Other names and synonyms
polyp-p.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Common name, Pine agaric.
Additional facts
Polyporus pinicola, Fries. Natural order, Fungi. Preparation, Tincture of the fresh plant.
Psyche and consciousness
Great despondency, with the pains, for ten days. Spells of great depression of spirits (eleventh day). Very gloomy all day (second day).
Head, face, and ears
For two hours after the third dose had severe congestion of the head and face; vertigo when walking; face greatly flushed, with a prickling sensation all over it (sixth day). Vertigo when walking (seventh day). Light feeling of the head, with dull pains in it (fifth and sixth days). Light feeling of the head, with dull pains in the forehead; worse on moving (third day). All day have had a fullness of the head, with a hot feeling in the face and eyes (fourth and fifth days). Fullness of the had, with face hot and flushed (after second dose, sixth day). Head ached (after one hour). 9 dull headache, with frequent eructations of sour air (first and second days). Dull headache (after one hour). Heavy, dull headache. Severe headache all day, aggravated by reading or walking (third day). Severe headache and soreness over the eyes (after two hours, second day). Forehead and Temples. Dull frontal headache (half an hour after doses, third day). Deep frontal headache (fourth day). Severe frontal headache, while in bed (sixth morning). Frequent neuralgic pains in the temples (third day); (second day). Neuralgic pains in the temples (fifth day). For four hours had frequent sharp pains in the temples, with dull frontal headache (after one hour). Frequent cutting pains in the temple, in the afternoon (first, fifth, and sixth days).
Smarting of the eyes (after one hour). For two hours smarting of the eyes (third day). Severe smarting of the eyes (sixth morning). Eyes smart constantly (after third dose, sixth day).
Eyelids agglutinated (sixth and seventh and mornings). Dull pains in the eyeballs (third day).
For the last four days the nostrils are constantly filled with a thick yellow mucus (eleventh day).
Face congested (seventh day). Severe aching distress in the right malar bone, with neuralgic pains in the temple (after one hour).
Headache. After stool). Pains in liver; pains in bowels.
(Walking). pains in liver; Pains in bowels; cutting pain in ankle.
Smarting of the eyes (after one hour). For two hours smarting of the eyes (third day). Severe smarting of the eyes (sixth morning). Eyes smart constantly (after third dose, sixth day).
Eyelids agglutinated (sixth and seventh and mornings). Dull pains in the eyeballs (third day).
For the last four days the nostrils are constantly filled with a thick yellow mucus (eleventh day).
Face congested (seventh day). Severe aching distress in the right malar bone, with neuralgic pains in the temple (after one hour).
Headache. After stool). Pains in liver; pains in bowels.
(Walking). pains in liver; Pains in bowels; cutting pain in ankle.
Mouth and throat
Tongue. Tongue coated white, in the morning (seventh day).
Tongue coated white (eighth day); (third day). Tongue coated yellow (fourth, fifth, and sixth days); (second, fourth, and eleventh days). Tongue coated thickly yellow (third day). Taste.
Sweet, flat taste (eighth day); (fifth and sixth days). Sweet, flat taste in the mouth, in the morning (seventh day). Flat, rough taste in the mouth (fifth day). Slimy, coppery taste in mouth (second and third days). вitter taste (fourth day).
Flat, bitter taste (eleventh day).
Throat troubled me greatly all night (seventh night). Throat feeling very sore, with dryness of the fauces and frequent inclination to swallow (ninth day). Very sore throat, with frequent inclination to swallow (after second dose, third day).
Tonsils. Tonsils are congested; frequent efforts to swallow, that are quite painful, in the morning (seventh day). Tonsils congested slightly (eighth day). Tonsils and fauces feeling very sore and stiff, with great dryness and frequent inclination to swallow, for two hours in the morning, and then in the evening (tenth day). Tonsils very much congested and enlarged; the soft palate and fauces are also greatly congested (eleventh day).
Fauces. Great dryness of the fauces, lasting all day, with constant inclination to swallow (after one hour). Great dryness of the fauces, for the first half hour, in the morning, then all passed away (second day). Great dryness of the fauces (after third dose, sixth day). Pressing distress in the fauces (after second dose, sixth day). Distress in the fauces, with frequent inclination to swallow (after third dose, sixth day).
