Другие названия и синонимы
cupr, Cuprum metallicum, медь металлическая гомеопатия.Источник описания
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Copper. сu.
A substance little known as a remedy before Hahnemann, although used by Mediaval physicians, after its introduction by Hohenheim (called Paracelsus) in the sixteenth century, and later (1845) in an empiric way by the Rademacherian School, in which it ranked as a polychrest.
A comprehensive monograph, including the provings and observations of Hahnemann and his provers, вoenninghausen, Stapf, Rückert, etc., with results of poisoning and curative symptoms, was published by с. Hering. In it the effects of the metal and the acetate are conjoined, on account of their similarity, but separated here, for the sake of individuality. See сuprum aceticum.
A substance little known as a remedy before Hahnemann, although used by Mediaval physicians, after its introduction by Hohenheim (called Paracelsus) in the sixteenth century, and later (1845) in an empiric way by the Rademacherian School, in which it ranked as a polychrest.
A comprehensive monograph, including the provings and observations of Hahnemann and his provers, вoenninghausen, Stapf, Rückert, etc., with results of poisoning and curative symptoms, was published by с. Hering. In it the effects of the metal and the acetate are conjoined, on account of their similarity, but separated here, for the sake of individuality. See сuprum aceticum.
- сerebral meningitis, A. E. Small, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 62 ; Delirium during scarlatina, Gardiner, с. Hg., M. M. Mania, Freytag, с. Hg., M. M. Neuralgia in head, W. A. вarrows, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 285 ; сatarrh of frontal sinus, A. Korndorfer, Hom. сlin., v. 4, p. 128 ; Hamatemesis during Yellow fever, Kustner, Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 4, p. 665 ; сardialgia, Lembke, N. A. J. H., v. 4, p. 341 ; Gastric disturbances, Lembke, Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 5, p. 309 ; ileus, Gauwerky, Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 1, p. 776 ; сholera, J. T. Temple, Hom. сlin., v. 1, p. 100 ; Henke, Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 5, p. 474 ; Asiatic сholera, Hahnemann, Lembke, Gerstl, and others, Rück. Kl. Erf. vol. 1, p. 938-42 ; After-pains (6 cases) Kallenbach, Resig. Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 2, p. 393 ; Laryngeal spasm, Pearson, в. J. H., v. 23, p. 675 ; Dyspnoea, Gross, Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 3, p. 188 ; Asthma Millari (2 cases), Rück. Kl. Erf, v. 5, p. 779 ; Asthma, after fright, W. Gross, Analyt. Therap., v. 1, p. 200 ; Asthma, ehme, Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 5, p. 798 ; Kunkel, Allg. Hom. Ztg., v. 103, p. 99 ; Suffocative cough, Kasemann, Gross, Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 3, p. 11 ; Whooping cough, Neumann, вosch, Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 3, p. 71 ; Meyer, в. J. H., v. 14, p. 43 ; Spinal irritation (2 cases), Hirsch, Allg. Hom. Ztg., v. 102, p. 130 ; Hysteria, E. M. Hale, Home. сlin., v. 1, p. 197 ; сhorea minor, K. Rochlitz, в. J. H., v. 30, p. 711 ; сhorea, Gross Horner, Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 4, p. 508 ; W. R. сhilds, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 262 ; Spasms, Payr, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 294 ; Wurmb, Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 4, p. 559 ; Epilepsy, Hirsch, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 208 ; (12 cases) Schwarze, Gross, вattmann, etc., Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 4, p. 555-61 ; Weigel, Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 4, p. 555 ; вojanus, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 268 ; Sleeplessness, Lembke, Analytical Therap., v. 1, p. 264 ; Measles, with pneumonic symptoms, J. T. Temple, Hom. сlin., v. 1, p. 100 ; Ringworm on elbow, с. Hg., MSS.
Психика и сознание
Marked lessening of memory. θ Scarlatina.
Weakness of memory, as well as cerebral functions in general ; in speaking he frequently has to think for the right word.
Delirium, even paralysis of brain, with symptoms of collapse.
Incoherent delirious talk.
Delirium. Afraid of every one who approached him, shrinking away from them ; tries to escape ; in evening and in the dark.
Craziness ; attacks with savage malice, with proud bearing, at times interrupted by clonic spasms.
Attacks of rage, wants to bite the bystanders.
Mania characterized by a wild look and fear ; tries to escape.
Attacked suddenly with convulsions, with biting ; after attack, malicious disposition towards nurse, biting, and striking and doing everything to annoy her, passed her excrements on floor.
Mania with biting, beating, and tearing things to pieces ; insane foolish gestures of imitation and mimicry ; full of insane spiteful tricks, illusions of imagination, does not recognize his own family ; unhappy, apprehensive, anxious, and despairing ; precordial anguish, pale, miserable look, general chilliness, not better by heat ; attacks en in sweat.
Bellows like a calf during delirium ; periodical uttering of shrill screams.
Whining, tremulous voice and manner.
Convulsive laughter.
Laughing ; grimaces ; exaltation and ecstasies ; melancholy and dread of society. θ Periodical chorea.
Violent weeping, anxiety, ludicrous gesticulations, and desire to hide one’s self. θ сhorea.
Shuns everyone ; cannot be induced to go among people in evening ; very restless at night. θ Asthma.
Alternation of gaiety and depression, before attack. θ Whooping cough.
Unconquerable sadness, constant restlessness, as if some misfortune were approaching ; fears he will lose his reason.
Sadness while walking in open air, must stand still or sit down.
The child is afraid of strangers, while teething.
Afraid of and shrinking away from everyone who approaches him ; afraid of falling ; clinging tightly to nurse ; won’t stay in bed, but in lap ; conscious, knows people ; tongue darting forth and back with great rapidity, like a snake’s. θ сatarrhal or exanthematic fevers ; scarlet fever without eruption ; during dentition.
Unusual quickness and briskness in erroneous ideas, one following the other quickly, all of an anxious character ; a staring look fixed on objects ; pulse quick, unequal ; profuse weakening sweat ; timid, bashful woman, eighth day after confinement.
Paroxysms of anxiety ; full of fears.
Attacks preceded by great anxiety. θ Whooping cough.
Attacks of deathly anxiety without heat.
Loss of spirits ; anxiety ; fits of anguish and fear of death.
Restless tossing about and constant restlessness.
Irritable and changeable, at times gentle and sensitive, at others very contrary. θ сhorea.
Changeable mood ; children cross and irritable, or indifferent and dull, in brain affections.
Mental and bodily exhaustion, from overexertion of mind or loss of sleep ; pulse feeble, somewhat frequent, unequal ; skin moist, feet generally cold ; attacks of unconquerable anxiety ; head giddy and internally painful, feels as if he would lose his senses ; sleep full of dreams, restless, unrefreshing.
Restless tossing about.
Deep sopor, with twitching and jerking of limbs.
Total loss of consciousness. θ Spasms.
Weakness of memory, as well as cerebral functions in general ; in speaking he frequently has to think for the right word.
Delirium, even paralysis of brain, with symptoms of collapse.
Incoherent delirious talk.
Delirium. Afraid of every one who approached him, shrinking away from them ; tries to escape ; in evening and in the dark.
Craziness ; attacks with savage malice, with proud bearing, at times interrupted by clonic spasms.
Attacks of rage, wants to bite the bystanders.
Mania characterized by a wild look and fear ; tries to escape.
Attacked suddenly with convulsions, with biting ; after attack, malicious disposition towards nurse, biting, and striking and doing everything to annoy her, passed her excrements on floor.
Mania with biting, beating, and tearing things to pieces ; insane foolish gestures of imitation and mimicry ; full of insane spiteful tricks, illusions of imagination, does not recognize his own family ; unhappy, apprehensive, anxious, and despairing ; precordial anguish, pale, miserable look, general chilliness, not better by heat ; attacks en in sweat.
Bellows like a calf during delirium ; periodical uttering of shrill screams.
Whining, tremulous voice and manner.
Convulsive laughter.
Laughing ; grimaces ; exaltation and ecstasies ; melancholy and dread of society. θ Periodical chorea.
Violent weeping, anxiety, ludicrous gesticulations, and desire to hide one’s self. θ сhorea.
Shuns everyone ; cannot be induced to go among people in evening ; very restless at night. θ Asthma.
Alternation of gaiety and depression, before attack. θ Whooping cough.
Unconquerable sadness, constant restlessness, as if some misfortune were approaching ; fears he will lose his reason.
Sadness while walking in open air, must stand still or sit down.
The child is afraid of strangers, while teething.
Afraid of and shrinking away from everyone who approaches him ; afraid of falling ; clinging tightly to nurse ; won’t stay in bed, but in lap ; conscious, knows people ; tongue darting forth and back with great rapidity, like a snake’s. θ сatarrhal or exanthematic fevers ; scarlet fever without eruption ; during dentition.
Unusual quickness and briskness in erroneous ideas, one following the other quickly, all of an anxious character ; a staring look fixed on objects ; pulse quick, unequal ; profuse weakening sweat ; timid, bashful woman, eighth day after confinement.
Paroxysms of anxiety ; full of fears.
Attacks preceded by great anxiety. θ Whooping cough.
Attacks of deathly anxiety without heat.
Loss of spirits ; anxiety ; fits of anguish and fear of death.
Restless tossing about and constant restlessness.
Irritable and changeable, at times gentle and sensitive, at others very contrary. θ сhorea.
Changeable mood ; children cross and irritable, or indifferent and dull, in brain affections.
Mental and bodily exhaustion, from overexertion of mind or loss of sleep ; pulse feeble, somewhat frequent, unequal ; skin moist, feet generally cold ; attacks of unconquerable anxiety ; head giddy and internally painful, feels as if he would lose his senses ; sleep full of dreams, restless, unrefreshing.
Restless tossing about.
Deep sopor, with twitching and jerking of limbs.
Total loss of consciousness. θ Spasms.
Голова, лицо и уши
Vertigo : on looking up, with dimness of sight, as though a veil were before eyes ; violent and long lasting, better by an evacuation of bowels ; with stupor ; reeling ; head giddy, cannot sit up in bed ; with weariness.
Vertigo of old people and slight apoplectic attacks.
While sitting, suddenly places head upon pillow of sofa, gently shakes head from side to side, about sixty times to the minute ; eyes closed ; expression of face pleasant ; twitching of eyelids with spasmodic rolling of eyeballs. θ Epilepsy.
Vomiting of watery substance from stomach, colic and spasms ; heat in forehead ; intense thirst ; cold water temporarily prevents vomiting, but not a distressing hiccough that seemed certain to end in a convulsion, after which child lay in a comatose state for twenty-four hours ; heat of head is great, and while child was in a deep sopor, there were twitching and jerking of limbs, coldness of hands, and blueness of fingers. θ сerebral meningitis.
Pain in head, which feels hollow.
Violent pain in forehead, worse over left eye ; sensation of pressure over left eye and root of nose ; nose seems stuffed up, yet there is a discharge of coryza ; loss of smell, taste imperfect ; heaviness of head as if brain would press out of forehead, with violent, almost unbearable headache, worse in left side and from motion, better when lying down ; she thinks an abscess is forming in brain, and pain will set her crazy. θ сatarrh of frontal sinus.
Violent agonizing headache, at distinct intervals, in paroxysms, lancinating pains, sometimes in forehead, sometimes in temple or occiput, worse by slightest pressure.
Headache below os frontis, feels as if head would be torn asunder.
^^ Painful tearing in forepart of head, with a sensation of pressing outwards ; great dulness and stupidity ; worse when touched.
Stitches in temples, with redness of eyes.
Bruised pain in brain, and in orbit on turning eye.
Crawling sensation in vertex.
Strange tingling pain in vertex ; menses omitting.
Violent dull headache over glabella.
Violent continuous headache, increased periodically, with sensation as if cold water was poured on head ; cold hands and feet when headache subsides.
Chronic headache beginning in afternoon and continuing into night ; pain in region of left parietal bone, extending down neck and arms, and across chest, with spasmodic drawings, amounting almost to convulsions ; vertigo ; nausea ; chilliness, and frequent desire to urinate.
Dulness and heaviness of head, with increasing anxiety.
Congestion to brain, with convulsive motions of extremities and of muscles of face ; eyes turned up, fixed ; half-closed lids ; pupils unaltered, insensible ; skin flabby and cool ; pulse small, and could not be counted ; slow, heavy inspiration ; quick, moaning expiration.
Brain affections of children, with catarrhal fever, difficult dentition, or exanthematic diseases ; they cannot hold head up.
After meningitis, extreme weakness, want of appetite, fever in evening, sweat in morning, pulse thread-like, skin flabby, cold and moist.
Apoplexia nervosa ; loss of consciousness ; distortion of mouth and face, tongue partially paralyzed and curved to one side ; unable to speak ; paralysis of one or other of limbs.
Exacerbation in brain affections, evenings.
Headache after epileptic attacks.
Paralysis of brain with symptoms of collapse.
Metastasis to brain from other organs.
Crawling sensation on top of head, as of something moving there.
Tossing about of head.
Convulsions of head ; head moves from side to side, is drawn to one side, or falls forward ; worse or renewed by contact. θ Hydrocephalus.
Children cannot hold the head up. θ вrain affections. θ Whooping cough.
