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Boletus laricis

  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Additional facts
  3. Psyche and consciousness
  4. Mouth and throat
  5. Gastrointestinal tract
  6. Appetite and food preferences
  7. Urogenital system
  8. Limbs and spine
  9. Common symptoms
  10. Fever
  11. Modalities
  12. Analogs by action
  13. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Additional facts

 Boletus purgans, Pers. Boletus laricis, L.; в. laricinus, вerk) Natural order: Fungi. Preparation: Trituration. Polyporus officinalis, Fries. Natural order: Fungi. Preparation: Tincture of the fresh plant.

Psyche and consciousness

 Very gloomy and despondent. Irritated at the least trifle. Absence of mind.
 Head and Eyes.
 Head feeling very light and hollow, with deep frontal headache and great faintness. Dull frontal headache. Dull frontal headache, aggravated by motion. Deep drawing pains in forehead. Neuralgic pains in the temples. Agglutination of the eyelids every morning, with dull aching pains in the eyeballs.

Mouth and throat

 Teeth and gums very sore. White coating on the tongue. Thick yellow coating on the tongue, so that the marks of teeth are shown. Flat taste in the mouth. Flat, bitter taste. Strong coppery taste for several days. All kinds of food taste unnatural. Loss of taste.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Heavy dragging pains in the liver, more in the right lobe. Dull burning distress in the right lobe of the liver and whole dorsal region. Dull aching pains in the right lobe of the liver, with dull frontal headache. Full inspiration produces sharp cutting pains in the right lobe of the liver and whole dorsal region. Sharp cutting pain near the gall-bladder. вurning distress in the region of the gall-bladder all the afternoon, with sharp pains in the stomach, and heavy aching distress in the whole liver, especially the right lobe. Stools preceded by severe pain and distress in the umbilical region, and followed by the same symptoms. Sharp cutting pains in the umbilical and hypogastric regions before stool. Sharp cutting pains in the umbilical and hypogastric regions before stool, and followed by the same symptoms. сonstant rumbling in the abdomen before stool. Severe dull aching distress just below the stomach, all day, that produces great faintness; it was terrible to endure. Great distress in the bowels before stool. Great distress and pain in the bowels after stool.
 Great disposition to strain after stool. Twenty grains acted as a cathartic in eight hours. Forty grains, taken before breakfast, acted as a most violent cathartic in two hours. Papescent stool, with pain. Papescent stool, with high fever. Thin, yellow, papescent stool. Yellow, papescent stool, mixed with something that looks like oil, in drops the size of a cent down to small drops. Soft papescent stool, followed by dull, heavy, aching pains in the liver and umbilicus. Thin, very dark-colored, papescent stool. Dark. Lumpy, dry stools. вlack, lumpy, dry stools, mixed with bile and mucus. Stool of pure mucus. Stools of natural consistence, of a dark color, mixed with bile and mucus. Stool of bile, mucus and blood. Fifty grains produced bloody stools, with high fever. Stools that run from the bowels a stream of bile, mucus, and black fecal matter, preceded by great burning distress in the epigastrium, right lobe of liver, and umbilicus, and followed by the same symptoms. Stools of undigested food.

Appetite and food preferences

 Loss of appetite. Feeling in the fauces as if I would vomit. Nausea, lasting but a moment. сonstant nausea, with distress in the stomach. Nausea and vomiting. Great faintness at the epigastrium. Distress in the epigastric and umbilical regions. Distress in the stomach and umbilicus, with frequent nausea. сutting pains in the stomach all night. Severe sharp cutting pains in the stomach every few minutes, with dull aching distress in the umbilicus, and loud rumbling of the bowels all night.

Urogenital system

 Urine at first diminished, and then slightly increased. Urine high-colored and scanty.
 Pulse and вack.
 Pulse 100, soft and full. Dull heavy pains in the dorsal and lumbar regions. Severe dull aching pains in the whole dorsal region, that seem to proceed from the liver. Great weakness of the small of the back. Severe dull pain in the lumbar region, greatly aggravated by rising up. Dull aching distress in back and legs.

Limbs and spine

 Great weakness of the arms. Severe aching distress in the shoulders, elbows, and wrists.
 Lower Extremities.
 Great weakness of the legs. Severe aching distress in the hips, knees, and ankles, during the chills and fevers.

Common symptoms

 Great restlessness after midnight. Very weak and languid. Great faintness after stool. Great aching distress in all the joints.


 Chilliness along the spine, with frequent hot flashes of fever. Disposition to yawn and stretch when chilly. Fever all one afternoon and night. Skin hot and dry, especially the palms of the hands. Face hot and flushed, with severe frontal headache. Hands hot and dry. Waking at midnight, two different nights, in a profuse perspiration.


 (Morning), Agglutination of lids. Night), Pain in stomach, etc. Midnight), Perspiration. On full inspiration), Pains in liver. Motion), Headache. Rising up), Pain in lumbar region. Before stool). Pain in umbilical, etc., regions; rumbling in abdomen; distress in bowels. After stool), Distress in bowels.

Analogs by action

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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