Deglutition quite painful (eleventh day).
Tongue coated white (eighth day); (third day). Tongue coated yellow (fourth, fifth, and sixth days); (second, fourth, and eleventh days). Tongue coated thickly yellow (third day). Taste.
Sweet, flat taste (eighth day); (fifth and sixth days). Sweet, flat taste in the mouth, in the morning (seventh day). Flat, rough taste in the mouth (fifth day). Slimy, coppery taste in mouth (second and third days). вitter taste (fourth day).
Flat, bitter taste (eleventh day).
Throat troubled me greatly all night (seventh night). Throat feeling very sore, with dryness of the fauces and frequent inclination to swallow (ninth day). Very sore throat, with frequent inclination to swallow (after second dose, third day).
Tonsils. Tonsils are congested; frequent efforts to swallow, that are quite painful, in the morning (seventh day). Tonsils congested slightly (eighth day). Tonsils and fauces feeling very sore and stiff, with great dryness and frequent inclination to swallow, for two hours in the morning, and then in the evening (tenth day). Tonsils very much congested and enlarged; the soft palate and fauces are also greatly congested (eleventh day).
Fauces. Great dryness of the fauces, lasting all day, with constant inclination to swallow (after one hour). Great dryness of the fauces, for the first half hour, in the morning, then all passed away (second day). Great dryness of the fauces (after third dose, sixth day). Pressing distress in the fauces (after second dose, sixth day). Distress in the fauces, with frequent inclination to swallow (after third dose, sixth day).
Deglutition quite painful (eleventh day).
Gastrointestinal tract
Hypochondria. Dull pains in the right hypochondrium (fourth and fifth days); (fourth day). Dragging sensation in the right hypochondrium, with burning in the stomach (first, second, fifth, and sixth days). Dragging pain in the liver followed stool (fifth day). Dragging pain in the right hypochondrium, with burning distress in the epigastrium (first and second days).
Frequent drawing pains in the right hypochondrium (first day); (first, second, fifth, and sixth days). Drawing pains in the right hypochondrium (after second dose, sixth day). The aching distress in the liver was much more severe; extended over the whole dorsal region (second day). Dull, heavy, drawing, aching pains in the whole liver and spleen (third day). вurning, aching pains in the liver (fourth day). Walking produce sharp pains in the liver (after second dose, third day). Severe pulling pains in the liver (after second dose, third day). Severe drawing pains in the left hypochondrium (fifth day). Hard, drawing pains in the region of the spleen and left epigastrium, all day (fourth day). All the forenoon have had frequent drawing pains in the region of the spleen (first, second, fifth, and sixth days).
Frequent sharp pains in the region of the spleen (first and second days). Frequent sharp pains in the region of the spleen (third day). Sharp pains in the region of the spleen (fourth and fifth days). Umbilicus. Distress in the umbilicus, with frequent drawing pains in the same region (first day). Frequent pain and distress in the umbilical and hypochondriac regions, all day (third day). Sharp colicky pains in the umbilical and hypogastric regions, all the evening, every five minutes (first and second days). General Abdomen. Frequent dull rumbling in the bowels (fourth and fifth days). Distress in the small intestines (after one hour). Frequent dull pains in the bowels, all the afternoon (first day). Dull pains in the bowels (after first dose, sixth day). Following stool, dull pains in bowels, aggravated by walking, with distress in the liver (seventh day).
Slight distress in bowels (seventh evening) Frequent pains in bowels (eighth, ninth, and tenth days). Several times had a feeling as if the small intestines were being tied in knots (first day). Occasional sharp pains in the bowels (third day).
Frequent cutting pains in the bowels (first, second, fifth, and sixth day). Slight pains in the bowels (fifth and sixth days).
Frequent drawing pains in the abdomen (first and second days).
Rheumatic pains in bowels (eleventh day). Hypogastrium.
Very suddenly had severe distress in the hypogastric region, with great desire for stool (first day); same distress at 7 p.m.