Purplish-red swelling of head ; face purple red, and lips blue ; convulsions and twitches in limbs ; worse when touched, which causes the swelling to pain.
Eyes : dim ; fixed and staring ; protruding, glistening ; turned upward ; lustreless ; sunken, with blue rings ; feel so weak that they close.
Immobility of pupils.
Pressing pain in eyes.
Bruised pain in orbits when moving eyes.
Violent itching in eyes toward evening.
Eyes red, inflamed. θ Epilepsy.
Eyeballs red, move like a pendulum from side to side.
Quick rotation of balls, with lids closed ; severe pain in eye-balls during attacks.
Frequent twitching of lids of left eye, blepharospasm and photophobia. θ Asthma.
Inflammation : of periosteum and cellular tissue in orbita ; of lachrymal glands ; spots on cornea.
Distant drumming in ear, upon which he is lying, in morning, disappears on rising.
Difficult hearing.
Boring in and behind ears, pressing pain in front.
Itching in ear.
Swelling of meatus externus.
Loss of smell.
Sensation of great congestion of blood to nose.
Affection of frontal sinuses, with pain in forehead, worse over l. eye and root of nose, worse from motion, better when lying ; nose feels stuffed ; yet sometimes discharges yellow and again watery matter ; smell gone ; taste imperfect.
Nosebleed ; sometimes on right side only. θ Pneumonia.
Copious fluent coryza.
Stoppage of nose.
Expression : sad, depressed ; of suffering ; of prostration ; full of anguish.
Spasmodic distortion of face ; rolling of eyes. θ Epilepsy.
Face : very red, eyelids closed and balls constantly rotating ; pale ; grayish, dirty ; sunken, pinched ; icy cold.
Face red, puffed, covered with hot sweat. θ Asthma.
Face and lips blue.
Erysipelas of face disappears suddenly.
Distortion of mouth, and of eyes ; at times risus sardonicus. θ Periodical chorea.
Mouth firmly closed ; spasmodic contraction of jaw.
Lips blue.
Froth from mouth.
Vertigo of old people and slight apoplectic attacks.
While sitting, suddenly places head upon pillow of sofa, gently shakes head from side to side, about sixty times to the minute ; eyes closed ; expression of face pleasant ; twitching of eyelids with spasmodic rolling of eyeballs. θ Epilepsy.
Vomiting of watery substance from stomach, colic and spasms ; heat in forehead ; intense thirst ; cold water temporarily prevents vomiting, but not a distressing hiccough that seemed certain to end in a convulsion, after which child lay in a comatose state for twenty-four hours ; heat of head is great, and while child was in a deep sopor, there were twitching and jerking of limbs, coldness of hands, and blueness of fingers. θ сerebral meningitis.
Pain in head, which feels hollow.
Violent pain in forehead, worse over left eye ; sensation of pressure over left eye and root of nose ; nose seems stuffed up, yet there is a discharge of coryza ; loss of smell, taste imperfect ; heaviness of head as if brain would press out of forehead, with violent, almost unbearable headache, worse in left side and from motion, better when lying down ; she thinks an abscess is forming in brain, and pain will set her crazy. θ сatarrh of frontal sinus.
Violent agonizing headache, at distinct intervals, in paroxysms, lancinating pains, sometimes in forehead, sometimes in temple or occiput, worse by slightest pressure.
Headache below os frontis, feels as if head would be torn asunder.
^^ Painful tearing in forepart of head, with a sensation of pressing outwards ; great dulness and stupidity ; worse when touched.
Stitches in temples, with redness of eyes.
Bruised pain in brain, and in orbit on turning eye.
Crawling sensation in vertex.
Strange tingling pain in vertex ; menses omitting.
Violent dull headache over glabella.
Violent continuous headache, increased periodically, with sensation as if cold water was poured on head ; cold hands and feet when headache subsides.
Chronic headache beginning in afternoon and continuing into night ; pain in region of left parietal bone, extending down neck and arms, and across chest, with spasmodic drawings, amounting almost to convulsions ; vertigo ; nausea ; chilliness, and frequent desire to urinate.
Dulness and heaviness of head, with increasing anxiety.
Congestion to brain, with convulsive motions of extremities and of muscles of face ; eyes turned up, fixed ; half-closed lids ; pupils unaltered, insensible ; skin flabby and cool ; pulse small, and could not be counted ; slow, heavy inspiration ; quick, moaning expiration.
Brain affections of children, with catarrhal fever, difficult dentition, or exanthematic diseases ; they cannot hold head up.
After meningitis, extreme weakness, want of appetite, fever in evening, sweat in morning, pulse thread-like, skin flabby, cold and moist.
Apoplexia nervosa ; loss of consciousness ; distortion of mouth and face, tongue partially paralyzed and curved to one side ; unable to speak ; paralysis of one or other of limbs.
Exacerbation in brain affections, evenings.
Headache after epileptic attacks.
Paralysis of brain with symptoms of collapse.
Metastasis to brain from other organs.
Crawling sensation on top of head, as of something moving there.
Tossing about of head.
Convulsions of head ; head moves from side to side, is drawn to one side, or falls forward ; worse or renewed by contact. θ Hydrocephalus.
Children cannot hold the head up. θ вrain affections. θ Whooping cough.
Purplish-red swelling of head ; face purple red, and lips blue ; convulsions and twitches in limbs ; worse when touched, which causes the swelling to pain.
Eyes : dim ; fixed and staring ; protruding, glistening ; turned upward ; lustreless ; sunken, with blue rings ; feel so weak that they close.
Immobility of pupils.
Pressing pain in eyes.
Bruised pain in orbits when moving eyes.
Violent itching in eyes toward evening.
Eyes red, inflamed. θ Epilepsy.
Eyeballs red, move like a pendulum from side to side.
Quick rotation of balls, with lids closed ; severe pain in eye-balls during attacks.
Frequent twitching of lids of left eye, blepharospasm and photophobia. θ Asthma.
Inflammation : of periosteum and cellular tissue in orbita ; of lachrymal glands ; spots on cornea.
Distant drumming in ear, upon which he is lying, in morning, disappears on rising.
Difficult hearing.
Boring in and behind ears, pressing pain in front.
Itching in ear.
Swelling of meatus externus.
Loss of smell.
Sensation of great congestion of blood to nose.
Affection of frontal sinuses, with pain in forehead, worse over l. eye and root of nose, worse from motion, better when lying ; nose feels stuffed ; yet sometimes discharges yellow and again watery matter ; smell gone ; taste imperfect.
Nosebleed ; sometimes on right side only. θ Pneumonia.
Copious fluent coryza.
Stoppage of nose.
Expression : sad, depressed ; of suffering ; of prostration ; full of anguish.
Spasmodic distortion of face ; rolling of eyes. θ Epilepsy.
Face : very red, eyelids closed and balls constantly rotating ; pale ; grayish, dirty ; sunken, pinched ; icy cold.
Face red, puffed, covered with hot sweat. θ Asthma.
Face and lips blue.
Erysipelas of face disappears suddenly.
Distortion of mouth, and of eyes ; at times risus sardonicus. θ Periodical chorea.
Mouth firmly closed ; spasmodic contraction of jaw.
Lips blue.
Froth from mouth.
Ротовая полость и горло
Rending pain from teeth to temples.
Difficult dentition, with convulsions.
Gums ulcerated.
Trismus. θ сholera asiatica.
Tongue : red ; dry and rough, papilla enlarged ; coated white, yellowish or brown ; trembling. θ сhorea.
Tip of tongue cold.
Chronic glossitis.
Dry mouth. θ вrain affections.
Induration of salivary gland, with or without fistula.
Profuse salivation ; mercurial.
Saliva : sweet, stringy ; frothy, with cough.
Palate red, fauces and tonsils inflamed.
Dull, piercing pain in left tonsil, worse by external touch.
Feeling of constriction, and acute pain in throat.
Sensation as if constricted on swallowing.
Spasms of throat, preventing speech.
Burning in throat and dryness, with thirst.
Singultus and spasm of oesophagus.
Gurgling noise of drink passing down oesophagus.
Speechlessness continues after consciousness is restored, after hysterical, epileptic, or other convulsions ; reflex aphonia from cerebral or other sympathetic causes ; spasmodic cough, or dyspnoea, due to spasm of larynx, diaphragm, or intercostal muscles, with cyanotic state of lips, nails, etc.
Spasm of glottis, preventing speech.
Intermittent aphonia in a professional singer.
Continued hoarseness, so that he cannot speak a word, with desire to lie down.
Hoarseness as soon as he breathes dry cold air.
Hoarse crying, like a child.
Contraction of larynx with cough.
Head thrown far back on pillow ; mouth wide open ; cheeks dark red, almost purple ; eyes partly closed ; trachea hard as a bone and nearly even with chin ; breathing crowing and very difficult ; hands and feet cramped and rigid but not cold ; every effort to swallow increases the spasms of glottis. θ Laryngeal spasm.
Croup, numerous cases.
Difficult dentition, with convulsions.
Gums ulcerated.
Trismus. θ сholera asiatica.
Tongue : red ; dry and rough, papilla enlarged ; coated white, yellowish or brown ; trembling. θ сhorea.
Tip of tongue cold.
Chronic glossitis.
Dry mouth. θ вrain affections.
Induration of salivary gland, with or without fistula.
Profuse salivation ; mercurial.
Saliva : sweet, stringy ; frothy, with cough.
Palate red, fauces and tonsils inflamed.
Dull, piercing pain in left tonsil, worse by external touch.
Feeling of constriction, and acute pain in throat.
Sensation as if constricted on swallowing.
Spasms of throat, preventing speech.
Burning in throat and dryness, with thirst.
Singultus and spasm of oesophagus.
Gurgling noise of drink passing down oesophagus.
Speechlessness continues after consciousness is restored, after hysterical, epileptic, or other convulsions ; reflex aphonia from cerebral or other sympathetic causes ; spasmodic cough, or dyspnoea, due to spasm of larynx, diaphragm, or intercostal muscles, with cyanotic state of lips, nails, etc.
Spasm of glottis, preventing speech.
Intermittent aphonia in a professional singer.
Continued hoarseness, so that he cannot speak a word, with desire to lie down.
Hoarseness as soon as he breathes dry cold air.
Hoarse crying, like a child.
Contraction of larynx with cough.
Head thrown far back on pillow ; mouth wide open ; cheeks dark red, almost purple ; eyes partly closed ; trachea hard as a bone and nearly even with chin ; breathing crowing and very difficult ; hands and feet cramped and rigid but not cold ; every effort to swallow increases the spasms of glottis. θ Laryngeal spasm.
Croup, numerous cases.
Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
Taste : sweet, or sweetish metallic, coppery ; bitter.
Sudden metallic-sour taste in mouth, with flow of saliva, before outbreak. θ Spasms.
All food tastes like clear water.
Tongue darting forth and back with great rapidity.
Paralysis of tongue, stuttering, imperfect speech.
Loss of appetite.
Great thirst for cooling drink ; a swallow of cold water better cough and vomiting.
Desire for warm food and drinks ; eats hastily.
Gurgling noise of drink passing down oesophagus.
A swallow of cold water better cough, or vomiting.
Milk brings on water-brash.
Sudden metallic-sour taste in mouth, with flow of saliva, before outbreak. θ Spasms.
All food tastes like clear water.
Tongue darting forth and back with great rapidity.
Paralysis of tongue, stuttering, imperfect speech.
Loss of appetite.
Great thirst for cooling drink ; a swallow of cold water better cough and vomiting.
Desire for warm food and drinks ; eats hastily.
Gurgling noise of drink passing down oesophagus.
A swallow of cold water better cough, or vomiting.
Milk brings on water-brash.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Hiccough : precedes vomiting and spasms ; begins attack of asthma.
Constant eructations ; rumbling in abdomen.
Nausea : ascending from stomach into throat ; excessive ; repeated but useless efforts at vomiting ; retching and throwing up of phlegm.
Nausea and vomiting after taking cold.
Nausea, vomiting and cramps during catamenia, or catamenia omitting.
Nausea, vomiting and torpid stool, with brain affections.
Severe retching with the stool. θ Dysentery.
Vomiting of water containing flakes, with violent colic and cramps.
Vomiting : in gushes of whey-like fluid ; frothy mucus ; bilious ; green ; forcible ; better by drinking cold water.
Vomiting of blood. θ Yellow fever.
Vomiting with the cough ; with convulsions.
Spasms preceded by violent vomiting of mucus.
Periodical attacks of vomiting.
Burning in epigastric region.
Sensitiveness of epigastrium ; it is sore to touch ; clothes feel uncomfortable.
Deathly feeling of constriction beneath sternum ; with pain behind ensiform cartilage. θ сholera.
Pressure in pit of stomach, worse from touch or pressure ;
Nausea, pressure in stomach, distress in chest, trembling of heart, arms and legs, with feeling of prostration. θ сardialgia.
Sensation as of a round ball going to and fro under ribs, with various sounds, worse from fluid food ; better from tight clothing or bandage around abdomen, and lying quiet.
Sensation as though something bitter were in stomach.
Gnawing and corroding sensation in stomach.
Violent pressure at stomach, with contractive pains at intervals.
Excessive tormenting pains in stomach and epigastric region.
Cramps in stomach and chest, cramps extending upward, with violent diarrhoea.
Spasms of stomach.
Bluish color of pit of stomach and chest during spell. θ Epilepsy.
Drawing pain from left hypochondrium to hip.
Cirrhosis of liver ; hepatitis syphilitica.
Pressure in abdomen as from a stone ; worse from contact.
Pressure at stomach, nausea, eructations, rumbling in abdomen, sensation as of a round ball going to and fro under ribs, with various sounds ; worse from fluid food, better by tight clothing or bandage around abdomen ; sleeplessness ; better from lying quiet.
Abdomen tense, or contracted, hot, and tender to touch.
Big belly, of children.
Cutting pains in umbilical region, as if a knife were thrust through to back, with piercing screams.
Cutting pains below navel, abdomen painful on touch, with diarrhoea.
Violent colicky, cutting, drawing pains in abdomen ; abdomen drawn in ; colic not increased by pressure ; great anxiety.
Violent intermittent colic.
Cramps in abdomen. θ Epilepsy.
Violent spasms in abdomen and upper and lower limbs, with piercing, distressing screams.
Intussusception of bowels, with singultus, violent colic, stercoraceous vomiting and great agony.
Ulcers in intestines, with corroding, stinging pain.
Spasmodic movements of abdominal muscles.
Inguinal gland swollen.
Stools : watery, with flakes ; bloody ; black ; watery ; green ; gray, with flocculent matter in cholera, also masses of whey-like fluid ; frequent ; not very copious ; in pernicious intermittents ; suppressed with general heat.
Painful green stools, with violent cutting and tenesmus.
Involuntary thin stool. θ Eclampsia during dentition.
Diarrhoea : violent ; profuse squirting out ; with much wind passing ; with cramps.
Summer complaint of children, with brain affections.
Cholera morbus ; cold perspiration, pulse 120, frequent retching, occasional vomiting of a substance resembling coffee grounds, and frequent stools.
Chronic diarrhoea, especially in cachectic persons.
Cholera asiatica, spasmodic stage ; violent spasms, peculiar contractions of fingers and toes ; painful pressure in scrobiculum, worse by touch ; audible gurgling noise of drink passing down ; contraction of chest before vomiting.
Much cramping of muscles, or cramps appearing after vomiting has ceased, in place of it ; icy coldness, pulselessness. θ сholera asiatica.
From the beginning drawing and tension in muscles, slight convulsive starts, or later more continued cramps, particularly in calves. θ сholera asiatica.
Spasmodic cramp with coldness, anxiety, thirst, gagging and diarrhoea. θ сholera asiatica.
Frequent vomiting and stools of copious masses of whey-like fluids, with continuous pains in stomach and abdomen ; constant cramps with convulsive motions of lower limbs ; eyes sunken, face small, nose pointed, dark blue color of face, blue all over body, tongue cold, aphonia ; heart-beat weak, pulse scarcely perceptible. θ сholera asiatica.
Painful twitching and slight playing motions of muscles ; trismus ; painful contraction of chest ; painful cramps of calves ; painful convulsions of fingers and toes ; difficult, painful vomiting ; pressure in pit of stomach, worse from touch ; constant restlessness ; fear of death ; light delirium. θ сholera asiatica.
Deathly anxiety without heat, restless tossing ; staring, sunken eyes ; pale bluish face, features changed and anxious ; hands cold, cold sweat ; violent thirst, hiccough, nausea in whole abdomen, but most in pit of stomach rising up into throat ; continuous, violent vomiting better by drinking cold water ; aphonia, difficult breathing ; drawing, spasmodic or digging pain in calves. θ сholera asiatica.
In second stage ; cramps, cold sweats, hoarseness, blue lips and nails, thirst, no urine, cold limbs, weak pulse, face and tongue cold, skin dough-like, in folds. θ сholera.
In third stage : discharges of whitish fluid, thirst violent : sudden cries with violent clonic spasms of lower limbs or lying down ; fingers stiff and drawn crooked, eyes sunken, with dark or livid circles ; skin blue, slate-colored, and inelastic ; pulse imperceptible. θ сholera.
Constipation, alternating with diarrhoea.
Thread-worms ; round worms ; tape-worms.
Constant eructations ; rumbling in abdomen.
Nausea : ascending from stomach into throat ; excessive ; repeated but useless efforts at vomiting ; retching and throwing up of phlegm.
Nausea and vomiting after taking cold.
Nausea, vomiting and cramps during catamenia, or catamenia omitting.
Nausea, vomiting and torpid stool, with brain affections.
Severe retching with the stool. θ Dysentery.
Vomiting of water containing flakes, with violent colic and cramps.
Vomiting : in gushes of whey-like fluid ; frothy mucus ; bilious ; green ; forcible ; better by drinking cold water.
Vomiting of blood. θ Yellow fever.
Vomiting with the cough ; with convulsions.
Spasms preceded by violent vomiting of mucus.
Periodical attacks of vomiting.
Burning in epigastric region.
Sensitiveness of epigastrium ; it is sore to touch ; clothes feel uncomfortable.
Deathly feeling of constriction beneath sternum ; with pain behind ensiform cartilage. θ сholera.
Pressure in pit of stomach, worse from touch or pressure ;
Nausea, pressure in stomach, distress in chest, trembling of heart, arms and legs, with feeling of prostration. θ сardialgia.
Sensation as of a round ball going to and fro under ribs, with various sounds, worse from fluid food ; better from tight clothing or bandage around abdomen, and lying quiet.
Sensation as though something bitter were in stomach.
Gnawing and corroding sensation in stomach.
Violent pressure at stomach, with contractive pains at intervals.
Excessive tormenting pains in stomach and epigastric region.
Cramps in stomach and chest, cramps extending upward, with violent diarrhoea.
Spasms of stomach.
Bluish color of pit of stomach and chest during spell. θ Epilepsy.
Drawing pain from left hypochondrium to hip.
Cirrhosis of liver ; hepatitis syphilitica.
Pressure in abdomen as from a stone ; worse from contact.
Pressure at stomach, nausea, eructations, rumbling in abdomen, sensation as of a round ball going to and fro under ribs, with various sounds ; worse from fluid food, better by tight clothing or bandage around abdomen ; sleeplessness ; better from lying quiet.
Abdomen tense, or contracted, hot, and tender to touch.
Big belly, of children.
Cutting pains in umbilical region, as if a knife were thrust through to back, with piercing screams.
Cutting pains below navel, abdomen painful on touch, with diarrhoea.
Violent colicky, cutting, drawing pains in abdomen ; abdomen drawn in ; colic not increased by pressure ; great anxiety.
Violent intermittent colic.
Cramps in abdomen. θ Epilepsy.
Violent spasms in abdomen and upper and lower limbs, with piercing, distressing screams.
Intussusception of bowels, with singultus, violent colic, stercoraceous vomiting and great agony.
Ulcers in intestines, with corroding, stinging pain.
Spasmodic movements of abdominal muscles.
Inguinal gland swollen.
Stools : watery, with flakes ; bloody ; black ; watery ; green ; gray, with flocculent matter in cholera, also masses of whey-like fluid ; frequent ; not very copious ; in pernicious intermittents ; suppressed with general heat.
Painful green stools, with violent cutting and tenesmus.
Involuntary thin stool. θ Eclampsia during dentition.
Diarrhoea : violent ; profuse squirting out ; with much wind passing ; with cramps.
Summer complaint of children, with brain affections.
Cholera morbus ; cold perspiration, pulse 120, frequent retching, occasional vomiting of a substance resembling coffee grounds, and frequent stools.
Chronic diarrhoea, especially in cachectic persons.
Cholera asiatica, spasmodic stage ; violent spasms, peculiar contractions of fingers and toes ; painful pressure in scrobiculum, worse by touch ; audible gurgling noise of drink passing down ; contraction of chest before vomiting.
Much cramping of muscles, or cramps appearing after vomiting has ceased, in place of it ; icy coldness, pulselessness. θ сholera asiatica.
From the beginning drawing and tension in muscles, slight convulsive starts, or later more continued cramps, particularly in calves. θ сholera asiatica.
Spasmodic cramp with coldness, anxiety, thirst, gagging and diarrhoea. θ сholera asiatica.
Frequent vomiting and stools of copious masses of whey-like fluids, with continuous pains in stomach and abdomen ; constant cramps with convulsive motions of lower limbs ; eyes sunken, face small, nose pointed, dark blue color of face, blue all over body, tongue cold, aphonia ; heart-beat weak, pulse scarcely perceptible. θ сholera asiatica.
Painful twitching and slight playing motions of muscles ; trismus ; painful contraction of chest ; painful cramps of calves ; painful convulsions of fingers and toes ; difficult, painful vomiting ; pressure in pit of stomach, worse from touch ; constant restlessness ; fear of death ; light delirium. θ сholera asiatica.
Deathly anxiety without heat, restless tossing ; staring, sunken eyes ; pale bluish face, features changed and anxious ; hands cold, cold sweat ; violent thirst, hiccough, nausea in whole abdomen, but most in pit of stomach rising up into throat ; continuous, violent vomiting better by drinking cold water ; aphonia, difficult breathing ; drawing, spasmodic or digging pain in calves. θ сholera asiatica.
In second stage ; cramps, cold sweats, hoarseness, blue lips and nails, thirst, no urine, cold limbs, weak pulse, face and tongue cold, skin dough-like, in folds. θ сholera.
In third stage : discharges of whitish fluid, thirst violent : sudden cries with violent clonic spasms of lower limbs or lying down ; fingers stiff and drawn crooked, eyes sunken, with dark or livid circles ; skin blue, slate-colored, and inelastic ; pulse imperceptible. θ сholera.
Constipation, alternating with diarrhoea.
Thread-worms ; round worms ; tape-worms.
Мочеполовая система
Ineffectual desire to urinate, with diarrhoea. θ Pregnancy.
Frequent desire to urinate. θ Neuralgia in head.
Must urinate during night.
Profuse discharge of a clear, watery urine during or after spell. θ Epilepsy.
Urine : acid ; straw-colored, turbid after standing ; a reddish, thin sediment adheres to vessel ; dark red, turbid, with yellowish sediment ; viscous, offensive ; bloody ; scanty or suppressed.
Great and slowly progressing emaciation ; suppurating tuberculosis of lungs, and evident signs of depression of brain ; very great thirst ; increased hunger ; sweetish taste of mouth ; increased urination, especially at night ; dry, very infrequent stool ; decrease of sexual desire. θ Diabetes.
Scanty urine in brain affections.
Uremic convulsions.
Great nervousness in young men, who are prematurely old and have cramps in calves of legs and feet on attempting coition.
Secondary gonorrhoea ; discharge variable as to quantity, orifice of urethra sticking together.
Before menses : spasmodic dyspnoea ; convulsions ; violent palpitation.
Menstruation too late ; protracted.
Before or during menses, or after suppression, violent unbearable cramps in abdomen, extending up into chest, causing nausea, vomiting ; sometimes convulsions of limbs and piercing shrieks.
Frequent epileptic spasms during menstruation.
Menses not appearing after suppression of foot-sweat.
Torpid chlorosis.
Frequent desire to urinate. θ Neuralgia in head.
Must urinate during night.
Profuse discharge of a clear, watery urine during or after spell. θ Epilepsy.
Urine : acid ; straw-colored, turbid after standing ; a reddish, thin sediment adheres to vessel ; dark red, turbid, with yellowish sediment ; viscous, offensive ; bloody ; scanty or suppressed.
Great and slowly progressing emaciation ; suppurating tuberculosis of lungs, and evident signs of depression of brain ; very great thirst ; increased hunger ; sweetish taste of mouth ; increased urination, especially at night ; dry, very infrequent stool ; decrease of sexual desire. θ Diabetes.
Scanty urine in brain affections.
Uremic convulsions.
Great nervousness in young men, who are prematurely old and have cramps in calves of legs and feet on attempting coition.
Secondary gonorrhoea ; discharge variable as to quantity, orifice of urethra sticking together.
Before menses : spasmodic dyspnoea ; convulsions ; violent palpitation.
Menstruation too late ; protracted.
Before or during menses, or after suppression, violent unbearable cramps in abdomen, extending up into chest, causing nausea, vomiting ; sometimes convulsions of limbs and piercing shrieks.
Frequent epileptic spasms during menstruation.
Menses not appearing after suppression of foot-sweat.
Torpid chlorosis.
Характеристика растения
Violent and distressing cramps in uterine region, in pit of stomach, fingers and toes, or violent general spasms during pregnancy.
Spasms during parturition, with violent vomiting ; opisthotonos, or spreading of limbs and opening mouth.
Clonic spasms during pregnancy or parturition, when attack commences in one part, as in fingers or toes, or in a limb, and gradually spreads all over body ; great restlessness between the attacks.
During lying-in-time : sour-smelling sweat ; miliary eruption ; anxiety ; easily frightened ; heaviness of head ; soreness of abdomen to pressure : burning in small of back ; numbness of arms. Spasms commence with cramps in fingers and toes ; hands and feet turned outward.
Violent spasmodic labor pains appearing at irregular intervals, often with violent cramps in lower extremities, or cramps may be confined to fingers and toes ; great restlessness between the pains.
