, as if the eyes were excessively strained, two mornings in succession (first and second days).
 Objects seem dim before the eyes, as if a shadow were flitting before it. Flitting points before the eyes). It seems as though it were not bright enough before the eyes.
 When he shakes the head it seems as though something were rolling back and forth in the ear. Pain in the ears, as from a hard pressure on them. Sensation in the ear as if one were digging about with a blunt piece of wood, a kind of scraping pressure (after two hours). Tickling, hot pressure in the ears, aggravated by inserting the finger. Itching stitches within the right ear (after three hours).
 Frequent sneezing. Frequent sneezing and yawning, with chilliness (third day). Nosebleed). Blood is blown from the nose all day).
 A pain in the upper part of the nose, as if a plug were forced transversely through, with scraping and pressure; this sensation could not be removed by blowing the nose nor by inserting the finger. Sharp pressure on the root of the nose (after thirty-six hours).
 A numb pain, as after a blow, in the bones of the face, extending into the teeth and lower jaw. сramp like tearing pain on the malar bone, with pressive stupefying headache in both sides of the forehead (after five hours). Pain as from a blow or fall below the mastoid process. A biting gout like pain in both cheeks. Pinching in the left cheek (after twenty-four hours).

Нервная система

 Confusion and vertigo. сonfusion of head, a kind of senselessness. Sudden violent vertigo while sitting; everything turned in a circle; followed by glowing heat of the cheeks (after twelve hours). Violent vertigo, in the morning, on rising from bed; he would have fallen forward if he had not steadied himself (after twenty-four hours). Violent vertigo, while walking in the open air, almost as if he would fall to the right if he did not steady himself (after twenty-six hours).

Ротовая полость и горло

 Digging pain in the lower teeth. вleeding of the gums on brushing or picking the teeth. Pain on the inner surface of the right upper gum, as if sore and swollen, with drawing stitches, worse when touched (after thirty-six hours). Tongue red on the margins. Tongue red and swollen. Dryness of the mouth. The mouth is dry and glutinous at times. Pressive pain in the hard palate, more when not than when swallowing (after two hours). Sensation of soreness and pressure on the root of the palate, only when swallowing. Great salivation. Food has a wooden taste, as if dry and tasteless (second day).
 Pains in the throat.

Желудочно-кишечный тракт

 Hypochondria. A pressive gnawing pain in the hepatic region.
 Pressure in the hepatic region anteriorly near the pit of the stomach, causing restlessness. Umbilicus and Sides. Sticking jerks shoot from below the umbilicus to the mons veneris, on expiration, that takes away her breath; on hard pressure she feels nothing. Violent stitches in the abdominal muscles of the umbilical fossa, obliging him to retract the abdomen (after one hour). Scraping and gnawing in the umbilical region, intermingled with nausea (after six days). сoldness internally in the umbilical region, and a sensation as if something there was becoming loose. сorrosive burning in the left abdominal region.
 Pushing cutting griping, as from flatus, in both sides of the abdomen (after two hours and three-quarters). General Abdomen.
 Abdomen distended, in the evening (third day). Emission of very offensive flatus (after two hours and a quarter). Easy emission of flatus. Emission of flatus, with a sensation as if stool would follow (after thirty-nine hours). Rumbling in the lower abdomen (after one hour). Frequent rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen. Heaviness in the abdomen. Griping in the abdomen, with eructations, in the morning or rising (fourth day). Pressure in the abdomen, followed by great emptiness. вurning in the abdomen.
 Agreeable coolness in the abdomen and chest. A tensive pressure in the whole lower abdomen, extending from the umbilicus downward, at night, as if the menses would come on, aggravated by pressured. Pinching-cutting pains, with discomfort, in the lower abdomen, as after taking cold (after forty-eight hours).
 Tearing in the rectum and urethra, while urinating (after two days). Tearing stitches in the rectum, while sitting. Frequent pressure for stool, with prolapsus of the rectum, that after this frequently took place, with a sensation of pressure, also with emission of much flatus; the slightest stooping, and still more crouching down, caused the rectum to protrude (after seventy-two hours); for several days afterwards the rectum remained protruding all the time, and though it could be reduced easily and without pain, yet it immediately protrude again. сonstant desire for stool, which, however, is softer than usual, and yet after the stool there is dragging and urging (after twenty-four hours).
 The stool large and evacuated with difficulty, as from loss of peristaltic action of the rectum, during the first twenty-four hours. A second soft stool, evacuated with great difficulty on account of a relaxed and inactive second condition of the rectum, preceded by a sensation of nausea in the abdomen (after one hour and a half). Soft stool. Evacuation of blood during a stool. Stool consisting of a few hard faeces, almost like sheep dung (after forty hours). The stool on the second day was larger than usual.

Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия

 Appetite and Thirst. She is as hungry as usual; but immediately on beginning to eat everything disgusts and nauseates her. He is hungry, yet as soon as he eats anything he experiences a tense oppression in the upper abdomen and chest, as if he were satiated (after five hours). Little appetite for dinner. Little appetite (second day). Aversion to meat and vegetables.
 Unquenchable thirst for cold water, in the afternoon; he drinks frequently and much, without being distressed thereby (after twenty-four hours). Thirst for cold water, in the afternoon (after thirty-three hours). Eructations and Hiccough.
 After eating and drinking, eructations tasting of the food.
 Eructations (immediately). Eructations of only gas. Frequent odorless eructations (second day). Frequent hiccough, with some nausea (during the customary smoke), (after thirty-four hours).
 Frequent hiccough (during the customary smoke), (after thirty-four hours). Frequent hiccough (during the customary smoke), (after four hours). Nausea and Vomiting. A kind of nausea in the pit of the stomach, with desire for stool that is relieved for a moment by emission of flatus. Qualmishness on stooping. Violent vomiting, with some vomiting of blood. сonstant violent painful vomiting, with spasmodic distortion of the head, trunk, and extremities. Stomach. Epigastric region sensitive.
 Griping in the right side of the epigastric region, after eating some bread and butter. Frightful pains in the stomach.
 Warmth at stomach (after first dose). Emptiness and gnawing in the stomach, as if he had not taken food for a long time (after ten hours). Tension at stomach in great measure appeased by drinking milk (after third dose. вurning gnawing in the stomach.
 Gnawing pressure in the pit of the stomach, at night and in the morning (after twelve hours). Uneasiness in stomach (after second dose). Intermittent sticking tearing in the pit of the stomach (after twenty-four hours). Stitches in the pit of the stomach).

Мочеполовая система

 Drawing pressure in the region of the kidneys, extending along the loins, while sitting. Pain over kidneys more marked, with urged desire to urinate (after third dose). Immediately after urinating it seems on every step as if the bladder were full and moved up and down, not while sitting (after forty-eight hours). Pressure in the region of the neck of the bladder, like a painful closure of it, soon after urinating (after twenty- four hours). Great pressure to urinate, as though the bladder were constantly full, yet but little urine is passed, and micturition is followed by dragging, as though much should be passed, which however dose not occur, for several days (after a few hours). It seems as though she could no longer hold her water, with an excessively urgent desire, even if there was only a single drop of urine; during and after micturition very painful burning in the vagina and long continued pressure; during the night, however, she could sleep quietly as usual, but in the morning she was obliged to urinate in the same manner as on the previous day. Frequent and copious micturition, without painful sensation. The urine, when passed, gave a strong odor of rue (after third dose). In the aggregate little urine is passed; after urinating, pressure and dragging in the bladder, without renewed micturition (second and third days).
 Urine deep-yellow, in the evening (second days).
 Sexual Organs.
 Male. Nightly emissions, without amorous dreams. Great, increased sexual desire. Female. In the evening she was seized with violent pains, that gradually increased, and were followed by the discharge of blood from the vagina and miscarriage after forty-eight hours. Miscarriage of dead children at about seven months; the uterus was found well contracted; this was followed after two days by violent fever and delirium, with spasms, succeeded by great exhaustion and vomiting of bile; for five days the patient lay in a condition resembling partial intoxication, with contracted pupils; swollen coated tongue; slight delirium and very slow pulse, only 30 to the minute, and at times convulsive spasms of the arms; vomiting and painful tension in the epigastric region; the abdomen was soft and painless; the uterus contracted, though the lochia soon ceased to flow; after a while the lochia returned; the patient gradually recovered, though she was very weak for a long time, and the great slowness of the pulse continued for many days.
 Miscarriage occurred on the sixth day, followed by a long slow recovery.

Органы грудной клетки

 Pain, as from a blow or bruise, in the larynx. Forcible cough, in the evening, immediately after lying down, with much expectoration of stringy mucus; the cough returned several times at night, but only for a short time and less violently; when the cough was very violent, it seemed as if the stomach turned over and as if he would vomit. He was awakened about midnight by a choking cough, with scraping in the upper part of the chest, without pain, and with a slight infrequent expectoration.
 Dyspnoea and shortness of breath.
 A pressive fullness in the chest, that causes dyspnoea and shortness of breath. Stitches in the chest and arrest of breathing, that caused great anxiety on ascending steps. Hard pressure on the sixth true rib, aggravated on expiration and on touch (after two hours). Violent pressure in the lower part of the chest, by the last false ribs, at night; he dreamed that some one was encircling him tightly, on which account he woke (after twenty-four hours). An intermittent gnawing or pricking on one of the costal cartilages, above the ensiform cartilage, at night. Internal heat in the chest and abdomen.
 Burning stitches in the chest, especially beneath the sternum, like pains in an ulcer (second morning). Agreeable coolness in the chest. Pressure on the sternum, seeming to be internal and external. Pressive oppressive stitches on the sternum during both inspiration and expiration, while sitting (after four hours). Stitches in the sternum on every motion (second day). Gnawing pain, associated with some biting and burning, in the right side of the chest. Tremulous bubbling in the last true ribs of the right side (after a quarter of an hour). Aching beneath the left short ribs, aggravated on pressure and taking away the breath, on waking at night. Gnawing in the left side of the chest. сorrosive biting drawing in the left side of the chest. Dull thrusts in the left side of the chest. A fine painful throbbing or picking beneath the left short ribs. Violent stitches between the left nipple and axilla, aggravated by inspiration (after thirty hours). Sticking pain externally in the left nipple, aggravated by inspiration (after four days).  Appetite poor.
 Neck. Drawing in the nape of the neck. Stiffness of the neck, in the morning (third day). Pain, as if sprained or bruised, in the nape and shoulders (second day). вurning in the neck, below the left ear, about 10 p.m (fifth day). Fine cutting extending from the neck to the chest, especially on the clavicle and in the axilla, where it continues, while walking; aggravated by walking rapidly (after thirty-six hours). вack.
 Bruised pain extending along the back, especially in the left side, while sitting (after seven hours and three-quarters).
 Drawing bruised pain in the spine, frequently taking away the breath. вruised pain on the left side of the back while sitting, disappearing on walking and standing (after ten hours and a half). Pain in back (after second dose). Pain, as if beaten and lame, in the spine. Pain in the back, with heaviness in the limbs, disappearing after a little exertion, in the evening (second day). The spine is painful, as if beaten, while sitting and walking, a pain that takes away the breath.
 Stitches in the spine, with sudden anxiety, while sitting.

Сердечно-сосудистая система

 Pulse moderately accelerated. Pulse increased in frequency (after third dose). Pulse very small and slow.

Конечности и позвоночник

 Dorsal. Pressure on the right scapula internally (after fourteen hours). Pressure between the scapulae, in the afternoon (fourth day). Pressive-drawing very acute pain in the right side of the spine, opposite the liver, especially on inspiration (after two days). Pressure on the right scapula, with shivering (second day). Painful jerking in the spine, opposite the pit of the stomach; on pressure of the hand it is more violent, and associated with an aching beneath the last short ribs, that extends into the abdomen and impedes respiration. Drawing pain in the scapulae, impeding respiration.
 Pain, as from a fall, in the dorsal vertebrae, during rest and motion. Drawing-sticking pain on the tip of the scapula on moving it, so that he was obliged to let the arm hang down.
 Sticking and pressure starting from the angle of the scapula and extending to the back (second day). Sticking itching between the scapulae, not relieved by rubbing (immediately). Lumbar.
 Awakened at 4 p.m by a violent tearing pain in the small of the back, that disappeared only about 9 p.m Pain, as if bruised, in the lumbar vertebrae. A digging, as if bruised, in the lumbar region, just above the small of the back, while sitting (after a long walk); on walking, it continues for some time, gradually disappearing; it returns while standing still and while sitting. Tearing pulling-sticking pains in the small of the back (first day). Intermittent painful beating in the back, just above the left ilium, during rest and motion; relieved by pressure, but returning afterwards. Pain in the posterior process of the ilium, even while sitting, like a forcing forward, and a sensation as if something were pressed outward; always relieved by pressure. Hard pressure on the left side of the ilium, near the spine (after two hours). An intermittent beating in the anterior spine of the left ilium. A beating on the posterior margin of the left ilium, that extends over the hip to the interior surface of the thigh and down almost to the knee, and disappearing when pressing upon the ilium (after a long walk). Hard pressure on the left lower portion of the sacrum. Pain, as from a blow of fall, extending from the coccyx to the sacrum.

Аналоги по действию

Входит в состав

Фирмы производители (или дистрибьюторы) препарата

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Доступно только при использовании PRO аккаунта
Модератор контента: Васин А.С.

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