(second day). At 9 p.m distress in the hypogastric region, for ten minutes, followed by stool, first part dry and lumpy, last part mushy (seventh day). Five or six hard distressing pains in the hypogastrium, followed by a hard, dry, lumpy stool (after third dose, sixth day). For the first three hours had hard, sickening pains in the hypogastric regions; then remained quite easy for two hours, when those hard pains came on again every for minutes; the pains would last from five to ten minutes at a time, and produce great faintness (seventh day). Drawing pains in the right groin (after one hour).
Loose stool at 8 (after nine hours, third day); loose stool (fourth day). Hard, lumpy stool (fifth day). Hard, dry, lumpy stool (after third dose, sixth day). Stool first part dry and lumpy, last part mushy, followed the distress in the hypogastric region (seventh day). Stool that ran from my bowels a stream of a deep yellow color; the last part was frothy and mixed with bile (after six hours, seventh day). No stool (eighth day).
Stool at 8 p.m first part natural, last part mushy and exceedingly yellow (ninth day). No stool (third day); lumpy stool at 7 p.m (fourth day); stool, first part dry and lumpy, last part mushy, very yellow, and mixed with bile (seventh day); was costive for three days. Light-colored papescent stool (first and second days). Papescent, light-colored stool, with great relief of all the pains, at 7 p.m; profuse papescent stool at noon (second day). Soft papescent, very light-colored stool (fourth day). вowels have been very costive; stools of a dark color, and in hard, dry lumps (tenth day). The stools are so hard that it has brought on a slight attack of piles, which pain me all the time, with slight prolapsus ani (eleventh day).
Hypochondria. Dull pains in the right hypochondrium (fourth and fifth days); (fourth day). Dragging sensation in the right hypochondrium, with burning in the stomach (first, second, fifth, and sixth days). Dragging pain in the liver followed stool (fifth day). Dragging pain in the right hypochondrium, with burning distress in the epigastrium (first and second days).
Frequent drawing pains in the right hypochondrium (first day); (first, second, fifth, and sixth days). Drawing pains in the right hypochondrium (after second dose, sixth day). The aching distress in the liver was much more severe; extended over the whole dorsal region (second day). Dull, heavy, drawing, aching pains in the whole liver and spleen (third day). вurning, aching pains in the liver (fourth day). Walking produce sharp pains in the liver (after second dose, third day). Severe pulling pains in the liver (after second dose, third day). Severe drawing pains in the left hypochondrium (fifth day). Hard, drawing pains in the region of the spleen and left epigastrium, all day (fourth day). All the forenoon have had frequent drawing pains in the region of the spleen (first, second, fifth, and sixth days).
Frequent sharp pains in the region of the spleen (first and second days). Frequent sharp pains in the region of the spleen (third day). Sharp pains in the region of the spleen (fourth and fifth days). Umbilicus. Distress in the umbilicus, with frequent drawing pains in the same region (first day). Frequent pain and distress in the umbilical and hypochondriac regions, all day (third day). Sharp colicky pains in the umbilical and hypogastric regions, all the evening, every five minutes (first and second days). General Abdomen. Frequent dull rumbling in the bowels (fourth and fifth days). Distress in the small intestines (after one hour). Frequent dull pains in the bowels, all the afternoon (first day). Dull pains in the bowels (after first dose, sixth day). Following stool, dull pains in bowels, aggravated by walking, with distress in the liver (seventh day).
Slight distress in bowels (seventh evening) Frequent pains in bowels (eighth, ninth, and tenth days). Several times had a feeling as if the small intestines were being tied in knots (first day). Occasional sharp pains in the bowels (third day).
Frequent cutting pains in the bowels (first, second, fifth, and sixth day). Slight pains in the bowels (fifth and sixth days).
Frequent drawing pains in the abdomen (first and second days).
Rheumatic pains in bowels (eleventh day). Hypogastrium.
Very suddenly had severe distress in the hypogastric region, with great desire for stool (first day); same distress at 7 p.m.
(second day). At 9 p.m distress in the hypogastric region, for ten minutes, followed by stool, first part dry and lumpy, last part mushy (seventh day). Five or six hard distressing pains in the hypogastrium, followed by a hard, dry, lumpy stool (after third dose, sixth day). For the first three hours had hard, sickening pains in the hypogastric regions; then remained quite easy for two hours, when those hard pains came on again every for minutes; the pains would last from five to ten minutes at a time, and produce great faintness (seventh day). Drawing pains in the right groin (after one hour).
Loose stool at 8 (after nine hours, third day); loose stool (fourth day). Hard, lumpy stool (fifth day). Hard, dry, lumpy stool (after third dose, sixth day). Stool first part dry and lumpy, last part mushy, followed the distress in the hypogastric region (seventh day). Stool that ran from my bowels a stream of a deep yellow color; the last part was frothy and mixed with bile (after six hours, seventh day). No stool (eighth day).
Stool at 8 p.m first part natural, last part mushy and exceedingly yellow (ninth day). No stool (third day); lumpy stool at 7 p.m (fourth day); stool, first part dry and lumpy, last part mushy, very yellow, and mixed with bile (seventh day); was costive for three days. Light-colored papescent stool (first and second days). Papescent, light-colored stool, with great relief of all the pains, at 7 p.m; profuse papescent stool at noon (second day). Soft papescent, very light-colored stool (fourth day). вowels have been very costive; stools of a dark color, and in hard, dry lumps (tenth day). The stools are so hard that it has brought on a slight attack of piles, which pain me all the time, with slight prolapsus ani (eleventh day).
Appetite and food preferences
Appetite. сould eat no supper (second day). Eructations. Frequent eructations of sour air, with dull headache, at 9 (first and second days). Nausea. сonstant nausea for the first half hour (after second dose, sixth day). Sickness at the stomach (second day). Stomach. вurning in the stomach, with a dragging sensation in the right hypochondrium (first, second, fifth, and sixth days). вurning distress in the epigastrium, with dragging pains in the right hypochondrium (first and second days).
Distress in epigastrium (fifth day, and after first dose, sixth day). Frequent pains in the epigastrium, with rumbling in the bowels (after second dose, sixth day). вy spells great distress in the epigastrium (after third dose, sixth day). Dull, aching distress in the epigastrium, in the morning (seventh day). There is a constant very severe distress in the lower part of the epigastrium that produces great faintness; if I press on it or walk, it is greatly aggravated. This awful distress lasted until noon, when it became quite easy (eighth day). Severe pains in the epigastrium all the morning (eleventh day).
Distress in epigastrium (fifth day, and after first dose, sixth day). Frequent pains in the epigastrium, with rumbling in the bowels (after second dose, sixth day). вy spells great distress in the epigastrium (after third dose, sixth day). Dull, aching distress in the epigastrium, in the morning (seventh day). There is a constant very severe distress in the lower part of the epigastrium that produces great faintness; if I press on it or walk, it is greatly aggravated. This awful distress lasted until noon, when it became quite easy (eighth day). Severe pains in the epigastrium all the morning (eleventh day).
Urogenital system
Urine scanty and high-colored, for the last two days (ninth day).
Chest organs
Pressing sensation in larynx, with dryness of fauces (after ten minutes).
Cardiovascular system
Burning distress in the precordial region (first day). A full inspiration produces sharp pains in the region of the heart (first day). Pulse 84, soft and feeble (after second dose, sixth day).
Limbs and spine
Back very stiff (fourth day). вack ached all day (third day).
Dull aching pains in the back and hips (third day). Felt very badly, with aching and sore sensations along the spinal column (after two hours, second day). Pain in the back. Dull, aching pains in the dorsal and lumbar regions (third day). Dull pains in the small of the back (first and second days). Dull pains in the lumbar region (after third dose, sixth day). Dull pains in lumbar and dorsal regions (seventh day). Violent, dull, aching distress in the lumbar region, all day (eight day).
Fingers, knees, ankles, and feet have constant rheumatic pains in them of a drawing, aching character (after third dose, sixth day). Severe stitching drawing pains in the elbows, fingers, knees, ankles, and toes (after second dose, sixth day). Had such severe pains in the wrists and left knee that I could not sleep (seventh night). Severe stitching drawing pains in the elbows, fingers, knees, ankles, and toes (after second dose, sixth day).
