Other names and synonyms
kali-m, kalium chloratum.Description Source
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Potassium сhloride. KCL.
The clinical symptoms of Kali chloricum (potassium chlorate) of which we have provings by Martin and Tully (See Allen’s Encyclopedia, vol. 5, p. 316), are deemed sufficiently similar to those of Schuessler’s Tissue Remedies to be included herein.
The clinical symptoms of Kali chloricum (potassium chlorate) of which we have provings by Martin and Tully (See Allen’s Encyclopedia, vol. 5, p. 316), are deemed sufficiently similar to those of Schuessler’s Tissue Remedies to be included herein.
- Insanity, Kurtz, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 272 ; Loss of vision of right eye, Schuessler, p. 95 ; сhorio-retinitis, Woodyatt, Norton’s Oph. Therap., p. 107 ; Parenchymatous keratitis, Norton’s Oph. Therap., p. 106 ; Faceache, Herber, Frank, Meyer, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 424 ; Faceache, Martin (2 cases), Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 424 ; Paralysis of right facial nerve, сramoisy, Org., vol. 3, p. 112 ; сaries of teeth, Neumann, A. H. O., vol. 10, p. 310 ; Affection of mouth, Liedbeck, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 507 ; Stomatitis, ulcers in mouth, Henoch, Hirsch, Lauri, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 219 ; Stomatitis ulcerosa, Windelband, в. J. H., vol. 36, p. 366 ; Angina, Goullon, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 142 ; Diphtheria, Goullon, ehme’s Therap. Dysentery, вigler, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 8 ; Nephritis, Windelband, в. J. H., vol. 36, p. 366 ; Albuminuria, Sanders, Trans. Am. Inst. Hom., 1883, p. 669 ; сatarrh of bladder, Edlefsen, N. A. J. H., vol. 26, p. 134 ; Gonorrhoea, Windelband, в. J. H., vol. 36, p. 366 ; Suppurating buboes, Windelband, в. J. H., vol. 36, p. 366 ; Leucorrhoea, Schuessler ; Windelband, в. J. H., vol. 36, p. 366 ; сroup, Schuessler ; Whooping cough, Ameke, в. J. H., vol. 36, p. 366 ; сatarrhal pneumonia, вreuer, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 105, p. 171 ; сatarrhal phthisis, Morgan, Trans. Hom. Medorrhinum Soc. Pa., 1880, p. 231 ; Facial paralysis, Drysdale, Hughes ; Open carcinoma (locally), вurow, A. H. O., vol. 10, p. 310 ; Infantile syphilis, Hughes ; Variola, вurow, A. H. O., vol. 10, p. 310 ; Read, N. A. J. H., vol. 10, p. 176.
Psyche and consciousness
Sad, apathetic, with chilliness in evening.
Alternate states of sadness and cheerfulness, associated with congestion, better from nosebleed.
Habitual loss of appetite ; patient absolutely refuses to take food, or imagines he must starve. θ Insanity.
A glass of wine or beer intoxicates easily.
Confusion of head, also in occiput, with a peculiar sensation in cervical muscles.
Alternate states of sadness and cheerfulness, associated with congestion, better from nosebleed.
Habitual loss of appetite ; patient absolutely refuses to take food, or imagines he must starve. θ Insanity.
A glass of wine or beer intoxicates easily.
Confusion of head, also in occiput, with a peculiar sensation in cervical muscles.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo : after violent exercise, with congestion to head ; with headache.
Tightness in occiput, sneezing and coryza.
Aching in left side of temple.
Headache : extending into jaws ; in evening ; in occiput ; with vomiting, hawking up of milk white mucus.
Sick headache ; white coated tongue, or vomiting of white phlegm.
Pains in head and face, with hawking up of white mucus.
Catarrhal of frontal cavities ; tumors.
^^ Marked increase of dandruff, falling in small white flakes over coat collar, accompanied by itching.
Crusta lactea, sore or scald-head of children.
Luminous appearance before eyes when coughing or sneezing.
Congestion to eyes, they feel irritated ; redness in evening with some pain.
Irritable retina.
While walking through fields covered with snow, sudden severe pain in right eye, followed at once by blindness, saw nothing with right eye, all seemed smoke and mist ; left eye became gradually weaker from month to month ; but little of retina can be seen, there being a kind of mist over it, which seemed to spread from vitreous humor over background of eye ; retina dim and misty, veins forming a dark network ; in some places indistinctly defined spots, some larger than others, appearing like residue of extravasated blood ; arteries scarcely visible, and seemed pale and contracted.
Dimness of right eye, he could not read a newspaper ; cornea, iris and pupil normal ; no external redness ; vitreous rather lazy, with some black shreds suspended in it, having very limited motion on rotating eye ; optic nerve and bloodvessels normal ; inside the disk, a large, irregular, atrophic spot, involving choroid and retina, surrounded by several small ones ; edges irregular and pigmented ; sclerotic seen white through their centres ; choroid adjacent, congested and thickened ; some vessels lost in infiltrated part to appear on other side ; a dull pain, occasionally, in eye and over brow, with an ill defined feeling of contraction around eye ; vision 20/200 ; Snellen 11 slowly deciphered. At the end of a month vision rose to 20/50 and Snellen 3 was read at five inches ; a year afterwards the man could read Snellen 2 1/2, distant vision 20/70, but under Kali mur. for a week it was again 20/50. The patient’s business engagements prevented longer treatment. Improved). θ сhorio-retinitis.
Parenchymatous keratitis ; for three months there had been an infiltration into right cornea, which commenced at outer side and extended over whole cornea ; could only count fingers ; occasional pain, moderate photophobia and redness ; pupil dilated slowly and incompletely, though regularly, and contracted quickly.
Retinal exudation.
Conjunctivitis and keratitis, with formation of small superficial blisters ; small ulcers on cornea following a blister ; feeling of sand in eye ; white mucous secretion or yellowish green pus from eyes.
Opaque spots on eye ; leucoma.
On lower edge of left cornea, a little blister from which a bundle of small veins run ; feeling of sand in eye ; edges of eyelids scabby.
Conjunctivitis and keratitis (scrofulous) with a formation of phlyctenula, but only superficial.
Suppurating points on edges of eyelids ; edges scabby ; yellow crusts of pus on edges of lids.
Secretion : yellowish green, purulent ; white, mucous.
Deafness : from swelling of internal ear ; from swelling of Eustachian tubes and tympanic cavity ; with swelling of glands, or cracking noise on blowing nose, or white coated tongue.
Earache ; with gray or white furred tongue ; with swelling of glands ; with swelling of throat, or cracking noise in ear when swallowing.
Bleeding of nose ; at night ; from right nostril.
Tension and tensive drawing in cheeks inducing desire to sneeze, with cramp in malar muscles.
Stopped or dry coryza.
Violent coryza, sneezing and profuse secretion of mucus ; twitching of masseter muscles ; catarrh after mercury.
White mucous discharge in coryza, catarrh of frontal sinuses.
Cold : stuffy, in head, with whitish grey tongue ; with white, non-transparent, or yellowish discharge.
Hawking of mucus from posterior nares.
Suffering expression of face. θ Stomacace.
Bloated face ; sickly expression.
Flushes of heat.
Increased sensitiveness of whole face, with irritation in root of nose, twitchings in corners of eyes ; after mercury.
Lightning-like attacks of pain in face, gradually growing more frequent ; left side of face fiery red, with twitching and trembling in muscles of face, lachrymation, throbbing of temporal artery ; worse speaking, chewing, eating fruit or anything sour ; excited by least touch.
Cramplike drawing in cheeks, extending to articulation of jaws ; tearing in upper jaw ; after abuse of mercury.
Faceache, with swelling of gums or cheek.
Paralysis of right facial nerve ; difficulty of speaking, eating and whistling ; could not puff out cheeks, because lips could not be held firm on right side of face ; mouth oblique in laughing or speaking ; neither wrinkles nor contractions of muscles on paralyzed side.
Facial paralysis, beginning with faceache ; tenderness on touch or pressure of affected side.
Pimple on forehead, face, and between lips and chin.
Spots in face.
Tension and tensive drawing in cheeks, inducing a desire to sneeze ; cramp in malar muscles.
Cramplike drawing in cheeks, extending to articulation of jaw, with stinging in jaw and teeth.
Mumps, without fever.
Twitching in muscles of lower jaw.
Swelling of lips ; after mercury.
Pimples of lips ; chapped lips from cold.
Barber’s itch.
Tightness in occiput, sneezing and coryza.
Aching in left side of temple.
Headache : extending into jaws ; in evening ; in occiput ; with vomiting, hawking up of milk white mucus.
Sick headache ; white coated tongue, or vomiting of white phlegm.
Pains in head and face, with hawking up of white mucus.
Catarrhal of frontal cavities ; tumors.
^^ Marked increase of dandruff, falling in small white flakes over coat collar, accompanied by itching.
Crusta lactea, sore or scald-head of children.
Luminous appearance before eyes when coughing or sneezing.
Congestion to eyes, they feel irritated ; redness in evening with some pain.
Irritable retina.
While walking through fields covered with snow, sudden severe pain in right eye, followed at once by blindness, saw nothing with right eye, all seemed smoke and mist ; left eye became gradually weaker from month to month ; but little of retina can be seen, there being a kind of mist over it, which seemed to spread from vitreous humor over background of eye ; retina dim and misty, veins forming a dark network ; in some places indistinctly defined spots, some larger than others, appearing like residue of extravasated blood ; arteries scarcely visible, and seemed pale and contracted.
Dimness of right eye, he could not read a newspaper ; cornea, iris and pupil normal ; no external redness ; vitreous rather lazy, with some black shreds suspended in it, having very limited motion on rotating eye ; optic nerve and bloodvessels normal ; inside the disk, a large, irregular, atrophic spot, involving choroid and retina, surrounded by several small ones ; edges irregular and pigmented ; sclerotic seen white through their centres ; choroid adjacent, congested and thickened ; some vessels lost in infiltrated part to appear on other side ; a dull pain, occasionally, in eye and over brow, with an ill defined feeling of contraction around eye ; vision 20/200 ; Snellen 11 slowly deciphered. At the end of a month vision rose to 20/50 and Snellen 3 was read at five inches ; a year afterwards the man could read Snellen 2 1/2, distant vision 20/70, but under Kali mur. for a week it was again 20/50. The patient’s business engagements prevented longer treatment. Improved). θ сhorio-retinitis.
Parenchymatous keratitis ; for three months there had been an infiltration into right cornea, which commenced at outer side and extended over whole cornea ; could only count fingers ; occasional pain, moderate photophobia and redness ; pupil dilated slowly and incompletely, though regularly, and contracted quickly.
Retinal exudation.
Conjunctivitis and keratitis, with formation of small superficial blisters ; small ulcers on cornea following a blister ; feeling of sand in eye ; white mucous secretion or yellowish green pus from eyes.
Opaque spots on eye ; leucoma.
On lower edge of left cornea, a little blister from which a bundle of small veins run ; feeling of sand in eye ; edges of eyelids scabby.
Conjunctivitis and keratitis (scrofulous) with a formation of phlyctenula, but only superficial.
Suppurating points on edges of eyelids ; edges scabby ; yellow crusts of pus on edges of lids.
Secretion : yellowish green, purulent ; white, mucous.
Deafness : from swelling of internal ear ; from swelling of Eustachian tubes and tympanic cavity ; with swelling of glands, or cracking noise on blowing nose, or white coated tongue.
Earache ; with gray or white furred tongue ; with swelling of glands ; with swelling of throat, or cracking noise in ear when swallowing.
Bleeding of nose ; at night ; from right nostril.
Tension and tensive drawing in cheeks inducing desire to sneeze, with cramp in malar muscles.
Stopped or dry coryza.
Violent coryza, sneezing and profuse secretion of mucus ; twitching of masseter muscles ; catarrh after mercury.
White mucous discharge in coryza, catarrh of frontal sinuses.
Cold : stuffy, in head, with whitish grey tongue ; with white, non-transparent, or yellowish discharge.
Hawking of mucus from posterior nares.
Suffering expression of face. θ Stomacace.
Bloated face ; sickly expression.
Flushes of heat.
Increased sensitiveness of whole face, with irritation in root of nose, twitchings in corners of eyes ; after mercury.
Lightning-like attacks of pain in face, gradually growing more frequent ; left side of face fiery red, with twitching and trembling in muscles of face, lachrymation, throbbing of temporal artery ; worse speaking, chewing, eating fruit or anything sour ; excited by least touch.
Cramplike drawing in cheeks, extending to articulation of jaws ; tearing in upper jaw ; after abuse of mercury.
Faceache, with swelling of gums or cheek.
Paralysis of right facial nerve ; difficulty of speaking, eating and whistling ; could not puff out cheeks, because lips could not be held firm on right side of face ; mouth oblique in laughing or speaking ; neither wrinkles nor contractions of muscles on paralyzed side.
Facial paralysis, beginning with faceache ; tenderness on touch or pressure of affected side.
Pimple on forehead, face, and between lips and chin.
Spots in face.
Tension and tensive drawing in cheeks, inducing a desire to sneeze ; cramp in malar muscles.
Cramplike drawing in cheeks, extending to articulation of jaw, with stinging in jaw and teeth.
Mumps, without fever.
Twitching in muscles of lower jaw.
Swelling of lips ; after mercury.
Pimples of lips ; chapped lips from cold.
Barber’s itch.
Mouth and throat
Dulness of teeth ; toothache in upper jaw.
Toothache with swelling of gums and flow of saliva.
Painful caries of teeth.
Gums. Inflamed, bright red ; very sensitive ; bleed easily.
Scorbutis, especially after mercury ; offensive smell.
Ulceration of edges of gums.
Gumboil, before suppuration.
Heat and dryness ; peeling off of lips.
Breath excessively fetid, in ulceration and diphtheria.
Accumulation of mucus.
Saliva flows freely ; profuse and acid ; tasting brassy.
Stinging burning with sour taste in mouth.
Pain, with swelling of gums and cheeks.
Aphtha and stomatitis, simple or ulcerative.
Sore mouth, with spongy, bleeding gums, patches in fauces and on pharynx, like diphtheria or follicular disease ; fetor unbearable.
Most acute ulcerative and follicular stomatitis ; whole mucous surface red and tumid, and in cheeks, lips, etc., were numerous grey based ulcers.
Follicular ulcers on inside of lips and dorsum of tongue ; mouth full of saliva ; glands enlarged and tender, in cachectic people.
Severe pain throughout whole body ; dimness of vision, letters appear smaller when reading ; sensitive, lachrymose ; their gums become sensitive and foul smelling, bleeding easily and discharging pus ; heat and dryness in mouth with salivation ; earthy color of face ; face bloated ; lips hot, swollen, epithelium being thrown off in scabs ; general lassitude ; feels more tired in morning than evening ; attacks periodical, lasting eight to nine days.
Stomatitis ulcerosa, mercurial or scrofulous ; gums swollen, easily bleeding, and usually projecting from a set of bad teeth ; fetor oris ; salivation ; aphthous ulcers on tongue and cheeks, particularly in children.
Aphtha, thrush of little children or nursing mothers, without great flow of saliva.
Ulceration in mouth which had perforated cheeks.
Whitish exudation on mucous membrane of mouth.
Epithelial degeneration of mucous membrane of mouth ; a forerunner of cancer.
Epithelioma ; ulceration had reached face.
Tongue swollen filling cavity of mouth ; bears impression of several parts of mouth ; ulcerated places deep enough to admit end of little finger ; discharge ichorous, terribly offensive ; small, superficial ulcers, painful on sides ; hard, somewhat elastic places on tongue ; color deep violet. θ Epithelioma and hypertrophy.
Roughness ; dryness of fauces.
Dryness of throat and chest, with violent cough, as from vapor of sulphur.
Cynanche tonsillaris.
Tonsillitis, with much swelling.
A syphilitic fur in cavity of mouth and fauces.
Tonsils swollen, cover white or whitish grey.
Catarrh of mucous membrane of fauces, tonsils and pharynx, with white exudation.
Pharynx feels cold.
Hawks up cheesy lumps about size of a split pea, having a disgusting odor and taste. θ Follicular pharyngitis.
Angina, beginning with white points on opening of ducts of glands, threatening diphtheritis.
Pain on swallowing ; worse on one side ; considerable redness of fauces ; frequently ; worse white, diphtheritic patches on tonsils ; dirty coated tongue ; fever ; chilliness ; suffering expression of face ; fetor oris. θ Angina.
Croupous, diphtheritic exudations.
Diphtheritis, if fauces are not swollen.
Diphtheria. With offensive effluvia ; invading larynx.
Numerous grey ulcers in mouth and throat ; excessive secretion of tough, stringy saliva ; epistaxis ; ravenous hunger followed by total anorexia ; dryness and pain in throat, with difficult swallowing (beginning paralysis of glosso-pharyngeal nerve) ; excessive micturition ; hamaturia ; albuminuria ; hoarse voice ; incessant cough and difficult respiration ; chest pressed together and watery froth exuding from mouth. θ Diphtheria.
On fourth day, pulse 120, bad sleep, little appetite ; entire fauces filled with exudate ; violent pain in throat ; strong fetor oris ; in morning a fainting fit. θ Diphtheritis.
Secondary syphilis affecting fauces.
Fever, loud barking cough, restlessness at night with much rough and hard coughing ; dry heat and great oppression. θ Spurious croup.
Croup, membranous exudation.
Bronchitis, second stage, when thick phlegm forms.
Toothache with swelling of gums and flow of saliva.
Painful caries of teeth.
Gums. Inflamed, bright red ; very sensitive ; bleed easily.
Scorbutis, especially after mercury ; offensive smell.
Ulceration of edges of gums.
Gumboil, before suppuration.
Heat and dryness ; peeling off of lips.
Breath excessively fetid, in ulceration and diphtheria.
Accumulation of mucus.
Saliva flows freely ; profuse and acid ; tasting brassy.
Stinging burning with sour taste in mouth.
Pain, with swelling of gums and cheeks.
Aphtha and stomatitis, simple or ulcerative.
Sore mouth, with spongy, bleeding gums, patches in fauces and on pharynx, like diphtheria or follicular disease ; fetor unbearable.
Most acute ulcerative and follicular stomatitis ; whole mucous surface red and tumid, and in cheeks, lips, etc., were numerous grey based ulcers.
Follicular ulcers on inside of lips and dorsum of tongue ; mouth full of saliva ; glands enlarged and tender, in cachectic people.
Severe pain throughout whole body ; dimness of vision, letters appear smaller when reading ; sensitive, lachrymose ; their gums become sensitive and foul smelling, bleeding easily and discharging pus ; heat and dryness in mouth with salivation ; earthy color of face ; face bloated ; lips hot, swollen, epithelium being thrown off in scabs ; general lassitude ; feels more tired in morning than evening ; attacks periodical, lasting eight to nine days.
Stomatitis ulcerosa, mercurial or scrofulous ; gums swollen, easily bleeding, and usually projecting from a set of bad teeth ; fetor oris ; salivation ; aphthous ulcers on tongue and cheeks, particularly in children.
Aphtha, thrush of little children or nursing mothers, without great flow of saliva.
Ulceration in mouth which had perforated cheeks.
Whitish exudation on mucous membrane of mouth.
Epithelial degeneration of mucous membrane of mouth ; a forerunner of cancer.
Epithelioma ; ulceration had reached face.
Tongue swollen filling cavity of mouth ; bears impression of several parts of mouth ; ulcerated places deep enough to admit end of little finger ; discharge ichorous, terribly offensive ; small, superficial ulcers, painful on sides ; hard, somewhat elastic places on tongue ; color deep violet. θ Epithelioma and hypertrophy.
Roughness ; dryness of fauces.
Dryness of throat and chest, with violent cough, as from vapor of sulphur.
Cynanche tonsillaris.
Tonsillitis, with much swelling.
A syphilitic fur in cavity of mouth and fauces.
Tonsils swollen, cover white or whitish grey.
Catarrh of mucous membrane of fauces, tonsils and pharynx, with white exudation.
Pharynx feels cold.
Hawks up cheesy lumps about size of a split pea, having a disgusting odor and taste. θ Follicular pharyngitis.
Angina, beginning with white points on opening of ducts of glands, threatening diphtheritis.
Pain on swallowing ; worse on one side ; considerable redness of fauces ; frequently ; worse white, diphtheritic patches on tonsils ; dirty coated tongue ; fever ; chilliness ; suffering expression of face ; fetor oris. θ Angina.
Croupous, diphtheritic exudations.
Diphtheritis, if fauces are not swollen.
Diphtheria. With offensive effluvia ; invading larynx.
Numerous grey ulcers in mouth and throat ; excessive secretion of tough, stringy saliva ; epistaxis ; ravenous hunger followed by total anorexia ; dryness and pain in throat, with difficult swallowing (beginning paralysis of glosso-pharyngeal nerve) ; excessive micturition ; hamaturia ; albuminuria ; hoarse voice ; incessant cough and difficult respiration ; chest pressed together and watery froth exuding from mouth. θ Diphtheria.
On fourth day, pulse 120, bad sleep, little appetite ; entire fauces filled with exudate ; violent pain in throat ; strong fetor oris ; in morning a fainting fit. θ Diphtheritis.
Secondary syphilis affecting fauces.
Fever, loud barking cough, restlessness at night with much rough and hard coughing ; dry heat and great oppression. θ Spurious croup.
Croup, membranous exudation.
Bronchitis, second stage, when thick phlegm forms.
Appetite and food preferences
Taste : disagreeable ; saltish ; sour ; bitter sour ; stinging burning, sourish ; brassy after mercury.
Bitter taste with feeling of coldness on tongue, removed after breakfast and dinner.
Tongue coated. Thin, white, not mucous ; dirty yellow in stomacace ; white, or only in middle ; after diarrhoea.
White fur on tongue of syphilitic origin.
Coldness on tongue and in pharynx.
Burning, stinging blisters on tongue and in buccal cavity.
Inflammation of tongue.
Cannot talk ; epithelioma.
Violent hunger between regular periods of eating.
Canine hunger in attacks, better after drinking water.
Want of appetite ; increased thirst.
Beer and wine intoxicate easily.
After eating breakfast and dinner, bitter taste renewed.
Bitter taste with feeling of coldness on tongue, removed after breakfast and dinner.
Tongue coated. Thin, white, not mucous ; dirty yellow in stomacace ; white, or only in middle ; after diarrhoea.
White fur on tongue of syphilitic origin.
Coldness on tongue and in pharynx.
Burning, stinging blisters on tongue and in buccal cavity.
Inflammation of tongue.
Cannot talk ; epithelioma.
Violent hunger between regular periods of eating.
Canine hunger in attacks, better after drinking water.
Want of appetite ; increased thirst.
Beer and wine intoxicate easily.
After eating breakfast and dinner, bitter taste renewed.
Gastrointestinal tract
Eructations ; empty ; sourish ; alternating with pains in chest and abdomen.
Gagging and gulping up white mucus.
Loathing with shivering ; nausea with eructations.
Vomiting : of white slime ; of blood.
Cutting in stomach.
Pressure, with empty feeling in stomach ; chilliness ; listlessness.
White or greyish coated tongue, pain or heavy feeling on right side over liver ; fatty food disagrees ; eyes look large and projecting. θ Dyspepsia.
Gastritis : from taking too hot drinks ; second stage white coated tongue.
Hemorrhage from stomach.
Tensive pressure in region of liver, disappearing after emission of flatus.
Painful pressure in region of spleen.
Portal congestion and enlarged liver ; emptiness in stomach ; pain in right side, light yellow color of evacuations, white or greyish furred tongue, constipation ; hemorrhoidal complaints.
Liver disease with dropsy.
Colic in pelvic region ; diarrhoea ; shifting of flatulence.
Chill, resulting in catarrh of duodenum, white coated tongue ; stools light colored. θ Jaundice.
Suppurating buboes.
Diarrhoea : after fatty food, pastry, etc. ; evacuations light colored ; white or slimy ; white coated tongue ; painful, passing nothing but mucus ; in typhoid fever, stools like pale yellow ochre ; bloody, or bloody mucus.
Hard, dry stool, latter part mixed with mucus.
Stool so dry it almost crumbles.
Constipation through want of bile from sluggish liver ; light colored stools.
Constant pains in rectum.
Dysentery ; much blood passing with the slime.
Pains in abdomen, cutting as if from knives ; calls to stool every fifteen or twenty minutes, with tenesmus extorting cries ; evacuations consist of only a tea or tablespoonful of blood. θ Dysentery.
Hemorrhoidal bleeding ; dark, thick blood.
Syphilitic complaints about the anus.
Chafing or rawness of skin in children.
Ascarides, threadworms.
Gagging and gulping up white mucus.
Loathing with shivering ; nausea with eructations.
Vomiting : of white slime ; of blood.
Cutting in stomach.
Pressure, with empty feeling in stomach ; chilliness ; listlessness.
White or greyish coated tongue, pain or heavy feeling on right side over liver ; fatty food disagrees ; eyes look large and projecting. θ Dyspepsia.
Gastritis : from taking too hot drinks ; second stage white coated tongue.
Hemorrhage from stomach.
Tensive pressure in region of liver, disappearing after emission of flatus.
Painful pressure in region of spleen.
Portal congestion and enlarged liver ; emptiness in stomach ; pain in right side, light yellow color of evacuations, white or greyish furred tongue, constipation ; hemorrhoidal complaints.
Liver disease with dropsy.
Colic in pelvic region ; diarrhoea ; shifting of flatulence.
Chill, resulting in catarrh of duodenum, white coated tongue ; stools light colored. θ Jaundice.
Suppurating buboes.
Diarrhoea : after fatty food, pastry, etc. ; evacuations light colored ; white or slimy ; white coated tongue ; painful, passing nothing but mucus ; in typhoid fever, stools like pale yellow ochre ; bloody, or bloody mucus.
Hard, dry stool, latter part mixed with mucus.
Stool so dry it almost crumbles.
Constipation through want of bile from sluggish liver ; light colored stools.
Constant pains in rectum.
Dysentery ; much blood passing with the slime.
Pains in abdomen, cutting as if from knives ; calls to stool every fifteen or twenty minutes, with tenesmus extorting cries ; evacuations consist of only a tea or tablespoonful of blood. θ Dysentery.
Hemorrhoidal bleeding ; dark, thick blood.
Syphilitic complaints about the anus.
Chafing or rawness of skin in children.
Ascarides, threadworms.
Urogenital system
Inflammation of kidneys, catarrhal or croupy.
Nephritis parenchymatosa ; much albumen in urine.
Kidney disease with dropsy.
Inflammation of bladder with violent fever.
Acute and chronic catarrh of bladder.
Cystitis, second stage, when swelling has set in ; discharge of thick white mucus.
Chronic catarrh of bladder.
Turbid urine ; dirty yellow sediment. θ Nephritis.
Itching in urethra.
Diabetes, excessive and sugary urine ; stomach and liver deranged, grey or white coating on tongue ; dry and light colored stools from want of bile ; pain in kidneys.
Voluptuous dreams with violent emissions.
Violent erections with emissions and itching of scrotum.
Sexual desire diminished, with chilliness and apathy.
Orchitis from suppressed gonorrhoea.
Post-gonorrhoeal induration of left testicle, from abuse of injections of сuprum sulph.
Hydrocele in little children.
Gonorrhoea of glans or urethra ; second stage, with chordee.
Gleet combined with eczema (latent or visible), or a disposition to glandular swellings. θ Gonorrhoea.
Soft chancre.
After chancre, pointy condylomata on corona glandis.
Chronic syphilis.
Suppurative bubo.
Menses : delayed too long or suppressed ; too early or lasting too long ; excessive, dark clotted, or tough, black, like tar ; too frequent.
Hemorrhages from womb.
Leucorrhoea : mild and white ; not transparent ; obstinate and acrid.
Nephritis parenchymatosa ; much albumen in urine.
Kidney disease with dropsy.
Inflammation of bladder with violent fever.
Acute and chronic catarrh of bladder.
Cystitis, second stage, when swelling has set in ; discharge of thick white mucus.
Chronic catarrh of bladder.
Turbid urine ; dirty yellow sediment. θ Nephritis.
Itching in urethra.
Diabetes, excessive and sugary urine ; stomach and liver deranged, grey or white coating on tongue ; dry and light colored stools from want of bile ; pain in kidneys.
Voluptuous dreams with violent emissions.
Violent erections with emissions and itching of scrotum.
Sexual desire diminished, with chilliness and apathy.
Orchitis from suppressed gonorrhoea.
Post-gonorrhoeal induration of left testicle, from abuse of injections of сuprum sulph.
Hydrocele in little children.
Gonorrhoea of glans or urethra ; second stage, with chordee.
Gleet combined with eczema (latent or visible), or a disposition to glandular swellings. θ Gonorrhoea.
Soft chancre.
After chancre, pointy condylomata on corona glandis.
Chronic syphilis.
Suppurative bubo.
Menses : delayed too long or suppressed ; too early or lasting too long ; excessive, dark clotted, or tough, black, like tar ; too frequent.
Hemorrhages from womb.
Leucorrhoea : mild and white ; not transparent ; obstinate and acrid.
Plant characteristics
Morning sickness, with vomiting of white phlegm.
Albuminuria in gestation.
Threatened abortion.
First stage of puerperal fever.
Mastitis, weed, gathering breast, before formation of pus.
Albuminuria in gestation.
Threatened abortion.
First stage of puerperal fever.
Mastitis, weed, gathering breast, before formation of pus.
Chest organs
Constriction of chest as from vapors of sulphur.
Oppressed breathing.
Bronchial asthma when secretion is white.
Asthma ; mucus, white and hard to cough up, tongue whitish or furred greyish.
Violent cough with coryza.
Dryness of throat and chest with violent cough as from vapor of sulphur.
Acute, short, spasmodic cough.
Cough, stomachy, noisy, with protruded appearance of eyes, or itching at anus.
Croupy cough ; hard, white coated tongue.
Whooping cough, much opaque, white mucus.
Cough : in consumption, with thick white sputa, white coated tongue ; white or yellowish white phlegm.
Sputa white as milk.
Yellowish green mucous discharge from lungs.
Oppression of chest, with violent beating of heart, sometimes preceded by rush of blood to chest or attended by a sensation as if lungs were tied with a thread.
Constriction of chest, with palpitation of heart.
Constriction in chest, as from vapor of sulphur.
Pleurisy, second stage ; plastic exudation.
Cold in chest, with thick white or yellowish sputa.
Lung disease, expectoration whitish, thick, or yellowish white and slimy : tongue frequently coated with white fur at back.
Inflammation of lungs, second stage ; tongue white coated.
Catarrhal pneumonia, right side.
Croupy inflammation of lungs.
Catarrhal phthisis, affecting small space in upper right lung, with crackling respiration (audible at night herself), dulness on percussion ; paleness ; emaciation ; fever slight ; cough with greenish expectoration.
Hemorrhage from lungs.
Oppressed breathing.
Bronchial asthma when secretion is white.
Asthma ; mucus, white and hard to cough up, tongue whitish or furred greyish.
Violent cough with coryza.
Dryness of throat and chest with violent cough as from vapor of sulphur.
Acute, short, spasmodic cough.
Cough, stomachy, noisy, with protruded appearance of eyes, or itching at anus.
Croupy cough ; hard, white coated tongue.
Whooping cough, much opaque, white mucus.
Cough : in consumption, with thick white sputa, white coated tongue ; white or yellowish white phlegm.
Sputa white as milk.
Yellowish green mucous discharge from lungs.
Oppression of chest, with violent beating of heart, sometimes preceded by rush of blood to chest or attended by a sensation as if lungs were tied with a thread.
Constriction of chest, with palpitation of heart.
Constriction in chest, as from vapor of sulphur.
Pleurisy, second stage ; plastic exudation.
Cold in chest, with thick white or yellowish sputa.
Lung disease, expectoration whitish, thick, or yellowish white and slimy : tongue frequently coated with white fur at back.
Inflammation of lungs, second stage ; tongue white coated.
Catarrhal pneumonia, right side.
Croupy inflammation of lungs.
Catarrhal phthisis, affecting small space in upper right lung, with crackling respiration (audible at night herself), dulness on percussion ; paleness ; emaciation ; fever slight ; cough with greenish expectoration.
Hemorrhage from lungs.
Cardiovascular system
Palpitation of heart, with constriction of chest.
Perceptible but not accelerated beating of heart, with coldness in cardiac region.
Violent but uniform beating of heart ; oppression of chest, cold feet.
Palpitation of heart, with sensation of coldness in region of heart.
Palpitation from excessive flow of blood to heart ; in hypertrophic conditions.
Pericarditis, second stage.
Heart disease causing dropsy.
Pulse accelerated, or soft and sluggish, not synchronous with beats of heart.
Right pulse full, soft, sluggish (68), intermitting every twenty-five or thirty beats, not synchronous with beats of heart (80), left pulse being at same time small, soft, easily compressible.
Embolus ; for that condition of blood which favors the formation of clots (fibrinous), which causes plugs.
Perceptible but not accelerated beating of heart, with coldness in cardiac region.
Violent but uniform beating of heart ; oppression of chest, cold feet.
Palpitation of heart, with sensation of coldness in region of heart.
Palpitation from excessive flow of blood to heart ; in hypertrophic conditions.
Pericarditis, second stage.
Heart disease causing dropsy.
Pulse accelerated, or soft and sluggish, not synchronous with beats of heart.
Right pulse full, soft, sluggish (68), intermitting every twenty-five or thirty beats, not synchronous with beats of heart (80), left pulse being at same time small, soft, easily compressible.
Embolus ; for that condition of blood which favors the formation of clots (fibrinous), which causes plugs.
Limbs and spine
Glands of neck swollen.
Coldness in arm ; internal coldness in right arm.
Drawing, tearing in wrist joints or tearing in right wrist joint along ulna.
After dancing and cooling drafts from right side, a stiff neck and pain in shoulder when moving right arm ; next night so bad that she had to cry out ; three months later, cannot move arm, it causes pain in shoulder and shoulder blade ; elbow and hand somewhat movable ; fingers numb and powerless ; pains are a continuous pressing ; dry heat or letting sun shine on it, does good ; cannot bear tight clothes or to lie on affected side.
Tenalgia crepitans.
Phlyctanoidal pimples on backs of hands.
Warts on hands.
Itching pimples with small vesicles on dorsa of hands.
Inflammation of hip joint.
Hip joint disease, second stage, when swelling commences or is present.
Drawing in thigh.
Violent darting in right knee.
Swelling of leg below knee ; cold and very hard, and looked as if ready to burst ; almost twice its usual size.
Chronic persistent swelling of feet and lower limbs, swelling soft at first, afterwards hard to touch, without pain or redness ; itchy ; at one stage snowy white and shining ; swelling less perceptible in morning than in evening ; great tension, with a feeling as if it would burst.
Cramp in leg.
Ulcers on legs with callous edges.
Cold feet, with palpitation of heart.
Fresh chilblains ; bunion.
Ingrown toenails.
Lameness : rheumatic ; with shiny, red swellings ; chronic, caused by rheumatism of joints.
Rheumatic pains.
Acute articular rheumatism.
All joints swollen, could not stay in bed a single night.
Chilblains on hands or feet or any part.
When moving right arm : pain in shoulder.
Violent exercise : vertigo with congestion to head.
Touch : excites lightning-like attacks of pain in face.
Cannot bear tight clothes or lie on affected side.
Injuries, from falls, blows, etc., with swelling of parts ; chilblains ; burns ; proud flesh after mechanical injuries.
Coldness in arm ; internal coldness in right arm.
Drawing, tearing in wrist joints or tearing in right wrist joint along ulna.
After dancing and cooling drafts from right side, a stiff neck and pain in shoulder when moving right arm ; next night so bad that she had to cry out ; three months later, cannot move arm, it causes pain in shoulder and shoulder blade ; elbow and hand somewhat movable ; fingers numb and powerless ; pains are a continuous pressing ; dry heat or letting sun shine on it, does good ; cannot bear tight clothes or to lie on affected side.
Tenalgia crepitans.
Phlyctanoidal pimples on backs of hands.
Warts on hands.
Itching pimples with small vesicles on dorsa of hands.
Inflammation of hip joint.
Hip joint disease, second stage, when swelling commences or is present.
Drawing in thigh.
Violent darting in right knee.
Swelling of leg below knee ; cold and very hard, and looked as if ready to burst ; almost twice its usual size.
Chronic persistent swelling of feet and lower limbs, swelling soft at first, afterwards hard to touch, without pain or redness ; itchy ; at one stage snowy white and shining ; swelling less perceptible in morning than in evening ; great tension, with a feeling as if it would burst.
Cramp in leg.
Ulcers on legs with callous edges.
Cold feet, with palpitation of heart.
Fresh chilblains ; bunion.
Ingrown toenails.
Lameness : rheumatic ; with shiny, red swellings ; chronic, caused by rheumatism of joints.
Rheumatic pains.
Acute articular rheumatism.
All joints swollen, could not stay in bed a single night.
Chilblains on hands or feet or any part.
When moving right arm : pain in shoulder.
Violent exercise : vertigo with congestion to head.
Touch : excites lightning-like attacks of pain in face.
Cannot bear tight clothes or lie on affected side.
Injuries, from falls, blows, etc., with swelling of parts ; chilblains ; burns ; proud flesh after mechanical injuries.
Nervous system
Great weakness ; with diarrhoea.
Twitchings of muscles, especially about face and head ; worse after abuse of mercury.
Convulsions followed by delirium.
Epilepsy, if occurring with, or after suppression of eczema.
Asthma ; white mucus and hard to cough up.
Rheumatic paralysis.
Twitchings of muscles, especially about face and head ; worse after abuse of mercury.
Convulsions followed by delirium.
Epilepsy, if occurring with, or after suppression of eczema.
Asthma ; white mucus and hard to cough up.
Rheumatic paralysis.
Snoring and oppression of breathing ; restless sleep with anxious dreams, towards morning.
Toward morning : restless sleep with anxious dreams.
Morning : feels more tired than evening ; fainting fit ; sickness ; swelling in limbs .
Evening : chilliness ; headache ; redness of eyes, with pain ; swelling in limbs.
Night : bleeding of nose ; restlessness, with much rough and hard coughing ; crackling respiration audible to herself ; could not stay in bed a single night on account of swollen joints ; delirium ; itching.
In bed : itching of whole body.
Dry heat and letting sun shine on arm does good.
Cooling drafts, after dancing : stiff neck and pain in shoulder.
Cold : chaps hands and lips.
Snoring and oppression of breathing ; restless sleep with anxious dreams, towards morning.
Toward morning : restless sleep with anxious dreams.
Morning : feels more tired than evening ; fainting fit ; sickness ; swelling in limbs .
Evening : chilliness ; headache ; redness of eyes, with pain ; swelling in limbs.
Night : bleeding of nose ; restlessness, with much rough and hard coughing ; crackling respiration audible to herself ; could not stay in bed a single night on account of swollen joints ; delirium ; itching.
In bed : itching of whole body.
Dry heat and letting sun shine on arm does good.
Cooling drafts, after dancing : stiff neck and pain in shoulder.
Cold : chaps hands and lips.
Shivering all over ; or over back and neck, with warm feet.
Continual chilliness with rigidity of hands.
Chill with vomiting of white (not transparent) mucus.
Chilly in open air ; in afternoon.
Febrile condition, violent beating of pulse and heart.
Intolerable heat in head.
Intermittent fever ; fur at back of tongue greyish or white ; vomiting of white (not transparent) mucus.
Inflammation of peritoneum, pleura, and serous membranes of brain and pericardium.
Childbed fever.
Grey or white deposit on tongue ; diarrhoea, with light yellow ochre colored evacuations ; abdominal tenderness and swelling. θ Typhoid fever.
Every fifteen or twenty minutes : calls to stool.
Periodical attacks lasting eight to nine days ; severe pain throughout whole body.
Twenty-four hours : rash disappears.
For three months : infiltration into right cornea.
Three months after taking cold : cannot move arm ; it causes pain in shoulder and shoulder blade.
Right : dimness of eye ; bleeding from nostril ; paralysis of facial nerve ; lips could not be held firm on side of face ; heavy feeling on side over liver ; pain in side ; catarrhal pneumonia ; catarrhal phthisis affecting small space in upper lung ; pulse full, soft, sluggish ; internal coldness in arm ; tearing in wrist joint ; stiff neck and pain in shoulder when moving arm ; violent darting in knee ; pimples in corner of mouth.
Left : aching in side of temple ; eye became gradually weaker from month to month ; blister on lower edge of cornea ; side of face fiery red ; pulse small, soft, easily compressible.
Continual chilliness with rigidity of hands.
Chill with vomiting of white (not transparent) mucus.
Chilly in open air ; in afternoon.
Febrile condition, violent beating of pulse and heart.
Intolerable heat in head.
Intermittent fever ; fur at back of tongue greyish or white ; vomiting of white (not transparent) mucus.
Inflammation of peritoneum, pleura, and serous membranes of brain and pericardium.
Childbed fever.
Grey or white deposit on tongue ; diarrhoea, with light yellow ochre colored evacuations ; abdominal tenderness and swelling. θ Typhoid fever.
Every fifteen or twenty minutes : calls to stool.
Periodical attacks lasting eight to nine days ; severe pain throughout whole body.
Twenty-four hours : rash disappears.
For three months : infiltration into right cornea.
Three months after taking cold : cannot move arm ; it causes pain in shoulder and shoulder blade.
Right : dimness of eye ; bleeding from nostril ; paralysis of facial nerve ; lips could not be held firm on side of face ; heavy feeling on side over liver ; pain in side ; catarrhal pneumonia ; catarrhal phthisis affecting small space in upper lung ; pulse full, soft, sluggish ; internal coldness in arm ; tearing in wrist joint ; stiff neck and pain in shoulder when moving arm ; violent darting in knee ; pimples in corner of mouth.
Left : aching in side of temple ; eye became gradually weaker from month to month ; blister on lower edge of cornea ; side of face fiery red ; pulse small, soft, easily compressible.
Common symptoms
As if sand was in eye ; as if leg would burst ; as if lungs were tied with a thread.
Pains : in head and face ; on swallowing worse on one side ; in throat ; in rectum ; in abdomen ; in kidneys ; in shoulder when moving arm ; in shoulder blade ; of gums and cheeks ; in chest ; in abdomen ; on right side over liver ; in right side.
Violent pain : in throat.
Severe pain : throughout whole body.
Sudden severe pain : in right eye.
Violent darting : in right knee.
Lightning-like attacks of pain : in face.
Tearing : in upper jaw.
Cutting : in stomach ; in abdomen.
Drawing tearing : in wrist joints ; along ulna.
Cramplike drawing : in cheeks.
Throbbing : of temporal artery.
Colic : in pelvic region.
Tensive drawing : in cheeks.
Drawing : in thigh.
Rheumatism : of joints.
Aching : in left side of temple ; extending from head into jaws ; in face ; in teeth.
Stinging burning : taste ; blisters on tongue.
Stinging : in jaw and teeth.
Twitching : in corners of eyes.
Irritation : in root of nose.
Dull pain : in eye and over brow.
Painful pressure : in region of spleen.
Tensive pressure : in region of liver.
Pressure, with empty feeling in stomach.
Constriction : of chest.
Heavy feeling : on right side over liver.
Oppression : of chest.
Tightness : in occiput.
Peculiar sensation : in cervical muscles.
Dryness : in mouth ; of fauces ; of throat and chest.
Confusion : of head ; in occiput.
Emptiness : in stomach.
Itching : in urethra ; of scrotum ; on tongue ; at anus ; of whole body.
Internal coldness : in right arm.
Coldness : in cardiac region ; in arms.
Disturbed action of vasomotor nerves, congestions, with tension, or coldness.
Congestions ; in second stage, interstitial exudation ; causes swelling or enlargement of parts, white coated tongue or white sputa.
Hemorrhage, blood clotted, black, thick, viscid.
Inflammation of lymphatic vessels ; acute glandular infiltration ; hard swellings.
Inflammation of serous membranes in second stage of peritonitis, pleuritis and pericarditis ; acute articular rheumatism and inflammation of lungs.
Discharges of thick, white or yellowish, slimy mucus, from nose, ear, eyes, or any passage lined with mucous membrane.
Mucus white, like milk-glass.
Fibrous exudation on mucous membranes.
Exudations, fibrinous, in interstitial connective tissues, causing swelling and enlargement of these parts.
Exudations, after inflammation, with effusion of lymph.
Sticky exudations.
Fibrinous exudations, glandular infiltration, and inflammatory infiltration of skin, causing swelling of part, arising from a disturbed balance of organic (albuminoid) basis in cells and of molecules of potassium chloride, or muscle salt, which stands in biological relation to albuminoid substances-i. e., fibrine.
Hard, scorbutic infiltration of subcutaneous tissue.
Croupous and diphtheritic exudations.
Diseases which arise from want of this salt are marked either by exudations (swellings), torpor of liver, or by casting off of effete albuminoid substance, as seen in white coating of tongue, or whitish secretions and expectorations.
Dysentery, diphtheria, laryngeal croup, croupous pneumonia, fibrous exudation in interstitial connective tissue (e. g., mastitis), acute infiltrations of lymphatic glands, infiltrated inflammations of skin with or without vesiculation (erysipelas, etc.
Adhesions, recent, consequent on inflammations ; fibrinous exudations arising from excessive blood pressure on walls of bloodvessels.
If swelling remains on bruised parts.
Cuts, with swelling.
Proud flesh.
Causes diminution and shrinking of granulations, resorption of adjacent infiltrations, diminution of secretion and of sensitiveness, and revival of drooping spirits. θ Open carcinoma (locally).
Carbuncles, for swelling.
Abscess, second stage, or when swelling (interstitial exudation takes place.
Acute or chronic articular rheumatism.
Rheumatic, gouty pains.
Dropsy : from obstruction of bile ducts and enlargement of liver ; from weakness of heart ; with palpitation.
Liquid drawn off whitish ; white mucus in sediment of urine.
Ascites ; anasarca ; sequela of fever.
Many disorders, especially cutaneous eruptions, resulting from use of bad lymph in vaccination (Silica).
Condylomata ; warty excrescences.
Scorbutic mouth ; especially after mercury ; chronic scorbutus ; scurvy.
Infantile or chronic syphilis.
Pains : in head and face ; on swallowing worse on one side ; in throat ; in rectum ; in abdomen ; in kidneys ; in shoulder when moving arm ; in shoulder blade ; of gums and cheeks ; in chest ; in abdomen ; on right side over liver ; in right side.
Violent pain : in throat.
Severe pain : throughout whole body.
Sudden severe pain : in right eye.
Violent darting : in right knee.
Lightning-like attacks of pain : in face.
Tearing : in upper jaw.
Cutting : in stomach ; in abdomen.
Drawing tearing : in wrist joints ; along ulna.
Cramplike drawing : in cheeks.
Throbbing : of temporal artery.
Colic : in pelvic region.
Tensive drawing : in cheeks.
Drawing : in thigh.
Rheumatism : of joints.
Aching : in left side of temple ; extending from head into jaws ; in face ; in teeth.
Stinging burning : taste ; blisters on tongue.
Stinging : in jaw and teeth.
Twitching : in corners of eyes.
Irritation : in root of nose.
Dull pain : in eye and over brow.
Painful pressure : in region of spleen.
Tensive pressure : in region of liver.
Pressure, with empty feeling in stomach.
Constriction : of chest.
Heavy feeling : on right side over liver.
Oppression : of chest.
Tightness : in occiput.
Peculiar sensation : in cervical muscles.
Dryness : in mouth ; of fauces ; of throat and chest.
Confusion : of head ; in occiput.
Emptiness : in stomach.
Itching : in urethra ; of scrotum ; on tongue ; at anus ; of whole body.
Internal coldness : in right arm.
Coldness : in cardiac region ; in arms.
Disturbed action of vasomotor nerves, congestions, with tension, or coldness.
Congestions ; in second stage, interstitial exudation ; causes swelling or enlargement of parts, white coated tongue or white sputa.
Hemorrhage, blood clotted, black, thick, viscid.
Inflammation of lymphatic vessels ; acute glandular infiltration ; hard swellings.
Inflammation of serous membranes in second stage of peritonitis, pleuritis and pericarditis ; acute articular rheumatism and inflammation of lungs.
Discharges of thick, white or yellowish, slimy mucus, from nose, ear, eyes, or any passage lined with mucous membrane.
Mucus white, like milk-glass.
Fibrous exudation on mucous membranes.
Exudations, fibrinous, in interstitial connective tissues, causing swelling and enlargement of these parts.
Exudations, after inflammation, with effusion of lymph.
Sticky exudations.
Fibrinous exudations, glandular infiltration, and inflammatory infiltration of skin, causing swelling of part, arising from a disturbed balance of organic (albuminoid) basis in cells and of molecules of potassium chloride, or muscle salt, which stands in biological relation to albuminoid substances-i. e., fibrine.
Hard, scorbutic infiltration of subcutaneous tissue.
Croupous and diphtheritic exudations.
Diseases which arise from want of this salt are marked either by exudations (swellings), torpor of liver, or by casting off of effete albuminoid substance, as seen in white coating of tongue, or whitish secretions and expectorations.
Dysentery, diphtheria, laryngeal croup, croupous pneumonia, fibrous exudation in interstitial connective tissue (e. g., mastitis), acute infiltrations of lymphatic glands, infiltrated inflammations of skin with or without vesiculation (erysipelas, etc.
Adhesions, recent, consequent on inflammations ; fibrinous exudations arising from excessive blood pressure on walls of bloodvessels.
If swelling remains on bruised parts.
Cuts, with swelling.
Proud flesh.
Causes diminution and shrinking of granulations, resorption of adjacent infiltrations, diminution of secretion and of sensitiveness, and revival of drooping spirits. θ Open carcinoma (locally).
Carbuncles, for swelling.
Abscess, second stage, or when swelling (interstitial exudation takes place.
Acute or chronic articular rheumatism.
Rheumatic, gouty pains.
Dropsy : from obstruction of bile ducts and enlargement of liver ; from weakness of heart ; with palpitation.
Liquid drawn off whitish ; white mucus in sediment of urine.
Ascites ; anasarca ; sequela of fever.
Many disorders, especially cutaneous eruptions, resulting from use of bad lymph in vaccination (Silica).
Condylomata ; warty excrescences.
Scorbutic mouth ; especially after mercury ; chronic scorbutus ; scurvy.
Infantile or chronic syphilis.
Itching of whole body, in bed.
Jaundice caused by gastro-duodenal catarrh.
Erythema ; swelling present ; white coated tongue.
Excoriation, chafing of skin, especially if inclined to scab, tongue whitish.
Intertrigo of infants.
Chapped hands or lips from cold.
Papula, small, red ; pimples on thigh and in right corner of mouth ; small vesicles on extremities filled with pus, red areola, not itching much.
Rash, with single pimples.
Pimples on face, neck, etc., caused by disturbed action of follicular glands.
Eruption with white scales.
Eruption of blisters. θ Intermittent.
Eruptions : pustules, pimples ; discharging a whitish mattery substance ; on skin (rash), if connected with stomach derangement ; white coated tongue, accompanied by deranged menstrual period.
Blisters arising from burns.
Little blisters on skin, filled with lymph. θ Intermittent.
Vesicles, with seroso-fibrinous contents.
Herpes Zoster.
Eczema : arising after vaccination with bad vaccine lymph ; from suppressed or deranged uterine functions ; oozing from inflamed skin ; of white secretions from skin.
Mealy scurf.
Greenish, brownish, yellow crusts.
Milk crust.
Inflammation of skin, with subcutaneous swelling.
Festers, gatherings in any part ; boils.
Proud flesh in ulcers.
Miliary and venereal symptoms.
Chilblains ; recently contracted.
Inflamed flaws in nails.
Erysipelas bullosa.
Vesicular erysipelas and shingles.
Chicken pox.
Measles ; hoarse cough, glandular swellings, furred tongue, white or grey deposit ; after effects ; diarrhoea, whitish, or light colored loose stools, white tongue, deafness from swellings, etc.
Attack of slight scarlatina, rash disappearing after scarcely twenty-four hours ; throat symptoms which threatened to be severe disappeared in three or four days ; on seventh day almost complete retention of urine set in, although child drank a good deal ; urine albuminous ; feet swollen ; abdomen greatly distended ; high fever ; delirium at night.
Jaundice caused by gastro-duodenal catarrh.
Erythema ; swelling present ; white coated tongue.
Excoriation, chafing of skin, especially if inclined to scab, tongue whitish.
Intertrigo of infants.
Chapped hands or lips from cold.
Papula, small, red ; pimples on thigh and in right corner of mouth ; small vesicles on extremities filled with pus, red areola, not itching much.
Rash, with single pimples.
Pimples on face, neck, etc., caused by disturbed action of follicular glands.
Eruption with white scales.
Eruption of blisters. θ Intermittent.
Eruptions : pustules, pimples ; discharging a whitish mattery substance ; on skin (rash), if connected with stomach derangement ; white coated tongue, accompanied by deranged menstrual period.
Blisters arising from burns.
Little blisters on skin, filled with lymph. θ Intermittent.
Vesicles, with seroso-fibrinous contents.
Herpes Zoster.
Eczema : arising after vaccination with bad vaccine lymph ; from suppressed or deranged uterine functions ; oozing from inflamed skin ; of white secretions from skin.
Mealy scurf.
Greenish, brownish, yellow crusts.
Milk crust.
Inflammation of skin, with subcutaneous swelling.
Festers, gatherings in any part ; boils.
Proud flesh in ulcers.
Miliary and venereal symptoms.
Chilblains ; recently contracted.
Inflamed flaws in nails.
Erysipelas bullosa.
Vesicular erysipelas and shingles.
Chicken pox.
Measles ; hoarse cough, glandular swellings, furred tongue, white or grey deposit ; after effects ; diarrhoea, whitish, or light colored loose stools, white tongue, deafness from swellings, etc.
Attack of slight scarlatina, rash disappearing after scarcely twenty-four hours ; throat symptoms which threatened to be severe disappeared in three or four days ; on seventh day almost complete retention of urine set in, although child drank a good deal ; urine albuminous ; feet swollen ; abdomen greatly distended ; high fever ; delirium at night.
Patient type and constitution
Mercurialized patients when a scorbutic state has been created.
Boy, at. 1 1/2 ; catarrhal pneumonia.
Girl, at. 7 ; blisters on cornea, scabby eyelids.
Boy, at. 7 ; croup.
Man, at. 23, increased dandruff.
Woman, at. 24, blonde, suffering five years ; affection of mouth.
Woman, at. 29, melancholic, suffering from mental disturbance, and chronic affection of liver ; faceache.
Woman, at. 33, married ; catarrhal phthisis.
Man, at. 35 ; parenchymatous keratitis.
Woman, at. 36, suffering from chronic affection of liver, after mental disturbance ; faceache.
Man, at. 36, suffering for two years ; chorio-retinitis.
Man, suffering three days ; dysentery.
Woman, at. 44, gouty ; faceache.
Woman, at. 56, always wore blue spectacles, three years ago, while walking through fields covered with snow, on which sun was shining brightly ; sudden loss of vision of right eye.
Boy, at. 1 1/2 ; catarrhal pneumonia.
Girl, at. 7 ; blisters on cornea, scabby eyelids.
Boy, at. 7 ; croup.
Man, at. 23, increased dandruff.
Woman, at. 24, blonde, suffering five years ; affection of mouth.
Woman, at. 29, melancholic, suffering from mental disturbance, and chronic affection of liver ; faceache.
Woman, at. 33, married ; catarrhal phthisis.
Man, at. 35 ; parenchymatous keratitis.
Woman, at. 36, suffering from chronic affection of liver, after mental disturbance ; faceache.
Man, at. 36, suffering for two years ; chorio-retinitis.
Man, suffering three days ; dysentery.
Woman, at. 44, gouty ; faceache.
Woman, at. 56, always wore blue spectacles, three years ago, while walking through fields covered with snow, on which sun was shining brightly ; sudden loss of vision of right eye.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by : вellad., сalcarea sulph., Hydrast., Pulsat.
It antidotes : Mercur., especially when scorbutic state of blood exists.
Compatible : after Ferrum phos. in glossitis, bloody vomiting, cystitis, croup, tussis and pertussis, heart diseases, pleuritis, pneumonia, typhus, skin inflammations, rheumatism, and mechanical injuries ; follows Kali phos. in ear diseases and suppressed menses ; is followed by Kali sulph. in syphilis, cramp and inflammations ; is followed by Silica in mastitis and syphilis.
Compare : Apis, Arsen., вellad., вryon., сadmium. (constricted chest), сalcarea phos. (lupus), Iodium, Iris, Mercur., Mercurius dulc. (eustachian tube troubles), Acid Muriaticum, Natr. mur., Nitr. ac., Pulsat., Rhus tox., Spongia, Sulphur, Thuja.
It antidotes : Mercur., especially when scorbutic state of blood exists.
Compatible : after Ferrum phos. in glossitis, bloody vomiting, cystitis, croup, tussis and pertussis, heart diseases, pleuritis, pneumonia, typhus, skin inflammations, rheumatism, and mechanical injuries ; follows Kali phos. in ear diseases and suppressed menses ; is followed by Kali sulph. in syphilis, cramp and inflammations ; is followed by Silica in mastitis and syphilis.
Compare : Apis, Arsen., вellad., вryon., сadmium. (constricted chest), сalcarea phos. (lupus), Iodium, Iris, Mercur., Mercurius dulc. (eustachian tube troubles), Acid Muriaticum, Natr. mur., Nitr. ac., Pulsat., Rhus tox., Spongia, Sulphur, Thuja.
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