Other names and synonyms
pin-s.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Pinus silvestris, L.
Natural order: сoniferae.
Preparation: Tincture of leaves and young twigs.
Natural order: сoniferae.
Preparation: Tincture of leaves and young twigs.
Psyche and consciousness
Anxiety. Despondency. Wishes to do a great many things, undertaking them all and finishing none of them (ninth and tenth days). Dulness of mind, so that he was unable to think, caused by any exertion.
Anxiety. Despondency. Wishes to do a great many things, undertaking them all and finishing none of them (ninth and tenth days). Dulness of mind, so that he was unable to think, caused by any exertion.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo, even to falling down. Dulness of the head. Fullness and heaviness of the whole head. Pressive headache. Tearing in the temples. Scalp sensitive.
Inflammation of the eyes. Margins of the lids red. Dimness of vision, like a veil before the eyes.
Sticking in the ears. Roaring in the ears.
Violent nosebleed for several days in succession. Discharge of mucus form the nose. Sensation of coryza.
Alternations of redness and paleness of the face. Tearing in the face.
Vertigo, even to falling down. Dulness of the head. Fullness and heaviness of the whole head. Pressive headache. Tearing in the temples. Scalp sensitive.
Inflammation of the eyes. Margins of the lids red. Dimness of vision, like a veil before the eyes.
Sticking in the ears. Roaring in the ears.
Violent nosebleed for several days in succession. Discharge of mucus form the nose. Sensation of coryza.
Alternations of redness and paleness of the face. Tearing in the face.
Mouth and throat
Pain in the teeth, with heat of the face and pain in the head.
Dryness of the mouth, with increased thirst.
Slight and transient uneasiness in the throat, as if something was in the way there (second to sixth days). Painful swelling of the submaxillary glands.
Dryness of the mouth, with increased thirst.
Slight and transient uneasiness in the throat, as if something was in the way there (second to sixth days). Painful swelling of the submaxillary glands.
Gastrointestinal tract
Appetite at first decreased, afterwards increased. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, after eating, and great distension of the pit of the stomach, and also of the whole abdomen.
Distension of the hypochondrium, with pressive-burning pains.
Enlargement of the liver. Pressure and a sensation of fullness in the liver and spleen. сolic, with incarceration of flatus. Pain in the inguinal glands, with swelling.
Rectum and Anus.
Troublesome itching at the anus (first day).
Stool thin, pasty, with colic and great excitement; bilious evacuations; discharge of round worms; itching and burning in the anus; bloody, slimy hemorrhoidal discharge for several days.
Distension of the hypochondrium, with pressive-burning pains.
Enlargement of the liver. Pressure and a sensation of fullness in the liver and spleen. сolic, with incarceration of flatus. Pain in the inguinal glands, with swelling.
Rectum and Anus.
Troublesome itching at the anus (first day).
Stool thin, pasty, with colic and great excitement; bilious evacuations; discharge of round worms; itching and burning in the anus; bloody, slimy hemorrhoidal discharge for several days.
Urogenital system
Violent boring-burning pains in the kidneys, extending along the ureters. Spasm of the bladder. вurning pains when urinating.
Micturition difficult. Very greatly increased secretion of urine (after some days). Urine of a strong odor.
Sexual Organs.
The usually scanty menses became more profuse. Menses return earlier than usual. Menses delayed for several days.
Micturition difficult. Very greatly increased secretion of urine (after some days). Urine of a strong odor.
Sexual Organs.
The usually scanty menses became more profuse. Menses return earlier than usual. Menses delayed for several days.
Chest organs
Increased secretion of bronchial mucus. Hoarseness. Short dry cough. Expectoration greater when coughing. Tightness of breath, especially when walking.
Great oppression of the chest. Next day, all the anterior portion of the chest is painful to touch; it seems as if it was very thin, and ready to give way under the slightest pressure (second day). All the evening, sensitiveness to the touch in the walls of the chest (first day). вurning in the sides of the chest. A quarter of an hour after, feeling in the middle of the sternum like a sensation such as might be supposed to result from a cupping-glass applied inside behind this bone.
Great oppression of the chest. Next day, all the anterior portion of the chest is painful to touch; it seems as if it was very thin, and ready to give way under the slightest pressure (second day). All the evening, sensitiveness to the touch in the walls of the chest (first day). вurning in the sides of the chest. A quarter of an hour after, feeling in the middle of the sternum like a sensation such as might be supposed to result from a cupping-glass applied inside behind this bone.
Cardiovascular system
Limbs and spine
Drawing and stiffens in the nape of the neck, extending into t he occiput. Pain between the shoulders and in the small of the back, a pressive tensive-drawing pain, so that motion was difficult.
Stiffness of the limbs. Heaviness of all the limbs, and so great weakness that it was difficult to walk. Gouty pain in all the joints of the hands and feet, especially in the finger-joints.
Pressive tensive pains in the limbs. Drawing paralytic pains in the limbs.
Inferior Extremities.
Stiffness of the knees, with stinging-burning pains, so that they gave out. Pain in the left tibia, when walking. The is pain causes a sensation as if he would double up on himself, in the morning only (sixth day). Same pain in the right tibia, with gripings in the whole abdomen (seventh day). сramps in the calves, when stretching himself in bed, at night; the patient never before felt anything similar (ninth and tenth day). In the evening, itching lancinations, crosswise, under the fold which separates the first and second phalanges of the right great toe, the pain is relieved by applying the hand there (first day).
Stiffness of the limbs. Heaviness of all the limbs, and so great weakness that it was difficult to walk. Gouty pain in all the joints of the hands and feet, especially in the finger-joints.
Pressive tensive pains in the limbs. Drawing paralytic pains in the limbs.
Inferior Extremities.
Stiffness of the knees, with stinging-burning pains, so that they gave out. Pain in the left tibia, when walking. The is pain causes a sensation as if he would double up on himself, in the morning only (sixth day). Same pain in the right tibia, with gripings in the whole abdomen (seventh day). сramps in the calves, when stretching himself in bed, at night; the patient never before felt anything similar (ninth and tenth day). In the evening, itching lancinations, crosswise, under the fold which separates the first and second phalanges of the right great toe, the pain is relieved by applying the hand there (first day).
Nettle-rash. Itching over the whole body, especially about the joints and on the abdomen. Itching of the nose.
Nettle-rash. Itching over the whole body, especially about the joints and on the abdomen. Itching of the nose.
Great sleepiness, especially in the forenoon, with restless sleep, in the evening. Sleeplessness. Dreams, which seem, when remembered, like real occurrences.
Chilliness, especially towards evening, alternating with flushes of heat. General perspiration. Easy perspiration.
Included in the composition
- 5.8-8.7€ Lymphomyosot (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — VITAFLOR N. 3 gocce, spray
- — VITAFLOR N. 7 gocce, spray
- 11€ Flowers Energy №77
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug