Other names and synonyms
agn, vitex agnus castus.Description Source
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Vitex Agnus сastus. Verbenacea.
A shrub growing in damp places in Southern Europe. Since Dioscorides one of the most famous medicines.
Proved by Hahnemann and his school, and published in 1841, in the Archives, by Stapf ; later proved by Helbig.
A shrub growing in damp places in Southern Europe. Since Dioscorides one of the most famous medicines.
Proved by Hahnemann and his school, and published in 1841, in the Archives, by Stapf ; later proved by Helbig.
Psyche and consciousness
Absent-minded, reduced power of insight ; cannot recollect things.
He finds reading difficult ; has to read several things twice ; is unable to fix his attention.
Low-spirited, fears of approaching death.
Despairing sadness ; keeps repeating that she will die, that there is no use doing anything. θ сephalalgia. θ Agalactia.
Melancholy, hypochondriac mood. θ сephalalgia.
Anxious, fear and weakness.
Peevish ; inclined to get angry ; with hiccough.
After dulness in head, a pressing, long-lasting headache, followed by vomiting and spasmodic trembling.
Heaviness of head and pressure in neck, as if head would fall forward.
He finds reading difficult ; has to read several things twice ; is unable to fix his attention.
Low-spirited, fears of approaching death.
Despairing sadness ; keeps repeating that she will die, that there is no use doing anything. θ сephalalgia. θ Agalactia.
Melancholy, hypochondriac mood. θ сephalalgia.
Anxious, fear and weakness.
Peevish ; inclined to get angry ; with hiccough.
After dulness in head, a pressing, long-lasting headache, followed by vomiting and spasmodic trembling.
Heaviness of head and pressure in neck, as if head would fall forward.
Head, face, and ears
Tearing, with pressure in temples and forehead, in brain, worse during motion.
Tearing pain above right eye and temple, as if one had received a blow upon eye, attended with soreness to touch, worse by motion, worse in evening, lasting several days.
Contractive headache above temples from reading.
Headache in upper part of head, as from staying in a room filled with a thick and dusky atmosphere ; looking to one point relieves it.
Pain in temple as from a blow.
Biting itching on scalp, worse evenings and when falling asleep.
Tearing, tension and chilliness in scalp, which is warm to touch.
Biting pains on upper right side, on bone, from behind forward, worse evening and in sleep.
Burning in eyes and headache from reading in evening.
Pupils widely dilated.
Dilated pupils.
Looking at a fixed point relieves pain in upper head.
Tearing pains above right eye and temple, as if one had received a blow upon eye. θ сephalalgia.
Corrosive itching over and on eyebrows and lids, and below eyes.
Ringing or roaring in ears.
Hardness of hearing.
Drawing pain in left parotid.
Illusion of smell : as of herring ; musk.
Soreness and pain in left side of nose.
Hard aching pain in dorsum of nose, as if a stone was pressing there, better by pressure.
Corrosive itching on either cheek, obliging him to scratch.
Erysipelas on left cheek, spreading from nose over face and head.
A long stitch followed by a fine pricking itching.
Formication of cheeks.
Rending, tearing, under alveoli of right lower jaw.
Deep tearing in right ramus of lower jaw, below socket.
Tearing pain above right eye and temple, as if one had received a blow upon eye, attended with soreness to touch, worse by motion, worse in evening, lasting several days.
Contractive headache above temples from reading.
Headache in upper part of head, as from staying in a room filled with a thick and dusky atmosphere ; looking to one point relieves it.
Pain in temple as from a blow.
Biting itching on scalp, worse evenings and when falling asleep.
Tearing, tension and chilliness in scalp, which is warm to touch.
Biting pains on upper right side, on bone, from behind forward, worse evening and in sleep.
Burning in eyes and headache from reading in evening.
Pupils widely dilated.
Dilated pupils.
Looking at a fixed point relieves pain in upper head.
Tearing pains above right eye and temple, as if one had received a blow upon eye. θ сephalalgia.
Corrosive itching over and on eyebrows and lids, and below eyes.
Ringing or roaring in ears.
Hardness of hearing.
Drawing pain in left parotid.
Illusion of smell : as of herring ; musk.
Soreness and pain in left side of nose.
Hard aching pain in dorsum of nose, as if a stone was pressing there, better by pressure.
Corrosive itching on either cheek, obliging him to scratch.