Most distressing after-pains, particularly in women who have borne many children.
Cramping after-pains often produce cramp in extremities.
Swelling and induration of mamma.
Spasms during parturition, with violent vomiting ; opisthotonos, or spreading of limbs and opening mouth.
Clonic spasms during pregnancy or parturition, when attack commences in one part, as in fingers or toes, or in a limb, and gradually spreads all over body ; great restlessness between the attacks.
During lying-in-time : sour-smelling sweat ; miliary eruption ; anxiety ; easily frightened ; heaviness of head ; soreness of abdomen to pressure : burning in small of back ; numbness of arms. Spasms commence with cramps in fingers and toes ; hands and feet turned outward.
Violent spasmodic labor pains appearing at irregular intervals, often with violent cramps in lower extremities, or cramps may be confined to fingers and toes ; great restlessness between the pains.
Most distressing after-pains, particularly in women who have borne many children.
Cramping after-pains often produce cramp in extremities.
Swelling and induration of mamma.
Органы грудной клетки
Sighing ; rolling from one side to another ; at intervals trying to take a deep inspiration.
Respirations deep and snoring, twelve to a minute.
Respiration hurried and noisy. θ Spasms.
Very rapid respiration, with rattling in bronchi, as if they were full of mucus.
Whistling breathing, with whooping cough.
Quick rattling breathing, with cough.
Between attacks of whooping cough, rattling on chest.
Constant spasmodic jerking motion of diaphragm, making breathing short ; muscles of chest and abdomen in constant motion, as after running fast ; talks like one out of breath, worse from motion ; better on lying down.
Difficult, labored respiration ; much rattling of mucus.
Dyspnoea ; short, superficial, quick respirations, worse by coughing, laughing, bending upper part of body backward, walking quickly, or inhaling acrid vapors.
When trying to take a deep breath, cough with whistling breathing ; dyspnoea in spasmodic fits, almost suffocating. θ Asthma.
Dyspnoea so intense, that he cannot bear a handkerchief before face.
Spasmodic dyspnoea after fright or vexation.
Asthma Millari ; violent attacks, without any cough, in children.
Violent asthmatic attacks come on suddenly, and cease suddenly ; during attacks, great dyspnoea, patient sitting in a bent position ; loud wheezing respiration ; cannot speak above a whisper ; dark red face ; eyes red and protruding ; trembling of limbs ; profuse sweat ; attacks particularly worse by long continued walking against the wind.
Quick, anxious respiration ; contraction of muscles in hypochondriac region during inspiration ; rattling of mucus deep in chest ; great restlessness, throwing herself about in bed ; face blue ; eyes wide open ; larynx drawn upward ; presses hands violently against bed ; visible cramps of respiratory muscles ; predominant abdominal respiration ; difficult, hollow, hoarse cough, sometimes with a whistling or metallic ringing sound ; hands cold ; cold sweat on forehead ; spasmodic, small, and very frequent pulse ; attacks followed by great prostration. θ Asthma Millari.
Beginning paralysis of lungs ; indicated by sudden difficulty of breathing, followed by great prostration.
Cough with interrupted, almost suppressed respiration.
Cough increases dyspnoea.
Dry, suffocating cough, with gagging, worse at night, not permitting sleep.
Cough in children ; threatening to suffocate.
With every paroxysm of cough, child coughs itself into a fit ; appears as if it were dead.
Cough, with regular inhalation, but sighing exhalation.
Cough, worse at night, with sensation of great dryness in pit of stomach.
Sound when coughing as if cough re-echoed in stomach.
Fatiguing cough with blowing of blood from nose.
Trembling after coughing.
Metastatic cough, with the characteristic sound of croup.
Nervous and spasmodic cough.
Dry cough with measles.
Difficult expectoration, with cough.
Blood in coughing in dark, mixed with phlegm.
Cough dry in evening, slight expectoration morning ; phlegm mixed with dark blood, of putrid taste and smell.
Cough after sea wind.
Cough : worse by inhaling cold air ; taking deep breath ; laughing ; after eating solid food ; when bending backward ; on coming from cold air into warm room.
Cough better by drinking cold water.
Before the attacks, great anxiety ; attacks promoted by eating solid food ; they vomit particularly solid food. θ Whooping cough.
Three attacks in quick succession, most at night, with loss of breath. θ Whooping cough.
Paroxysm excited by phlegm in larynx, or a feeling of cramp in pharynx. θ Whooping cough.
Whooping cough, in long attacks, uninterrupted until breath is gone.
Attacks severe, with entire loss of breath, slight twitchings, rigidity ; do not recover for some time ; between attacks, perceptible rattling of mucus in chest. θ Whooping cough.
Whooping cough in most malignant from, better by swallowing cold water.
Children get stiff, breathing ceases, spasmodic twitchings, after awhile consciousness returns, they vomit, and recover but slowly. θ Whooping cough.
Child has a complete cataleptic spasm with each paroxysm of whooping cough.
Stadium nervosum of pertussis, each attack ending in convulsions.
Putrid phlegm. θ Whooping cough.
Pertussis, when vomiting follows each paroxysm of coughing.
Convulsive throwing up of tough, gelatinous mucus, during paroxysms ; afterwards constant rattling on chest ; convulsions of flexor muscles. θ Pertussis.
Spasmodic constriction of chest, obstructing breathing and preventing speech ; after fright or anger.
Spasmodic contraction of chest ; after drinking ; before vomiting, in cholera Asiatica ; with inclination to urinate ; with cough.
Nausea, pressure on stomach, and anxious contraction of chest ; trembling at heart ; trembling of arms and feet ; can’t walk ; great weakness ; changed expression and paleness of face.
Pain behind ensiform cartilage, with a deathly feeling ; attacks of dyspnoea unto suffocation, cold face, blue lips, coldness all over.
Shooting pains in sides of chest, must cry out.
Feeling of a rush of blood to the chest.
Violent palpitation of heart, and slow, small, weak pulse. θ Paralysis after cholera, apoplexy, etc.
Rattling of mucus, deep in chest. θ Asthma Millari.
Lobular pneumonia, when formation of abscess threatens ; beginning paralysis of lungs, indicated by a sudden difficulty of breathing, followed by great prostration ; complication with whooping cough ; face earthy, dirty, bluish ; roof of mouth red ; sweat sour-smelling ; diarrhoea.
Epidemic pneumonia ; after a few-days’ dry coughing or a diarrhoea, either stitches, mostly in left side of chest, or a pressure behind sternum, or neither, but bronchitic symptoms by auscultation, with headache, fever or great prostration ; cannot take a deep breath, the shooting pain prevents it ; in some cases dyspnoea, sudden feeling of suffocation, has to sit up, with a pale, collapsed face.
Chest and epigastric region become blue. θ Epilepsy.
Respirations deep and snoring, twelve to a minute.
Respiration hurried and noisy. θ Spasms.
Very rapid respiration, with rattling in bronchi, as if they were full of mucus.
Whistling breathing, with whooping cough.
Quick rattling breathing, with cough.
Between attacks of whooping cough, rattling on chest.
Constant spasmodic jerking motion of diaphragm, making breathing short ; muscles of chest and abdomen in constant motion, as after running fast ; talks like one out of breath, worse from motion ; better on lying down.
Difficult, labored respiration ; much rattling of mucus.
Dyspnoea ; short, superficial, quick respirations, worse by coughing, laughing, bending upper part of body backward, walking quickly, or inhaling acrid vapors.
When trying to take a deep breath, cough with whistling breathing ; dyspnoea in spasmodic fits, almost suffocating. θ Asthma.
Dyspnoea so intense, that he cannot bear a handkerchief before face.
Spasmodic dyspnoea after fright or vexation.
Asthma Millari ; violent attacks, without any cough, in children.
Violent asthmatic attacks come on suddenly, and cease suddenly ; during attacks, great dyspnoea, patient sitting in a bent position ; loud wheezing respiration ; cannot speak above a whisper ; dark red face ; eyes red and protruding ; trembling of limbs ; profuse sweat ; attacks particularly worse by long continued walking against the wind.
Quick, anxious respiration ; contraction of muscles in hypochondriac region during inspiration ; rattling of mucus deep in chest ; great restlessness, throwing herself about in bed ; face blue ; eyes wide open ; larynx drawn upward ; presses hands violently against bed ; visible cramps of respiratory muscles ; predominant abdominal respiration ; difficult, hollow, hoarse cough, sometimes with a whistling or metallic ringing sound ; hands cold ; cold sweat on forehead ; spasmodic, small, and very frequent pulse ; attacks followed by great prostration. θ Asthma Millari.
Beginning paralysis of lungs ; indicated by sudden difficulty of breathing, followed by great prostration.
Cough with interrupted, almost suppressed respiration.
Cough increases dyspnoea.
Dry, suffocating cough, with gagging, worse at night, not permitting sleep.
Cough in children ; threatening to suffocate.
With every paroxysm of cough, child coughs itself into a fit ; appears as if it were dead.
Cough, with regular inhalation, but sighing exhalation.
Cough, worse at night, with sensation of great dryness in pit of stomach.
Sound when coughing as if cough re-echoed in stomach.
Fatiguing cough with blowing of blood from nose.
Trembling after coughing.
Metastatic cough, with the characteristic sound of croup.
Nervous and spasmodic cough.
Dry cough with measles.
Difficult expectoration, with cough.
Blood in coughing in dark, mixed with phlegm.
Cough dry in evening, slight expectoration morning ; phlegm mixed with dark blood, of putrid taste and smell.
Cough after sea wind.
Cough : worse by inhaling cold air ; taking deep breath ; laughing ; after eating solid food ; when bending backward ; on coming from cold air into warm room.
Cough better by drinking cold water.
Before the attacks, great anxiety ; attacks promoted by eating solid food ; they vomit particularly solid food. θ Whooping cough.
Three attacks in quick succession, most at night, with loss of breath. θ Whooping cough.
Paroxysm excited by phlegm in larynx, or a feeling of cramp in pharynx. θ Whooping cough.
Whooping cough, in long attacks, uninterrupted until breath is gone.
Attacks severe, with entire loss of breath, slight twitchings, rigidity ; do not recover for some time ; between attacks, perceptible rattling of mucus in chest. θ Whooping cough.
Whooping cough in most malignant from, better by swallowing cold water.
Children get stiff, breathing ceases, spasmodic twitchings, after awhile consciousness returns, they vomit, and recover but slowly. θ Whooping cough.
Child has a complete cataleptic spasm with each paroxysm of whooping cough.
Stadium nervosum of pertussis, each attack ending in convulsions.
Putrid phlegm. θ Whooping cough.
Pertussis, when vomiting follows each paroxysm of coughing.
Convulsive throwing up of tough, gelatinous mucus, during paroxysms ; afterwards constant rattling on chest ; convulsions of flexor muscles. θ Pertussis.
Spasmodic constriction of chest, obstructing breathing and preventing speech ; after fright or anger.
Spasmodic contraction of chest ; after drinking ; before vomiting, in cholera Asiatica ; with inclination to urinate ; with cough.
Nausea, pressure on stomach, and anxious contraction of chest ; trembling at heart ; trembling of arms and feet ; can’t walk ; great weakness ; changed expression and paleness of face.
Pain behind ensiform cartilage, with a deathly feeling ; attacks of dyspnoea unto suffocation, cold face, blue lips, coldness all over.
Shooting pains in sides of chest, must cry out.
Feeling of a rush of blood to the chest.
Violent palpitation of heart, and slow, small, weak pulse. θ Paralysis after cholera, apoplexy, etc.
Rattling of mucus, deep in chest. θ Asthma Millari.
Lobular pneumonia, when formation of abscess threatens ; beginning paralysis of lungs, indicated by a sudden difficulty of breathing, followed by great prostration ; complication with whooping cough ; face earthy, dirty, bluish ; roof of mouth red ; sweat sour-smelling ; diarrhoea.
Epidemic pneumonia ; after a few-days’ dry coughing or a diarrhoea, either stitches, mostly in left side of chest, or a pressure behind sternum, or neither, but bronchitic symptoms by auscultation, with headache, fever or great prostration ; cannot take a deep breath, the shooting pain prevents it ; in some cases dyspnoea, sudden feeling of suffocation, has to sit up, with a pale, collapsed face.
Chest and epigastric region become blue. θ Epilepsy.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Anxious feeling about heart.
Boring pain in region of heart ; stitches below it.
Palpitation and spasms of heart.
Disturbed innervation of heart ; nervous palpitation with blueness of face, dyspnoea ; sudden death impending.
Attacks when excited or when exciting herself ; deathly feeling with pain behind ensiform cartilage ; cold face, blue lips, coldness all over ; sudden attack of dyspnoea unto suffocation. θ Angina pectoris.
Nausea, pressure in stomach, anxious oppression of chest, trembling of heart ; also trembling in hands and feet, so that she cannot walk ; great lassitude ; paleness of face with altered expression ; constipation ; disturbed mind and sleep ; great nervousness. θ Affection of heart.
Angina pectoris, attacks coming on from excitement and exertion ; slow pulse.
Pulse generally small, almost imperceptible, weak and very slow ; less frequently full, hard, and accelerated.
Pulse very changeable ; thready, tense ; small, hard and moderately frequent ; irritable in brain affections.
Pulse thready, tense, 100 per minute. θ Measles, with pneumonic symptoms.
Pulse quick, small. θ Scarlatina.
A strong pulse and a wild look.
Boring pain in region of heart ; stitches below it.
Palpitation and spasms of heart.
Disturbed innervation of heart ; nervous palpitation with blueness of face, dyspnoea ; sudden death impending.
Attacks when excited or when exciting herself ; deathly feeling with pain behind ensiform cartilage ; cold face, blue lips, coldness all over ; sudden attack of dyspnoea unto suffocation. θ Angina pectoris.
Nausea, pressure in stomach, anxious oppression of chest, trembling of heart ; also trembling in hands and feet, so that she cannot walk ; great lassitude ; paleness of face with altered expression ; constipation ; disturbed mind and sleep ; great nervousness. θ Affection of heart.
Angina pectoris, attacks coming on from excitement and exertion ; slow pulse.
Pulse generally small, almost imperceptible, weak and very slow ; less frequently full, hard, and accelerated.
Pulse very changeable ; thready, tense ; small, hard and moderately frequent ; irritable in brain affections.
Pulse thready, tense, 100 per minute. θ Measles, with pneumonic symptoms.
Pulse quick, small. θ Scarlatina.
A strong pulse and a wild look.
Конечности и позвоночник
Throbbing carotids. θ Spasms.
Glands of neck indurated.
Paralysis of muscles of back up to neck ; also of the limbs ; lower limbs oedematous, but retain sensibility.
Hyperesthesia and great sensitiveness of spinal column from sixth cervical vertebra to small of back, slightest touch intolerable ; tearing, jerking pains in limbs.
Broad stitches as with a knife, under left scapula, near spinal column, independent of breathing.
Lancination in small of back in a transverse direction.
Burning and tearing in small of back.
Stiff, lame feeling in back and lumbar region.
Backache, top of sacrum ; griping and spasm about region of heart ; head troubles him a great deal.
Anchylosis of shoulder-joint.
After overwork and mental anxiety, twitching in fingers, extending into hands, arms and body, to diaphragm ; upper portion of body and arms affected by a remittent convulsive shaking ; flushed face, hod head ; alternate laughing and crying, ending in profuse sweat ; paroxysms excited by laughing, talking, or any exciting emotion ; at no time did the convulsive shaking or trembling extend below waist.
Jerking of arms and hands.
Left arm convulsively jerked as by an electric shock.
Drawing pains in both arms. θ Headache.
Drawing sensation in left arm, arm drawn involuntarily close to body ; formication and tearing in right hand. θ Epilepsy.
Sensation in right arm and forearm, as of constriction of different parts, and of great increase in size, it seeming to him at times to be larger than his whole body, and its motions not fully under control of will.
Numbness and lameness of arms and hands.
Inflammation of lymphatic vessels from hand to shoulder, with swelling of hand.
Tetter in bend of elbow, with yellow scabs ; itching violently, particularly in evening.
Frequent falling asleep of the hands, oppression of chest, and palpitation. θ Spinal irritation.
Can hold nothing in hand, the objects fall to the ground.
Clutches air with hands, unable to speak or swallow. θ Asthma.
Long-lasting trembling and shaking of right hand.
Coldness of hands, and bluish appearance of fingers.
Twitching in hands and fingers.
Stitching, rending or drawing pains in upper limbs.
Stiffened and inflamed hands and fingers.
Pain in middle finger as if pricked with a needle followed the next day by jerking of finger, which soon extended to all the fingers, to first one arm then the other, and finally, ere eight weeks elapsed, there was not a muscle in body which did not occasionally jerk involuntarily. θ сhorea minor.
Fingers as if dead. θ сholera.
Little vesicles on tips of fingers, oozing watery fluid.
Ringworm on point of right elbow, and crusts in bend of left.
Paralysis of lower limbs. θ Psoas abscess.
Violent cramps in legs and feet.
Twitching in lower limbs, drawing them backward.
Lameness of lower limbs, with contraction of muscles.
Great weakness of legs, knees give way.
Weakness of knees, with painful drawing when walking and standing, which is very difficult, knees give way.
Frequent involuntary doubling up of knees in walking, bringing him to the ground ; with whining, tremulous voice and manner.
Weakness in knee-joint, pain as if broken.
Spasms and cramps in calves.
Drawing and digging pain in calf.
Muscles of calf contracted in knots ; convulsive twitching of fingers and toes ; cramping, colicky pains ; no vomiting or diarrhoea. θ сholera.
Cramp in leg, from ankle up into calf.
Painful heaviness in ankle.
Child draws feet spasmodically upwards and backwards upon nates. θ сonvulsions.
Icy coldness of feet, or burning in soles ; suppressed foot-sweat, or sweating of feet.
Severe cramps in muscles of extremities, making her cry out with pain ; flexors strongly contracted, she imagines every moment the joints will break ; limbs hot and very sensitive to touch.
Cramps in limbs, fingers and toes.
Weakness and weariness of limbs.
Coldness of limbs and hands, bluish appearance of fingers ; low temperature, prostration.
Contraction of joints, particularly knees.
Twitching and jerking of arms and legs. θ Spasms.
^^ Itching and tearing in limbs, and muscles of back, can hardly bear it.
Tingling in extremities ; twitching and jerking of limbs.
Peculiar contractions of fingers and toes. θ сholera.
Convulsions beginning with cramps in lower extremities, and drawing in of fingers and toes, throwing about of limbs, frothing at mouth, and choking in throat.
Lameness, dragging of left leg ; twitching of left arm ; imperfect speech, tongue trembling ; inability to grasp and hold anything. θ сhorea.
Lying : headache ; drumming in ear upon which he lies ; pain in forehead ; sensation as of a ball going to and fro under ribs ; spasmodic jerking of diaphragm ; twitchings .
Sitting : sadness while walking compels ; sudden attack of epilepsy.
Standing : sadness while walking compels quiet ; painful drawing in knees.
Sitting in bent position : during asthmatic attack.
Motion : headache.
On opening eyes : eyeballs move about.
On moving eyes : pain in orbit.
Looking up : vertigo, with dimness of sight.
Lying down : sudden cries, clonic spasms of lower limbs.
Sitting up : giddiness of head while in bed, prevents ; sudden suffocation compels.
Rising : drumming in ear .
Bending backward : dyspnoea.
Walking : sadness while ; dyspnoea worse by quick ; asthma.
Exertion : angina pectoris coming on.
Touch : headache worse from ; convulsions of head worse or renewed by ; swelling on head painful to ; pain in left tonsil.
Pressure : headache worse from slightest ; pressure in pit of stomach ; colic not worse by ; abdomen sore to.
Glands of neck indurated.
Paralysis of muscles of back up to neck ; also of the limbs ; lower limbs oedematous, but retain sensibility.
Hyperesthesia and great sensitiveness of spinal column from sixth cervical vertebra to small of back, slightest touch intolerable ; tearing, jerking pains in limbs.
Broad stitches as with a knife, under left scapula, near spinal column, independent of breathing.
Lancination in small of back in a transverse direction.
Burning and tearing in small of back.
Stiff, lame feeling in back and lumbar region.
Backache, top of sacrum ; griping and spasm about region of heart ; head troubles him a great deal.
Anchylosis of shoulder-joint.
After overwork and mental anxiety, twitching in fingers, extending into hands, arms and body, to diaphragm ; upper portion of body and arms affected by a remittent convulsive shaking ; flushed face, hod head ; alternate laughing and crying, ending in profuse sweat ; paroxysms excited by laughing, talking, or any exciting emotion ; at no time did the convulsive shaking or trembling extend below waist.
Jerking of arms and hands.
Left arm convulsively jerked as by an electric shock.
Drawing pains in both arms. θ Headache.
Drawing sensation in left arm, arm drawn involuntarily close to body ; formication and tearing in right hand. θ Epilepsy.
Sensation in right arm and forearm, as of constriction of different parts, and of great increase in size, it seeming to him at times to be larger than his whole body, and its motions not fully under control of will.
Numbness and lameness of arms and hands.
Inflammation of lymphatic vessels from hand to shoulder, with swelling of hand.
Tetter in bend of elbow, with yellow scabs ; itching violently, particularly in evening.
Frequent falling asleep of the hands, oppression of chest, and palpitation. θ Spinal irritation.
Can hold nothing in hand, the objects fall to the ground.
Clutches air with hands, unable to speak or swallow. θ Asthma.
Long-lasting trembling and shaking of right hand.
Coldness of hands, and bluish appearance of fingers.
Twitching in hands and fingers.
Stitching, rending or drawing pains in upper limbs.
Stiffened and inflamed hands and fingers.
Pain in middle finger as if pricked with a needle followed the next day by jerking of finger, which soon extended to all the fingers, to first one arm then the other, and finally, ere eight weeks elapsed, there was not a muscle in body which did not occasionally jerk involuntarily. θ сhorea minor.
Fingers as if dead. θ сholera.
Little vesicles on tips of fingers, oozing watery fluid.
Ringworm on point of right elbow, and crusts in bend of left.
Paralysis of lower limbs. θ Psoas abscess.
Violent cramps in legs and feet.
Twitching in lower limbs, drawing them backward.
Lameness of lower limbs, with contraction of muscles.
Great weakness of legs, knees give way.
Weakness of knees, with painful drawing when walking and standing, which is very difficult, knees give way.
Frequent involuntary doubling up of knees in walking, bringing him to the ground ; with whining, tremulous voice and manner.
Weakness in knee-joint, pain as if broken.
Spasms and cramps in calves.
Drawing and digging pain in calf.
Muscles of calf contracted in knots ; convulsive twitching of fingers and toes ; cramping, colicky pains ; no vomiting or diarrhoea. θ сholera.
Cramp in leg, from ankle up into calf.
Painful heaviness in ankle.
Child draws feet spasmodically upwards and backwards upon nates. θ сonvulsions.
Icy coldness of feet, or burning in soles ; suppressed foot-sweat, or sweating of feet.
Severe cramps in muscles of extremities, making her cry out with pain ; flexors strongly contracted, she imagines every moment the joints will break ; limbs hot and very sensitive to touch.
Cramps in limbs, fingers and toes.
Weakness and weariness of limbs.
Coldness of limbs and hands, bluish appearance of fingers ; low temperature, prostration.
Contraction of joints, particularly knees.
Twitching and jerking of arms and legs. θ Spasms.
^^ Itching and tearing in limbs, and muscles of back, can hardly bear it.
Tingling in extremities ; twitching and jerking of limbs.
Peculiar contractions of fingers and toes. θ сholera.
Convulsions beginning with cramps in lower extremities, and drawing in of fingers and toes, throwing about of limbs, frothing at mouth, and choking in throat.
Lameness, dragging of left leg ; twitching of left arm ; imperfect speech, tongue trembling ; inability to grasp and hold anything. θ сhorea.
Lying : headache ; drumming in ear upon which he lies ; pain in forehead ; sensation as of a ball going to and fro under ribs ; spasmodic jerking of diaphragm ; twitchings .
Sitting : sadness while walking compels ; sudden attack of epilepsy.
Standing : sadness while walking compels quiet ; painful drawing in knees.
Sitting in bent position : during asthmatic attack.
Motion : headache.
On opening eyes : eyeballs move about.
On moving eyes : pain in orbit.
Looking up : vertigo, with dimness of sight.
Lying down : sudden cries, clonic spasms of lower limbs.
Sitting up : giddiness of head while in bed, prevents ; sudden suffocation compels.
Rising : drumming in ear .
Bending backward : dyspnoea.
Walking : sadness while ; dyspnoea worse by quick ; asthma.
Exertion : angina pectoris coming on.
Touch : headache worse from ; convulsions of head worse or renewed by ; swelling on head painful to ; pain in left tonsil.
Pressure : headache worse from slightest ; pressure in pit of stomach ; colic not worse by ; abdomen sore to.
Нервная система
Senses less acute, in cholera.
Restless tossing about and constant uneasiness.
Nervous trembling, with very great acuteness and sensitiveness of all the senses.
Weariness of long duration.
Great weakness of muscles and relaxation of body.
Great prostration, with nervous excitability, constant restlessness driving out of bed.
Twitching, jerking or starting during sleep.
Starting, grinding of teeth, in brain affections.
Twitching of limbs, followed by unconsciousness.
Twitchings and jerkings, which commence in fingers ; spasms often affect only one side, are painful, spread over whole body. θ сhorea.
Periodical chorea, muscular contortions, with laughter, grimaces, exaltation and ecstasies ; irregular movements commencing in fingers and toes ; twitchings, often confined to one side ; better when lying.
Involuntary motions of left arm and leg resulting from fright, and finally developing into chorea, so that she is unable to keep limbs quiet while awake ; control of tongue lost, and for a long time speech absent.
St. Vitus’ dance in a girl of 7 years, after seeing a child in convulsions ; attack begins with shooting and burning in left arm ; arm convulsed, tossed about, so that whole body has to follow ; horrible distortion of eyes and face ; neck drawn to right shoulder ; face red, sweating ; fever and thirst ; ends with making fun-creeping under table irritable, changing from a mild, sentimental mood to most stubborn obstinacy.
Chorea, or other clonic spasms, during pregnancy, when attacks commence in one part-the fingers or a limb and gradually extend until the whole frame is involved.
Face deathly ; lips cyanotic ; breathing only as it were by voluntary efforts ; rolling alternately each time the chest heaved, from right side to back, from back to right side again ; pulse thready, tense, 120 per minute.
Spasmodic affections in general ; whooping cough where attacks run into catalepsy ; epilepsy ; spasms, particularly which begin in fingers and toes, then spread all over body ; clonic spasms.
Spasms preceded by violent vomiting of mucus ; after spasm child screams, turns and twists until another occurs ; all troubles seem inclined to be translated to brain, threatening that organ with paralysis or dropsy.
Spasms with blue face and thumbs clenched across palms of hands.
Spasms come on in paroxysms, grouped with other symptoms which always appear with these paroxysms. θ сhorea.
Before outbreak, she feels a sudden metallic-sour taste in mouth, with flow of saliva ; dulness and heaviness of head, and an increasing anxiety which drives her to bed ; face grows red ; carotids pulsate ; reddened bulbi become distorted ; throat and chest feel constricted ; she cannot speak ; respiration hurried and noisy, arms and legs jerk ; especially left arm is convulsively jerked as by an electric shock ; total loss of consciousness ; spell lasts from twenty to twenty-five minutes ; body breaks out in sweat of an unpleasant odor ; urine flows involuntary ; gradually pulse grows slower, and moaning child falls into a comatose sleep, from which she awakes with dulness of head, slow remembrance, and excessive prostration ; spasms every fourteen days. θ Spasms from fright after operation.
Spasms after vexation or fright.
Stiffness of whole body ; sometimes body bent forward.
Spasms from metastasis from other organs to brain.
Tonic spasms, throwing patient about bed with such violence, as to require several persons to hold her, sometimes body is bent backward like a bow ; unconsciousness ; constant trickling of saliva from mouth ; constipation ; frequent scanty, turbid urine.
In anemic conditions ; shrill cries during attack ; drowsy and stupid condition during intervals, with nausea and vomiting of slime ; bloated abdomen, with involuntary, thin discharges from bowels ; also when child loses its breath from crying, and draws its feet spasmodically upwards and backwards upon nates. θ сonvulsions of children.
General convulsions, with continued vomiting and violent colic, uremic eclampsia with loquacious delirium, followed by apathy, tongue and breath cold ; face distorted, often red ; eyes projecting, staring ; long, shrill screams ; finally exhaustion, sweat, torpor, and cessation of convulsions.
Eclampsia of children, during dentition ; violent spasms, similar to epilepsy ; red face ; head and face puffed up ; shrill shrieks before attack ; nausea, violent retching with vomiting of mucus ; lethargy ; twisting, turning, screaming ; belly distended and hard ; involuntary thin stools ; sometimes convulsive twitching of limbs, followed by senselessness.
Child lies on belly and spasmodically thrusts breech up.
Convulsions with biting.
Epileptic convulsions : trembling, tottering and falling unconscious, without a scream ; preceded by drawing in l. arm ; aura epileptica ; followed by headache ; during sleep at night ; each mew moon.
She becomes suddenly pale ; loses consciousness ; muscles of face and limbs jerk ; at last whole body becomes stiff ; falls down sometimes ; two or three attacks every week θ Epilepsy.
Epileptiform convulsions ; he trembled, staggered, and fell down unconscious, without crying.
Before attack : nausea, retching and throwing up of phlegm, bloated abdomen, drawing sensation in left arm, arm is drawn involuntarily close to body, formication and tearing in right hand, shuddering, goose-flesh, palpitation of heart, or sudden shriek and falling down, without any premonitory signs.
During attack : fingers become dead ; involuntary discharge of urine ; bluish color of pit of stomach and chest ; chest and head covered with perspiration.
After attack : weeping ; headache ; profuse discharge of clear, watery urine ; long trembling and shaking of right hand ; sleep.
During intervals : anxiety ; tendency to be frightened ; burning in chest and abdomen, with chilliness of remainder of body ; burning and tearing in small of back ; numbness of arms.
In clearly idiopathic cases of epilepsy, with no organic lesions ; worse about new moon ; after mental excitement ; fright.
Nocturnal epilepsy, or when the fits return at regular intervals (menses), beginning with a sudden scream ; unconsciousness ; loss of sensibility and throwing the body upwards and forwards ; coldness of hands and feet ; lividity of face ; clinching the thumbs ; suffocative paroxysms ; frequent emission of urine ; turbid urine ; piercing, violent screaming ; difficult comprehension or stupor ; convulsions of children during dentition or from retrocession of exanthemata.
Epileptic attacks in consequence of getting wet ; drew herself up in bed like a ball, began to scream at slightest touch, or distorted her face as if from pain, and tried in every way to prevent feeling the pulse.
One or two days after cessation of menses, during night, unconsciousness, moaning, rattling in throat, frothing at the mouth, clinching of thumbs, with cramps in abdomen, loss of appetite, and yellowish-white coating of tongue. θ Epilepsy after falling upon head.
^^ Opisthotonic spasms, body arched, resting on occiput and heels.
Tetanus, with bending head back, and escape of urine.
Rigidity of limbs and trunk ; jaws closed, with loss of consciousness, redness of eyes, ptyalism and frequent micturition.
Nervous apoplexy, with convulsions, distortions of face, and palsy of speech. Atrophy of paralyzed parts, with paralysis of motor nerves, while sensation is normal ; paralysis of tongue ; choreic movement.
After apoplexy, when there is congestion in chest, strong palpitation of heart, or slow, weak and small pulse ; eyelids keep closed and twitch ; when opening eyes, eyeballs move about ; paralysis after cholera and typhus ; paralysis commencing at periphery, and progressing towards centre.
Paralysis of tongue, stuttering, deficient speech ; the paralyzed limbs grow thinner, but preserve sensation ; frequently complicated with unyielding contractions or chorea like contractions.
Paralysis, could only turn head and neck ; feet insensible, bladder and rectum paralyzed.
Restless tossing about and constant uneasiness.
Nervous trembling, with very great acuteness and sensitiveness of all the senses.
Weariness of long duration.
Great weakness of muscles and relaxation of body.
Great prostration, with nervous excitability, constant restlessness driving out of bed.
Twitching, jerking or starting during sleep.
Starting, grinding of teeth, in brain affections.
Twitching of limbs, followed by unconsciousness.
Twitchings and jerkings, which commence in fingers ; spasms often affect only one side, are painful, spread over whole body. θ сhorea.
Periodical chorea, muscular contortions, with laughter, grimaces, exaltation and ecstasies ; irregular movements commencing in fingers and toes ; twitchings, often confined to one side ; better when lying.
Involuntary motions of left arm and leg resulting from fright, and finally developing into chorea, so that she is unable to keep limbs quiet while awake ; control of tongue lost, and for a long time speech absent.
St. Vitus’ dance in a girl of 7 years, after seeing a child in convulsions ; attack begins with shooting and burning in left arm ; arm convulsed, tossed about, so that whole body has to follow ; horrible distortion of eyes and face ; neck drawn to right shoulder ; face red, sweating ; fever and thirst ; ends with making fun-creeping under table irritable, changing from a mild, sentimental mood to most stubborn obstinacy.
Chorea, or other clonic spasms, during pregnancy, when attacks commence in one part-the fingers or a limb and gradually extend until the whole frame is involved.
Face deathly ; lips cyanotic ; breathing only as it were by voluntary efforts ; rolling alternately each time the chest heaved, from right side to back, from back to right side again ; pulse thready, tense, 120 per minute.
Spasmodic affections in general ; whooping cough where attacks run into catalepsy ; epilepsy ; spasms, particularly which begin in fingers and toes, then spread all over body ; clonic spasms.
Spasms preceded by violent vomiting of mucus ; after spasm child screams, turns and twists until another occurs ; all troubles seem inclined to be translated to brain, threatening that organ with paralysis or dropsy.
Spasms with blue face and thumbs clenched across palms of hands.
Spasms come on in paroxysms, grouped with other symptoms which always appear with these paroxysms. θ сhorea.
Before outbreak, she feels a sudden metallic-sour taste in mouth, with flow of saliva ; dulness and heaviness of head, and an increasing anxiety which drives her to bed ; face grows red ; carotids pulsate ; reddened bulbi become distorted ; throat and chest feel constricted ; she cannot speak ; respiration hurried and noisy, arms and legs jerk ; especially left arm is convulsively jerked as by an electric shock ; total loss of consciousness ; spell lasts from twenty to twenty-five minutes ; body breaks out in sweat of an unpleasant odor ; urine flows involuntary ; gradually pulse grows slower, and moaning child falls into a comatose sleep, from which she awakes with dulness of head, slow remembrance, and excessive prostration ; spasms every fourteen days. θ Spasms from fright after operation.
Spasms after vexation or fright.
Stiffness of whole body ; sometimes body bent forward.
Spasms from metastasis from other organs to brain.
Tonic spasms, throwing patient about bed with such violence, as to require several persons to hold her, sometimes body is bent backward like a bow ; unconsciousness ; constant trickling of saliva from mouth ; constipation ; frequent scanty, turbid urine.
In anemic conditions ; shrill cries during attack ; drowsy and stupid condition during intervals, with nausea and vomiting of slime ; bloated abdomen, with involuntary, thin discharges from bowels ; also when child loses its breath from crying, and draws its feet spasmodically upwards and backwards upon nates. θ сonvulsions of children.
General convulsions, with continued vomiting and violent colic, uremic eclampsia with loquacious delirium, followed by apathy, tongue and breath cold ; face distorted, often red ; eyes projecting, staring ; long, shrill screams ; finally exhaustion, sweat, torpor, and cessation of convulsions.
Eclampsia of children, during dentition ; violent spasms, similar to epilepsy ; red face ; head and face puffed up ; shrill shrieks before attack ; nausea, violent retching with vomiting of mucus ; lethargy ; twisting, turning, screaming ; belly distended and hard ; involuntary thin stools ; sometimes convulsive twitching of limbs, followed by senselessness.
Child lies on belly and spasmodically thrusts breech up.
Convulsions with biting.
Epileptic convulsions : trembling, tottering and falling unconscious, without a scream ; preceded by drawing in l. arm ; aura epileptica ; followed by headache ; during sleep at night ; each mew moon.
She becomes suddenly pale ; loses consciousness ; muscles of face and limbs jerk ; at last whole body becomes stiff ; falls down sometimes ; two or three attacks every week θ Epilepsy.
Epileptiform convulsions ; he trembled, staggered, and fell down unconscious, without crying.
Before attack : nausea, retching and throwing up of phlegm, bloated abdomen, drawing sensation in left arm, arm is drawn involuntarily close to body, formication and tearing in right hand, shuddering, goose-flesh, palpitation of heart, or sudden shriek and falling down, without any premonitory signs.
During attack : fingers become dead ; involuntary discharge of urine ; bluish color of pit of stomach and chest ; chest and head covered with perspiration.
After attack : weeping ; headache ; profuse discharge of clear, watery urine ; long trembling and shaking of right hand ; sleep.
During intervals : anxiety ; tendency to be frightened ; burning in chest and abdomen, with chilliness of remainder of body ; burning and tearing in small of back ; numbness of arms.
In clearly idiopathic cases of epilepsy, with no organic lesions ; worse about new moon ; after mental excitement ; fright.
Nocturnal epilepsy, or when the fits return at regular intervals (menses), beginning with a sudden scream ; unconsciousness ; loss of sensibility and throwing the body upwards and forwards ; coldness of hands and feet ; lividity of face ; clinching the thumbs ; suffocative paroxysms ; frequent emission of urine ; turbid urine ; piercing, violent screaming ; difficult comprehension or stupor ; convulsions of children during dentition or from retrocession of exanthemata.
Epileptic attacks in consequence of getting wet ; drew herself up in bed like a ball, began to scream at slightest touch, or distorted her face as if from pain, and tried in every way to prevent feeling the pulse.
One or two days after cessation of menses, during night, unconsciousness, moaning, rattling in throat, frothing at the mouth, clinching of thumbs, with cramps in abdomen, loss of appetite, and yellowish-white coating of tongue. θ Epilepsy after falling upon head.
^^ Opisthotonic spasms, body arched, resting on occiput and heels.
Tetanus, with bending head back, and escape of urine.
Rigidity of limbs and trunk ; jaws closed, with loss of consciousness, redness of eyes, ptyalism and frequent micturition.
Nervous apoplexy, with convulsions, distortions of face, and palsy of speech. Atrophy of paralyzed parts, with paralysis of motor nerves, while sensation is normal ; paralysis of tongue ; choreic movement.
After apoplexy, when there is congestion in chest, strong palpitation of heart, or slow, weak and small pulse ; eyelids keep closed and twitch ; when opening eyes, eyeballs move about ; paralysis after cholera and typhus ; paralysis commencing at periphery, and progressing towards centre.
Paralysis of tongue, stuttering, deficient speech ; the paralyzed limbs grow thinner, but preserve sensation ; frequently complicated with unyielding contractions or chorea like contractions.
Paralysis, could only turn head and neck ; feet insensible, bladder and rectum paralyzed.
Frequent yawning. θ Diarrhoea.
Sleepy, without being able to sleep.
Sleeplessness ; tossing about.
Sleep heavy, even to comatose state.
Comatose sleep after vomiting.
During sleep : constant grumbling in abdomen ; jerking.
Sleep full of dreams.
In morning : sweat ; drumming in ear ; slight expectoration with cough.
In evening : delirium ; cannot be induced to go among people ; fever ; exacerbation in brain affections ; itching in eyes ; cough dry ; tetter in bend of elbow with violent itching.
Night : restless ; increased urination ; cough.
Sleepy, without being able to sleep.
Sleeplessness ; tossing about.
Sleep heavy, even to comatose state.
Comatose sleep after vomiting.
During sleep : constant grumbling in abdomen ; jerking.
Sleep full of dreams.
In morning : sweat ; drumming in ear ; slight expectoration with cough.
In evening : delirium ; cannot be induced to go among people ; fever ; exacerbation in brain affections ; itching in eyes ; cough dry ; tetter in bend of elbow with violent itching.
Night : restless ; increased urination ; cough.
Общие симптомы
Heat : chilliness not ; desire for warm drinks and food.
Cold air : hoarseness ; cough worse by inhaling.
Cold water : prevents vomiting ; great thirst for ; cough and vomiting better by a swallow ; cough better by drinking ; whooping cough .
From cold air into warm room : cough.
Wind : asthma worse by long continued walking against ; cough after sea wind ; cough worse by north wind ; cough worse by land wind.
Getting wet : epileptic attacks.
As if some misfortune was approaching ; as of a veil before eyes ; as if an abscess were forming in brain ; as if he would lose his senses ; as if nose was stuffed up ; as if brain would press out of forehead ; as if head would be torn asunder ; as if cold water was poured on head ; as of something moving on top of head ; as of congestion of blood to nose ; as if throat was constricted on swallowing ; as of a round ball going to and fro under ribs ; as though something bitter were in the stomach ; as of a stone in abdomen ; as if a knife were thrust from umbilical region through to back ; as of great dryness in pit of stomach ; as of rush of blood to chest ; as if he would suffocate ; as of constriction in r. arm and forearm and of great increase in size ; as if r. arm and forearm were larger than whole body, and not under control of will ; as if middle finger were pricked with a needle ; as if knee-joint was broken ; as if cold wind was blowing out from skin ; as if bones would break.
Pain : in head ; in forehead, worse over left eye ; in region of l. parietal bone, extending down neck and arms, and across chest ; in eyeballs ; acute, in throat ; behind ensiform cartilage ; tormenting, in stomach and epigastric region ; spasmodic in calves ; behind ensiform cartilage, with deathly feeling ; in middle finger ; in bones.
Agonizing : headache.
Anguish : precordial.
Cutting : in umbilical region ; below navel ; in abdomen ; with stool.
Rending pain : from teeth to temples ; in upper limbs.
Tearing : in forepart of head ; in limbs ; in small of back ; in right hand ; in limbs and muscles of back.
Boring pain : in and behind ears ; in region of heart.
Piercing pain : in left tonsil.
Shooting pain : in sides of chest ; preventing breathing ; in left arm.
Lancinating : in forehead, temples or occiput ; in small of back.
Stitches : in temples ; worse in left side of chest ; below heart ; broad, as with a knife, under left scapula.
Stitching : in upper limbs.
Stinging pain : with intestinal ulcers.
Jerking pains : in limbs ; in ulcers.
Digging pain : in calves.
Drawing pain : from left hypochondrium to hip ; in abdomen ; in calves ; in arms ; in left arm ; in knees.
Constriction : in throat ; deathly beneath sternum ; in throat and chest.
Contractive pain in stomach ; in chest.
Cramping : after-pains ; feeling in pharynx exciting cough.
Griping : about region of heart.
Colicky pain : in abdomen.
Gnawing : in stomach.
Corroding : sensation, in stomach ; pain, with intestinal ulcers.
Bruised pain : in brain, and in orbit on turning eye.
Burning : in throat ; in epigastric region ; in small of back ; in soles ; in left arm ; in chest and abdomen ; in sacrum.
Shocks : in sacrum.
Pressing : pain in eyes ; in front of ears.
Pressure : over left eyes and root of nose ; outward, in forepart of head ; in pit of stomach ; in stomach ; in abdomen ; painful, in scrobiculum ; on stomach ; behind sternum.
Oppression : of chest.
Aching : top of sacrum.
Dull pain : in left tonsil.
Dulness : of head.
Distress : in chest.
Anxious feeling : about heart.
Numbness : of arms ; of hands.
Tingling : pain in vertex ; in extremities.
Formication : in right hand.
Crawling : in vertex ; on top of head.
Heaviness : of head ; painful, in ankle.
Lame feeling : in back and lumbar region ; in arms and hands.
Hollow feeling : in head.
Itching : in eyes ; in ear ; tetter in bend of elbow ; in limbs and muscles of back ; of skin ; with eruption of blisters.
Acts prominently upon alimentary canal, producing symptoms of gastro-intestinal inflammation, colic, diarrhoea, vomiting, etc. Secondarily, it affects profoundly the nerve centres, giving rise to spasmodic affections, cramps, convulsions and paralysis.
The chief characteristic of the drug is that its symptoms are disposed to appear periodically and in groups.
Hematemesis. θ Yellow fever.
Muscles are knotted and remain so.
Pain in bones, as if they would break.
Promotes suppuration in swellings.
Inflammation of the cellular tissue.
Gangrena senilis of foot in a man.
Cold air : hoarseness ; cough worse by inhaling.
Cold water : prevents vomiting ; great thirst for ; cough and vomiting better by a swallow ; cough better by drinking ; whooping cough .
From cold air into warm room : cough.
Wind : asthma worse by long continued walking against ; cough after sea wind ; cough worse by north wind ; cough worse by land wind.
Getting wet : epileptic attacks.
As if some misfortune was approaching ; as of a veil before eyes ; as if an abscess were forming in brain ; as if he would lose his senses ; as if nose was stuffed up ; as if brain would press out of forehead ; as if head would be torn asunder ; as if cold water was poured on head ; as of something moving on top of head ; as of congestion of blood to nose ; as if throat was constricted on swallowing ; as of a round ball going to and fro under ribs ; as though something bitter were in the stomach ; as of a stone in abdomen ; as if a knife were thrust from umbilical region through to back ; as of great dryness in pit of stomach ; as of rush of blood to chest ; as if he would suffocate ; as of constriction in r. arm and forearm and of great increase in size ; as if r. arm and forearm were larger than whole body, and not under control of will ; as if middle finger were pricked with a needle ; as if knee-joint was broken ; as if cold wind was blowing out from skin ; as if bones would break.
Pain : in head ; in forehead, worse over left eye ; in region of l. parietal bone, extending down neck and arms, and across chest ; in eyeballs ; acute, in throat ; behind ensiform cartilage ; tormenting, in stomach and epigastric region ; spasmodic in calves ; behind ensiform cartilage, with deathly feeling ; in middle finger ; in bones.
Agonizing : headache.
Anguish : precordial.
Cutting : in umbilical region ; below navel ; in abdomen ; with stool.
Rending pain : from teeth to temples ; in upper limbs.
Tearing : in forepart of head ; in limbs ; in small of back ; in right hand ; in limbs and muscles of back.
Boring pain : in and behind ears ; in region of heart.
Piercing pain : in left tonsil.
Shooting pain : in sides of chest ; preventing breathing ; in left arm.
Lancinating : in forehead, temples or occiput ; in small of back.
Stitches : in temples ; worse in left side of chest ; below heart ; broad, as with a knife, under left scapula.
Stitching : in upper limbs.
Stinging pain : with intestinal ulcers.
Jerking pains : in limbs ; in ulcers.
Digging pain : in calves.
Drawing pain : from left hypochondrium to hip ; in abdomen ; in calves ; in arms ; in left arm ; in knees.
Constriction : in throat ; deathly beneath sternum ; in throat and chest.
Contractive pain in stomach ; in chest.
Cramping : after-pains ; feeling in pharynx exciting cough.
Griping : about region of heart.
Colicky pain : in abdomen.
Gnawing : in stomach.
Corroding : sensation, in stomach ; pain, with intestinal ulcers.
Bruised pain : in brain, and in orbit on turning eye.
Burning : in throat ; in epigastric region ; in small of back ; in soles ; in left arm ; in chest and abdomen ; in sacrum.
Shocks : in sacrum.
Pressing : pain in eyes ; in front of ears.
Pressure : over left eyes and root of nose ; outward, in forepart of head ; in pit of stomach ; in stomach ; in abdomen ; painful, in scrobiculum ; on stomach ; behind sternum.
Oppression : of chest.
Aching : top of sacrum.
Dull pain : in left tonsil.
Dulness : of head.
Distress : in chest.
Anxious feeling : about heart.
Numbness : of arms ; of hands.
Tingling : pain in vertex ; in extremities.
Formication : in right hand.
Crawling : in vertex ; on top of head.
Heaviness : of head ; painful, in ankle.
Lame feeling : in back and lumbar region ; in arms and hands.
Hollow feeling : in head.
Itching : in eyes ; in ear ; tetter in bend of elbow ; in limbs and muscles of back ; of skin ; with eruption of blisters.
Acts prominently upon alimentary canal, producing symptoms of gastro-intestinal inflammation, colic, diarrhoea, vomiting, etc. Secondarily, it affects profoundly the nerve centres, giving rise to spasmodic affections, cramps, convulsions and paralysis.
The chief characteristic of the drug is that its symptoms are disposed to appear periodically and in groups.
Hematemesis. θ Yellow fever.
Muscles are knotted and remain so.
Pain in bones, as if they would break.
Promotes suppuration in swellings.
Inflammation of the cellular tissue.
Gangrena senilis of foot in a man.
Shaking chill, with icy coldness, and severe cramps in extremities, and cold, clammy sweat.
Intense coldness and blueness of surface, with long continued, general cold sweat and great prostration.
Chilliness before the coughing attack. θ Whooping cough.
Chill over whole body, most severe on extremities.
Chill after every attack of indisposition.
Icy coldness of the whole body.
Intense coldness and blueness of surface, with long continued, general cold sweat and great prostration.
Chilliness before the coughing attack. θ Whooping cough.
Chill over whole body, most severe on extremities.
Chill after every attack of indisposition.
Icy coldness of the whole body.
Skin : moist and cool, particularly extremities ; dry, burning hot ; warm, dry and withered.
Feverish sensation, as if cold wind was blowing out from the skin. θ Diarrhoea.
Cold shuddering with flushes of heat. θ вrain affections.
Either slight heat or burning. θ вrain affections.
Flushes of heat.
Fever, with thirst, frequent pulse and heat.
Skin, in beginning, dry, burning hot ; later, moderately warm, dry and withered, or moist and cool, particularly on extremities. θ Pneumonia.
Typhus, without high fever, but excessive weakness ; dissolution of blood ; nosebleed and petechia ; great prostration, with nervous excitability ; restless tossing about ; eyes dim, lustreless ; difficult hearing ; paralysis of heart.
Yellow fever ; attack of vomiting, mostly vomiting of blood.
Burning in the soles of the feet.
During spell, chest and head covered with perspiration ; during interval, burning in chest and abdomen, with chilliness of rest of body. θ Epilepsy.
Debilitating, exhausting internal heat.
Cold sweat at night.
Cold sweat on forehead. θ сough.
Sweat, sour-smelling. θ сonvulsions.
Many attacks end in sweat.
Foot-sweat ; also suppressed foot-sweat.
Sudden : convulsions ; cries with clonic spasms of lower limbs ; asthmatic attacks ; feeling of suffocation ; metallic-sour taste in mouth ; paleness ; sinking of swelling in erysipelas of scalp.
Constant : restlessness ; rotating of eyeballs ; eructations ; cramps with convulsive motions of lower limbs ; rattling on chest ; spasmodic jerking of diaphragm ; motion of muscles of chest and abdomen ; trickling of saliva from mouth ; grumbling in abdomen during sleep.
Continuous : pains in stomach and abdomen ; violent vomiting ; hoarseness.
Intermittent : colic ; aphonia.
Paroxysmal : headache.
Periodical : uttering of shrill screams ; chorea ; headache ; attacks of vomiting.
Every fifteen, thirty, or sixty minutes : convulsions after confinement.
Every fourteen days : spasms.
Two or three times a week : epileptic attacks.
From twenty to twenty-five minutes : attack of spasms.
Beginning in afternoon and continuing into night : chronic headache.
For twenty-four hours : coma.
New moon : epileptic convulsions.
Chronic : headache ; glossitis ; diarrhoea.
Right : bleeding from side of nose ; formication and tearing in hand ; sense of constriction in arm and forearm and of great increase in size ; trembling and shaking of hand ; neck drawn to shoulder.
Left : pain over eye ; pressure over eye ; headache worse in side ; pain in region of parietal bone ; extending down neck and arms and across chest ; twitching of lids of eye ; pain in tonsil ; drawing pain from hypochondrium to hip ; stitches in side of chest ; broad stitches under scapula ; convulsive jerking of arm ; drawing in arm, arm drawn close to body ; lameness and dragging of leg ; twitching of arm ; involuntary motions of arm and leg ; shooting and burning in arm ; drawing in arm before epileptic convulsion ; blisters on foot.
Skin over-sensitive, particularly in the region of the stomach and fourth and fifth dorsal vertebra.
Skin. Inelastic ; dough-like ; cold.
Unbearable itching, without eruption.
Prurigo, in children.
Rash on chest and hands.
Rash, on the third day after confinement ; copious, sour sweat ; anxiety ; starting at everything ; head heavy ; pressure in stomach ; abdomen sore on pressure ; great thirst ; shocks and burning in sacrum ; numbness of arms ; convulsions every 15, 30, or 60 minutes.
Measles ; brings out the eruption, ameliorating the dry cough quickly.
Spots on arms.
Repercussion of eruption, with convulsions, vomiting or gagging ; pale face and twitching of limbs.
Watery vesicles on tips of fingers.
Tetters. Spreading, oozing ; in the bend of the elbow, forming yellowish scabs.
^^ Many red points, with minute blisters ; much itching, mostly during the day ; on the left foot, blisters filled with matter ; in cases of leprosy.
Sudden sinking of the swelling changing into a bluish color ; violent brain symptoms. θ Erysipelas of scalp and face.
Blackness of outer parts ; cyanosis or morbus ceruleus.
Eruptions resembling lepra, dry itch, measles and scarlatina.
Herpes, with yellow scales.
Hard inflamed ulcers, with jerking pain ; sensitive ulcers, with redness around edges ; pus scanty and corroding.
Old ulcers.
Lepra vulgaris.
Inflammation of lymphatic vessels from hand to shoulder, with violent swelling of the hand.
Feverish sensation, as if cold wind was blowing out from the skin. θ Diarrhoea.
Cold shuddering with flushes of heat. θ вrain affections.
Either slight heat or burning. θ вrain affections.
Flushes of heat.
Fever, with thirst, frequent pulse and heat.
Skin, in beginning, dry, burning hot ; later, moderately warm, dry and withered, or moist and cool, particularly on extremities. θ Pneumonia.
Typhus, without high fever, but excessive weakness ; dissolution of blood ; nosebleed and petechia ; great prostration, with nervous excitability ; restless tossing about ; eyes dim, lustreless ; difficult hearing ; paralysis of heart.
Yellow fever ; attack of vomiting, mostly vomiting of blood.
Burning in the soles of the feet.
During spell, chest and head covered with perspiration ; during interval, burning in chest and abdomen, with chilliness of rest of body. θ Epilepsy.
Debilitating, exhausting internal heat.
Cold sweat at night.
Cold sweat on forehead. θ сough.
Sweat, sour-smelling. θ сonvulsions.
Many attacks end in sweat.
Foot-sweat ; also suppressed foot-sweat.
Sudden : convulsions ; cries with clonic spasms of lower limbs ; asthmatic attacks ; feeling of suffocation ; metallic-sour taste in mouth ; paleness ; sinking of swelling in erysipelas of scalp.
Constant : restlessness ; rotating of eyeballs ; eructations ; cramps with convulsive motions of lower limbs ; rattling on chest ; spasmodic jerking of diaphragm ; motion of muscles of chest and abdomen ; trickling of saliva from mouth ; grumbling in abdomen during sleep.
Continuous : pains in stomach and abdomen ; violent vomiting ; hoarseness.
Intermittent : colic ; aphonia.
Paroxysmal : headache.
Periodical : uttering of shrill screams ; chorea ; headache ; attacks of vomiting.
Every fifteen, thirty, or sixty minutes : convulsions after confinement.
Every fourteen days : spasms.
Two or three times a week : epileptic attacks.
From twenty to twenty-five minutes : attack of spasms.
Beginning in afternoon and continuing into night : chronic headache.
For twenty-four hours : coma.
New moon : epileptic convulsions.
Chronic : headache ; glossitis ; diarrhoea.
Right : bleeding from side of nose ; formication and tearing in hand ; sense of constriction in arm and forearm and of great increase in size ; trembling and shaking of hand ; neck drawn to shoulder.
Left : pain over eye ; pressure over eye ; headache worse in side ; pain in region of parietal bone ; extending down neck and arms and across chest ; twitching of lids of eye ; pain in tonsil ; drawing pain from hypochondrium to hip ; stitches in side of chest ; broad stitches under scapula ; convulsive jerking of arm ; drawing in arm, arm drawn close to body ; lameness and dragging of leg ; twitching of arm ; involuntary motions of arm and leg ; shooting and burning in arm ; drawing in arm before epileptic convulsion ; blisters on foot.
Skin over-sensitive, particularly in the region of the stomach and fourth and fifth dorsal vertebra.
Skin. Inelastic ; dough-like ; cold.
Unbearable itching, without eruption.
Prurigo, in children.
Rash on chest and hands.
Rash, on the third day after confinement ; copious, sour sweat ; anxiety ; starting at everything ; head heavy ; pressure in stomach ; abdomen sore on pressure ; great thirst ; shocks and burning in sacrum ; numbness of arms ; convulsions every 15, 30, or 60 minutes.
Measles ; brings out the eruption, ameliorating the dry cough quickly.
Spots on arms.
Repercussion of eruption, with convulsions, vomiting or gagging ; pale face and twitching of limbs.
Watery vesicles on tips of fingers.
Tetters. Spreading, oozing ; in the bend of the elbow, forming yellowish scabs.
^^ Many red points, with minute blisters ; much itching, mostly during the day ; on the left foot, blisters filled with matter ; in cases of leprosy.
Sudden sinking of the swelling changing into a bluish color ; violent brain symptoms. θ Erysipelas of scalp and face.
Blackness of outer parts ; cyanosis or morbus ceruleus.
Eruptions resembling lepra, dry itch, measles and scarlatina.
Herpes, with yellow scales.
Hard inflamed ulcers, with jerking pain ; sensitive ulcers, with redness around edges ; pus scanty and corroding.
Old ulcers.
Lepra vulgaris.
Inflammation of lymphatic vessels from hand to shoulder, with violent swelling of the hand.
Тип пациента и конституция
Light hair.
Corresponds to the carbo-nitrogenoid constitution of Grauvogl.
Girl, at. 9 months, weak ; asthma Millari.
A very delicate child, about one year old ; asthma Millari.
Child, at. 2 ; cerebral meningitis.
Boy, at. 4, very irritable and easily angered, father healthy and robust, with inclination to asthma, of which the grandfather of boy suffers severely ; asthma.
Boy, at 10, small, weak, pale, blonde complexion ; epilepsy.
Boy, at 10, delicate, sensitive, excitable, of earnest disposition, easily excited to nausea ; cholera.
Boy, at 10 ; epilepsy.
Girl, at. 10 for two years ; spasms from fright, after operation for harelip.
Girl, at, 10 since five years ; epilepsy.
Girl, at ; 11 cramps.
A young soldier ; knees giving way.
A young soldier ; spasms after measles, with pneumonic symptoms.
Girl, at ; 13, Ileus.
Girl, at 15, otherwise healthy, not menstruated, has suffered for three years ; epilepsy.
Girl, at ; 17 epilepsy.
Girl, at, 18 delicate, with dark hair, brown eyes, and pleasant expression of face ; spinal irritation.
Girl, at, 19 healthy ; menses scanty, but regular ; spasms.
Miss A., at. 20 ; laryngeal spasms.
Girl, at. 20, blonde ; epilepsy.
Young lady, before attack, courses suddenly suppressed by getting wet ; chorea minor.
Girl, at. 23, robust, suffering for five years ; epilepsy.
Lady, about to be married, became very nervous from overwork and mental anxiety ; hysteria.
Woman, at. 24, stout, after parturition ; convulsions.
Woman, married 7 years, childless ; disposition to fainting.
Young soldier on Mississippi ; measles and pneumonic symptoms.
Large, strong farmer ; asthma.
Woman, at. 33, rather delicate and nervous ; dyspnoea.
Lady, at. 43, tall, spare, delicate and nervous, had suffered for a long time ; neuralgia of head.
Man, at. 47, small, lively disposition ; epilepsy.
Woman, at. 48, weak ; cramps.
Corresponds to the carbo-nitrogenoid constitution of Grauvogl.
Girl, at. 9 months, weak ; asthma Millari.
A very delicate child, about one year old ; asthma Millari.
Child, at. 2 ; cerebral meningitis.
Boy, at. 4, very irritable and easily angered, father healthy and robust, with inclination to asthma, of which the grandfather of boy suffers severely ; asthma.
Boy, at 10, small, weak, pale, blonde complexion ; epilepsy.
Boy, at 10, delicate, sensitive, excitable, of earnest disposition, easily excited to nausea ; cholera.
Boy, at 10 ; epilepsy.
Girl, at. 10 for two years ; spasms from fright, after operation for harelip.
Girl, at, 10 since five years ; epilepsy.
Girl, at ; 11 cramps.
A young soldier ; knees giving way.
A young soldier ; spasms after measles, with pneumonic symptoms.
Girl, at ; 13, Ileus.
Girl, at 15, otherwise healthy, not menstruated, has suffered for three years ; epilepsy.
Girl, at ; 17 epilepsy.
Girl, at, 18 delicate, with dark hair, brown eyes, and pleasant expression of face ; spinal irritation.
Girl, at, 19 healthy ; menses scanty, but regular ; spasms.
Miss A., at. 20 ; laryngeal spasms.
Girl, at. 20, blonde ; epilepsy.
Young lady, before attack, courses suddenly suppressed by getting wet ; chorea minor.
Girl, at. 23, robust, suffering for five years ; epilepsy.
Lady, about to be married, became very nervous from overwork and mental anxiety ; hysteria.
Woman, at. 24, stout, after parturition ; convulsions.
Woman, married 7 years, childless ; disposition to fainting.
Young soldier on Mississippi ; measles and pneumonic symptoms.
Large, strong farmer ; asthma.
Woman, at. 33, rather delicate and nervous ; dyspnoea.
Lady, at. 43, tall, spare, delicate and nervous, had suffered for a long time ; neuralgia of head.
Man, at. 47, small, lively disposition ; epilepsy.
Woman, at. 48, weak ; cramps.
Диф. диагностика
Antidoted by : Sugar or white-of-egg mixed with milk, and given freely. Hepar, or potash soap, may be used after poisoning from food prepared in copper utensils. Aggravations of сuprum are lessened by smelling alcoholic solution of сamphor. Dynamic antidotes. вellad., сhamom., сinchona, сonium, сicuta, Dulcam., Hepar, Ipec, Mercur, Nux vom.
It antidotes : Aurum, Mercur, Opium.
Compatible : After Actea rac., Agaric., Stramon., in chronic affections ; сalcarea ostr., сaustic. and Nitrum act well after сuprum in epilepsy ; Arsen. follows well in cholera and other affections ; Veratr. follows well in whooping cough and cholera.
Complementary : сalcarea ostr.
Compare : copper preparations generally ; сalcarea ostr., Gelsem. (overworked brain) ; сicuta, and Solanacea (mental symptoms) ; вellad. (inflammation of brain) ; Silic. (pains about head better from wrapping up warmly) ; Nux vomica, Phosphor. (vomiting, diarrhoea) ; сoloc. (colic) ; сamphor, Secale, Veratr. (cholera, cramps) ; Arnic., Ant. tart., вryon., сina, Ipec. (whooping cough) ; Apis, Zincum (hydrocephalus, or convulsions from suppressed exanthems) ; Plumbum (paralysis) ; сina (chorea) ; Pulsat. (malarial neuralgia after Quinine and Iron) ; Arsen. (suppression of urine, uramia).
It antidotes : Aurum, Mercur, Opium.
Compatible : After Actea rac., Agaric., Stramon., in chronic affections ; сalcarea ostr., сaustic. and Nitrum act well after сuprum in epilepsy ; Arsen. follows well in cholera and other affections ; Veratr. follows well in whooping cough and cholera.
Complementary : сalcarea ostr.
Compare : copper preparations generally ; сalcarea ostr., Gelsem. (overworked brain) ; сicuta, and Solanacea (mental symptoms) ; вellad. (inflammation of brain) ; Silic. (pains about head better from wrapping up warmly) ; Nux vomica, Phosphor. (vomiting, diarrhoea) ; сoloc. (colic) ; сamphor, Secale, Veratr. (cholera, cramps) ; Arnic., Ant. tart., вryon., сina, Ipec. (whooping cough) ; Apis, Zincum (hydrocephalus, or convulsions from suppressed exanthems) ; Plumbum (paralysis) ; сina (chorea) ; Pulsat. (malarial neuralgia after Quinine and Iron) ; Arsen. (suppression of urine, uramia).
Входит в состав
- 210-250₽ Ларинготокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 250₽ Лингватон (Фитасинтекс)
- 210-250₽ Холебел (Фитасинтекс)
- 210-250₽ Эпиплексин (Фитасинтекс)
- 350₽ Гельминтосан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Купрум-плюс (Доктор Н)
- 532-890₽ Эскулюс композитум (2 фирмы)
- 753-1180₽ Киндинорм (Deutsche Homoopathie-Union DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH&Co. KG )
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №87
- — Flowers Energy №9
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