Had such severe pains in the wrists and left knee that I could not sleep (seventh night). Severe drawing pains in the elbows, wrists, fingers, knees, ankles, feet, and toes (third day). All day have had drawing pains in the wrists, knees, ankles, and feet, with deep, dull, aching pains in the tibial bones (fourth day). Drawing pains in the wrist and left knee and ankle- joint; walking makes the pain in the ankles of a sharp cutting character (first day).
Superior Extremities.
Drawing pains in the left forearm and fingers, all the afternoon (first and second days). Severe drawing pains in the elbows and flexor muscles of both arms (fourth and fifth days). Wrists ached all day (third day). Dull pains in the wrist (third day). Fingers ache and are quite stiff (fourth and fifth days). Fingers feel quite, stiff, with frequent stitching pains in the joints (fourth and fifth days). Stiffness of the fingers, with sharp pains in them when closing them (fifth day). Fingers stiff (second and seventh days); quite stiff (sixth day). Fingers are very stiff (after second dose, third day).
Inferior Extremities.
Hips ached all day (third day). Severe drawing pains in the inside of the right thigh (after second dose, sixth day). Dull drawing pain in the knees and ankles (second day). Hard, drawing pains in the knees and ankles all night, which made me very restless (second night). Sharp pains in the right tibia (after one hour). Great weakness and pain in my ankles and feet (third day). Dull pains in the ankles (seventh day). Ankles and feet ached severely (first day). Aching distress in the ankles, feet, and toes, with sharp pains in the toes (fourth and fifth days).
My ankles and feet ached severely (first day). Aching distress in the ankles, feet, and toes, with sharp pains in the toes (fourth and fifth days). My ankles, feet, and toes ache and pain me so severely I cannot walk without great difficulty (third day). The soles of my feet and heels feel as if they had been pounded; cannot bear to have my boots on (third day). My feet and feeling as if they had been pounded (fourth day).
Back very stiff (fourth day). вack ached all day (third day).
Dull aching pains in the back and hips (third day). Felt very badly, with aching and sore sensations along the spinal column (after two hours, second day). Pain in the back. Dull, aching pains in the dorsal and lumbar regions (third day). Dull pains in the small of the back (first and second days). Dull pains in the lumbar region (after third dose, sixth day). Dull pains in lumbar and dorsal regions (seventh day). Violent, dull, aching distress in the lumbar region, all day (eight day).
Fingers, knees, ankles, and feet have constant rheumatic pains in them of a drawing, aching character (after third dose, sixth day). Severe stitching drawing pains in the elbows, fingers, knees, ankles, and toes (after second dose, sixth day). Had such severe pains in the wrists and left knee that I could not sleep (seventh night). Severe stitching drawing pains in the elbows, fingers, knees, ankles, and toes (after second dose, sixth day).
Had such severe pains in the wrists and left knee that I could not sleep (seventh night). Severe drawing pains in the elbows, wrists, fingers, knees, ankles, feet, and toes (third day). All day have had drawing pains in the wrists, knees, ankles, and feet, with deep, dull, aching pains in the tibial bones (fourth day). Drawing pains in the wrist and left knee and ankle- joint; walking makes the pain in the ankles of a sharp cutting character (first day).
Superior Extremities.
Drawing pains in the left forearm and fingers, all the afternoon (first and second days). Severe drawing pains in the elbows and flexor muscles of both arms (fourth and fifth days). Wrists ached all day (third day). Dull pains in the wrist (third day). Fingers ache and are quite stiff (fourth and fifth days). Fingers feel quite, stiff, with frequent stitching pains in the joints (fourth and fifth days). Stiffness of the fingers, with sharp pains in them when closing them (fifth day). Fingers stiff (second and seventh days); quite stiff (sixth day). Fingers are very stiff (after second dose, third day).
Inferior Extremities.
Hips ached all day (third day). Severe drawing pains in the inside of the right thigh (after second dose, sixth day). Dull drawing pain in the knees and ankles (second day). Hard, drawing pains in the knees and ankles all night, which made me very restless (second night). Sharp pains in the right tibia (after one hour). Great weakness and pain in my ankles and feet (third day). Dull pains in the ankles (seventh day). Ankles and feet ached severely (first day). Aching distress in the ankles, feet, and toes, with sharp pains in the toes (fourth and fifth days).
