Other names and synonyms
morph.Description Source
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Sulphate of Morphia. с17 H19 N O3.
No provings. Experimental and toxicological effects are numerous (Allen’s Encyclopedia, vol. 6, p. 378).
No provings. Experimental and toxicological effects are numerous (Allen’s Encyclopedia, vol. 6, p. 378).
- Vomiting, Hall, Organon, vol. 2, p. 247 ; Nervous spasms, Young, Hom. Phys., vol. 5, p. 166 ; Thickness of speech in chorea, Underwood, U. S. M. J, 1871, p. 282 ; Antidote to poisonous effects of atropia and Extr. вellad., R. K., Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 90.
Head, face, and ears
Double vision and disturbance of accommodation often accompanied by lachrymation.
Weakness of vision.
Sight impaired and feeble.
Vision at times seemed obscured by a fog.
Conjunctiva injected.
The look becomes unsteady.
Paresis of recti interni.
Diverging strabismus of both eyes.
Slight ptosis.
Double vision and disturbance of accommodation often accompanied by lachrymation.
Weakness of vision.
Sight impaired and feeble.
Vision at times seemed obscured by a fog.
Conjunctiva injected.
The look becomes unsteady.
Paresis of recti interni.
Diverging strabismus of both eyes.
Slight ptosis.
Mouth and throat
Thickening of tongue and inability to talk distinctly. θ сhorea.
Gastrointestinal tract
Inspiration accompanied by sharp pain in abdomen and along spine.
Horrid tenesmus, straining.
Inspiration accompanied by sharp pain in abdomen and along spine.
Horrid tenesmus, straining.
Chest organs
Great jactitation ; impossibility of sleeping from dyspnoea and extension of disease ; hyperesthesia of nerves ; changing pulse. θ Inflammation of diaphragm.
Nervous system
Trembling before and during a thunder storm (occasioned by the electrical state of the atmosphere).
After being struck by lightning ; any exposure to heat set her into spasms, nervous, so that she had to go into a cool place.
Trembling before and during a thunder storm (occasioned by the electrical state of the atmosphere).
After being struck by lightning ; any exposure to heat set her into spasms, nervous, so that she had to go into a cool place.
Common symptoms
Any exposure to heat sets her into spasms, she had to go to a cool place ; after being struck by lightning.
Vision as if impaired by fog.
Pains so violent as to threaten convulsions, or cause twitching or jerking of limbs.
Sharp pain : in abdomen and along spine.
Trembling : before and during thunder storm.
Itching : on face, neck, loins and genitals.
Extreme susceptibility to pain ; pains so violent as to threaten convulsions, or cause twitching and jerking of limbs. θ сancer.
Vision as if impaired by fog.
Pains so violent as to threaten convulsions, or cause twitching or jerking of limbs.
Sharp pain : in abdomen and along spine.
Trembling : before and during thunder storm.
Itching : on face, neck, loins and genitals.
Extreme susceptibility to pain ; pains so violent as to threaten convulsions, or cause twitching and jerking of limbs. θ сancer.
Limbs and spine
After being struck by lightning ; any exposure to heat sets her into spasms.
Itching, particularly on face, neck, loins and genitals.
Conical blotches either red or skin color, more easily felt than seen.
Conical blotches either red or skin color, more easily felt than seen.
Patient type and constitution
Young lady, after being struck by lightning ; nervous spasms.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by : Aconite, Atrop., вellad., strong infusion of coffee, Ipec., the first and last being especially useful to remove secondary effects.
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug