Другие названия и синонимы
aur-m-n, Aurum muriaticum natronatum, хлорнонатриевое соединение золота гомеопатия, аурум хлоратум натронатум.Источник описания
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Chloro-aurate of Soda. NaCl, AuCl3, 2H2O.
A double salt like the alum and tart. emet. Not proved, but used at random ; preferred by the Old School.
A double salt like the alum and tart. emet. Not proved, but used at random ; preferred by the Old School.
Психика и сознание
^^ His disposition is much brighter. θ Mercurio-syphilis.
Feeling of unrest and impatience.
After vexation. θ Jaundice.
Continual humming in head, with beating of carotids (See 29), almost causing delirium.
Feeling of unrest and impatience.
After vexation. θ Jaundice.
Continual humming in head, with beating of carotids (See 29), almost causing delirium.
Голова, лицо и уши
Violent pains on whole left side of head, mostly over eye. θ Mercurio-syphilitic affections.
Every morning pressure over eyes, pains in forehead, dulness in head, lasting until afternoon ; better in evening ; nasal discharge bloody, fetid, ichorous.
Hair falls out.
Chronic ophthalmia ; malignant, cancerous ; at same time, nose scurfy.
Scrofulous ophthalmia.
Yellow albuginea. θ Jaundice.
Swelling above left eye. θ Mercurio-syphilis.
Destruction of nasal bones. θ Ozana.
Nasal discharge bloody, ichorous, fetid.
Ulcers in nose.
Nose swollen, hard, shining (scrofula) ; if he takes cold, erysipelas sets in.
Scurfy, oozing tetter on nose.
Deep spreading syphilitic ulcer of skin. θ Affection of nasal bones.
Ulcers in cavities of upper jaw.
Complexion pale ; embonpoint nearly lost.
Periosteal indurations ; after a cellulitis on lower jaw.
Ulcer in right corner of mouth.
Opening mouth difficult. θ After cynanche cellularis.
Every morning pressure over eyes, pains in forehead, dulness in head, lasting until afternoon ; better in evening ; nasal discharge bloody, fetid, ichorous.
Hair falls out.
Chronic ophthalmia ; malignant, cancerous ; at same time, nose scurfy.
Scrofulous ophthalmia.
Yellow albuginea. θ Jaundice.
Swelling above left eye. θ Mercurio-syphilis.
Destruction of nasal bones. θ Ozana.
Nasal discharge bloody, ichorous, fetid.
Ulcers in nose.
Nose swollen, hard, shining (scrofula) ; if he takes cold, erysipelas sets in.
Scurfy, oozing tetter on nose.
Deep spreading syphilitic ulcer of skin. θ Affection of nasal bones.
Ulcers in cavities of upper jaw.
Complexion pale ; embonpoint nearly lost.
Periosteal indurations ; after a cellulitis on lower jaw.
Ulcer in right corner of mouth.
Opening mouth difficult. θ After cynanche cellularis.
Ротовая полость и горло
Teeth look dirty, get loose and gums recede ; caries of jaw. θ Mercurio-syphilis.
Tongue furred ; bitter taste.
Tongue white. θ Jaundice.
Warts on tongue.
Fetid odor from mouth. θ Mercurio-syphilis. θ Leucorrhoea.
Small blisters on fauces with swelling and inflammation of fauces.
Two small ulcers on right tonsil. θ Mercurio-syphilis.
Tongue furred ; bitter taste.
Tongue white. θ Jaundice.
Warts on tongue.
Fetid odor from mouth. θ Mercurio-syphilis. θ Leucorrhoea.
Small blisters on fauces with swelling and inflammation of fauces.
Two small ulcers on right tonsil. θ Mercurio-syphilis.
Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
No appetite. θ Jaundice.
Pressure in right hypochondrium. θ Jaundice.
Pressure in right hypochondrium. θ Jaundice.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Dropsy without fever but threatening suffocation. θ Ascites.
Feces like whitish clay. θ Jaundice.
Stools harder.
Feces like whitish clay. θ Jaundice.
Stools harder.
Мочеполовая система
Diuresis. θ Dropsy.
^^ Suppression of urine.
Urine dark. θ Jaundice.
Urine gets turbid ; more profuse than usual.
Morbus вrightii.
Chancre, on internal surface of prepuce.
Bubo in fold of groin.
Ulcers on foreskin ; warts around them ; ulcers on glans eating deeply.
Enormous distension of an ovary.
Induration of one part and softening of another part of uterus.
Ulcers with induration of uterus.
Neoplasmata in abdomen.
Ovarian enlargement ; even dropsy.
Leucorrhoea corroding parts.
Pustules on genitals. θ Leucorrhoea.
^^ Suppression of urine.
Urine dark. θ Jaundice.
Urine gets turbid ; more profuse than usual.
Morbus вrightii.
Chancre, on internal surface of prepuce.
Bubo in fold of groin.
Ulcers on foreskin ; warts around them ; ulcers on glans eating deeply.
Enormous distension of an ovary.
Induration of one part and softening of another part of uterus.
Ulcers with induration of uterus.
Neoplasmata in abdomen.
Ovarian enlargement ; even dropsy.
Leucorrhoea corroding parts.
Pustules on genitals. θ Leucorrhoea.
Характеристика растения
Abortion from uterine indurations.
Given to syphilitic mothers to prevent disease in offspring.
Scirrhus of uterus.
Carcinoma mamma et uteri.
Given to syphilitic mothers to prevent disease in offspring.
Scirrhus of uterus.
Carcinoma mamma et uteri.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
^^ вeating of carotid and temporal arteries visible to eye ; violence of this beating became extremely annoying, so violent nothing could calm it ; the disquiet caused by it put the sufferer into constant terror, almost to delirium.
Конечности и позвоночник
Pustular eruption on back. θ Leucorrhoea.
Old cases of rheumatism or gouty pains.
Morning : pressure over eyes ; pains in forehead ; dulness in head.
Evening : headache better.
Old cases of rheumatism or gouty pains.
Morning : pressure over eyes ; pains in forehead ; dulness in head.
Evening : headache better.
Общие симптомы
From October until Spring : violent headache ; four years in succession. θ Mercurio-syphilis.
^^ Dry, warm weather favors its action.
Cold, wet weather causes inconvenience.
^^ Dry, warm weather favors its action.
Cold, wet weather causes inconvenience.
^^ Unusual heat and malaise.
Violent fever, forcing him to keep his bed, urine copious. θ Ascites.
Sweats only on right side, left (affected) side of head remains dry. θ Mercurio-syphilitic affections.
Excessive perspiration.
^^ Suppression of perspiration.
Right : ulcer on cornea of mouth ; ulcers on tonsil ; pressure in hypochondrium ; sweats only on side of head.
Left : pains in side of head ; swelling above eye ; affected side of head does not sweat.
Violent pains : on left side of head.
Pressure : over eyes ; in right hypochondrium.
Itching : all over body.
Dropsy from induration of abdominal organs.
Chronic suppuration of glands and bones.
Violent fever, forcing him to keep his bed, urine copious. θ Ascites.
Sweats only on right side, left (affected) side of head remains dry. θ Mercurio-syphilitic affections.
Excessive perspiration.
^^ Suppression of perspiration.
Right : ulcer on cornea of mouth ; ulcers on tonsil ; pressure in hypochondrium ; sweats only on side of head.
Left : pains in side of head ; swelling above eye ; affected side of head does not sweat.
Violent pains : on left side of head.
Pressure : over eyes ; in right hypochondrium.
Itching : all over body.
Dropsy from induration of abdominal organs.
Chronic suppuration of glands and bones.
^^ Intolerable itching all over body ; soon followed by an eruption of tubercles (little lumps), several of which become covered with dark-looking scabs.
The little lumps increased and became as hard as horn ; a beginning gutta serena was soon added.
Yellow skin. θ Jaundice.
Deep-spreading syphilitic ulcers of skin.
The little lumps increased and became as hard as horn ; a beginning gutta serena was soon added.
Yellow skin. θ Jaundice.
Deep-spreading syphilitic ulcers of skin.
Тип пациента и конституция
Carbo-nitrogenoid constitutions.
Mercurio-syphilitic constitutions.
Irritable, sanguine, bilious persons are more obnoxious to its effects than phlegmatic.
Mercurio-syphilitic constitutions.
Irritable, sanguine, bilious persons are more obnoxious to its effects than phlegmatic.
Диф. диагностика
Similar to : Aurum and Aurum mur. (chemically) ; Argentum nitr., Arsen., вadiag., вryon. (ascites) ; сist. can., сonium (indurations) ; Graphit., Hepar, Iodium, Kali bichr., Kali hydr. (mercurio syphilis) ; Lycop. (ascites) ; Mercur. virus et sulphur (ascites) ; Mercurius Jod. (caries, syphilis, glandular enlargements, etc. Nitr. ac., Phosphor., Phosph. ac., Sulphur, Thuya (warts).
Incompatible : coffee and alcohol.
Incompatible : coffee and alcohol.
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