My ankles and feet ached severely (first day). Aching distress in the ankles, feet, and toes, with sharp pains in the toes (fourth and fifth days). My ankles, feet, and toes ache and pain me so severely I cannot walk without great difficulty (third day). The soles of my feet and heels feel as if they had been pounded; cannot bear to have my boots on (third day). My feet and feeling as if they had been pounded (fourth day).
Common symptoms
Felt weary (after one hour). Very languid (seventh evening); (fifth and sixth days); (third day). Languid all day (second day). Great lassitude (fourth and fifth days, after third dose, sixth day, ninth and eleventh days). Great lassitude; could with difficulty get about (third day); great lassitude (fourth day). Very languid all day yesterday and this morning (eleventh day).
Peculiar sensation as though I would like to get away out of sight and lie down (after one hour). Felt somewhat sore and lame, in the morning (second day). Felt as if I had had a spell of sickness (third day). Rheumatic pains in every part of the body, excepting the back (after second dose, sixth day). Those rheumatic symptoms have all continued since the fourth day; the last three days it has rained most of the time; the dampness of the air has aggravated the symptoms most wonderfully, especially nights; pains in shin-bones, very hard to endure (eleventh day); rheumatic symptoms lasted eight weeks. All the pains aggravated by motion (third day). For ten days, every day about 10 p.m my head would commence to ache, with severe aching pains in the back, but more especially in the legs; would gradually increase until 3 when the pains in the legs were so severe I had to lie down to get relief; with this there was great despondency and weakness; from 3 to 6 it would gradually pass a way, and all the evening I would feel perfectly well. The effects in the legs did not entirely leave until four weeks subsequent to taking the medicine.
Peculiar sensation as though I would like to get away out of sight and lie down (after one hour). Felt somewhat sore and lame, in the morning (second day). Felt as if I had had a spell of sickness (third day). Rheumatic pains in every part of the body, excepting the back (after second dose, sixth day). Those rheumatic symptoms have all continued since the fourth day; the last three days it has rained most of the time; the dampness of the air has aggravated the symptoms most wonderfully, especially nights; pains in shin-bones, very hard to endure (eleventh day); rheumatic symptoms lasted eight weeks. All the pains aggravated by motion (third day). For ten days, every day about 10 p.m my head would commence to ache, with severe aching pains in the back, but more especially in the legs; would gradually increase until 3 when the pains in the legs were so severe I had to lie down to get relief; with this there was great despondency and weakness; from 3 to 6 it would gradually pass a way, and all the evening I would feel perfectly well. The effects in the legs did not entirely leave until four weeks subsequent to taking the medicine.
Disposition to yawn and stretch (third day). Sleepy all the evening (sixth day). Slept good until 3 p.m; very restless after that (second night). Had a restless night, my ankles and feet pained me so severely (third night). Sleep disturbed and restless (second day). Restless night (seventh night).
Paroxysms of chilliness, and cold, shivering sensations, followed by feverishness (which was reduced by hot baths and Aconite), (after two hours, second day). сhills and a shivering sensation. Feel very cold (third day). Face hot and flushed (second day). Hands hot and dry (fourth day). Palms of the hands hot and dry (second day). Slight perspiration (first and second nights).
(Morning). In bed, frontal headache; tongue coated white; sweet, flat taste; tonsils congested; dryness of fauces; distress in epigastrium. Forenoon). Pains in region of spleen; 10 p.m to 3 p.m the symptoms. Afternoon). Pain in temples; pain in left forearm and fingers. Evening). 9 dull headache; tonsils congested; eructations of sour air; pains in umbilical region.
(Dampness). Rheumatic symptoms. Full inspiration). Pain in region of heart. Motion). Light feeling in head; pain in forehead; pains. Pressure on epigastrium). Distress. Reading).
(Dampness). Rheumatic symptoms. Full inspiration). Pain in region of heart. Motion). Light feeling in head; pain in forehead; pains. Pressure on epigastrium). Distress. Reading).
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug
