Other names and synonyms
jac-c.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Jacaranda caroba, De с. Natural Order: вignoniaceae Preparation: Trituration of the flowers.
Head, face, and ears
General Head. Heaviness of the head, which is painful all day (fifth day). Dull pains in the head, all day (third day). Sense of fullness in the head, in the afternoon (second day). Headache all day (twelfth day). Forehead. Dull pain between the forehead an right temple, it disappears on pressing from the other side, in the evening (second day). Extensively felt pressive pain from the right upper part of the forehead, to the eye, at noon (third day). Pain as from a peg pressing vertically against the right side of the forehead (eighteenth day). Temples. Painful fullness in the right temple, shifting a moment after to the left temple, and disappearing when it reaches the left side of the nape of the neck, in the evening, in the open air. (second day). Dull pain in the right temporal region at 10 p.m (sixth day). Dull pain in the right temple, as from the simultaneous pressure of several blunt points (third day).
Inflammation of the eyes (twelfth). Dull pain at the outer side of the right eyebrow, it ceases in the open air (sixth day). Dull pain in the right orbit (third day).
Heat of the left ear, with hot digging pain extending to the left nostril, at 2:30 P. M. (fourth day). Sensation as if the left ear were stopped up, at 3 P. M. (fourth day). Noise in the ears, like the flapping of butterflies’ wings, at 8 p.m (third day).
Sneezing and fluent coryza, at 8:30 p.m (third day). Violent sneezing (eighteenth day). сoryza, with heaviness and weariness at the vertex, forehead, and eyes, at 9 p.m (fourth day). сoryza, with digging, lancinating pain in the left side of the forehead, corresponding to the palatine arch of the same side, at noon (fourth day). Profuse watery discharge from the nose (nineteenth day). Stoppage of the nose, at 3 P. M. (third day).
Slight drawing pain from the eye to the right lower jaw, followed by shuddering of the skin of the same region, at 11 p.m; this pain returns and becomes contusive (second day). Sensitiveness of the malar bone when pressed by the finger (second day).
Inflammation of the eyes (twelfth). Dull pain at the outer side of the right eyebrow, it ceases in the open air (sixth day). Dull pain in the right orbit (third day).
Heat of the left ear, with hot digging pain extending to the left nostril, at 2:30 P. M. (fourth day). Sensation as if the left ear were stopped up, at 3 P. M. (fourth day). Noise in the ears, like the flapping of butterflies’ wings, at 8 p.m (third day).
Sneezing and fluent coryza, at 8:30 p.m (third day). Violent sneezing (eighteenth day). сoryza, with heaviness and weariness at the vertex, forehead, and eyes, at 9 p.m (fourth day). сoryza, with digging, lancinating pain in the left side of the forehead, corresponding to the palatine arch of the same side, at noon (fourth day). Profuse watery discharge from the nose (nineteenth day). Stoppage of the nose, at 3 P. M. (third day).
Slight drawing pain from the eye to the right lower jaw, followed by shuddering of the skin of the same region, at 11 p.m; this pain returns and becomes contusive (second day). Sensitiveness of the malar bone when pressed by the finger (second day).
Mouth and throat
Pain of excoriation on the left side of the tongue (second day). Dryness of the lips, mouth, and tongue (fourth day) Dry mouth, in the morning in bed (second day). Dry, clammy mouth (third day). сlammy mouth, at 6 p.m (third day). вad taster in the mouth, in the morning (twelfth day). Insipid or sour taste of food; sugar-water tastes like vinegar (nineteenth day).
Great dryness of the throat (sixth day). Feeling of constriction of the throat, lasting till evening (first day). Sore throat, with constriction of the pharynx and difficulty deglutition (tenth day). External Throat. Fatiguing drawing pains in the anterior cervical muscles, extending to the right eat, at 9:30 p.m (third day). Piercing pain over the right external carotid, at 3:30 P. M. (third day).
Great dryness of the throat (sixth day). Feeling of constriction of the throat, lasting till evening (first day). Sore throat, with constriction of the pharynx and difficulty deglutition (tenth day). External Throat. Fatiguing drawing pains in the anterior cervical muscles, extending to the right eat, at 9:30 p.m (third day). Piercing pain over the right external carotid, at 3:30 P. M. (third day).
Gastrointestinal tract
Umbilical. Sensation as if the skin were gripped, on the right side of the navel, at 1 P. M. (third day). Stitch and drawing on the right side below the stomach, at midnight (first day). Painful stitch on the left side of the umbilicus (second day). General Abdomen. Painful stitch in the abdominal integuments, between the umbilicus and pit of the stomach, a little to the right side, at 10 p.m (third day). сolic; wind shifts about in the abdomen, followed by emission of inodorous flatulence, at 9:30 p.m (third day). Hypogastrium and Iliac region. Acute pain in the hypogastrium on pressure (twelfth day). Swelling of the right groin, which is painful to touch (eighteenth day).
The excrescence at the anus has considerably decreased for the past eight days (twenty-first day). The inflammation of the anus has disappear (fourth day). Heat at the anus (twelfth day). Acute pain, with lancination in the anus, as if a large thorn were stuck in three or four times (twenty-third day). Prickings around the anus (twelfth day). Itching at the anus, in the morning (twenty-fifth day). Itching at the anus, while sitting (second day).
Soft and easy stool (previous to the proving, the stools were generally hard and painful), (fourth day). No stool (second and third days).
Umbilical. Sensation as if the skin were gripped, on the right side of the navel, at 1 P. M. (third day). Stitch and drawing on the right side below the stomach, at midnight (first day). Painful stitch on the left side of the umbilicus (second day). General Abdomen. Painful stitch in the abdominal integuments, between the umbilicus and pit of the stomach, a little to the right side, at 10 p.m (third day). сolic; wind shifts about in the abdomen, followed by emission of inodorous flatulence, at 9:30 p.m (third day). Hypogastrium and Iliac region. Acute pain in the hypogastrium on pressure (twelfth day). Swelling of the right groin, which is painful to touch (eighteenth day).
The excrescence at the anus has considerably decreased for the past eight days (twenty-first day). The inflammation of the anus has disappear (fourth day). Heat at the anus (twelfth day). Acute pain, with lancination in the anus, as if a large thorn were stuck in three or four times (twenty-third day). Prickings around the anus (twelfth day). Itching at the anus, in the morning (twenty-fifth day). Itching at the anus, while sitting (second day).
Soft and easy stool (previous to the proving, the stools were generally hard and painful), (fourth day). No stool (second and third days).
Appetite and food preferences
Appetite. Great appetite (sixth day). He eats little, although his appetite is good, at 9 p.m (second day). Nausea. Nausea (twenty-first day). Nausea while eating (twelfth day). Stomach. Fullness in the pit of the stomach, with feeble hurried breathing; sometimes a strong and long inspiration, with strong and sudden expiration, in the afternoon (second day). Vertical drawings above the pit of the stomach (twelfth day).
Urogenital system
The lips of the urethral orifice are inflamed on the inside; touching them causes a slight itching, which extends half way up the penis (twenty-sixth day). Emission of light colored urine, four or five times a day (twelfth day).
Sexual organs.
The lining membrane of the prepuce is inflamed (twenty-fourth day). The inflammation of the prepuce is less on the right side; it shifts to the left (twenty-fifth day). The inflammation has shifted from the inside of the prepuce to its margin, which has swollen considerably over night, is raw and bleeds in several places; the contact of the urine causes tearing pains, which affect the whole organism, and are followed by great malaise; the nervous system and the head and neck are painfully affected by these pains (twenty-sixth day). Profuse discharge of a yellowish-white liquid from the prepuce, smelling like ordinary pus (twenty-first day). Slight suppuration between the glans and prepuce, on the right side (fourteenth day). Painless suppuration of the pimple on the glans, with itching; it looks like a chancre (fifth day). Itching pimple on the glans penis, half as large as a kernel of wheat (fourth day). The chancre like pimple on the glans has desiccated spontaneously, leaving a painless red spot (sixth day). The prepuce cannot be drawn back (twenty-first day). Erections are painful on account of the continued swelling of the prepuce (twenty-seventh day). Heat and pain of the penis; the inflammation is increased by the warmth of the bed (twenty-first day). Slight pinching at the tip of the prepuce (sixth day). Penetrating pain in the prepuce, as if a small bundle of fibers were seized (twenty-first day). Pricking in the prepuce (twenty-first day). Itching and pricking on the margin of the prepuce (twenty- fifth day). The testicle remains a little swollen and painful (twenty- fifth day). Slight pains in the left testicle when walking, or from the pressure of the clothes (seventh to thirteenth days). Acute pain in the left testicle, when walking (sixth day). The swelling of the scrotum has disappeared; the testicle is less painful; the suppuration has spread to the other side of the prepuce without affecting the glans (eighteenth day). The swelling of the scrotum has entirely disappeared (twenty-first day). The suppuration and inflammation of the scrotum are worse in the evening; the whole prepuce is affected (twenty-second day). Heat and swelling of the scrotum, near the left groin, with pain on rubbing or touching it (fourteenth day). Total loss of sexual desire, with relation of the penis (twenty-seventh day). Emission every night (twelfth day).
Sexual organs.
The lining membrane of the prepuce is inflamed (twenty-fourth day). The inflammation of the prepuce is less on the right side; it shifts to the left (twenty-fifth day). The inflammation has shifted from the inside of the prepuce to its margin, which has swollen considerably over night, is raw and bleeds in several places; the contact of the urine causes tearing pains, which affect the whole organism, and are followed by great malaise; the nervous system and the head and neck are painfully affected by these pains (twenty-sixth day). Profuse discharge of a yellowish-white liquid from the prepuce, smelling like ordinary pus (twenty-first day). Slight suppuration between the glans and prepuce, on the right side (fourteenth day). Painless suppuration of the pimple on the glans, with itching; it looks like a chancre (fifth day). Itching pimple on the glans penis, half as large as a kernel of wheat (fourth day). The chancre like pimple on the glans has desiccated spontaneously, leaving a painless red spot (sixth day). The prepuce cannot be drawn back (twenty-first day). Erections are painful on account of the continued swelling of the prepuce (twenty-seventh day). Heat and pain of the penis; the inflammation is increased by the warmth of the bed (twenty-first day). Slight pinching at the tip of the prepuce (sixth day). Penetrating pain in the prepuce, as if a small bundle of fibers were seized (twenty-first day). Pricking in the prepuce (twenty-first day). Itching and pricking on the margin of the prepuce (twenty- fifth day). The testicle remains a little swollen and painful (twenty- fifth day). Slight pains in the left testicle when walking, or from the pressure of the clothes (seventh to thirteenth days). Acute pain in the left testicle, when walking (sixth day). The swelling of the scrotum has disappeared; the testicle is less painful; the suppuration has spread to the other side of the prepuce without affecting the glans (eighteenth day). The swelling of the scrotum has entirely disappeared (twenty-first day). The suppuration and inflammation of the scrotum are worse in the evening; the whole prepuce is affected (twenty-second day). Heat and swelling of the scrotum, near the left groin, with pain on rubbing or touching it (fourteenth day). Total loss of sexual desire, with relation of the penis (twenty-seventh day). Emission every night (twelfth day).
Chest organs
Dry cough (twelfth day). сough with white watery expectoration (twelfth day). Hurried respiration, with a sense of fullness under the sternum, several times in the course of the day (second day).
Slight pain in the lower part of the right ribs, at 2:20 P. M. (second day). Acute, deep-seated, drawing pain under the left last rib, at 6 P. M. (second day). Painful stitch under the right ribs, when drawing breath, for half an hour (twelfth day); (at noon), (second day). Front Pain under the sternum (twelfth day), Dull pain under the sternum, when raising the head and drawing breath (second day). Prolonged jerkings under the sternum (second day). Sides. Drawing pain on right side, from the axilla to the false ribs at 9 p.m (second day). вruised pain in the right side, at 10:45 p.m (third day). Appetite poor.
Neck. Pain in the nape of the neck (twelfth day). The neck is so painful that the head cannot be turned to the right without great difficulty and pain (tenth day). Drawing from the lower jaw to the middle of the neck on the right side, in the evening (second day). вack. Rheumatic pain in the left scapula (first day), continuing until evening (third day). The pain in the calf has extended to the scapula, and is felt from the last ribs as far as the neck (tenth day). Pain in the back and chest (twelfth day) Stiffness of the loins with bruised pain in the abdomen and hypochondria; at 6 p.m (fourth day).
Slight pain in the lower part of the right ribs, at 2:20 P. M. (second day). Acute, deep-seated, drawing pain under the left last rib, at 6 P. M. (second day). Painful stitch under the right ribs, when drawing breath, for half an hour (twelfth day); (at noon), (second day). Front Pain under the sternum (twelfth day), Dull pain under the sternum, when raising the head and drawing breath (second day). Prolonged jerkings under the sternum (second day). Sides. Drawing pain on right side, from the axilla to the false ribs at 9 p.m (second day). вruised pain in the right side, at 10:45 p.m (third day). Appetite poor.
Neck. Pain in the nape of the neck (twelfth day). The neck is so painful that the head cannot be turned to the right without great difficulty and pain (tenth day). Drawing from the lower jaw to the middle of the neck on the right side, in the evening (second day). вack. Rheumatic pain in the left scapula (first day), continuing until evening (third day). The pain in the calf has extended to the scapula, and is felt from the last ribs as far as the neck (tenth day). Pain in the back and chest (twelfth day) Stiffness of the loins with bruised pain in the abdomen and hypochondria; at 6 p.m (fourth day).
Cardiovascular system
Sensation as if the apex of the heart was painful on the right side, at noon (second day). Lancinating pain in the region of the heart (second day). Stitching sensation in the heart, at 9 P. M. (first day). Painful stitch at the heart, passing immediately to the other side as if he had two hearts; at 11 p.m (third day). Palpitation of the heart while going up and down stairs, with sharp pain, as if it were poked with the finger; at 9 P. M. (second day). The heart seems to beat slowly when leaning on chest; at 9 P. M. (first day). The beating of the heart becomes regular on going into the open (second day). The beating of the heart is no longer felt, in the morning, in bed (second day). The beating of the heart is no longer felt under the left breast; it seems to beat in the pit of the stomach, at 6 p.m; on movement the beating of the heart recommences, but is slow and feeble (third day). Pulse full and very slow, in the morning in bed (second day).
Limbs and spine
Weariness of the limbs and inclination to remain seated (second day). Pains in the joints (twelfth day).
Superior extremities.
Redness of the left arm (twelfth arm). Pain in the left arm in the morning (twelfth day). Elbow. Dull, cramping pain in the right elbow, then shifting to the left elbow (third day). Pain in the left elbow, penetrating by fits and starts almost all throughout the forearm; in the evening (second day). Forearm. Dull pain above the wrist and in the radius; at 10:30 p.m (third day). Drawing from the lower extremity of the ulna to the right little finger, at 1 P. M. (second day) Lancination from the elbow to the middle of the forearm, afterward as far as the left wrist; from 9 p.m to 3 P. M. (third day). вruised pain in the bones of the right forearm, with lancination from the wrist to the forearm, at 6 P. M. (second day). Wrist. Dull pain in the right wrist, penetrating to the middle of the forearm; the same sensation but slighter, in the left arm (second day). Momentary drawing in the flexor communis digitorum, left wrist, at 12:30 P. M. (second day). Fingers. Slight pain in the second joints of the right fingers, at 9:30 p.m (second day). One of the right finger-nails is painful as if bruised; at 3:30 P. M. (fourth day).
Inferior Extremities.
Weakness of the legs (second day). Weakness of the legs and lumbar region, at 2 P. M. (second day). сonstant bruised feeling in the muscles and bones of the legs (second day). Thighs. Sensation, while walking, as from dull thorns or straws between the thighs, or at times as if stiff; dry moss were applied to a raw sore (second day). Knees. Weariness of the knees (twenty-third day). Rheumatic pain in the right knee; it ceases on movement (sixth day). Pain and bruised feeling in the right knee, when walking; of short duration, at 10 p.m (second day). Leg. Pain in the right leg (twelfth day). Rheumatic pain in right calf (eighth day); it is intense and prevents walking (eighth and ninth days).
Weariness of the limbs and inclination to remain seated (second day). Pains in the joints (twelfth day).
Superior extremities.
Redness of the left arm (twelfth arm). Pain in the left arm in the morning (twelfth day). Elbow. Dull, cramping pain in the right elbow, then shifting to the left elbow (third day). Pain in the left elbow, penetrating by fits and starts almost all throughout the forearm; in the evening (second day). Forearm. Dull pain above the wrist and in the radius; at 10:30 p.m (third day). Drawing from the lower extremity of the ulna to the right little finger, at 1 P. M. (second day) Lancination from the elbow to the middle of the forearm, afterward as far as the left wrist; from 9 p.m to 3 P. M. (third day). вruised pain in the bones of the right forearm, with lancination from the wrist to the forearm, at 6 P. M. (second day). Wrist. Dull pain in the right wrist, penetrating to the middle of the forearm; the same sensation but slighter, in the left arm (second day). Momentary drawing in the flexor communis digitorum, left wrist, at 12:30 P. M. (second day). Fingers. Slight pain in the second joints of the right fingers, at 9:30 p.m (second day). One of the right finger-nails is painful as if bruised; at 3:30 P. M. (fourth day).
Inferior Extremities.
Weakness of the legs (second day). Weakness of the legs and lumbar region, at 2 P. M. (second day). сonstant bruised feeling in the muscles and bones of the legs (second day). Thighs. Sensation, while walking, as from dull thorns or straws between the thighs, or at times as if stiff; dry moss were applied to a raw sore (second day). Knees. Weariness of the knees (twenty-third day). Rheumatic pain in the right knee; it ceases on movement (sixth day). Pain and bruised feeling in the right knee, when walking; of short duration, at 10 p.m (second day). Leg. Pain in the right leg (twelfth day). Rheumatic pain in right calf (eighth day); it is intense and prevents walking (eighth and ninth days).
Common symptoms
Ability to take a long walk without fatigue (twenty-ninth day). Lassitude and dejection (twelfth day). Weary while talking (second day). Great weariness in the evening; he has to go to bed (twenty- second day). Debility (twenty-first day). General weakness in the morning (second day). Prostration; slight exercise fatigues him, and compels him to lie down (twenty-third day). Such prostration that he cannot speak (twelfth day). Great restlessness at night (eighth day). General malaise (twenty-first day).
Objective. Red spot, with a yellowish pellicle and itching on the forepart of the wrist, at 12:30 P. M. (fourth day). Ulcers on the legs (twelfth day). Subjective. Itching on the forehead, as if mosquitoes alighted on it (sixteenth day). Itching at the left labia commissure, at 9 p.m (third day). Itching of the scrotum (twenty-second day). Violent itching between the left ring and the little fingers, and a red itching spot on the second joint of the ring finger (fourth day).
Objective. Red spot, with a yellowish pellicle and itching on the forepart of the wrist, at 12:30 P. M. (fourth day). Ulcers on the legs (twelfth day). Subjective. Itching on the forehead, as if mosquitoes alighted on it (sixteenth day). Itching at the left labia commissure, at 9 p.m (third day). Itching of the scrotum (twenty-second day). Violent itching between the left ring and the little fingers, and a red itching spot on the second joint of the ring finger (fourth day).
Sleepiness. Deep sleep (twenty-eighth day). Sleeplessness. Sleepless at night and drowsy in daytime (second and twelfth days). Very restless night; sleep often disturbed, with less sleep, with very eccentric dreams (fifth day). Sleep very restless; frightful dreams (third day). Always restless at night; sleep disturbed and unrefreshing (seventh day). He starts out his sleep with fright twice in the night (twelfth day). Dreams. Dreams about things which he defended courageously against thieves, who lay a thousand snares for him; and about unknown fruits, which he desires to taste, but which soon vanish (sixth day). Dreams about a frightful storm, in which palaces are ruined and burned down and great mountains fall, sending forth columns of steam (eighteenth day). Dreams about fighting corpses; he picks up very small heads which had been half roasted on a brazier, and which opened their eyes and spoke to him very angrily (twenty-first day). Loud talking in dreams at night (twelfth day).
Internal coldness in the open air, as if blood was frozen in the veins, lasting a quarter of an hour (twenty-seventh day). Fever (twelfth day). Dryness with prickling all over (first day).
Acute conditions
Aggravation (Morning) In bed, dry mouth; bad taste; itching of anus; pain in arm. Aggravation (Evening) In open air, fullness in temple; drawing from jaw to neck; pain in elbow. Aggravation (While Eating) Nausea. Aggravation (While Sitting) Itching of anus. Aggravation (When Walking) Pains in testicle.
Amelioration (Open Air) Pain at side of elbow.
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