Erysipelas on left cheek, spreading from nose over face and head.
A long stitch followed by a fine pricking itching.
Formication of cheeks.
Rending, tearing, under alveoli of right lower jaw.
Deep tearing in right ramus of lower jaw, below socket.
Mouth and throat
Toothache from warm things.
Teeth painful, when touched by warm food or drink.
Throbbing, tearing toothache in left eye-tooth, small boil near tooth, very painful to touch ; in attacks.
Ulcers on gums.
Mouth very dry, saliva viscid and tough, drawing out in strings.
** Ulcers on gums and in mouth.
Corrosive itching in pit of throat.
Voice as if passing through wool, has no timbre.
Teeth painful, when touched by warm food or drink.
Throbbing, tearing toothache in left eye-tooth, small boil near tooth, very painful to touch ; in attacks.
Ulcers on gums.
Mouth very dry, saliva viscid and tough, drawing out in strings.
** Ulcers on gums and in mouth.
Corrosive itching in pit of throat.
Voice as if passing through wool, has no timbre.
Appetite and food preferences
Taste : metallic ; coppery ; bitter.
Tongue coated white.
Relishes food, but it does not agree with him.
Lessened appetite.
Thirstlessness ; aversion to drink.
Abdomen distended after meals.
Nausea in pit of stomach after eating.
Food makes him feel uneasy and replete.
Warm food and drink cause teeth to ache.
Tongue coated white.
Relishes food, but it does not agree with him.
Lessened appetite.
Thirstlessness ; aversion to drink.
Abdomen distended after meals.
Nausea in pit of stomach after eating.
Food makes him feel uneasy and replete.
Warm food and drink cause teeth to ache.
Gastrointestinal tract
The wind he brings up smells like old urine allowed to remain on clothes.
Hiccough ; inclined to get angry ; peevish.
Nausea in pit of stomach when standing ; later, qualmishness in abdomen, with a sensation as if intestines were pressing downward ; wants to support himself with his hands.
Nausea as from eating fat food. θ сhecked catamenia.
Pinching in scrobiculum when sitting bent over.
Aching in region of liver, worse from touch.
Soreness in region of spleen.
Swelling and induration of spleen. θ Intermittent.
Rumbling in abdomen during sleep.
Abdomen sensitive to pressure.
Incarcerated flatus.
Abdomen sore to touch.
Feels as if entrails were sinking down, constantly inclined to support bowels with hands. θ Uterine complaint.
Violent, contracting bellyache, coming suddenly in morning, with bearing down. θ Suppressed menses.
** Ascites.
Diarrhoea of children,.
Chronic diarrhoea of adults.
Feels as if diarrhoea would set in, when standing ; anguish, great weakness.
Difficult expulsion of soft stool.
Hard stools. θ сonstipation.
When pressing at stool, discharge of prostatic fluid.
Great accumulation of wind.
Wind expelled by rectum smells like urine remaining long on clothes.
A sore feeling under skin near anus, only when walking.
Corrosive itching of perineum, pruritus podicis.
Excoriated anus.
Deep rhagades or fissures of anus.
Hiccough ; inclined to get angry ; peevish.
Nausea in pit of stomach when standing ; later, qualmishness in abdomen, with a sensation as if intestines were pressing downward ; wants to support himself with his hands.
Nausea as from eating fat food. θ сhecked catamenia.
Pinching in scrobiculum when sitting bent over.
Aching in region of liver, worse from touch.
Soreness in region of spleen.
Swelling and induration of spleen. θ Intermittent.
Rumbling in abdomen during sleep.
Abdomen sensitive to pressure.
Incarcerated flatus.
Abdomen sore to touch.
Feels as if entrails were sinking down, constantly inclined to support bowels with hands. θ Uterine complaint.
Violent, contracting bellyache, coming suddenly in morning, with bearing down. θ Suppressed menses.
** Ascites.
Diarrhoea of children,.
Chronic diarrhoea of adults.
Feels as if diarrhoea would set in, when standing ; anguish, great weakness.
Difficult expulsion of soft stool.
Hard stools. θ сonstipation.
When pressing at stool, discharge of prostatic fluid.
Great accumulation of wind.
Wind expelled by rectum smells like urine remaining long on clothes.
A sore feeling under skin near anus, only when walking.
Corrosive itching of perineum, pruritus podicis.
Excoriated anus.
Deep rhagades or fissures of anus.
Urogenital system
Pains in bladder.
Passes more urine.
Gets up twice at night and even once during siesta.
When urinating, sometimes pain in lower abdomen, sometimes in kidneys.
Red, turbid urine, with burning and pressure in urethra.
Emission of prostatic fluid.
A yellow discharge from urethra.
Complete loss of sexual desire, penis is small, flaccid and cold.
Frequent erections, but without voluptuous thoughts.
Usual morning erection with desire, but parts flaccid.
After an embrace involuntary emissions same night, and long-continued erection.
Sexual desire lessened, almost lost.
Penis so relaxed that voluptuous fancies excite no erections.
Testes cold, swollen, hard and painful ; penis small, flaccid.
Spermatic fluid thin, watery and deficient.
Impotence, with gleet, especially with those who have frequently had gonorrhoea.
Yellow urethral discharge. θ Gonorrhoea.
Gleet, with want of sexual desire or erections.
Induration of testicles. θ Suppressed gonorrhoea.
Drawing along spermatic cords.
Pollution from irritable weakness with prostatorrhoea.
Prostatic juice passes with hard stools.
Want of erection and sexual desire. θ Secondary gonorrhoea.
Itching of genitals.
Hysteria, with maniacal lasciviousness.
Sterility ; absence of menses and sexual desire.
Menses lasting from ten to eighteen days.
Suppressed menses, with drawing pain in abdomen.
A transparent leucorrhoeal discharge passes imperceptibly from the very relaxed parts.
Leucorrhoea, not copious, but spotting her linen yellow. θ Suppressed menses.
Intumescence of the uterus.
Before menses : vertigo, headache, dim sight.
During menses : pain in pelvis and loins.
Inflammation of uterus.
Passes more urine.
Gets up twice at night and even once during siesta.
When urinating, sometimes pain in lower abdomen, sometimes in kidneys.
Red, turbid urine, with burning and pressure in urethra.
Emission of prostatic fluid.
A yellow discharge from urethra.
Complete loss of sexual desire, penis is small, flaccid and cold.
Frequent erections, but without voluptuous thoughts.
Usual morning erection with desire, but parts flaccid.
After an embrace involuntary emissions same night, and long-continued erection.
Sexual desire lessened, almost lost.
Penis so relaxed that voluptuous fancies excite no erections.
Testes cold, swollen, hard and painful ; penis small, flaccid.
Spermatic fluid thin, watery and deficient.
Impotence, with gleet, especially with those who have frequently had gonorrhoea.
Yellow urethral discharge. θ Gonorrhoea.
Gleet, with want of sexual desire or erections.
Induration of testicles. θ Suppressed gonorrhoea.
Drawing along spermatic cords.
Pollution from irritable weakness with prostatorrhoea.
Prostatic juice passes with hard stools.
Want of erection and sexual desire. θ Secondary gonorrhoea.
Itching of genitals.
Hysteria, with maniacal lasciviousness.
Sterility ; absence of menses and sexual desire.
Menses lasting from ten to eighteen days.
Suppressed menses, with drawing pain in abdomen.
A transparent leucorrhoeal discharge passes imperceptibly from the very relaxed parts.
Leucorrhoea, not copious, but spotting her linen yellow. θ Suppressed menses.
Intumescence of the uterus.
Before menses : vertigo, headache, dim sight.
During menses : pain in pelvis and loins.
Inflammation of uterus.
Plant characteristics
Retained placenta.
Milk scanty, or disappears ; often with great sadness ; says she will die.
Suppression of milk in childbed, or during nursing period.
Milk scanty, or disappears ; often with great sadness ; says she will die.
Suppression of milk in childbed, or during nursing period.
Chest organs
Oppression on going up-stairs.
Dyspnoea ; worse in evening.
Cough : in evening, in bed, before falling asleep ; with raising of blood, followed by copious mucus ; in paroxysms, with palpitation and nosebleed, mostly in morning ; when inhaling cold air.
Tough sputa, hanging like a rag in fauces.
Feeling of dryness in chest.
Pressure in region of sternum, worse when breathing deeply.
Pressure in xiphoid cartilage, just above pit of stomach.
Dyspnoea ; worse in evening.
Cough : in evening, in bed, before falling asleep ; with raising of blood, followed by copious mucus ; in paroxysms, with palpitation and nosebleed, mostly in morning ; when inhaling cold air.
Tough sputa, hanging like a rag in fauces.
Feeling of dryness in chest.
Pressure in region of sternum, worse when breathing deeply.
Pressure in xiphoid cartilage, just above pit of stomach.
Cardiovascular system
Palpitation ; with cough.
Slow and weak pulse, often imperceptible.
Slow and weak pulse, often imperceptible.
Limbs and spine
A creaking noise in vertebra.
Acute, sharp stitches in coccyx, and on left side near coccyx and sacrum.
Pain in sacrum from flatus.
Hard pressure in right axilla and upper arm, worse from touch or motion.
Swelling of finger joints, tearing pains, arthritic nodes.
Gouty swelling of finger joints.
Pain in left hip.
Thighs feel tired and swollen towards evening.
Lancinating pain in right hip joint, worse during motion, better in rest.
Legs much fatigued and swollen towards evening.
Cold knees.
Ankles swollen after a sprain.
Tearing, rending in feet and toes, worse on walking.
Stitches in legs and left big toe.
Fine lancinations in bottom of either foot.
Feet easily turn under when walking on a stone pavement.
Rest : relieves pain in hip.
Sitting bent over : causes pain in scrobiculum.
Standing : causes nausea and qualmishness in stomach and abdomen ; sensation as if diarrhoea would set in.
Motion : aggravates tearing and pressure in head, pressure in axilla and arm ; pain in hips.
Walking : soreness near anus ; tearing in feet and toes.
Ascending stairs : causes oppressed breathing.
May be indicated in bruises or wounds.
Sprains and luxations of joints.
Strains from lifting a little too much.
Prevents excoriation from walking.
Pressure : relieves aching on dorsum of nose ; abdomen sensitive therefrom.
Touch : aggravates toothache ; aching in liver ; abdomen sore ; pressure in axilla and arm.
Must scratch : in corrosive itching of cheeks.
Acute, sharp stitches in coccyx, and on left side near coccyx and sacrum.
Pain in sacrum from flatus.
Hard pressure in right axilla and upper arm, worse from touch or motion.
Swelling of finger joints, tearing pains, arthritic nodes.
Gouty swelling of finger joints.
Pain in left hip.
Thighs feel tired and swollen towards evening.
Lancinating pain in right hip joint, worse during motion, better in rest.
Legs much fatigued and swollen towards evening.
Cold knees.
Ankles swollen after a sprain.
Tearing, rending in feet and toes, worse on walking.
Stitches in legs and left big toe.
Fine lancinations in bottom of either foot.
Feet easily turn under when walking on a stone pavement.
Rest : relieves pain in hip.
Sitting bent over : causes pain in scrobiculum.
Standing : causes nausea and qualmishness in stomach and abdomen ; sensation as if diarrhoea would set in.
Motion : aggravates tearing and pressure in head, pressure in axilla and arm ; pain in hips.
Walking : soreness near anus ; tearing in feet and toes.
Ascending stairs : causes oppressed breathing.
May be indicated in bruises or wounds.
Sprains and luxations of joints.
Strains from lifting a little too much.
Prevents excoriation from walking.
Pressure : relieves aching on dorsum of nose ; abdomen sensitive therefrom.
Touch : aggravates toothache ; aching in liver ; abdomen sore ; pressure in axilla and arm.
Must scratch : in corrosive itching of cheeks.
Nervous system
Spasmodic complaints of hypochondriac men.
Great weakness. As from violent anguish ; from depression of spirits. θ Agalactia.
Lethargy or frenzy.
Great weakness. As from violent anguish ; from depression of spirits. θ Agalactia.
Lethargy or frenzy.
Awaking often, as if alarmed ; startings.
Anxious dreams.
Night : gets up twice to urinate.
Morning : violent bellyache ; cough, with palpitation and nosebleed.
Evening : tearing pains, with pressure above right eye and temple ; itching on scalp.
In bed : heat of face, coldness of knees.
Cold air : coughs when inhaling it.
Open air : hands sweat when walking.
Awaking often, as if alarmed ; startings.
Anxious dreams.
Night : gets up twice to urinate.
Morning : violent bellyache ; cough, with palpitation and nosebleed.
Evening : tearing pains, with pressure above right eye and temple ; itching on scalp.
In bed : heat of face, coldness of knees.
Cold air : coughs when inhaling it.
Open air : hands sweat when walking.
Common symptoms
Bad effects from getting feet wet.
Warm things : teeth pain.
Bruised feeling all over.
As if head would fall forward ; as if one had received a blow on eye ; headache as from staying in a room with thick atmosphere ; pain in temple as from a blow ; as if a stone was pressing in dorsum of nose ; a long stitch followed by a fine pricking itching in face ; as if intestines were pressing downward ; voice as if passing through wool ; pains as if luxated.
Pain : in left side of nose ; in bladder ; in testicles ; in sacrum ; in left hip.
Burning : in eyes ; in eyelids ; in nose ; in throat ; in mouth ; in urethra ; in bladder ; in skin.
Lancinating : in right hip joint ; in soles of feet.
Stitches : in head ; in face ; in eyes ; in ears ; in rectum ; in coccyx ; near sacrum ; in legs ; in left big toe ; in skin.
Tearing : in head ; above right eye and temple ; in scalp ; under alveoli of right lower jaw ; deep in ramus of lower jaw ; toothache ; in finger joints ; in feet and toes.
Gnawing : in different parts.
Rending : under alveoli of right lower jaw ; in feet and toes.
Pinching : in scrobiculum.
Aching pain : in dorsum of nose ; in region of liver.
Soreness : in left side of nose ; in region of spleen ; under skin near anus.
Biting pains : in outer head.
Drawing pain : in left parotid ; along spermatic cords ; in abdomen.
Pressing : headache ; in neck ; in temples, forehead and brain ; in urethra ; in region of sternum ; in xiphoid cartilage ; in right axilla and upper arm.
Throbbing : toothache.
Contractive pain : in head above temples ; in abdomen.
Tension : in scalp.
Dulness : in head.
Tired feeling : in thighs ; in legs.
Heaviness : of head.
Swollen feeling : in thighs.
Biting itching : on scalp.
Corrosive itching : on eyebrows and lids and beneath eyes ; on cheeks ; in pit of throat ; of perineum.
Itching : of male genitals ; on different parts of body ; around ulcers.
Formication : of cheeks.
Heat : burning ; flushes ; with coryza.
Chilliness : in scalp ; internal ; all over.
Coldness : of knees.
Dryness : of mouth ; in chest.
Stitches : head, face, eyes, ears, rectum and skin.
Inflammatory, rheumatic swelling of joints.
Gouty nodosities.
Warm things : teeth pain.
Bruised feeling all over.
As if head would fall forward ; as if one had received a blow on eye ; headache as from staying in a room with thick atmosphere ; pain in temple as from a blow ; as if a stone was pressing in dorsum of nose ; a long stitch followed by a fine pricking itching in face ; as if intestines were pressing downward ; voice as if passing through wool ; pains as if luxated.
Pain : in left side of nose ; in bladder ; in testicles ; in sacrum ; in left hip.
Burning : in eyes ; in eyelids ; in nose ; in throat ; in mouth ; in urethra ; in bladder ; in skin.
Lancinating : in right hip joint ; in soles of feet.
Stitches : in head ; in face ; in eyes ; in ears ; in rectum ; in coccyx ; near sacrum ; in legs ; in left big toe ; in skin.
Tearing : in head ; above right eye and temple ; in scalp ; under alveoli of right lower jaw ; deep in ramus of lower jaw ; toothache ; in finger joints ; in feet and toes.
Gnawing : in different parts.
Rending : under alveoli of right lower jaw ; in feet and toes.
Pinching : in scrobiculum.
Aching pain : in dorsum of nose ; in region of liver.
Soreness : in left side of nose ; in region of spleen ; under skin near anus.
Biting pains : in outer head.
Drawing pain : in left parotid ; along spermatic cords ; in abdomen.
Pressing : headache ; in neck ; in temples, forehead and brain ; in urethra ; in region of sternum ; in xiphoid cartilage ; in right axilla and upper arm.
Throbbing : toothache.
Contractive pain : in head above temples ; in abdomen.
Tension : in scalp.
Dulness : in head.
Tired feeling : in thighs ; in legs.
Heaviness : of head.
Swollen feeling : in thighs.
Biting itching : on scalp.
Corrosive itching : on eyebrows and lids and beneath eyes ; on cheeks ; in pit of throat ; of perineum.
Itching : of male genitals ; on different parts of body ; around ulcers.
Formication : of cheeks.
Heat : burning ; flushes ; with coryza.
Chilliness : in scalp ; internal ; all over.
Coldness : of knees.
Dryness : of mouth ; in chest.
Stitches : head, face, eyes, ears, rectum and skin.
Inflammatory, rheumatic swelling of joints.
Gouty nodosities.
Internal chilliness, with trembling, skin warm.
Slight chilliness towards evening, followed by heat, with headache, no thirst, slight delirium, tormenting, profuse sweat.
Chill and heat alternate.
Chilly all over, but only hands feel cold to touch.
Flushes of burning heat, mostly in face, with cold knees ; evening in bed.
Heat with coryza, thirst. θ вorborygmus.
Sweat on hands when walking in open air.
Sweats easily.
Sudden attacks of bellyache.
Right : tearing in lower jaw ; aching in liver ; pressure in axilla and arm ; lancinating in hip joint.
Left : drawing in parotid gland ; painful soreness in side of nose ; erysipelas on cheek ; soreness in spleen ; stitches side of sacrum and coccyx.
Above downward : nausea and qualmishness.
Slight chilliness towards evening, followed by heat, with headache, no thirst, slight delirium, tormenting, profuse sweat.
Chill and heat alternate.
Chilly all over, but only hands feel cold to touch.
Flushes of burning heat, mostly in face, with cold knees ; evening in bed.
Heat with coryza, thirst. θ вorborygmus.
Sweat on hands when walking in open air.
Sweats easily.
Sudden attacks of bellyache.
Right : tearing in lower jaw ; aching in liver ; pressure in axilla and arm ; lancinating in hip joint.
Left : drawing in parotid gland ; painful soreness in side of nose ; erysipelas on cheek ; soreness in spleen ; stitches side of sacrum and coccyx.
Above downward : nausea and qualmishness.
Pungent odor exhaled from him, gives him a dulness and headache, followed by vomiting and trembling.
Gnawing or itching on different parts of body, relieved temporarily by scratching.
Itching around ulcers, in evening.
Yellow tint of the skin.
Gnawing or itching on different parts of body, relieved temporarily by scratching.
Itching around ulcers, in evening.
Yellow tint of the skin.
Patient type and constitution
Lymphatic constitution. θ Agalactia.
Premature old age, in young persons from abuse of sexual powers, melancholy, apathy, mental distraction, self-contempt, general debility, frequent loss of spermatic fluid.
Unmarried persons suffering from nervous debility. θ сephalalgia.
Old sinners, with impotence and gleet.
Premature old age, in young persons from abuse of sexual powers, melancholy, apathy, mental distraction, self-contempt, general debility, frequent loss of spermatic fluid.
Unmarried persons suffering from nervous debility. θ сephalalgia.
Old sinners, with impotence and gleet.
Dif. diagnostics
The only one proved from the large family of Verbenacea. Helbig calls attention to the nearly related family of Labiata, from which we have several valuable remedies.
Antidotes to Agn. cast. : сamphor., Natr. mur. (the headache), strong solution of table-salt.
After Agnus are useful : Arsen., вryon., Ignat., Lycop., Pulsat., Sulphur, Selen. (impotence).
Antidotes to Agn. cast. : сamphor., Natr. mur. (the headache), strong solution of table-salt.
After Agnus are useful : Arsen., вryon., Ignat., Lycop., Pulsat., Sulphur, Selen. (impotence).
Included in the composition
- 1.3€ Adam
- 1.6-2€ Млекоин (Материа Медика Холдинг НПФ ООО [Челябинск, ул. Бугурусланская] )
- 2.5€ Эрексил (Фитасинтекс)
- 1.9€ Мастодил (Вербена)
- 3.5€ Финадон (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 3.2€ Agnus-plus (2 firms)
- — Damiana-plus (Доктор Н)
- 3.5-3.9€ Erectin (2 firms)
- 5€ Эрокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 5.8-7.4€ Dysmenorm (Deutsche Homoopathie-Union DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH&Co. KG )
- 7.5€ Млада (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 4.8-12.3€ Mastodynon (3 firms)
- — Flowers Energy №55
- 11€ Flowers Energy №57
- 11€ Flowers Energy №67
- 19€ Testis compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Bioline Nervousness
- — Prostatosan (Гомеопатический медико-социальный центр )
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug