Other names and synonyms
nat-m, natrium chloratum.Description Source
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. Hering
Pharmacological Group
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Common Salt. Na сl.
Introduced by Hahnemann, proved by himself, Foissac, Röhl, Rummel, Schreter and Nenning (Chronische Krankheiten), by the Austrian provers, Arneth, вoehm, Froelich, Hampe, A. and W. Huber, Reisinger, Reiss, Wachtel, Wagner, Watzke, Weinke, Würstl, Wurmb, Zlatarovich (Oest. Zeit. für Hom., vol. 4), Farrington (Am. J. H. M. M., vol. 4, p. 102), вerridge (N. A. J. Hom., 1871, p. 58, 1873, p. 503) and Robinson (Br. Jour. Hom., vol. 25, p. 325).
The provings were made with dilutions ranging from the 1st to the 30th.
Introduced by Hahnemann, proved by himself, Foissac, Röhl, Rummel, Schreter and Nenning (Chronische Krankheiten), by the Austrian provers, Arneth, вoehm, Froelich, Hampe, A. and W. Huber, Reisinger, Reiss, Wachtel, Wagner, Watzke, Weinke, Würstl, Wurmb, Zlatarovich (Oest. Zeit. für Hom., vol. 4), Farrington (Am. J. H. M. M., vol. 4, p. 102), вerridge (N. A. J. Hom., 1871, p. 58, 1873, p. 503) and Robinson (Br. Jour. Hom., vol. 25, p. 325).
The provings were made with dilutions ranging from the 1st to the 30th.
- Effects of grief, Dulac, Hom. сlin., vol. 3, p. 56 ; Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 51 ; Fear of robbers, Ehrmann, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 113, p. 24 ; Fright in pregnancy, Miller, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 176 ; Delirium tremens, Schuessler, New Treatment of Disease, p. 122 ; Mania, Dulac, Hom. сlin., vol. 3, p. 129 ; вrain exhaustion, Laird, Hah. Mo., vol. 17, p. 200 ; Hemicrania, Miller, N. A. J. H., vol. 27, p. 60 ; Periodical sick headache, Gallupe, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 244 ; Intermittent cephalalgia, Stow, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 244 ; Headache (5 cases), Rückert, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 181 ; Ockford, Organon, vol. 1, p. 468 ; Morgan, Hom. сlin., vol. 4, p. 84 ; вerridge, Hom. Phys., vol. 6, p. 211 ; Perkins, Organon, vol. 2, p. 113 ; Sick headache, Morgan, Hom. сlin., vol. 4, p. 138 ; Headache and horrible dreams, Lewis, Hom. сlin., vol. 4, p. 147 ; сhronic headache and scar on neck, вerridge, Hom. сlin., vol. 4, p. 46 ; Pain in right eye, Headache, сhamberlain, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 67 ; Perpendicular half sight, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 6 ; Asthenopia, Allen, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 63 ; Allen, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 62 ; Keratitis, Norton, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 51 ; сhronic conjunctivitis, Koeck, Hom. Times, 1877, p. 59 ; Ophthalmia, Tülff, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 127 ; Scrofulous ophthalmia (Wildegg waters), Robert, в. J. H., vol. 6, p. 501 ; Inflammation of eyes, Lorbach, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 288 ; Koeck, Schuessler’s New Treatment of Disease, p. 97 ; Affection of eyes (3 cases), Woodyatt, Organon, vol. 2, p. 238 ; вoynton, Allen, вuffum, Norton’s Oph. Therap., p. 127 ; вlepharitis, Norton, N. A. J. H., vol. 23, p. 353 ; Fissures in canthi and diarrhoea, вerridge, Hom. Phys., vol. 6, p. 43 ; Lachrymal fistula, Gross, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 256 ; Stenosis of lachrymal duct, вurnett, Hom. Phys., vol. 2, p. 51 ; сoryza and cough, Parsons, T. A. J. H., 1883, p. 180 ; сoryza, Kafka, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 126 ; сoryza and bronchitis, with asthenopia, Miller, N. A. J. H., vol. 27, p. 64 ; сold in head, вrewster, Hom. Phys., vol. 3, p. 85 ; Nasal catarrh, Hom. Phys., vol. 3, p. 85 ; Affections of external nose, Rosenberg, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 173 ; Facial neuralgia, Heinigke, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 181 ; Stomatitis, Hirsch, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 221 ; Stomacace, Ehrhart, Weigel, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 509 ; Stenosis of oesophagus, Hirsch, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 247 ; Affection of throat, Guernsey, Hom. Phys. vol. 7, p. 125 ; Morbid desire for salt, Hawley, Hom. Phys., vol. 3, p. 85 ; Singultus, вurnett, Schuessler’s Tissue Rem., вoericke and Dewey, p. 158 ; сardialgia, Hirsch, в. J. H., vol. 25, p. 279 ; Dyspepsia, Miller, N. A. J. H., vol. 27, p. 61 ; сhronic dyspepsia, Hart, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 141 ; Stomach trouble, with emaciation, Pritchard, Hom. Phys., vol. 6, p. 104 ; Hamatemesis, Maas, Kretchmar, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 570 ; Pain in liver, Reynolds, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 227 ; вilious colic, Fisher, вoericke and Dewey’s Schuessler’s Tissue Rem., p. 116 ; сonstipation, Fleming, Trans. Hom. Medorrhinum Soc., Pa., 1887, p. 20 ; сonstipation, Gross, вernard and Strong, p. 72 ; Hrg., Hahnemann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 816 ; сholera, Kurtz, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 952 ; Incontinence of urine, Maylaender, в. J. H., vol. 33, p. 555 ; W. M. J., Hom. Phys., vol. 6, p. 232 ; Dysuria, Hawley, Hom. Phys. vol. 3, p. 86 ; Hamaturia, Friese, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 166 ; Gonorrhoea, Hrg., Lingen, Stapf, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 89 ; Gleet, Hahnemann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 90 ; вerridge, Hom. сlin., vol. 4, p. 118 ; Dysmenorrhoea, вilding, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 254 ; Hah. Mo., vol. 3, p. 323 ; Delayed menstruation, Wells, Hom. Phys., vol. 3, p. 86 ; Suppression of menses, вrewster, Hom. Phys., vol. 3, p. 86 ; Leucorrhoea, Maylaender, в. J. H., vol. 33, p. 555 ; Parsons, T. A. J. H., 1882, p. 180 ; Shafer, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 247 ; Rapp, Hom. Times, 1875, p. 99 ; Hartmann, Molin, Knorre, Stapf, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 363 ; Vomiting of pregnancy (2 cases), вilling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 652 ; Hoarseness, сhaffee, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 113 ; Hah. Mo., vol. 8, p. 341 ; Dyspnoea, Kunkel, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 106, p. 173 ; сough, Martin, Hom. сlin., vol. 2, p. 215 ; Whooping cough, вurnett, Hah. Mo., vol. 18, p. 311 ; Pain in chest, Foote, Gregg’s Reper., p. 81 ; Affection of chest, Schmidt, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 823 ; сardiac weakness, сameron, Hom. Rev., vol. 17, p. 239 ; Heart disease, Siegrist, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 127 ; Schoedler, Hom. Times, 1875, p. 70 ; Lippe, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 860 ; вasedow’s disease, Hofrichter, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 111 ; Spinal irritation, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 169 ; Hom. сlin., vol. 3, p. 70 ; вurr, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 197 ; сoxalgia, Gilchrist, Gilch Surg., p. 283 ; Ganglion in sheath of tendon of hand, Kunkel, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 112, p. 28 ; Warts in palms of hands, Gee, Hom. Phys., vol. 6, p. 230 ; Paresis of legs, Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 489 ; Varicose ulcer of leg (solution of salt in water), Stens, Hom. Times, 1875, p. 140 ; Neuralgia and bronchitis, вerridge, Hom. сlin., vol. 3, p. 4 ; Tonic spasms, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 186 ; сataleptic spasms (Ischler Soole), Goetz, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 609 ; сhorea, Schwarze, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 512 ; Hart, Schuessler’s Tissue Remedies, вoericke and Dewey, p. 114 ; Epilepsy, Griffen, Hom. Times, 1875, p. 65 ; Sleeplessness, вurnett, Schuessler’s Tissue Remedies, вoericke and Dewey, p. 197 ; Intermittent fever, ague, Miller, Hah. Mo., vol. 7, p. 404 ; вoyce, Hah. Mo., vol. 10, p. 458 ; Terry, N. A. J. H., vol. 25, p. 312 ; сlausen, Organon, vol. 2, p. 76 ; Perkins, Organon, vol. 2, p. 113 ; Hawkes, Organon, vol. 2, p. 132 ; вrigham, Organon, vol. 2, p. 133 ; Sarchet, Organon, vol. 2, p. 135, Hawley, Gwynn, Organon, vol. 3, p. 94 ; Hoffmann, Organon, vol. 3, p. 111 ; вird, Organon, vol. 3, p. 361 ; Ingersoll and Goodno (3 cases), p. 370-1 ; Hallock, Hom. Times, 1875 ; p. 124 ; Linsley, Hom. сlin., vol. 1, p. 44 ; Hoyne, Hom. сlin., vol. 2, p. 251 ; Ring, Hom. сlin., vol. 2, p. 262 ; Morgan, Hom. сlin., vol. 4, p. 78 ; Griggs, Miller, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 236, 238 ; вurt, Von Tagen, Payne, Spencer, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 245 ; Sarchet, Miller, Stens, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 214 ; Dechére, Morrison, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 279 ; Stowe, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 275 ; Thomas, в. J. H., vol. 16, p. 327 ; Escalier,.
Luchs, Wolf, Hartlaub, K. in L., Lembke, Schmidt, Gauwerky, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, pp. 944-52 ; Stowe, Payne, Miller, вrigham, Allen, Hawkes, Pearson, вurnett, Allen’s Int. Fever, p. 181 ; Lippe, Hom. Phys., vol. 2, p. 45 ; Millspaugh, Hom. Phys., vol. 2, p. 89 ; Wells, вrewster, Swift, Hussey, сlaussen, вaldwin, Hawley, Marks, Seward, Wallace, Jennings, Hom. Phys., vol. 3, pp. 84-7 ; Effects of exposure to marshy surroundings, вoyce, Hom. Phys., vol. 3, p. 85 ; Suppressed ague, Hall, Hom. Phys., vol. 4, p. 185 ; Quinine cachexia, Hussey, Hom. Phys., vol. 3, p. 86 ; сhlorosis, Rummel, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 275 ; Mueller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 605 ; Hoffendahl, Mueller, N. A. J. H., vol. 7, p. 171 ; Atrophy of infants, Farrington, T. H. M. S., Pa., vol. 2, p. 243 ; Marasmus, Williams, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 188 ; Weakness of muscles, Kunkel, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 112, p. 195 ; сatarrhal affections, Miller, N. A. J. H., vol. 27, p. 60 ; Scarlatinal dropsy, Pratt, N. A. J. H., May, 1883 ; Dropsy, сohn, Schuessler’s New Treatment of Disease, p. 90 ; Acne faciei, Hirsch, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 96 ; Tetter, Stens, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 249 ; вerridge, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 292 ; Herpes facialis, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 82 ; Herpes circinatus, вerridge, Hah. Mo., vol. 10, p. 79 ; Scarlet fever, Dudley, Hom. Times, 1875, p. 131 ; вite of insects, Schuessler’s New Treatment of Disease, p. 122 ; Mercurial salivation, Schuessler’s New Treatment of Disease, p. 116 ; Abuse of opium, Mueller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 273.
Luchs, Wolf, Hartlaub, K. in L., Lembke, Schmidt, Gauwerky, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, pp. 944-52 ; Stowe, Payne, Miller, вrigham, Allen, Hawkes, Pearson, вurnett, Allen’s Int. Fever, p. 181 ; Lippe, Hom. Phys., vol. 2, p. 45 ; Millspaugh, Hom. Phys., vol. 2, p. 89 ; Wells, вrewster, Swift, Hussey, сlaussen, вaldwin, Hawley, Marks, Seward, Wallace, Jennings, Hom. Phys., vol. 3, pp. 84-7 ; Effects of exposure to marshy surroundings, вoyce, Hom. Phys., vol. 3, p. 85 ; Suppressed ague, Hall, Hom. Phys., vol. 4, p. 185 ; Quinine cachexia, Hussey, Hom. Phys., vol. 3, p. 86 ; сhlorosis, Rummel, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 275 ; Mueller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 605 ; Hoffendahl, Mueller, N. A. J. H., vol. 7, p. 171 ; Atrophy of infants, Farrington, T. H. M. S., Pa., vol. 2, p. 243 ; Marasmus, Williams, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 188 ; Weakness of muscles, Kunkel, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 112, p. 195 ; сatarrhal affections, Miller, N. A. J. H., vol. 27, p. 60 ; Scarlatinal dropsy, Pratt, N. A. J. H., May, 1883 ; Dropsy, сohn, Schuessler’s New Treatment of Disease, p. 90 ; Acne faciei, Hirsch, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 96 ; Tetter, Stens, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 249 ; вerridge, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 292 ; Herpes facialis, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 82 ; Herpes circinatus, вerridge, Hah. Mo., vol. 10, p. 79 ; Scarlet fever, Dudley, Hom. Times, 1875, p. 131 ; вite of insects, Schuessler’s New Treatment of Disease, p. 122 ; Mercurial salivation, Schuessler’s New Treatment of Disease, p. 116 ; Abuse of opium, Mueller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 273.
Psyche and consciousness
Weakness or loss of memory ; remembers nothing of yesterday.
Absent minded or distracted while talking ; does not know what he ought to say ; awkward in talking ; easily makes mistakes.
Awkward ; hasty ; drops things from nervous weakness.
Dulness ; difficulty of thinking.
Haunted with thoughts that something unpleasant will happen.
Tries to recollect past disagreeable occurrences for the purpose of thinking on them and indulging the grief which it causes.
He concluded from the look of everyone, that he was pitied on account of his misfortune, and he wept.
Delirium, with starting of body, picking at bedclothes, wandering and muttering.
Delirium tremens.
Mania, especially when accompanied by paralytic debility.
After becoming thoroughly wet, severe headache with maniacal paroxysms, during which he uttered the most atrocious blasphemies, swore against God and the elements, and after raging for awhile became exhausted, and had to keep his bed from great debility ; dryness of tongue ; unquenchable thirst ; pulse irregular and intermittent.
No desire to work, mental or physical.
Taciturnity ; offended at every word ; avoids company ; hates persons because they have offended him ; spleen.
Likes to be alone.
Whenever alone she wished to cry, she did not know why.
Very much inclined to weep and to be excited.
Laughed so immoderately at something not ludicrous that she could not be quieted, and tears came into her eyes, so that she looked as though she had been weeping.
Hurriedness, with anxiety and fluttering at heart.
Hastiness and impatience. θ сhlorosis.
Attacks of great cheerfulness and merry disposition, with great inclination to laugh, sing and dance.
Gloomy thoughts, recalls insults long since suffered ; likes to dwell upon past unpleasant occurrences.
Depression of spirits.
Prevailing depression of mind, with spells of irritableness and crossness. θ Addison’s disease.
Lachrymose depression, worse from being spoken to ; concern about the future.
Sad and weeping mood without cause.
Sad and weeping ; consolation aggravates, a fluttering of heart follows ; intermittent pulse.
Very sad, gloomy and foreboding. θ Dysmenorrhoea.
Excessive sadness during menses, with palpitation and morning headache.
Alternately sad and excessively merry ; hysteria.
Melancholic depression and sad apprehension, disheartened all day without definite cause ; palpitation.
Hypochondriacal mood, with constipation.
Apprehension, feels as if something was going to happen.
Brain fag, with sleeplessness, gloomy forebodings, exhaustion after talking, embarrassment of brain.
A pregnant woman saw a man who had a disfiguring nasal cancer ; this haunted her, and she was sure her child would be marked ; she was melancholy, avoided society, wept continually.
Fear of loss of reason.
Despairing, hopeless feeling about the future.
Hypochondriacal ; tired of life.
Joyless, indifferent, taciturn.
Weak will.
Great irritability ; child irritable and cross when spoken to ; crying from slightest cause.
Very ill humored in morning.
Quarrelsome fretfulness, gets into a passion about trifles ; passionate vehemence.
Hateful and vindictive natures.
When trying to comfort him he gets into a violent rage.
Fearfulness ; very easily startled.
Bad effects from anger.
Consequences of fright, anger, vexation, mortification, or reserved displeasure.
After a fright, chorea.
After violent fits of passion, paralysis.
Weariness in head.
Empty feeling in head, with anguish.
Weak, faint feeling in head and chest walking in sun.
Dulness. Of head, as if too heavy ; in morning or forenoon ; after thinking.
Feeling of heaviness in head, as if it would fall forward, increasing with headache across forehead.
Absent minded or distracted while talking ; does not know what he ought to say ; awkward in talking ; easily makes mistakes.
Awkward ; hasty ; drops things from nervous weakness.
Dulness ; difficulty of thinking.
Haunted with thoughts that something unpleasant will happen.
Tries to recollect past disagreeable occurrences for the purpose of thinking on them and indulging the grief which it causes.
He concluded from the look of everyone, that he was pitied on account of his misfortune, and he wept.
Delirium, with starting of body, picking at bedclothes, wandering and muttering.
Delirium tremens.
Mania, especially when accompanied by paralytic debility.
After becoming thoroughly wet, severe headache with maniacal paroxysms, during which he uttered the most atrocious blasphemies, swore against God and the elements, and after raging for awhile became exhausted, and had to keep his bed from great debility ; dryness of tongue ; unquenchable thirst ; pulse irregular and intermittent.
No desire to work, mental or physical.
Taciturnity ; offended at every word ; avoids company ; hates persons because they have offended him ; spleen.
Likes to be alone.
Whenever alone she wished to cry, she did not know why.
Very much inclined to weep and to be excited.
Laughed so immoderately at something not ludicrous that she could not be quieted, and tears came into her eyes, so that she looked as though she had been weeping.
Hurriedness, with anxiety and fluttering at heart.
Hastiness and impatience. θ сhlorosis.
Attacks of great cheerfulness and merry disposition, with great inclination to laugh, sing and dance.
Gloomy thoughts, recalls insults long since suffered ; likes to dwell upon past unpleasant occurrences.
Depression of spirits.
Prevailing depression of mind, with spells of irritableness and crossness. θ Addison’s disease.
Lachrymose depression, worse from being spoken to ; concern about the future.
Sad and weeping mood without cause.
Sad and weeping ; consolation aggravates, a fluttering of heart follows ; intermittent pulse.
Very sad, gloomy and foreboding. θ Dysmenorrhoea.
Excessive sadness during menses, with palpitation and morning headache.
Alternately sad and excessively merry ; hysteria.
Melancholic depression and sad apprehension, disheartened all day without definite cause ; palpitation.
Hypochondriacal mood, with constipation.
Apprehension, feels as if something was going to happen.
Brain fag, with sleeplessness, gloomy forebodings, exhaustion after talking, embarrassment of brain.
A pregnant woman saw a man who had a disfiguring nasal cancer ; this haunted her, and she was sure her child would be marked ; she was melancholy, avoided society, wept continually.
Fear of loss of reason.
Despairing, hopeless feeling about the future.
Hypochondriacal ; tired of life.
Joyless, indifferent, taciturn.
Weak will.
Great irritability ; child irritable and cross when spoken to ; crying from slightest cause.
Very ill humored in morning.
Quarrelsome fretfulness, gets into a passion about trifles ; passionate vehemence.
Hateful and vindictive natures.
When trying to comfort him he gets into a violent rage.
Fearfulness ; very easily startled.
Bad effects from anger.
Consequences of fright, anger, vexation, mortification, or reserved displeasure.
After a fright, chorea.
After violent fits of passion, paralysis.
Weariness in head.
Empty feeling in head, with anguish.
Weak, faint feeling in head and chest walking in sun.
Dulness. Of head, as if too heavy ; in morning or forenoon ; after thinking.
Feeling of heaviness in head, as if it would fall forward, increasing with headache across forehead.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo : great dulness of head, with flickering before eyes ; objects turn around, tendency to fall forward ; after shooting in head, as if she would fall to left ; when rising from bed in morning ; periodical, with nausea, eructations, colic and trembling limbs ; nausea and headache ; as if a cold wind was blowing through head ; with feeling of fainting ; when rising, better lying down awhile ; congestive, from suppressed hemorrhoidal flow ; in pregnancy ; from spirituous liquors, tea, coffee, tobacco, opium ; from straining eyes or close study ; on walking ; when standing near a window.
Pressure : in frontal region ; dragging.
Weight in forehead, pressing in, worse bending head down, better from pressure.
Dull pressure in forehead with confusion.
Pressive pain in forehead and eyeballs so violent that lids can only be raised with exertion and pain, he could no longer read.
When coughing it seems as though forehead would burst.
Headache : in forehead ; during and after sneezing ; as from a blow, worse from laughing ; on waking in morning, throbbing and weight ; face flushed ; every other day, from 10 A. M. to about 3 P. M.
Pressive, throbbing headache, especially in left frontal region, all day.
Throbbing and tension in forehead.
Beating and pulsation in head, mostly in forehead, with nausea and vomiting, worse in morning and when moving ; better lying with head high ; better by perspiration.
Pains in and over right eye, going off with sun ; cannot bear light of any kind.
Rheumatic tearing from root of nose to forehead ; nausea, vomiting ; vanishing of sight.
Tearing, stitching headache, compelling one to lie down.
Stitches over eyes ; in head ; fine, through head ; extending to neck and chest.
Headache as if head would burst.
Beating and throbbing in head on motion of body.
Throbbing as from little hammers ; awakens with headache every morning ; worse from reading or talking.
Rush of blood to head ; head feels heavy.
Heat in head, with redness of face, nausea and vomiting.
Violent jerks and shocks in head.
Pressing headache from both sides, as if in a vice.
Headache immediately after waking in morning, lasting till towards noon.
Headache from sunrise till sunset, worse at midday ; right eye congested ; worse from light.
Dull headache, almost constantly.
Dull, heavy headache, with profusion of tears, drowsiness and unrefreshing sleep.
Headaches with constipation, from torpor and dryness of a portion of intestinal mucous tract, when tongue is clean or covered with bubbles of frothy saliva.
Headache, with red face, nausea and vomiting, before, during and after catamenia.
Headache of schoolgirls ; during menses with burning on vertex.
Pain like a nail driven into left side of head. θ Intermittent.
Hemicrania : with sour vomiting and eructations ; sudden bloating of and rumbling in abdomen, nausea, loss of consciousness and twitching of limbs.
Sick headache from morning till noon.
Right sided headache, comes on at 10 A. M., with dizziness and dull heavy pains, glimmering before eyes, fainting and sinking at epigastrium, slight fever and thirst ; better in open air and while perspiring ; sore nostrils.
Headache, with vomiting of transparent phlegm or water.
Headache ceases on one side of head ; continues more violent on other.
Left sided clavus.
Headache beginning with a blinding of eyes.
Pain like a rope around head, drawing tighter and tighter ; after walking awhile feels as if stepping on air.
Sick headache whenever she eats rich food ; attacks commence in morning, with zig-zag dazzling in eyes, like lightning, lasting half an hour and ushering in throbbing headache in forehead and vertex, with nausea ; can hardly hold her eyes open ; cold feet ; creeping chilliness all over ; sometimes vomits sour water or bile ; somewhat better going to bed in a dark room ; attacks usually last twenty-four hours.
Severe headache, maniacal paroxysms, blasphemous ; weak ; tongue dry ; very thirsty ; intermittent pulse ; caused by getting wet.
Burning on vertex.
Heaviness in back part of head ; draws eyes together.
Heat and throbbing in occiput.
Stitches as with knives in occiput.
Headache coming on in early morning or at 10 A. M., after suppressed ague.
Headache worse in morning on waking, moving head or eyes, mental exertion, warmth ; better from sitting still or lying down and from sweat.
Chronic effects after injury to head.
Increased quantity of water in brain in acute diseases (typhus, scarlet fever, smallpox), manifested by sopor, convulsions, etc.
Head involuntarily nods forward ; weakness.
Cold sensation on vertex ; scalp sensitive ; spasm of eyelids.
Scalp feels constricted ; worse talking and in open air ; better sitting or lying.
Liability to take cold in head.
Violent itching on head and nape of neck.
Hair falls out if touched ; mostly on forepart of head, temples and beard ; scalp very sensitive ; face oily, shiny, as if greasy.
Itching eruption, impetigo, worse on boundaries of hairy scalp, especially about nape of neck and behind ears ; eruption glutinous, thin, gummy scabs ; skin sore and red.
Light crusts form on back of head and neck, along border of hair, which are irregular and resemble peach gum.
Scabs on head and in axilla ; eczema raw, oozing a corroding fluid destroying hair.
Humid eruption, gluey discharge, matting hair.
White scurf on scalp ; dandruff ; alternating with catarrh and loss of smell.
Chronic eruption over whole head had eaten off hair, surface raw as if scalped.
From a blow on forehead bone was exposed and a small piece exfoliated ; three months after wakes each morning with headache, which lasts till 10 A. M., when scalp begins to sweat and headache passes away ; when he lies down at night head begins to ache ; hears a ringing and roaring noise till he falls asleep, starts from sleep frightened, having dreamed of robbers, fire, murder or other horrible things.
After blow upon left parietal bone there remained a sensitive spot over seat of injury, least touch upon this spot caused trembling over whole body ; pains day and night, with twitching of limbs.
Jerking of head, in chorea.
Fiery, zigzag appearance around all objects ; black spots and streaks of light ; sudden darkness, everything turns black.
Vision double, or sees only one half (perpendicular) of an object.
Unsteadiness of vision ; objects become confused.
Dim sight, as if looking through gauze or feathers ; objects seem covered with a thin veil.
Frequent obscuration of sight, especially when stooping, walking, reading, writing.
Amaurosis, from debilitating nervous losses.
Eyes give out in reading or writing.
Amblyopia and amaurosis ; pupils contracted, dependent on menstrual disorders in chlorosis.
Asthenopia, particularly muscular ; drawing, stiff sensation in muscles of eyes when moving them ; letters and stitches in sewing run together ; aching in eyes when looking intently ; often caused by general muscular weakness, spinal irritation and overuse of eyes, or reflex irritation from uterus.
Retinal images are retained too long.
Hyperesthesia of retina, lachrymation and burning in morning ; conjunctival injection ; on looking at a bright light, great photophobia, severe sticking in temples, on reading, objects seem to swim before sight ; chlorosis.
Iritis ; pupil contracted ; iris discolored ; violent stitches in temples on looking into light or when light is changed.
Ulcerations of cornea, after cauterizing with nitrate of silver, with dread of light, so that child lies with head buried in pillow ; lids swollen, bleed on opening, much lachrymation and eruption on face and lips ; sharp, piercing pain above right eye on looking down, with throbbing headache, worse in evening.
Blepharitis, ulcers on cornea when there is smarting, burning ; feeling of sand in eyes, mornings ; acrid, excoriating tears ; photophobia marked, with spasmodic closure of lids.
Keratitis pustulosa, with granular lids.
Scrofulous ulcers on cornea, with photophobia.
Blisters on cornea, white spots ; acts especially on corpus vitreum.
Ciliary neuralgia ; pain in and above eye (especially right), coming on and going off with sun ; eye congested, sore and painful when moved ; can bear neither natural nor artificial light ; pain from lamplight ; could not hurt more if eye was pulled from socket ; discouraged ; craves salt.
Sharp pain over right eye on looking down, with throbbing headache ; worse in evening.
Neuralgic pains in eyes, periodical, with flow of tears and reddened conjunctiva.
Eyes itch and burn like chilblains ; must wipe them often and pull at lashes.
Divergent strabismus since childhood in a patient, at. 20 ; following inflammatory rheumatism ; after Rhus tox. eyes parallel for one day, then squint, came on from fatigue ; more marked in hot weather and worse in winter.
Weakness of internal recti muscles.
Redness of whites of eyes, with lachrymation.
Redness and inflammation of white of eye, with a feeling as if balls were too large and compressed.
Inflammation of eyes, lachrymation in every slight wind.
Lids were very much swollen, dark, purplish, canthi cracked ; conjunctiva swollen, chemosed, protruding, small points on upper part of cornea and profuse, mucopurulent discharge.
Scrofulous ophthalmia, after abuse of nitrate of silver.
Follicular conjunctivitis ; follicular formations chronic and chiefly confined to oculo-palpebral folds ; also when case is complicated with some trachoma.
Conjunctivitis, with white mucous secretions and acrid lachrymation.
Sensitiveness of eyes ; after using they smart, itch and burn.
Sticking in right eye.
Sensation as if sand was in eyes, in morning.
Pain as from a foreign body in eyes.
Burning in eyes, with increased secretion of mucus ; lids agglutinated in morning ; great sensitiveness to lamplight.
Violent burning in eyes in evening.
Pressure in eyes on looking intently at anything.
Dark veil passes before eyes from right to left every morning at 10 A. M.
Eyes too large.
Dermoid swellings of conjunctiva.
Lachrymation : in open air ; biting, in morning ; appearing daily at a regular time ; acrid, making canthi red and sore ; with eruption of small vesicles causing scalding ; skin of face about eye glossy and shining ; tears stream down face whenever he coughs ; with obstruction of tear duct, worse after use of nitrate of silver.
Irritability of margins of lids and their conjunctiva.
Catarrhal affection of margins of lids ; lids red, with burning, especially in evening while reading, they secreted mucus and were agglutinated in morning on waking and covered with thick scabs.
Borders and corners of eyelids raw and ulcerated.
Excessively sore, red, disgusting eyelids ; lids look like raw beef.
Inflammation of lids after measles ; lids thick and red ; thick discharge ; worse in evening ; chill at 11 A. M., followed by fever and great thirst.
Old cases of granular lids, with or without pannus, especially if they have been treated with caustics.
Lids heavy when using them.
Spasmodic closing of eyelids.
Eyes close with headache.
Entropion from caustic treatment of granular lids.
Dermoid tumor on edge of lid.
Stricture of lachrymal duct, fistula and blenorrhoea of lachrymal sac.
Catarrhal stenosis of lachrymal duct in a baby ; eye constantly watering.
Fissure in external canthi, first left, then right, with dragging pains, craving salt ; subsequently fissure in left external canthus, with pain as if it was being torn open.
Stye in corner of eye ; stye on right side.
Glutinous substance collects in external canthi.
Itching in eyes and canthi.
Itching eruption in eyebrows.
Morbus вasedowii, palpitation ; short breath on least exertion.
Buzzing, humming, roaring or ringing in ears.
Hardness of hearing.
Deafness from swelling of tympanitic cavity, with watery conditions of tongue.
Catarrh of tympanitic cavity and Eustachian tube ; nonsuppurating.
Drawing and stitching pains from ear down to neck and shoulder, or from teeth up to ear.
Throbbing and beating in ears ; ears red from congestion ; otorrhoea.
Painful cracking in ear when masticating.
Pulsation and beating ; or stitches in ear.
Discharge of pus from ear.
Swelling, burning and heat of ears.
Chronic catarrhal otitis, with acrid discharges.
Itching behind ears.
Loss of smell and taste, especially with catarrh.
Feeling of dryness in nose ; stoppage.
Dry coryza or dry nasal catarrh.
Easily takes cold in head ; is constantly obliged to wrap it up ; if he allows it to be uncovered during day has stoppage of nose at night.
Coryza fluent, alternately with stoppage ; posterior nares dry, with hawking in morning ; spasms of sneezing each morning, or ineffectual attempts.
Great swelling of mucous membrane in upper portion of nose, with difficulty of breathing through nose, and speaking through nose ; loss of smell. θ сoryza.
Excessive fluent coryza, with loss of smell and taste.
Catarrh, secretion clear mucus, transparent like white of egg.
Severe coryza, consisting of clear white discharge so profuse that it was necessary to lay a towel under nose ; awoke every morning with a headache, and after rising discharge from nose continued with violent and frequent sneezing ; loss of taste and smell ; troublesome cough from tickling in throat pit.
Squirming in nostril as of a small worm. θ Hay asthma.
Hay fever ; watery discharge from eyes and nose.
Colds causing vesicular eruptions with watery contents, which burst and leave thin scurfs or crusts ; scurf and scabs in nose.
Cold in head ; lips and ala nasi thickly set with fever blisters.
Influenza, watery running at nose, great sleepiness.
Thick mucus, with loss of smell and taste ; membrane thickened. θ сatarrh.
Burning pains in nasal bones, especially at roof of nose and in malar region.
Redness, heat and swelling of left side of nose, with sore pain, especially on blowing nose.
Burning in nose, internal soreness ; nasal wings full of pimples.
Loss of sensibility, feeling of deadness on inner part of nose.
Many small, burning pimples under septum, with sensation as if acrid water flowed from nose.
Chronic naso-pharyngeal catarrh.
Continual lachrymation from obstruction of nasal duct ; roaring and buzzing in ears and head, with inability to work, read or think ; loss of smell and taste. θ Ozana.
Chronic catarrh of anemic patients.
Nasal catarrh accompanied by excessive use of salt.
Nosebleed when stooping, or when coughing at night.
In place of chill profuse nose bleeding. θ Intermittent.
Much clotted blood is blown from nose.
Nose sore, interior of wings swollen ; scabs in nose.
Left sided inflammation and swelling of nose ; painful to touch.
Exfoliation of skin on dorsum of nose ; redness of nose with pimples, vesicles and painful nodules.
Nose on one side feels numb.
Face : very pale ; wan ; pasty ; livid ; swollen ; sallow ; leaden ; shines as if greasy ; yellow ; earthy ; yellowish, with leucorrhoea ; pale or bloated, in diphtheria ; blue, oedema of lungs.
Earthy, yellow color of face ; brown spots on back of hands. θ Addison’s disease.
Redness of left cheek ; heat in face.
Cheek bones pain as if bruised, when chewing.
Prosopalgia : recurring periodically, especially after checked ague ; with constipation ; tongue showing a clear, mucous slime and little frothy bubbles at edge ; with vomiting of clear phlegm or water ; after quinine ; pains produce paralytic symptoms.
Neuralgia of ophthalmic branch of trigeminus on left side ; blepharospasm, photophobia, contracted pupil, red conjunctiva, increased lachrymation, restless sleep ; regularly at 7 A. M., increasing till noon, and then decreasing, never leaving entirely.
Facial supraorbital neuralgia, going from right to left, with bronchitis from eating salt.
Pain in malar bones, worse when chewing ; falling off of whiskers.
On each side of upper forehead below hair, a round, slightly scabby patch, with red areola, with itching.
Pustular eruption on forehead.
Itching eruption on face. θ сrusta lactea. θ вarber’s itch.
Pimples on face. θ Acne faciei.
Ulcer on left cheek.
Sweating while eating.
Mumps with profuse flow of saliva.
Suppuration of parotid after typhus.
Small vesicles about mouth, forming a kind of tetter ; hydroa, cold sores.
Blisters like pearls around mouth. θ Intermittent.
Lips and corners of mouth ulcerated and cracked.
Lips dry and cracked, with rhagades or bleeding scabs ; humid sores in commissures.
Upper lip swollen.
Eruption with smarting pain on red of lips.
Lips tingle and feel numb.
Small vesicles on upper lip, below septum of nose, which burn, become confluent and covered with a scab, which falls off after several days and leaves a red spot lasting two weeks.
Deep, painful fissure in middle of upper lip.
Swelling of lower lip and tip of tongue, with violent burning on it ; wakes him at night.
Great swelling and some burning of lower lip, followed by appearance of a large vesicle, which next day formed a scab and desquamated.
Crack in middle of lower lip.
Severe drawing pain in lower jaw, painful to touch.
Eruptions and ulcers on chin.
Itching, humid eruption on chin ; angry looking.
Hair of beard falls out profusely. θ вarber’s itch.
Sycosis ; whiskers fall out with much itching, vesicles with watery contents.
Submaxillary glands swollen.
Pressure : in frontal region ; dragging.
Weight in forehead, pressing in, worse bending head down, better from pressure.
Dull pressure in forehead with confusion.
Pressive pain in forehead and eyeballs so violent that lids can only be raised with exertion and pain, he could no longer read.
When coughing it seems as though forehead would burst.
Headache : in forehead ; during and after sneezing ; as from a blow, worse from laughing ; on waking in morning, throbbing and weight ; face flushed ; every other day, from 10 A. M. to about 3 P. M.
Pressive, throbbing headache, especially in left frontal region, all day.
Throbbing and tension in forehead.
Beating and pulsation in head, mostly in forehead, with nausea and vomiting, worse in morning and when moving ; better lying with head high ; better by perspiration.
Pains in and over right eye, going off with sun ; cannot bear light of any kind.
Rheumatic tearing from root of nose to forehead ; nausea, vomiting ; vanishing of sight.
Tearing, stitching headache, compelling one to lie down.
Stitches over eyes ; in head ; fine, through head ; extending to neck and chest.
Headache as if head would burst.
Beating and throbbing in head on motion of body.
Throbbing as from little hammers ; awakens with headache every morning ; worse from reading or talking.
Rush of blood to head ; head feels heavy.
Heat in head, with redness of face, nausea and vomiting.
Violent jerks and shocks in head.
Pressing headache from both sides, as if in a vice.
Headache immediately after waking in morning, lasting till towards noon.
Headache from sunrise till sunset, worse at midday ; right eye congested ; worse from light.
Dull headache, almost constantly.
Dull, heavy headache, with profusion of tears, drowsiness and unrefreshing sleep.
Headaches with constipation, from torpor and dryness of a portion of intestinal mucous tract, when tongue is clean or covered with bubbles of frothy saliva.
Headache, with red face, nausea and vomiting, before, during and after catamenia.
Headache of schoolgirls ; during menses with burning on vertex.
Pain like a nail driven into left side of head. θ Intermittent.
Hemicrania : with sour vomiting and eructations ; sudden bloating of and rumbling in abdomen, nausea, loss of consciousness and twitching of limbs.
Sick headache from morning till noon.
Right sided headache, comes on at 10 A. M., with dizziness and dull heavy pains, glimmering before eyes, fainting and sinking at epigastrium, slight fever and thirst ; better in open air and while perspiring ; sore nostrils.
Headache, with vomiting of transparent phlegm or water.
Headache ceases on one side of head ; continues more violent on other.
Left sided clavus.
Headache beginning with a blinding of eyes.
Pain like a rope around head, drawing tighter and tighter ; after walking awhile feels as if stepping on air.
Sick headache whenever she eats rich food ; attacks commence in morning, with zig-zag dazzling in eyes, like lightning, lasting half an hour and ushering in throbbing headache in forehead and vertex, with nausea ; can hardly hold her eyes open ; cold feet ; creeping chilliness all over ; sometimes vomits sour water or bile ; somewhat better going to bed in a dark room ; attacks usually last twenty-four hours.
Severe headache, maniacal paroxysms, blasphemous ; weak ; tongue dry ; very thirsty ; intermittent pulse ; caused by getting wet.
Burning on vertex.
Heaviness in back part of head ; draws eyes together.
Heat and throbbing in occiput.
Stitches as with knives in occiput.
Headache coming on in early morning or at 10 A. M., after suppressed ague.
Headache worse in morning on waking, moving head or eyes, mental exertion, warmth ; better from sitting still or lying down and from sweat.
Chronic effects after injury to head.
Increased quantity of water in brain in acute diseases (typhus, scarlet fever, smallpox), manifested by sopor, convulsions, etc.
Head involuntarily nods forward ; weakness.
Cold sensation on vertex ; scalp sensitive ; spasm of eyelids.
Scalp feels constricted ; worse talking and in open air ; better sitting or lying.
Liability to take cold in head.
Violent itching on head and nape of neck.
Hair falls out if touched ; mostly on forepart of head, temples and beard ; scalp very sensitive ; face oily, shiny, as if greasy.
Itching eruption, impetigo, worse on boundaries of hairy scalp, especially about nape of neck and behind ears ; eruption glutinous, thin, gummy scabs ; skin sore and red.
Light crusts form on back of head and neck, along border of hair, which are irregular and resemble peach gum.
Scabs on head and in axilla ; eczema raw, oozing a corroding fluid destroying hair.
Humid eruption, gluey discharge, matting hair.
White scurf on scalp ; dandruff ; alternating with catarrh and loss of smell.
Chronic eruption over whole head had eaten off hair, surface raw as if scalped.
From a blow on forehead bone was exposed and a small piece exfoliated ; three months after wakes each morning with headache, which lasts till 10 A. M., when scalp begins to sweat and headache passes away ; when he lies down at night head begins to ache ; hears a ringing and roaring noise till he falls asleep, starts from sleep frightened, having dreamed of robbers, fire, murder or other horrible things.
After blow upon left parietal bone there remained a sensitive spot over seat of injury, least touch upon this spot caused trembling over whole body ; pains day and night, with twitching of limbs.
Jerking of head, in chorea.
Fiery, zigzag appearance around all objects ; black spots and streaks of light ; sudden darkness, everything turns black.
Vision double, or sees only one half (perpendicular) of an object.
Unsteadiness of vision ; objects become confused.
Dim sight, as if looking through gauze or feathers ; objects seem covered with a thin veil.
Frequent obscuration of sight, especially when stooping, walking, reading, writing.
Amaurosis, from debilitating nervous losses.
Eyes give out in reading or writing.
Amblyopia and amaurosis ; pupils contracted, dependent on menstrual disorders in chlorosis.
Asthenopia, particularly muscular ; drawing, stiff sensation in muscles of eyes when moving them ; letters and stitches in sewing run together ; aching in eyes when looking intently ; often caused by general muscular weakness, spinal irritation and overuse of eyes, or reflex irritation from uterus.
Retinal images are retained too long.
Hyperesthesia of retina, lachrymation and burning in morning ; conjunctival injection ; on looking at a bright light, great photophobia, severe sticking in temples, on reading, objects seem to swim before sight ; chlorosis.
Iritis ; pupil contracted ; iris discolored ; violent stitches in temples on looking into light or when light is changed.
Ulcerations of cornea, after cauterizing with nitrate of silver, with dread of light, so that child lies with head buried in pillow ; lids swollen, bleed on opening, much lachrymation and eruption on face and lips ; sharp, piercing pain above right eye on looking down, with throbbing headache, worse in evening.
Blepharitis, ulcers on cornea when there is smarting, burning ; feeling of sand in eyes, mornings ; acrid, excoriating tears ; photophobia marked, with spasmodic closure of lids.
Keratitis pustulosa, with granular lids.
Scrofulous ulcers on cornea, with photophobia.
Blisters on cornea, white spots ; acts especially on corpus vitreum.
Ciliary neuralgia ; pain in and above eye (especially right), coming on and going off with sun ; eye congested, sore and painful when moved ; can bear neither natural nor artificial light ; pain from lamplight ; could not hurt more if eye was pulled from socket ; discouraged ; craves salt.
Sharp pain over right eye on looking down, with throbbing headache ; worse in evening.
Neuralgic pains in eyes, periodical, with flow of tears and reddened conjunctiva.
Eyes itch and burn like chilblains ; must wipe them often and pull at lashes.
Divergent strabismus since childhood in a patient, at. 20 ; following inflammatory rheumatism ; after Rhus tox. eyes parallel for one day, then squint, came on from fatigue ; more marked in hot weather and worse in winter.
Weakness of internal recti muscles.
Redness of whites of eyes, with lachrymation.
Redness and inflammation of white of eye, with a feeling as if balls were too large and compressed.
Inflammation of eyes, lachrymation in every slight wind.
Lids were very much swollen, dark, purplish, canthi cracked ; conjunctiva swollen, chemosed, protruding, small points on upper part of cornea and profuse, mucopurulent discharge.
Scrofulous ophthalmia, after abuse of nitrate of silver.
Follicular conjunctivitis ; follicular formations chronic and chiefly confined to oculo-palpebral folds ; also when case is complicated with some trachoma.
Conjunctivitis, with white mucous secretions and acrid lachrymation.
Sensitiveness of eyes ; after using they smart, itch and burn.
Sticking in right eye.
Sensation as if sand was in eyes, in morning.
Pain as from a foreign body in eyes.
Burning in eyes, with increased secretion of mucus ; lids agglutinated in morning ; great sensitiveness to lamplight.
Violent burning in eyes in evening.
Pressure in eyes on looking intently at anything.
Dark veil passes before eyes from right to left every morning at 10 A. M.
Eyes too large.
Dermoid swellings of conjunctiva.
Lachrymation : in open air ; biting, in morning ; appearing daily at a regular time ; acrid, making canthi red and sore ; with eruption of small vesicles causing scalding ; skin of face about eye glossy and shining ; tears stream down face whenever he coughs ; with obstruction of tear duct, worse after use of nitrate of silver.
Irritability of margins of lids and their conjunctiva.
Catarrhal affection of margins of lids ; lids red, with burning, especially in evening while reading, they secreted mucus and were agglutinated in morning on waking and covered with thick scabs.
Borders and corners of eyelids raw and ulcerated.
Excessively sore, red, disgusting eyelids ; lids look like raw beef.
Inflammation of lids after measles ; lids thick and red ; thick discharge ; worse in evening ; chill at 11 A. M., followed by fever and great thirst.
Old cases of granular lids, with or without pannus, especially if they have been treated with caustics.
Lids heavy when using them.
Spasmodic closing of eyelids.
Eyes close with headache.
Entropion from caustic treatment of granular lids.
Dermoid tumor on edge of lid.
Stricture of lachrymal duct, fistula and blenorrhoea of lachrymal sac.
Catarrhal stenosis of lachrymal duct in a baby ; eye constantly watering.
Fissure in external canthi, first left, then right, with dragging pains, craving salt ; subsequently fissure in left external canthus, with pain as if it was being torn open.
Stye in corner of eye ; stye on right side.
Glutinous substance collects in external canthi.
Itching in eyes and canthi.
Itching eruption in eyebrows.
Morbus вasedowii, palpitation ; short breath on least exertion.
Buzzing, humming, roaring or ringing in ears.
Hardness of hearing.
Deafness from swelling of tympanitic cavity, with watery conditions of tongue.
Catarrh of tympanitic cavity and Eustachian tube ; nonsuppurating.
Drawing and stitching pains from ear down to neck and shoulder, or from teeth up to ear.
Throbbing and beating in ears ; ears red from congestion ; otorrhoea.
Painful cracking in ear when masticating.
Pulsation and beating ; or stitches in ear.
Discharge of pus from ear.
Swelling, burning and heat of ears.
Chronic catarrhal otitis, with acrid discharges.
Itching behind ears.
Loss of smell and taste, especially with catarrh.
Feeling of dryness in nose ; stoppage.
Dry coryza or dry nasal catarrh.
Easily takes cold in head ; is constantly obliged to wrap it up ; if he allows it to be uncovered during day has stoppage of nose at night.
Coryza fluent, alternately with stoppage ; posterior nares dry, with hawking in morning ; spasms of sneezing each morning, or ineffectual attempts.
Great swelling of mucous membrane in upper portion of nose, with difficulty of breathing through nose, and speaking through nose ; loss of smell. θ сoryza.
Excessive fluent coryza, with loss of smell and taste.
Catarrh, secretion clear mucus, transparent like white of egg.
Severe coryza, consisting of clear white discharge so profuse that it was necessary to lay a towel under nose ; awoke every morning with a headache, and after rising discharge from nose continued with violent and frequent sneezing ; loss of taste and smell ; troublesome cough from tickling in throat pit.
Squirming in nostril as of a small worm. θ Hay asthma.
Hay fever ; watery discharge from eyes and nose.
Colds causing vesicular eruptions with watery contents, which burst and leave thin scurfs or crusts ; scurf and scabs in nose.
Cold in head ; lips and ala nasi thickly set with fever blisters.
Influenza, watery running at nose, great sleepiness.
Thick mucus, with loss of smell and taste ; membrane thickened. θ сatarrh.
Burning pains in nasal bones, especially at roof of nose and in malar region.
Redness, heat and swelling of left side of nose, with sore pain, especially on blowing nose.
Burning in nose, internal soreness ; nasal wings full of pimples.
Loss of sensibility, feeling of deadness on inner part of nose.
Many small, burning pimples under septum, with sensation as if acrid water flowed from nose.
Chronic naso-pharyngeal catarrh.
Continual lachrymation from obstruction of nasal duct ; roaring and buzzing in ears and head, with inability to work, read or think ; loss of smell and taste. θ Ozana.
Chronic catarrh of anemic patients.
Nasal catarrh accompanied by excessive use of salt.
Nosebleed when stooping, or when coughing at night.
In place of chill profuse nose bleeding. θ Intermittent.
Much clotted blood is blown from nose.
Nose sore, interior of wings swollen ; scabs in nose.
Left sided inflammation and swelling of nose ; painful to touch.
Exfoliation of skin on dorsum of nose ; redness of nose with pimples, vesicles and painful nodules.
Nose on one side feels numb.
Face : very pale ; wan ; pasty ; livid ; swollen ; sallow ; leaden ; shines as if greasy ; yellow ; earthy ; yellowish, with leucorrhoea ; pale or bloated, in diphtheria ; blue, oedema of lungs.
Earthy, yellow color of face ; brown spots on back of hands. θ Addison’s disease.
Redness of left cheek ; heat in face.
Cheek bones pain as if bruised, when chewing.
Prosopalgia : recurring periodically, especially after checked ague ; with constipation ; tongue showing a clear, mucous slime and little frothy bubbles at edge ; with vomiting of clear phlegm or water ; after quinine ; pains produce paralytic symptoms.
Neuralgia of ophthalmic branch of trigeminus on left side ; blepharospasm, photophobia, contracted pupil, red conjunctiva, increased lachrymation, restless sleep ; regularly at 7 A. M., increasing till noon, and then decreasing, never leaving entirely.
Facial supraorbital neuralgia, going from right to left, with bronchitis from eating salt.
Pain in malar bones, worse when chewing ; falling off of whiskers.
On each side of upper forehead below hair, a round, slightly scabby patch, with red areola, with itching.
Pustular eruption on forehead.
Itching eruption on face. θ сrusta lactea. θ вarber’s itch.
Pimples on face. θ Acne faciei.
Ulcer on left cheek.
Sweating while eating.
Mumps with profuse flow of saliva.
Suppuration of parotid after typhus.
Small vesicles about mouth, forming a kind of tetter ; hydroa, cold sores.
Blisters like pearls around mouth. θ Intermittent.
Lips and corners of mouth ulcerated and cracked.
Lips dry and cracked, with rhagades or bleeding scabs ; humid sores in commissures.
Upper lip swollen.
Eruption with smarting pain on red of lips.
Lips tingle and feel numb.
Small vesicles on upper lip, below septum of nose, which burn, become confluent and covered with a scab, which falls off after several days and leaves a red spot lasting two weeks.
Deep, painful fissure in middle of upper lip.
Swelling of lower lip and tip of tongue, with violent burning on it ; wakes him at night.
Great swelling and some burning of lower lip, followed by appearance of a large vesicle, which next day formed a scab and desquamated.
Crack in middle of lower lip.
Severe drawing pain in lower jaw, painful to touch.
Eruptions and ulcers on chin.
Itching, humid eruption on chin ; angry looking.
Hair of beard falls out profusely. θ вarber’s itch.
Sycosis ; whiskers fall out with much itching, vesicles with watery contents.
Submaxillary glands swollen.
Mouth and throat
Teeth sensitive to air or touch ; molars pain when chewing.
Pain, drawing, tearing from teeth to ears and throat, after eating and at night ; cheek swollen.
Toothache : pressure ; teeth too long, loose, dull ; swollen cheek ; burning, boring, beating ; at night, before and after midnight ; every other day ; Spring and Summer ; worse from drawing in air, from cold drinking, in cold, from warm food, after chewing, after eating, beginning of catamenia, from touch and pressure.
Pain in malar bones, worse when chewing.
Toothache with involuntary flow of tears or salivation.
Decayed teeth feel loose, burn, sting and pulsate.
Teething, with dribbling of saliva.
Loose teeth.
Gums. Sensitive to warm and cold things ; swollen, bleed easily ; aphtha ; putrid ; burning, smarting when eating ; inflamed, with swelling of cheek ; scorbutis.
Difficulty of talking, as if organs of speech were weak.
Ulcer on gum ; painful day and night.
A bluish red swelling of a spongy nature on gums between lower incisors, commencing on left side, extending to right, bled often, blood had a saltish taste.
Fistula dentalis.
Mouth, lips and tongue dry.
Mouth feels dry, but is not.
Blood blisters on inside of upper lip.
Sore places in mouth very sensitive, even to liquids.
Vesicles and ulcers in mouth and on tongue, smarting and burning when touched by food, stomacace.
Aphtha on tongue, gums and cheeks, with great burning and impeded speech.
Saliva : profuse, watery ; salty ; bloody ; constant spitting.
Salivation : with thrush, mumps or toothache ; after use of mercury ; in smallpox ; obstinate.
Ranula ; chronic inflammation of salivary glands.
Throat feels very dry, yet constantly hawks transparent mucus.
Hawking of salty tasting mucus.
Sensation of splinter sticking in throat.
Feeling as of a plug in throat, with chronic sore throat.
Sensation as of a plug in throat, also when not swallowing, with rawness and burning pain and an anxious sensation as if throat would be closed.
Sensation of swelling or lump in throat which could not be swallowed, yet required constant effort to do so ; empty deglutition troubled her more than swallowing either food or drink, yet food seemed to lodge in throat and then felt as if passing over a sore spot ; prostration from loss of sleep ; lips covered with hydroa ; above condition brought about by application of nitrate of silver for ulceration of womb, with profuse discharge, latter complaint returning after Natr. mur.
Uvula elongated ; muscles so weak food goes down wrong way ; post-diphtheritic paralysis.
Great difficulty in swallowing, only fluids can be taken ; solids reach a certain point and then are violently ejected with fearful gagging and suffocation ; frequent hawking of mucus in morning ; obstinate constipation, stool every five or six days. θ Stenosis.
Swelling, with sensation of constriction and stitches in throat.
Mucous membrane looks glazed, but is not granulated.
Hypertrophy of tonsils.
Sore throat, with transparent mucus covering tonsils.
Irritation to cough seated in epigastrium, worse mornings ; severe paroxysms on going to bed, with nausea and vomiting ; tired sensation in hypochondria. θ Pharyngitis.
Follicular inflammation of pharynx ; after swabbing with nitrate of silver.
Chronic inflammatory condition of throat in tobacco smokers, particularly in those smoking many cigars ; mucous membrane of mouth and pharynx pale, dark red, connective tissue infiltrated, small burning ulcers.
Putrid ulcerated patches in throat and on gums ; scorbutus.
Face puffy and pale ; heavy drowsiness ; watery stools ; flow of saliva, or vomiting of watery fluid ; dryness of tongue ; stertorous breathing ; swelling of submaxillary glands and lymphatics ; map tongue ; burning in throat, after application of caustics, especially nitrate of silver. θ Diphtheria.
Post-diphtheritic paralysis, food goes down wrong way ; only liquids can be swallowed.
Eructations : incomplete ; empty after eating ; sour ; several hours after eating ; offensive after fatty foods and milk ; during pregnancy.
Acid eructations and malaise after eating.
Heartburn : after eating ; with palpitation in pregnancy.
Sweet rising from stomach at menstrual nisus.
Waterbrash. Water coming up into throat, not acid ; like limpid mucus, profuse, constant in pregnancy.
Gulping up of sour water, with headache.
Faint, weak voice, exhausting from talking ; like a weakness of organs of speech coming from hypochondria.
Child is slow in learning to talk, on account of imperfect development of muscles of tongue and larynx.
Hoarseness : in morning, with much mucus in throat ; throat sore, dryness in larynx ; unable to talk or sing ; feels as if one had to swallow over a lump ; throat has been pencilled with nitrate of silver ; pain on both sides of larynx ; mostly right side.
Ill effects of long speaking.
Scraping in larynx, with rough voice ; violent hoarseness, worse early in morning ; rough, short, hacking cough, making child breathless ; soreness in larynx and trachea when coughing ; oppression of chest, with burning in hands. θ сroup.
Dry catarrh of larynx and trachea ; cough dry, tickling, or with yellow or bloody sputa ; voice hoarse ; breathing anxious, oppressed.
Soreness and feeling of dryness in larynx and trachea.
Accumulation of transparent mucus in larynx in morning.
Acute or chronic inflammation of windpipe, with clear, watery, frothy phlegm, loose and rattling, sometimes raised with difficulty.
Chronic bronchial catarrh of anemic persons.
Pain, drawing, tearing from teeth to ears and throat, after eating and at night ; cheek swollen.
Toothache : pressure ; teeth too long, loose, dull ; swollen cheek ; burning, boring, beating ; at night, before and after midnight ; every other day ; Spring and Summer ; worse from drawing in air, from cold drinking, in cold, from warm food, after chewing, after eating, beginning of catamenia, from touch and pressure.
Pain in malar bones, worse when chewing.
Toothache with involuntary flow of tears or salivation.
Decayed teeth feel loose, burn, sting and pulsate.
Teething, with dribbling of saliva.
Loose teeth.
Gums. Sensitive to warm and cold things ; swollen, bleed easily ; aphtha ; putrid ; burning, smarting when eating ; inflamed, with swelling of cheek ; scorbutis.
Difficulty of talking, as if organs of speech were weak.
Ulcer on gum ; painful day and night.
A bluish red swelling of a spongy nature on gums between lower incisors, commencing on left side, extending to right, bled often, blood had a saltish taste.
Fistula dentalis.
Mouth, lips and tongue dry.
Mouth feels dry, but is not.
Blood blisters on inside of upper lip.
Sore places in mouth very sensitive, even to liquids.
Vesicles and ulcers in mouth and on tongue, smarting and burning when touched by food, stomacace.
Aphtha on tongue, gums and cheeks, with great burning and impeded speech.
Saliva : profuse, watery ; salty ; bloody ; constant spitting.
Salivation : with thrush, mumps or toothache ; after use of mercury ; in smallpox ; obstinate.
Ranula ; chronic inflammation of salivary glands.
Throat feels very dry, yet constantly hawks transparent mucus.
Hawking of salty tasting mucus.
Sensation of splinter sticking in throat.
Feeling as of a plug in throat, with chronic sore throat.
Sensation as of a plug in throat, also when not swallowing, with rawness and burning pain and an anxious sensation as if throat would be closed.
Sensation of swelling or lump in throat which could not be swallowed, yet required constant effort to do so ; empty deglutition troubled her more than swallowing either food or drink, yet food seemed to lodge in throat and then felt as if passing over a sore spot ; prostration from loss of sleep ; lips covered with hydroa ; above condition brought about by application of nitrate of silver for ulceration of womb, with profuse discharge, latter complaint returning after Natr. mur.
Uvula elongated ; muscles so weak food goes down wrong way ; post-diphtheritic paralysis.
Great difficulty in swallowing, only fluids can be taken ; solids reach a certain point and then are violently ejected with fearful gagging and suffocation ; frequent hawking of mucus in morning ; obstinate constipation, stool every five or six days. θ Stenosis.
Swelling, with sensation of constriction and stitches in throat.
Mucous membrane looks glazed, but is not granulated.
Hypertrophy of tonsils.
Sore throat, with transparent mucus covering tonsils.
Irritation to cough seated in epigastrium, worse mornings ; severe paroxysms on going to bed, with nausea and vomiting ; tired sensation in hypochondria. θ Pharyngitis.
Follicular inflammation of pharynx ; after swabbing with nitrate of silver.
Chronic inflammatory condition of throat in tobacco smokers, particularly in those smoking many cigars ; mucous membrane of mouth and pharynx pale, dark red, connective tissue infiltrated, small burning ulcers.
Putrid ulcerated patches in throat and on gums ; scorbutus.
Face puffy and pale ; heavy drowsiness ; watery stools ; flow of saliva, or vomiting of watery fluid ; dryness of tongue ; stertorous breathing ; swelling of submaxillary glands and lymphatics ; map tongue ; burning in throat, after application of caustics, especially nitrate of silver. θ Diphtheria.
Post-diphtheritic paralysis, food goes down wrong way ; only liquids can be swallowed.
Eructations : incomplete ; empty after eating ; sour ; several hours after eating ; offensive after fatty foods and milk ; during pregnancy.
Acid eructations and malaise after eating.
Heartburn : after eating ; with palpitation in pregnancy.
Sweet rising from stomach at menstrual nisus.
Waterbrash. Water coming up into throat, not acid ; like limpid mucus, profuse, constant in pregnancy.
Gulping up of sour water, with headache.
Faint, weak voice, exhausting from talking ; like a weakness of organs of speech coming from hypochondria.
Child is slow in learning to talk, on account of imperfect development of muscles of tongue and larynx.
Hoarseness : in morning, with much mucus in throat ; throat sore, dryness in larynx ; unable to talk or sing ; feels as if one had to swallow over a lump ; throat has been pencilled with nitrate of silver ; pain on both sides of larynx ; mostly right side.
Ill effects of long speaking.
Scraping in larynx, with rough voice ; violent hoarseness, worse early in morning ; rough, short, hacking cough, making child breathless ; soreness in larynx and trachea when coughing ; oppression of chest, with burning in hands. θ сroup.
Dry catarrh of larynx and trachea ; cough dry, tickling, or with yellow or bloody sputa ; voice hoarse ; breathing anxious, oppressed.
Soreness and feeling of dryness in larynx and trachea.
Accumulation of transparent mucus in larynx in morning.
Acute or chronic inflammation of windpipe, with clear, watery, frothy phlegm, loose and rattling, sometimes raised with difficulty.
Chronic bronchial catarrh of anemic persons.
Appetite and food preferences
Taste : bad, in morning ; bitter ; all food tastes bitter ; bitter, with clean tongue in old women ; sour ; salty on lips ; salty, dry tongue, loss of appetite, thirstlessness ; water tastes putrid ; putrid or sour, while fasting.
Loss of taste. θ сatarrh.
Food and drink have no taste.
Tongue heavy, difficult speech ; children are slow in learning to talk.
One side of tongue numb and stiff.
Dryness of tongue : in diphtheria ; in fever ; with constant thirst or without any.
Complains much of dryness of tongue, which is not very dry.
Sensation of a hair on tongue.
Burning at tip of tongue.
Dry, white tongue in apyrexia. θ Intermittent.
Tongue coated, with red insular patches.
Mapped tongue : with diphtheria ; with amenorrhoea ; looks like ringworm on sides.
Ringworm on right side of tongue.
Tongue has a clean, shiny appearance, or bubbles of frothy saliva along its sides.
Tongue moist and clean anteriorly, back part coated with light colored mucus.
Tongue broad, pallid, puffy, with a pasty coat.
Blisters on tongue ; vesicles on tip.
Herpes on tongue, from sea bathing.
Sore, ulcerated tongue ; superficial ulcers.
Swelling under tongue with a stinging pain ; ranula.
Numbness of lips from paralysis of trifacial nerves and numbness of one side of tongue from paralysis of glosso-pharyngeal nerve.
Excessive hunger, with fulness and satiety after small amount of food.
Excessive hunger ; canine hunger, especially for supper, with weak body and depressed mind.
Great desire to eat, almost amounting to ravenous hunger towards noon ; after eating, great weariness and sleepiness.
Loss of appetite, aversion to eating.
Thirst : constant, without desire to drink ; great in evening ; fever and apyrexia ; violent, with dry, sticky mouth ; worse in evening ; copious drinking ; violent, unquenchable.
Great longing : for bitter things, beer ; for farinaceous food ; for sour things ; for salt, oysters, fish, milk.
Aversion : to meat ; to bread ; to coffee.
Complete loss of desire for smoking, to which he was accustomed.
Feels better on an empty stomach ; worse after breakfast ; feverish.
While eating, sweat on face.
After eating : empty eructations, nausea, acidity in mouth, sleepiness, heartburn, palpitation ; epigastric pressure and heat radiating upward to chest.
Bad effects from acid food, bread, fat and wine.
Loss of taste. θ сatarrh.
Food and drink have no taste.
Tongue heavy, difficult speech ; children are slow in learning to talk.
One side of tongue numb and stiff.
Dryness of tongue : in diphtheria ; in fever ; with constant thirst or without any.
Complains much of dryness of tongue, which is not very dry.
Sensation of a hair on tongue.
Burning at tip of tongue.
Dry, white tongue in apyrexia. θ Intermittent.
Tongue coated, with red insular patches.
Mapped tongue : with diphtheria ; with amenorrhoea ; looks like ringworm on sides.
Ringworm on right side of tongue.
Tongue has a clean, shiny appearance, or bubbles of frothy saliva along its sides.
Tongue moist and clean anteriorly, back part coated with light colored mucus.
Tongue broad, pallid, puffy, with a pasty coat.
Blisters on tongue ; vesicles on tip.
Herpes on tongue, from sea bathing.
Sore, ulcerated tongue ; superficial ulcers.
Swelling under tongue with a stinging pain ; ranula.
Numbness of lips from paralysis of trifacial nerves and numbness of one side of tongue from paralysis of glosso-pharyngeal nerve.
Excessive hunger, with fulness and satiety after small amount of food.
Excessive hunger ; canine hunger, especially for supper, with weak body and depressed mind.
Great desire to eat, almost amounting to ravenous hunger towards noon ; after eating, great weariness and sleepiness.
Loss of appetite, aversion to eating.
Thirst : constant, without desire to drink ; great in evening ; fever and apyrexia ; violent, with dry, sticky mouth ; worse in evening ; copious drinking ; violent, unquenchable.
Great longing : for bitter things, beer ; for farinaceous food ; for sour things ; for salt, oysters, fish, milk.
Aversion : to meat ; to bread ; to coffee.
Complete loss of desire for smoking, to which he was accustomed.
Feels better on an empty stomach ; worse after breakfast ; feverish.
While eating, sweat on face.
After eating : empty eructations, nausea, acidity in mouth, sleepiness, heartburn, palpitation ; epigastric pressure and heat radiating upward to chest.
Bad effects from acid food, bread, fat and wine.
Gastrointestinal tract
Violent hiccough.
Singultus of ten years’ standing, brought on by abuse of quinine and renewed after every dose.
Nausea : in morning ; after eating ; continuous, with thirst and profuse waterbrash ; immediately after eating, with heaviness of head and bitter eructations ; after drinking ; felt in stomach ; in pregnancy.
Belching and vomiting of food. θ Ague.
Vomiting : food ; first food, later bile, oppression of stomach ; watery, stringy, transparent mucus ; acid, sour fluids, not food ; watery fluids, in diphtheria ; with headache ; bitter, bilious, like that of pregnant women ; bile, between chill and heat ; curdled masses and acid fluids, clayey substances ; dark substances like coffee grounds.
After grief, severe pains in abdomen ; nausea ; anxiety ; trembling of whole body ; severe cramps, with vomiting of much dark, coagulated blood ; discharge of black blood from anus ; pale, yellow color of skin ; emaciation. θ Hematemesis.
A merchant, who had crossed the ocean seventeen times, seasick each time, had his throat maltreated with nitrate of silver, for which he received Natr. mur. with benefit, and crossed the ocean next voyage without being seasick.
In epigastrium : faintness and sinking ; goneness ; clawing ; jerks ; throbbing after eating ; pressure, sensitive to touch ; burning in paroxysms ; bruised feeling when pressed, with swelling ; swollen, ulcerative pain to touch.
Red spots on pit of stomach.
In stomach : great weakness by spells ; pressure and distension ; pressure early in morning ; pressure, with nausea and rapid sinking of strength ; heaviness and fulness ; sensation as if a foreign body was sticking in cardiac orifice and behind sternum ; burning extending upward ; sensation of coldness ; constricting, stitching, burning pains one or two hours after eating ; cramps.
Stomachache, with great accumulation of saliva in mouth.
Slight pressure of clothing is painful.
Cramp, better from tightening clothes.
Indigestion, with vomiting of clear, frothy water and stringy saliva, or with pain and salivation.
Dull, heavy aching and distension about liver after eating, lessening as digestion advances.
In hepatic region : violent pressive pain ; stitches ; tension.
Liver inflamed, swollen ; skin yellow, earthy.
Severe pain in right side for several years, could give no idea of character of pain, but must have relief ; aversion to bread. θ Pain in liver.
Bending to left causes stiffness in liver.
Jaundice, with drowsiness.
Liver disease causes dropsy.
Distension in right hypochondrium, with dull, heavy aching pain in same region, coming on two or three hours after eating and partly relieved as digestion is completed. θ Dyspepsia.
Much pain and soreness in left hypochondrium, going through to lower border of right scapula, worse lying on left side.
Pain in hypochondria and abdomen. θ Addison’s disease.
Stitches and pressure in region of spleen ; spleen swollen.
Liver and spleen swollen, skin earthy, sallow, infiltrated. θ Intermittent.
Abdomen swollen ; rumbling and incarceration of flatus ; fermentation ; loud gurgling.
Pressure in upper abdomen.
Cutting, griping, with rumbling in abdomen.
After a stool griping colic, as in diarrhoea, without result.
Pinching pain in right side of abdomen.
Pressive pain : running from navel to pelvis ; in left side of abdomen.
Cramping pains in lower abdomen during menses.
Colic, with nausea, better by emission of flatus.
Bilious colic presenting belching of сarbo veg. and pains of Diosc. and сoloc.
Flatulent or labor-like colic.
Burning in intestines.
When walking abdominal viscera feel as if loose, dragging.
Continuous severe pain in abdomen, frequently with affection of ovaries, especially of right one ; pale face ; difficult digestion.
Sensation of pressure from navel downwards, with leaden heaviness across bladder and pelvis ; constipation.
Sensation as of a weight hanging across pelvis and bladder, worse during motion and compelling patient to bend forward when seated.
When coughing, pain in abdominal ring, extending into testicles, as if spermatic cords would be torn to pieces.
Tightness of skin across abdomen from hip to hip, must loosen clothes.
Abdomen sunken.
Discharge from naval yellowish, of peculiar odor, after suppressed gonorrhoea.
Gastro-duodenal catarrh causing jaundice.
Wants to pass wind, but does not know whether flatus or feces will escape.
Stool : frequent ; watery, discharged with a gush ; involuntary ; excoriating ; frothy ; black, watery ; greenish, watery ; greyish ; transparent, glassy, slimy, like white of an egg, without feces ; bloody ; profuse ; gushing ; corrosive ; involuntary ; alternating with constipation.
Watery diarrhoea, with colic ; incessant thirst, with nausea ; emaciation beginning at or principally on neck ; abdomen bloated. θ сholera infantum.
Vomiting and diarrhoea worse during day ; great thirst ; general emaciation, most conspicuous around neck, which appears thin and shrunken. θ Summer complaint.
Diarrhoea : chronic, watery ; with fever, dry mouth, thirst ; involuntary ; painless ; worse as soon as he moves about ; much fetid flatus ; tendency to hangnails ; excoriating ; green, bloody, watery or brownish, mostly during day ; with infarcted scybala ; worse after farinaceous food ; worse morning till afternoon.
Chronic intestinal catarrh ; greenish, bloody, watery.
Chronic diarrhoea worse in morning after getting up and moving about and after farinaceous food ; profuse emission of flatus, mostly fetid ; patient suffers much from inflammation and suppuration around nails.
Digestive disturbances and tendency to diarrhoea after abuse of opium.
Chronic diarrhoea of children.
Sporadic cholera, stools white, watery, like whey, with a dry tongue ; no thirst ; vomiting and cramps.
Cholera in drunkards (a teaspoonful of salt in a glass of water).
Alternate constipation and papescent stool.
Irregular stools, sometimes two or three a day, then constipation.
Hard, difficult and painful stool, followed by liquid stool, pain lasting a long time afterwards. θ Pregnancy.
Chronic soft stools.
Frequent ineffectual desire for stool.
Constipation : obstinate retention of stool ; stools irregular, hard, unsatisfactory ; on alternate days ; stool hard, dry, crumbling ; during menses ; stool in large masses ; stool like sheep’s dung ; from inactivity of rectum ; anus contracted or torn, bleeding, smarting, burning afterwards ; stitches in rectum, causing hypochondriasis or ill humor ; great torpor without pain ; from want of moisture, dryness of mucous linings, with watery secretions in other parts ; difficult expulsion, fissuring anus, with flow of blood, leaving a sensation of much soreness ; with uterine displacement ; hemorrhoidal ; in Addison’s disease.
Before stool : rumbling in abdomen ; frequent desire without result ; inactivity of rectum and no desire ; burning in rectum ; pressure upon bladder and rectum ; contraction in urethra and rectum ; cutting abdominal pain ; soreness in hypogastrium.
During stool : pulsation, contraction and lancinating pain at anus as from ulceration ; tenesmus ; hemorrhage from rectum ; scratching and burning in rectum ; labor-like abdominal pains, better by pressure ; succus prostaticus.
After stool : burning, tearing, itching about anus ; pinching abdominal pain and ineffectual straining ; stupefaction, nausea, vertigo ; burning and smarting in anus and rectum ; ripping up sensation in anus ; tenesmus ; fissures with bleeding and smarting, burning pains ; hemorrhoids with stinging pains and soreness at anus ; prolapsus ani ; weakness.
Sensation as if a foreign substance, or very rough hard feces were lying in rectum ; with constant looseness of bowels.
Dryness and smarting of rectum and anus.
Smarting and pulsation in rectum ; stitches.
Itching stitches in rectum, in evening in bed.
Protrusion of rectum ; prolapsus ani.
Hemorrhoids : with protruding rectum and much smarting ; with stinging pains ; moisture oozes from anus ; herpetic eruption about anus.
Soreness at anus and around it when walking.
Seat worms.
Lessens disposition to have worms.
Herpes around anus.
Singultus of ten years’ standing, brought on by abuse of quinine and renewed after every dose.
Nausea : in morning ; after eating ; continuous, with thirst and profuse waterbrash ; immediately after eating, with heaviness of head and bitter eructations ; after drinking ; felt in stomach ; in pregnancy.
Belching and vomiting of food. θ Ague.
Vomiting : food ; first food, later bile, oppression of stomach ; watery, stringy, transparent mucus ; acid, sour fluids, not food ; watery fluids, in diphtheria ; with headache ; bitter, bilious, like that of pregnant women ; bile, between chill and heat ; curdled masses and acid fluids, clayey substances ; dark substances like coffee grounds.
After grief, severe pains in abdomen ; nausea ; anxiety ; trembling of whole body ; severe cramps, with vomiting of much dark, coagulated blood ; discharge of black blood from anus ; pale, yellow color of skin ; emaciation. θ Hematemesis.
A merchant, who had crossed the ocean seventeen times, seasick each time, had his throat maltreated with nitrate of silver, for which he received Natr. mur. with benefit, and crossed the ocean next voyage without being seasick.
In epigastrium : faintness and sinking ; goneness ; clawing ; jerks ; throbbing after eating ; pressure, sensitive to touch ; burning in paroxysms ; bruised feeling when pressed, with swelling ; swollen, ulcerative pain to touch.
Red spots on pit of stomach.
In stomach : great weakness by spells ; pressure and distension ; pressure early in morning ; pressure, with nausea and rapid sinking of strength ; heaviness and fulness ; sensation as if a foreign body was sticking in cardiac orifice and behind sternum ; burning extending upward ; sensation of coldness ; constricting, stitching, burning pains one or two hours after eating ; cramps.
Stomachache, with great accumulation of saliva in mouth.
Slight pressure of clothing is painful.
Cramp, better from tightening clothes.
Indigestion, with vomiting of clear, frothy water and stringy saliva, or with pain and salivation.
Dull, heavy aching and distension about liver after eating, lessening as digestion advances.
In hepatic region : violent pressive pain ; stitches ; tension.
Liver inflamed, swollen ; skin yellow, earthy.
Severe pain in right side for several years, could give no idea of character of pain, but must have relief ; aversion to bread. θ Pain in liver.
Bending to left causes stiffness in liver.
Jaundice, with drowsiness.
Liver disease causes dropsy.
Distension in right hypochondrium, with dull, heavy aching pain in same region, coming on two or three hours after eating and partly relieved as digestion is completed. θ Dyspepsia.
Much pain and soreness in left hypochondrium, going through to lower border of right scapula, worse lying on left side.
Pain in hypochondria and abdomen. θ Addison’s disease.
Stitches and pressure in region of spleen ; spleen swollen.
Liver and spleen swollen, skin earthy, sallow, infiltrated. θ Intermittent.
Abdomen swollen ; rumbling and incarceration of flatus ; fermentation ; loud gurgling.
Pressure in upper abdomen.
Cutting, griping, with rumbling in abdomen.
After a stool griping colic, as in diarrhoea, without result.
Pinching pain in right side of abdomen.
Pressive pain : running from navel to pelvis ; in left side of abdomen.
Cramping pains in lower abdomen during menses.
Colic, with nausea, better by emission of flatus.
Bilious colic presenting belching of сarbo veg. and pains of Diosc. and сoloc.
Flatulent or labor-like colic.
Burning in intestines.
When walking abdominal viscera feel as if loose, dragging.
Continuous severe pain in abdomen, frequently with affection of ovaries, especially of right one ; pale face ; difficult digestion.
Sensation of pressure from navel downwards, with leaden heaviness across bladder and pelvis ; constipation.
Sensation as of a weight hanging across pelvis and bladder, worse during motion and compelling patient to bend forward when seated.
When coughing, pain in abdominal ring, extending into testicles, as if spermatic cords would be torn to pieces.
Tightness of skin across abdomen from hip to hip, must loosen clothes.
Abdomen sunken.
Discharge from naval yellowish, of peculiar odor, after suppressed gonorrhoea.
Gastro-duodenal catarrh causing jaundice.
Wants to pass wind, but does not know whether flatus or feces will escape.
Stool : frequent ; watery, discharged with a gush ; involuntary ; excoriating ; frothy ; black, watery ; greenish, watery ; greyish ; transparent, glassy, slimy, like white of an egg, without feces ; bloody ; profuse ; gushing ; corrosive ; involuntary ; alternating with constipation.
Watery diarrhoea, with colic ; incessant thirst, with nausea ; emaciation beginning at or principally on neck ; abdomen bloated. θ сholera infantum.
Vomiting and diarrhoea worse during day ; great thirst ; general emaciation, most conspicuous around neck, which appears thin and shrunken. θ Summer complaint.
Diarrhoea : chronic, watery ; with fever, dry mouth, thirst ; involuntary ; painless ; worse as soon as he moves about ; much fetid flatus ; tendency to hangnails ; excoriating ; green, bloody, watery or brownish, mostly during day ; with infarcted scybala ; worse after farinaceous food ; worse morning till afternoon.
Chronic intestinal catarrh ; greenish, bloody, watery.
Chronic diarrhoea worse in morning after getting up and moving about and after farinaceous food ; profuse emission of flatus, mostly fetid ; patient suffers much from inflammation and suppuration around nails.
Digestive disturbances and tendency to diarrhoea after abuse of opium.
Chronic diarrhoea of children.
Sporadic cholera, stools white, watery, like whey, with a dry tongue ; no thirst ; vomiting and cramps.
Cholera in drunkards (a teaspoonful of salt in a glass of water).
Alternate constipation and papescent stool.
Irregular stools, sometimes two or three a day, then constipation.
Hard, difficult and painful stool, followed by liquid stool, pain lasting a long time afterwards. θ Pregnancy.
Chronic soft stools.
Frequent ineffectual desire for stool.
Constipation : obstinate retention of stool ; stools irregular, hard, unsatisfactory ; on alternate days ; stool hard, dry, crumbling ; during menses ; stool in large masses ; stool like sheep’s dung ; from inactivity of rectum ; anus contracted or torn, bleeding, smarting, burning afterwards ; stitches in rectum, causing hypochondriasis or ill humor ; great torpor without pain ; from want of moisture, dryness of mucous linings, with watery secretions in other parts ; difficult expulsion, fissuring anus, with flow of blood, leaving a sensation of much soreness ; with uterine displacement ; hemorrhoidal ; in Addison’s disease.
Before stool : rumbling in abdomen ; frequent desire without result ; inactivity of rectum and no desire ; burning in rectum ; pressure upon bladder and rectum ; contraction in urethra and rectum ; cutting abdominal pain ; soreness in hypogastrium.
During stool : pulsation, contraction and lancinating pain at anus as from ulceration ; tenesmus ; hemorrhage from rectum ; scratching and burning in rectum ; labor-like abdominal pains, better by pressure ; succus prostaticus.
After stool : burning, tearing, itching about anus ; pinching abdominal pain and ineffectual straining ; stupefaction, nausea, vertigo ; burning and smarting in anus and rectum ; ripping up sensation in anus ; tenesmus ; fissures with bleeding and smarting, burning pains ; hemorrhoids with stinging pains and soreness at anus ; prolapsus ani ; weakness.
Sensation as if a foreign substance, or very rough hard feces were lying in rectum ; with constant looseness of bowels.
Dryness and smarting of rectum and anus.
Smarting and pulsation in rectum ; stitches.
Itching stitches in rectum, in evening in bed.
Protrusion of rectum ; prolapsus ani.
Hemorrhoids : with protruding rectum and much smarting ; with stinging pains ; moisture oozes from anus ; herpetic eruption about anus.
Soreness at anus and around it when walking.
Seat worms.
Lessens disposition to have worms.
Herpes around anus.
Urogenital system
Tension and heat in renal region. θ Addison’s disease. θ Morbus вrightii. θ Diabetes.
Stitches in bladder ; burning during urination.
Increased desire to urinate, light watery urine.
Violent desire to urinate, and inability to retain urine.
Urination every hour at night.
Polyuria, especially if accompanied with waterbrash and emaciation ; also in diabetes.
Involuntary escape of urine while walking, coughing or sneezing.
Incontinence of urine : whenever he sat down urine came away, day and night, necessitating very frequent change of clothing and bedclothes ; continual craving for salt.
Has to wait long for urine to pass, especially if others are near by.
Urine : pale, clear ; turbid and dark ; dark, like coffee ; brick-dust sediment ; alkaline, with red sediment ; containing mucus ; bloody.
Hamaturia from scurvy ; cutting and burning after urination.
Excessively painful urination ; morbid appetite for salt.
Before urination : contraction in urethra and rectum.
During urination : stitches in bladder, smarting, burning and cutting in urethra ; pressing in hypogastrium ; smarting and soreness in vulva.
After urination : burning and cutting in urethra ; spasmodic contraction in abdomen ; discharge of thin, glutinous substance.
Excessive irritability of sexual organs and fancy with physical weakness.
Sexual desire, with frequent erections and pollutions.
Seminal emissions : every night ; soon after coition ; followed by chilliness and lassitude, with increased sexual desire.
Embrace weakens ; coldness of joints.
Genital organs smell badly and strongly.
Feeling of weakness in sexual organs ; sexual instinct dormant, with retarded emission during an embrace.
After sexual excesses, physical weakness, even paralysis ; emission of prostatic fluid without erection when thinking of sexual things.
Erection in morning without sexual excitement.
Impotence ; spermatorrhoea ; poor digestion ; spinal irritation.
Discharge of prostatic fluid.
Urethra painfully sore to pressure.
A thin liquid is discharged from urethra ; causes itching and burning.
Yellow, purulent discharge from urethra makes spots on linen like gonorrhoea ; no pain when urinating ; some tension in inguinal glands, which are not swollen.
Gonorrhoea resulting from acrid leucorrhoea or menstrual discharge ; yellow, black discharge.
Gonorrhoea, especially when chronic ; discharge usually clear ; sometimes yellowish ; cutting in urethra after urination.
Gleet-like discharge of clear mucus ; transparent, watery slime ; after injection of nitrate of silver.
Itching and crawling sensation at corona glandis.
Itching and stinging on glans penis and on scrotum.
Prepuce retracted behind glans.
Aching in testicles ; orchitis ; after suppression of gonorrhoea or mumps.
Scrotum relaxed, flabby ; buttocks emaciated in infants.
Most violent itching on scrotum, disturbing sleep at night.
Itching, soreness and moist herpes between scrotum and thighs.
Pus-like smegma on glans.
Scrotal oedema ; hydrocele.
Loss of hair from pubes.
Diminished sexual desire.
Averse to coitus ; painful, from dryness of vagina ; burning, smarting during coitus ; anemic women with dry mouth and dry skin.
After embrace feels easy and light hearted at first, later ill humored.
Sterility ; menses too early and too profuse, or too late and scanty.
Every morning pressing and pushing towards genitals, must sit down to prevent prolapsus.
Prolapsus uteri, with aching in lumbar region, better lying on back ; cutting in urethra after micturition.
Uterine cramps, with burning and cutting in groins.
Pain in uterus or right ovarian region, extending down thighs, from reading or writing.
Uterus painful, collum uteri thickened, swollen, with ulcers on os.
Glassy phlegm from uterus, obstinate constipation ; a string felt between uterus and sacrum in hind part of fornix, exceedingly sensitive to touch.
Menses. Too early ; seven days too soon ; too profuse ; of too long duration ; too late and too long ; delaying ; too late and scanty ; more at night ; scanty a day or two, then copious ; thin, watery, pale ; scanty and delaying, with anemia and chilliness.
Delayed menses cause bloody saliva, heat in face, heavy abdomen.
Delaying catamenia in young girls.
Scanty catamenia with endocarditis.
Suppressed menstruation from putting feet in cold water, followed by general debility, headache, backache, etc.
Chlorosis of long standing, nervous palpitation in cachectic persons.
Dysmenorrhoea, with convulsions (salt sitz bath).
Before menses : anxious, sad ; irritable, qualmish ; nausea, sweetish eructations in morning ; headache ; eyes heavy ; palpitation ; disposition to faint ; expectoration of bloody saliva ; burning, cutting tearing ; sore burning in vagina ; leucorrhoea ; contraction in hypogastrium ; stitches from loins into uterus ; lassitude and trembling ; twitching of eyelids ; pressing headache ; scraping faceache ; toothache.
During menses : sadness ; headache ; colic ; palpitation.
After menses : headache ; congestion of head ; itching vulva ; dryness of vagina and aversion to coition ; leucorrhoea ; milky urine ; colic ; diarrhoea ; difficult respiration, palpitation, accelerated pulse, dulness, stinging and cutting in head, paleness ; twitching before falling asleep.
Leucorrhoea : very profuse ; with excessive debility ; acrid, greenish ; in morning, transparent, watery ; with yellow complexion ; greenish, particularly after walking ; with headache ; preceded by colic and bearing down ; producing itching of pudendum ; at night ; with smarting pain ; glassy, with constipation ; lasting only a few hours ; yellow, before catamenia ; excoriating, tetter-like ; scalding, irritating, causing itching and falling off of hair on pubes ; corroding, transparent mucus.
Gleet : with clear discharge ; green, intensely itching.
Dryness, or coolness and paleness of vagina.
Burning and soreness of vagina after urinating.
Vulvitis, with falling off of hair.
Itching of external parts, with falling off of hair.
Pimples on mons veneris.
Stitches in bladder ; burning during urination.
Increased desire to urinate, light watery urine.
Violent desire to urinate, and inability to retain urine.
Urination every hour at night.
Polyuria, especially if accompanied with waterbrash and emaciation ; also in diabetes.
Involuntary escape of urine while walking, coughing or sneezing.
Incontinence of urine : whenever he sat down urine came away, day and night, necessitating very frequent change of clothing and bedclothes ; continual craving for salt.
Has to wait long for urine to pass, especially if others are near by.
Urine : pale, clear ; turbid and dark ; dark, like coffee ; brick-dust sediment ; alkaline, with red sediment ; containing mucus ; bloody.
Hamaturia from scurvy ; cutting and burning after urination.
Excessively painful urination ; morbid appetite for salt.
Before urination : contraction in urethra and rectum.
During urination : stitches in bladder, smarting, burning and cutting in urethra ; pressing in hypogastrium ; smarting and soreness in vulva.
After urination : burning and cutting in urethra ; spasmodic contraction in abdomen ; discharge of thin, glutinous substance.
Excessive irritability of sexual organs and fancy with physical weakness.
Sexual desire, with frequent erections and pollutions.
Seminal emissions : every night ; soon after coition ; followed by chilliness and lassitude, with increased sexual desire.
Embrace weakens ; coldness of joints.
Genital organs smell badly and strongly.
Feeling of weakness in sexual organs ; sexual instinct dormant, with retarded emission during an embrace.
After sexual excesses, physical weakness, even paralysis ; emission of prostatic fluid without erection when thinking of sexual things.
Erection in morning without sexual excitement.
Impotence ; spermatorrhoea ; poor digestion ; spinal irritation.
Discharge of prostatic fluid.
Urethra painfully sore to pressure.
A thin liquid is discharged from urethra ; causes itching and burning.
Yellow, purulent discharge from urethra makes spots on linen like gonorrhoea ; no pain when urinating ; some tension in inguinal glands, which are not swollen.
Gonorrhoea resulting from acrid leucorrhoea or menstrual discharge ; yellow, black discharge.
Gonorrhoea, especially when chronic ; discharge usually clear ; sometimes yellowish ; cutting in urethra after urination.
Gleet-like discharge of clear mucus ; transparent, watery slime ; after injection of nitrate of silver.
Itching and crawling sensation at corona glandis.
Itching and stinging on glans penis and on scrotum.
Prepuce retracted behind glans.
Aching in testicles ; orchitis ; after suppression of gonorrhoea or mumps.
Scrotum relaxed, flabby ; buttocks emaciated in infants.
Most violent itching on scrotum, disturbing sleep at night.
Itching, soreness and moist herpes between scrotum and thighs.
Pus-like smegma on glans.
Scrotal oedema ; hydrocele.
Loss of hair from pubes.
Diminished sexual desire.
Averse to coitus ; painful, from dryness of vagina ; burning, smarting during coitus ; anemic women with dry mouth and dry skin.
After embrace feels easy and light hearted at first, later ill humored.
Sterility ; menses too early and too profuse, or too late and scanty.
Every morning pressing and pushing towards genitals, must sit down to prevent prolapsus.
Prolapsus uteri, with aching in lumbar region, better lying on back ; cutting in urethra after micturition.
Uterine cramps, with burning and cutting in groins.
Pain in uterus or right ovarian region, extending down thighs, from reading or writing.
Uterus painful, collum uteri thickened, swollen, with ulcers on os.
Glassy phlegm from uterus, obstinate constipation ; a string felt between uterus and sacrum in hind part of fornix, exceedingly sensitive to touch.
Menses. Too early ; seven days too soon ; too profuse ; of too long duration ; too late and too long ; delaying ; too late and scanty ; more at night ; scanty a day or two, then copious ; thin, watery, pale ; scanty and delaying, with anemia and chilliness.
Delayed menses cause bloody saliva, heat in face, heavy abdomen.
Delaying catamenia in young girls.
Scanty catamenia with endocarditis.
Suppressed menstruation from putting feet in cold water, followed by general debility, headache, backache, etc.
Chlorosis of long standing, nervous palpitation in cachectic persons.
Dysmenorrhoea, with convulsions (salt sitz bath).
Before menses : anxious, sad ; irritable, qualmish ; nausea, sweetish eructations in morning ; headache ; eyes heavy ; palpitation ; disposition to faint ; expectoration of bloody saliva ; burning, cutting tearing ; sore burning in vagina ; leucorrhoea ; contraction in hypogastrium ; stitches from loins into uterus ; lassitude and trembling ; twitching of eyelids ; pressing headache ; scraping faceache ; toothache.
During menses : sadness ; headache ; colic ; palpitation.
After menses : headache ; congestion of head ; itching vulva ; dryness of vagina and aversion to coition ; leucorrhoea ; milky urine ; colic ; diarrhoea ; difficult respiration, palpitation, accelerated pulse, dulness, stinging and cutting in head, paleness ; twitching before falling asleep.
Leucorrhoea : very profuse ; with excessive debility ; acrid, greenish ; in morning, transparent, watery ; with yellow complexion ; greenish, particularly after walking ; with headache ; preceded by colic and bearing down ; producing itching of pudendum ; at night ; with smarting pain ; glassy, with constipation ; lasting only a few hours ; yellow, before catamenia ; excoriating, tetter-like ; scalding, irritating, causing itching and falling off of hair on pubes ; corroding, transparent mucus.
Gleet : with clear discharge ; green, intensely itching.
Dryness, or coolness and paleness of vagina.
Burning and soreness of vagina after urinating.
Vulvitis, with falling off of hair.
Itching of external parts, with falling off of hair.
Pimples on mons veneris.
Plant characteristics
Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy ; morning sickness, with vomiting of frothy, watery phlegm.
Frequent and severe attacks of vomiting, first of food, then mucus, and finally blood ; worse in morning ; during latter half of pregnancy.
During pregnancy : dysuria ; albuminuria, faint, gone feeling at pit of stomach ; hunger without appetite ; fond of salt and salted food ; congestion to chest, palpitation ; hemorrhoids ; cough ; escape of urine.
Labor progresses slowly, pains feeble, seemingly from sad feelings and forebodings.
Puerperal convulsions.
Losing hair in childbed or during period of lactation.
Child : refuses breast, has flabby scrotum, chills ; constant fever, nursing sore mouth.
Frequent and severe attacks of vomiting, first of food, then mucus, and finally blood ; worse in morning ; during latter half of pregnancy.
During pregnancy : dysuria ; albuminuria, faint, gone feeling at pit of stomach ; hunger without appetite ; fond of salt and salted food ; congestion to chest, palpitation ; hemorrhoids ; cough ; escape of urine.
Labor progresses slowly, pains feeble, seemingly from sad feelings and forebodings.
Puerperal convulsions.
Losing hair in childbed or during period of lactation.
Child : refuses breast, has flabby scrotum, chills ; constant fever, nursing sore mouth.
Chest organs
Breathing : anxious, oppressed, wheezing ; short, on walking fast ; better in open air and when exercising arms ; difficult, on ascending steps ; oppressed and anxious, with chlorosis.
Dyspnoea from manual labor ; emphysema.
Attacks of suffocation.
Pains generally take away breath and almost paralyze.
Asthma, with profuse, frothy, or watery mucus.
Breath hot.
Offensive breath.
Cough : excited by empty deglutition ; caused by tickling in throat or pit of stomach ; with hawking of mucus, especially in morning ; sequel to intermittent ; tickling, while walking and on deep inspiration ; vomiting of food ; sputum in morning of yellow or blood-streaked mucus, with bursting pain in forehead and shocks or beating as of hammers ; with involuntary urination ; with stitches in liver ; tears stream down cheeks ; hacking ; short, obstinate ; dry, with rattling in chest ; with long uvula, worse lying ; with loss of breath day and night ; with vomiting of food ; cutting, tearing in chest ; bursting pain in head ; spasmodic with escape of urine ; with palpitation ; every morning, with phlegm tinged with blood ; in evening after lying down ; spasmodic, suffocative at night in bed ; when sitting erect.
Spasmodic cough, with serous, frothy expectoration. θ edema of lungs.
Cough worse : from rapid motion ; exertion or manual labor ; deep inspiration ; evening in bed ; on becoming warm in bed ; empty swallowing, drinking ; from sour food ; air of the room.
During cough : pain in head, throat, trachea, chest, testicle, spermatic cord ; cutting and stinging in chest ; catching of breath ; retching, vomiting of food ; shocks in hypogastrium ; shocks and bursting pain in head ; discharge of leucorrhoea.
Whooping cough, excited by tickling in throat and in epigastrium ; in evening without, in morning with expectoration of yellow mucus, often streaked with blood, generally with a flat taste, sometimes sourish, more rarely saltish.
Whooping cough, with watering from eyes ; tears stream down face whenever he coughs.
Whooping cough at seasons of intermittent fever.
Moist rales are heard and patient cannot cough up mucus.
Chronic cough of tuberculous subjects.
Catarrh, with clear, transparent mucus.
Expectoration : of bloody mucus ; white, salty mucus ; in clots most in morning ; flat or sourish ; early in morning.
Oppression of chest ; as if constricted, or lungs were too tight, burning hands ; while at work.
Sensation and pain in chest as from tension.
Sore pain or bruised feeling in chest.
Severe pain in right side for several years.
Lungs feel raw and sore from continual coughing.
Pain like a cutting cramp through left chest to scapula.
Tearing, stitching pain from left upper region of chest to shoulder joint ; after suppressed facial neuralgia.
Stitches in chest and sides, especially on deep inspiration and when coughing.
Stitches under left ribs.
Single stitches along sternum.
Pinching in diaphragm on stooping.
Pains in chest in upper middle part, going through to r. shoulder after eating, worse from talking.
Rattling in chest.
Inflammation of lungs, with much rattling ; phlegm clear, serous and frothy, coughed up with difficulty.
Pleurisy when serous exudation has taken place.
Acute oedema of lungs, wants air ; spasmodic cough ; face blue.
Dyspnoea from manual labor ; emphysema.
Attacks of suffocation.
Pains generally take away breath and almost paralyze.
Asthma, with profuse, frothy, or watery mucus.
Breath hot.
Offensive breath.
Cough : excited by empty deglutition ; caused by tickling in throat or pit of stomach ; with hawking of mucus, especially in morning ; sequel to intermittent ; tickling, while walking and on deep inspiration ; vomiting of food ; sputum in morning of yellow or blood-streaked mucus, with bursting pain in forehead and shocks or beating as of hammers ; with involuntary urination ; with stitches in liver ; tears stream down cheeks ; hacking ; short, obstinate ; dry, with rattling in chest ; with long uvula, worse lying ; with loss of breath day and night ; with vomiting of food ; cutting, tearing in chest ; bursting pain in head ; spasmodic with escape of urine ; with palpitation ; every morning, with phlegm tinged with blood ; in evening after lying down ; spasmodic, suffocative at night in bed ; when sitting erect.
Spasmodic cough, with serous, frothy expectoration. θ edema of lungs.
Cough worse : from rapid motion ; exertion or manual labor ; deep inspiration ; evening in bed ; on becoming warm in bed ; empty swallowing, drinking ; from sour food ; air of the room.
During cough : pain in head, throat, trachea, chest, testicle, spermatic cord ; cutting and stinging in chest ; catching of breath ; retching, vomiting of food ; shocks in hypogastrium ; shocks and bursting pain in head ; discharge of leucorrhoea.
Whooping cough, excited by tickling in throat and in epigastrium ; in evening without, in morning with expectoration of yellow mucus, often streaked with blood, generally with a flat taste, sometimes sourish, more rarely saltish.
Whooping cough, with watering from eyes ; tears stream down face whenever he coughs.
Whooping cough at seasons of intermittent fever.
Moist rales are heard and patient cannot cough up mucus.
Chronic cough of tuberculous subjects.
Catarrh, with clear, transparent mucus.
