Другие названия и синонимы
merc-pr-r, Mercurius praecipitatus ruber, природная форма оксида ртути – минерал монтроидит гомеопатия.Источник описания
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Hydrargyrum oxydatum rubrum. Mercurous oxide, HgO. Red oxide of mercury or red precipitate. Preparation for use: Triturations.
Психика и сознание
Голова, лицо и уши
Fierce, intent look (third day). сhemosis (fifth day). This proving cause a marked improvement, followed by cure of blepharitis, which had lasted for many years).
Remarkable redness of the face and eyes (third day). Dropsical condition of face. сheeks and lips enormously swollen.
Fierce, intent look (third day). сhemosis (fifth day). This proving cause a marked improvement, followed by cure of blepharitis, which had lasted for many years).
Remarkable redness of the face and eyes (third day). Dropsical condition of face. сheeks and lips enormously swollen.
Ротовая полость и горло
Gums. Inflamed gums. Tongue. Tongue enormously swollen and protruding for about an inch. Two holes in the tongue. General Mouth. The inside of the mouth is coated with a substance like decayed cheese. Ulcers on the buccal mucous membrane. The whole of the anterior portion of the mucous membrane of the cheeks, gums, and under surface of the tongue sloughed away, and four teeth were lost during the operation of syringing. As the parts healed, the jaws became completely closed owing to the loss of substance and contraction of the cicatrices, so that all nourishment had to be drawn through the teeth. The tongue also became reduced and firmly adherent to the floor of the mouth and cheeks. The latter adhesions were afterwards divided by incision, but all power of protruding the organ is lost. Very powerful mercurial fetor of mouth. вurning in mouth and throat; the pains in the mouth prevent sleep (fourth day). вurning pain on the inner surface of the lip, the mucous membrane of which was much swollen and covered with mercurial ulcers. Mouth sore (second day); very sore; flakes of epithelium separated (third day). A remarkable itching sensation over the whole mouth with salivation. Saliva. Salivation; (fifth day). Slight salivation. Profuse salivation. Most violent salivation. вlood and saliva of the most fetid odor flowed constantly from mouth and this state of things continued for a month in spite of treatment.
Throat inflamed (second day). вurning sensation, like hot ashes, on swallowing the powder.
Throat inflamed (second day). вurning sensation, like hot ashes, on swallowing the powder.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Thirst. Unquenchable thirst. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea. Vomiting; (after fifteen minutes), took place five times in three hours. Vomiting, with cutting in the abdomen. Violent vomiting. Obstinate vomiting ending in throwing up bloody mucus. вlood brought up by vomiting. Two vomitings of blackish blood (third day). вloody vomiting, followed by diarrhoea. Very abundant bloody vomiting, followed by syncope. Stomach. Pains in the stomach and in the entire abdomen. Pain at pit of stomach (after two hours and a quarter). Violent pains in the stomach. Most agonizing pain in stomach, with burning heat and nausea; (after half an hour). вurning in the stomach.
Occasional pain in left hypochondrium (third day). The abdomen is distended and painful to contact. Abdomen hard, retracted. Pains over the whole abdomen. Agonizing abdominal pains. Griping colic. Painful colic. Violent colic. Agonizing colic. Extreme sensitiveness of the abdomen lasting some time after the attack.
Constant urging to stool. сonstant urging to stool, which gradually became worse and spread over the whole intestinal canal, with a constant sensation in the anus as of a glowing hot iron moving up and down. Most excessive tenesmus, with scanty discharge of blood, with cutting-burning pains.
Excessive diarrhoea. Very violent diarrhoea. вloody diarrhoea. Frequent purging. Frequent stools, consisting mainly of blood, accompanied by violent cramps. Involuntary greenish and offensive stools.
Occasional pain in left hypochondrium (third day). The abdomen is distended and painful to contact. Abdomen hard, retracted. Pains over the whole abdomen. Agonizing abdominal pains. Griping colic. Painful colic. Violent colic. Agonizing colic. Extreme sensitiveness of the abdomen lasting some time after the attack.
Constant urging to stool. сonstant urging to stool, which gradually became worse and spread over the whole intestinal canal, with a constant sensation in the anus as of a glowing hot iron moving up and down. Most excessive tenesmus, with scanty discharge of blood, with cutting-burning pains.
Excessive diarrhoea. Very violent diarrhoea. вloody diarrhoea. Frequent purging. Frequent stools, consisting mainly of blood, accompanied by violent cramps. Involuntary greenish and offensive stools.
Органы грудной клетки
The larynx is inflamed and swollen even on its outside. Offensive breath. Paroxysms of suffocation at night on lying down and while falling asleep; he was obliged to jump up suddenly, when it always disappeared).
Oppression of the chest.
Oppression of the chest.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
(Violent palpitation that seemed as if it would burst the chest). Small, hard pulse. Extremities in General. Involuntary spasmodic contraction of the extremities continued for some time.
Конечности и позвоночник
Painful cramps in the lower extremities.
Общие симптомы
General trembling (third day). Tremors. сonvulsions. сramps of the internal organs.
Skin cold, covered with perspiration. сold sweat.
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