Другие названия и синонимы
lob-p, Lobelia purpurescens, лобелия пурпурная гомеопатическая, лобелия лекарственная гомеопатическая, Lobelia cardinalis, лабелия кардинальская.Источник описания
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Great вlue Lobelia. Lobeliacea.
The tincture is prepared from the fresh plant which grows in low grounds in the United States.
Introduced and proved by Jeanes, assisted by Neidhard and Williamson. See H. Mo., vol. 6, p. 520.
The tincture is prepared from the fresh plant which grows in low grounds in the United States.
Introduced and proved by Jeanes, assisted by Neidhard and Williamson. See H. Mo., vol. 6, p. 520.
- Melancholia, Jeanes, Hom. сlin., vol. 3, p. 356 ; сough, Neidhard.
Психика и сознание
Much depressed, tearful, unhappy.
Bad effects from grief.
Constant disposition to cry, with sadness and dejection ; such weakness of brain that all excitement is forbidden ; he could neither sit alone, nor could he talk when he had to exert his mind ; seemed as if he would go wild.
Great depression of spirits ; unhappy state of mind, always associated with pain about and under (not below) short ribs, in back, on left side, extending outward nearly to left side ; posterior aspect of region of spleen.
Bad effects from grief.
Constant disposition to cry, with sadness and dejection ; such weakness of brain that all excitement is forbidden ; he could neither sit alone, nor could he talk when he had to exert his mind ; seemed as if he would go wild.
Great depression of spirits ; unhappy state of mind, always associated with pain about and under (not below) short ribs, in back, on left side, extending outward nearly to left side ; posterior aspect of region of spleen.
Ротовая полость и горло
Catarrhal inflammation of posterior nares and fauces.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Acid eructations from 5 to 6 P. M.
Органы грудной клетки
Dry, hacking cough of four weeks’ duration, extremely troublesome day and night, and pain in right side about junction of sixth rib with its cartilage, of a year’s duration ; dryness of back part of throat.
Oppression in lower part of chest, as if breath did not reach there ; distress in region of heart, and audible knocking respiration (like sound of axe, chopping wood) ; pain under short ribs, and dry cough.
Oppression in lower part of chest, as if breath did not reach there ; distress in region of heart, and audible knocking respiration (like sound of axe, chopping wood) ; pain under short ribs, and dry cough.
Конечности и позвоночник
Pain and aching in posterior aspect of region of spleen.
A pain commencing at right side of small of back, then going down to os ischium, very sore to touch.
Great rigidity of spine ; least motion exceedingly painful ; pain goes from right to left side of back, and shoots down legs.
Pain in eighth dorsal vertebra and in back under short ribs ; worse by movement and deep inspiration.
Motions : painful in spine ; pain in back and under short ribs.
From 5 to 6 P. M. : sour eructations.
Four weeks’ duration : dry, hacking cough, day and night.
For a year : pain in right side.
Right : pain in side ; commencing at side of small of back, going down to ischium.
Left : pain on side of back.
From right to left : pain in back.
Touch : os ischium sore.
A pain commencing at right side of small of back, then going down to os ischium, very sore to touch.
Great rigidity of spine ; least motion exceedingly painful ; pain goes from right to left side of back, and shoots down legs.
Pain in eighth dorsal vertebra and in back under short ribs ; worse by movement and deep inspiration.
Motions : painful in spine ; pain in back and under short ribs.
From 5 to 6 P. M. : sour eructations.
Four weeks’ duration : dry, hacking cough, day and night.
For a year : pain in right side.
Right : pain in side ; commencing at side of small of back, going down to ischium.
Left : pain on side of back.
From right to left : pain in back.
Touch : os ischium sore.
Общие симптомы
As if he would go wild ; as if breath did not reach lower part of chest.
Pain : about and under (not below) short ribs, in back, on l. side ; in right side, about junction of sixth rib with its cartilage ; in posterior aspect of region of spleen ; commencing at right side of small of back, going down to os ischium ; in eighth dorsal vertebra.
Shooting pain : down legs.
Distress : in region of heart.
Dryness : of back part of throat.
Oppression : in lower part of chest.
Rigidity : of spine.
Pain : about and under (not below) short ribs, in back, on l. side ; in right side, about junction of sixth rib with its cartilage ; in posterior aspect of region of spleen ; commencing at right side of small of back, going down to os ischium ; in eighth dorsal vertebra.
Shooting pain : down legs.
Distress : in region of heart.
Dryness : of back part of throat.
Oppression : in lower part of chest.
Rigidity : of spine.
Тип пациента и конституция
An intelligent and educated man ; melancholia.
Диф. диагностика
Compare : Pulsat. in mental depression and weeping ; Ranunc. in left scapular pains ; сeanothus in splenic pain.
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