Expectoration : of bloody mucus ; white, salty mucus ; in clots most in morning ; flat or sourish ; early in morning.
Oppression of chest ; as if constricted, or lungs were too tight, burning hands ; while at work.
Sensation and pain in chest as from tension.
Sore pain or bruised feeling in chest.
Severe pain in right side for several years.
Lungs feel raw and sore from continual coughing.
Pain like a cutting cramp through left chest to scapula.
Tearing, stitching pain from left upper region of chest to shoulder joint ; after suppressed facial neuralgia.
Stitches in chest and sides, especially on deep inspiration and when coughing.
Stitches under left ribs.
Single stitches along sternum.
Pinching in diaphragm on stooping.
Pains in chest in upper middle part, going through to r. shoulder after eating, worse from talking.
Rattling in chest.
Inflammation of lungs, with much rattling ; phlegm clear, serous and frothy, coughed up with difficulty.
Pleurisy when serous exudation has taken place.
Acute oedema of lungs, wants air ; spasmodic cough ; face blue.
Cardiovascular system
Sensation of violent constriction in heart, with intermitting pulse and feeling of oppression in lower portion of chest, as if lungs had no room to expand.
Severe pressure below heart in evening in bed.
Stitches in region of heart, after reading aloud.
Cold feeling about heart, especially when exerting mind.
Fluttering of heart. With a weak faint feeling, worse lying down ; long standing chlorosis ; torpid skin and suppressed menses.
Irregular intermission of beating of heart and of pulse ; worse lying on left side.
Irregular beat of heart, at one time slow, then again quick, especially from slightest motion.
Palpitation : with anxiety and sadness ; in anemic conditions ; from slightest movement ; while standing ; without anxious thoughts, even for hours ; on going up stairs ; with hysteria ; on falling asleep and on getting awake ; lying on left side ; with morning headache ; when moving or exerting one’s self.
Increased impulse of heart, the beats strong, but clear.
The heart’s pulsations shake the body ; aching as if a pressure came from abdomen and compressed heart.
Beating of pulse in whole body, even during rest ; often felt in epigastrium.
Pulse : at one time rapid and weak, at another full and slow ; rapid and intermittent ; irregular and intermittent ; intermits every third beat.
Frequent palpitations during movement ; flickering before eyes ; crawling sensation all over body, beginning at feet and gradually ascending ; sensation as from pressure upon a nerve (getting asleep) ; severe pressure below heart in evening in bed ; sensation of weakness, exhaustion and heaviness. θ Affection of heart.
Valvular disease ; chronic forms, with weak, faint feeling, must lie down ; fluttering heart, worse lying on left side ; cold feeling about heart from mental exertion ; worse from least motion.
Eccentric dilatation of heart with systolic bellows’ sound ; difficulty of breathing, even when keeping quiet, on standing, walking, with trembling of hands and feet. θ Morbus вrightii.
Hypertrophy of heart.
Overworked heart, but primary organ affected is spleen.
Heart disease causing dropsy.
Every motion excites the circulation.
Severe pressure below heart in evening in bed.
Stitches in region of heart, after reading aloud.
Cold feeling about heart, especially when exerting mind.
Fluttering of heart. With a weak faint feeling, worse lying down ; long standing chlorosis ; torpid skin and suppressed menses.
Irregular intermission of beating of heart and of pulse ; worse lying on left side.
Irregular beat of heart, at one time slow, then again quick, especially from slightest motion.
Palpitation : with anxiety and sadness ; in anemic conditions ; from slightest movement ; while standing ; without anxious thoughts, even for hours ; on going up stairs ; with hysteria ; on falling asleep and on getting awake ; lying on left side ; with morning headache ; when moving or exerting one’s self.
Increased impulse of heart, the beats strong, but clear.
The heart’s pulsations shake the body ; aching as if a pressure came from abdomen and compressed heart.
Beating of pulse in whole body, even during rest ; often felt in epigastrium.
Pulse : at one time rapid and weak, at another full and slow ; rapid and intermittent ; irregular and intermittent ; intermits every third beat.
Frequent palpitations during movement ; flickering before eyes ; crawling sensation all over body, beginning at feet and gradually ascending ; sensation as from pressure upon a nerve (getting asleep) ; severe pressure below heart in evening in bed ; sensation of weakness, exhaustion and heaviness. θ Affection of heart.
Valvular disease ; chronic forms, with weak, faint feeling, must lie down ; fluttering heart, worse lying on left side ; cold feeling about heart from mental exertion ; worse from least motion.
Eccentric dilatation of heart with systolic bellows’ sound ; difficulty of breathing, even when keeping quiet, on standing, walking, with trembling of hands and feet. θ Morbus вrightii.
Hypertrophy of heart.
Overworked heart, but primary organ affected is spleen.
Heart disease causing dropsy.
Every motion excites the circulation.
Limbs and spine
Stitches in neck and back of head.
Painful stiffness of neck.
Throat and neck emaciate rapidly. θ Summer complaint. θ Atrophy.
Cervical glands enlarged, sore when coughing ; scabs in axilla.
Goitre with chronic sore throat.
Impetigo on boundaries of hair, on nape of neck ; itching tetter.
Spine oversensitive to touch or pressure ; tension and drawing ; pains better lying on something hard ; weak, nervous ; fluttering of heart.
Sensation of weight in back and shoulders, with dyspnoea.
Pain in back, after prolonged stooping, as if bruised, mostly while straightening.
Beaten, bruised, lame feeling in back, with stitches ; cutting, pulsating feeling.
Sharp drawing in back and through hips.
Pains in back at night.
Severe backache, better from pressure and lying on back.
Tiredness in back.
Feeling of coldness in back.
Weakness early, on rising, like paralysis, in small of back, sometimes also near abdomen.
Paralytic pain in small of back, as if beaten ; in morning on rising.
Pain in small of back, as if broken.
Sharp stitches transversely through small of back, close above hips.
Pain in region of kidneys in apyrexia. θ Intermittent.
Feeling in sacral region as if beaten.
Pain in back is better by lying on something hard.
Spinal irritation ; sensitiveness between vertebra ; partial paralysis from weakness of spine ; especially from grief, anger, sexual excesses, etc. ; better lying flat on back with firm pressure.
Sensation of lameness and of a sprain in shoulder joint.
Weakness, heaviness and sinking down of arms.
Arm almost lost its power after a fit of anger.
Bruised or burrowing pain in upper arm.
Cramp in arms, hands, fingers and thumb.
Round herpetic spots on arms.
Small red vesicles on arms.
Whitish itching hives on arms and hands, becoming red after rubbing, with violent itching.
Involuntary movements of hands.
Trembling of hands when writing.
Numbness of arms and hands better from rubbing.
Stitches in wrist joint.
Stitches in muscles and joints of hands and fingers.
Swelling of right hand.
Hands burn or are sweaty.
Skin of hands, especially about nails, dry, cracked ; hangnails.
Warts in palms of hands.
Brown spots on hands.
Finger joints move with difficulty.
Blistering festers on fingers, containing watery fluids (often caused by arsenical wall paper).
Panaritium starts from a hangnail.
Pain in hip as if sprained, with stitches.
Stitches in right hip joint.
Coxalgia, first stage, emaciation not great, but thighs and neck particularly atrophied.
Sciatica, chronic cases, with painful contraction of hamstrings ; intermittent ; abuse of quinine.
Drawing pain in right thigh, extending to knee.
Sensation as if limb had gone to sleep.
Twitching of muscles of thighs.
Trembling of lower extremities from weakness, on rising from sitting, better on continued walking.
Involuntary jerkings of legs, fidgets or jerks in sleep.
Paresis of lower limbs after sexual excesses or onanism ; after grief or violent outbursts of passion.
Painful tension in bends of limbs.
Drawing pain in knees while sitting.
Pain as if knees and ankles were sprained.
Stitches in left knee.
Gnawing pain in knee, worse at night ; tightness, cannot move it.
Weakness in knees and calves.
Chronic swelling of knee, particularly if scrofulous.
Housemaid’s knee, enlargement of bursa.
Herpes in bend of knee.
Restless in legs, must move them constantly.
Great heaviness of legs and feet.
Legs feel as if paralyzed, especially the ankles.
Legs hurt after least exertion ; tarsal joints feel bruised.
Drawing pain in lower limbs.
Cramps in lower legs and calves ; tension while walking.
Swelling of lower extremities, from middle of leg downward, with a feeling as though feet were filled with lead, in evening.
Varicose ulcer of leg, of six years’ standing, covering nearly entire surface of anterior and inner leg, and extending on to foot ; borders not raised ; ulcer not deep nor callous ; bottom of ulcer of a dirty greenish yellow color, covered more or less with yellow serum ; much itching at night in bed ; heaviness and stiffness in both legs ; symptoms worse in wet weather (salt bath).
Children do not learn to walk.
Ankles weak and turn easily.
Lame feeling of ankle joint, while sitting or walking.
Urticaria about joints, particularly about ankles.
Uneasiness of feet, so that she was constantly obliged to move them ; worse while walking.
Great heaviness of feet.
Sensation in tarsal joint as if bruised, when walking and when touching it.
Cramplike stitching pain in feet.
Swelling of feet.
Burning of feet or great coldness.
Suppressed foot sweat.
Veins of feet distended.
Feet emaciated.
Herpes on ankles.
Big toe red, with tearing and stinging on walking or standing.
Soreness of toes or between toes.
Cracks between toes, with violent itching.
Corns : stitching, boring, stinging pains.
Periodical attacks of gout.
Restlessness in limbs ; they have to be moved constantly.
Weakness of arms, heaviness ; also of knees and feet.
Pressing, drawing in limbs.
On motion all muscles are painful, especially those of thighs and upper arms, as if flesh was loose.
Limbs feel weak and as if bruised, worse in morning after rising.
Sensation as if limbs had gone to sleep.
Tingling in limbs, especially in tips of fingers and toes.
Cramps in arms, hands and calves.
Sensation of coldness in joints, a feeling as if water was trickling over them in open air.
Stiffness, rigidity of a paralytic nature.
Shortening contraction of muscles.
Stiffness and arthritic swellings.
Rheumatism ; chronic, of joints.
Cracking of joints on moving them ; stiffness ; arthritic swellings.
Swelling of right hand ; also of feet.
Coldness of hands and feet.
Eruption in bends of knees and elbows.
During rest : beating of pulse through whole body ; eccentric dilatation of heart ; weak.
Position in bed : showed intense debility.
Lying down : vertigo ; headache ; constriction of scalp ; at night head begins to ache ; cough.
Lying with head high : beating in head .
Lying with head buried in pillow : ulceration of cornea.
Lying on left side : pain from left hypochondrium to right scapula ; irregular beating of heart and pulse.
Cannot lie on right side : pain under ribs.
Lying on back : aching in lumbar region ; backache .
Must lie down : weak, faint feeling, with valvular diseases.
Compelling one to lie down : tearing headache.
Bending head down : weight in forehead.
Sitting still : headache ; constriction of scalp ; erect, cough ; pinching in diaphragm.
When he sat down : urine came away.
Must sit down : to prevent prolapsus.
Must bend forward when seated : weight across pelvis.
When standing : palpitation ; eccentric dilatation of heart ; tearing and stinging in big toe ; weariness.
When standing near a window : vertigo.
Stooping : frequent obscuration of sight ; nosebleed ; prolonged, causes bruised pains in back.
Disinclination to move and walk : lassitude.
Moving : beating in head.
Least exertion : short breath ; cough.
Every motion : excites circulation.
After violent exercise : nettlerash.
Exercising arms : breathing .
Rising : vertigo.
Walking : vertigo ; after a while as though stepping on air ; frequent obscuration of sight ; soreness about anus ; involuntary escape of urine ; leucorrhoea.
Going up stairs : palpitations ; twitching ; headache.
Cannot stretch left leg, must walk with a hitch.
Must move limbs constantly : restlessness.
Manual labor : dyspnoea ; cough.
While at work : oppression of chest.
When writing : trembling of hands.
Laughing : headache.
Chewing : pain in malar bones.
Touch : on hair causes it to fall out ; on sensitive spot on left parietal bone, after blow, causes trembling of whole body ; swelling of nose painful to touch ; lower jaw painful ; teeth sensitive ; of food and ulcers in mouth causes smarting and burning ; toothache.
Pressure : weight in forehead.
Must loosen clothing : tightness of skin across abdomen from hip to hip.
Lying on something hard : better pains in spine.
Rubbing : hives on arms and hands become red ; better numbness of arms and hands.
After injury : to head ; chronic effects ; three months after a blow on head, headache ; after blow on left parietal bone, there remained a sensitive spot over seat of injury.
Painful stiffness of neck.
Throat and neck emaciate rapidly. θ Summer complaint. θ Atrophy.
Cervical glands enlarged, sore when coughing ; scabs in axilla.
Goitre with chronic sore throat.
Impetigo on boundaries of hair, on nape of neck ; itching tetter.
Spine oversensitive to touch or pressure ; tension and drawing ; pains better lying on something hard ; weak, nervous ; fluttering of heart.
Sensation of weight in back and shoulders, with dyspnoea.
Pain in back, after prolonged stooping, as if bruised, mostly while straightening.
Beaten, bruised, lame feeling in back, with stitches ; cutting, pulsating feeling.
Sharp drawing in back and through hips.
Pains in back at night.
Severe backache, better from pressure and lying on back.
Tiredness in back.
Feeling of coldness in back.
Weakness early, on rising, like paralysis, in small of back, sometimes also near abdomen.
Paralytic pain in small of back, as if beaten ; in morning on rising.
Pain in small of back, as if broken.
Sharp stitches transversely through small of back, close above hips.
Pain in region of kidneys in apyrexia. θ Intermittent.
Feeling in sacral region as if beaten.
Pain in back is better by lying on something hard.
Spinal irritation ; sensitiveness between vertebra ; partial paralysis from weakness of spine ; especially from grief, anger, sexual excesses, etc. ; better lying flat on back with firm pressure.
Sensation of lameness and of a sprain in shoulder joint.
Weakness, heaviness and sinking down of arms.
Arm almost lost its power after a fit of anger.
Bruised or burrowing pain in upper arm.
Cramp in arms, hands, fingers and thumb.
Round herpetic spots on arms.
Small red vesicles on arms.
Whitish itching hives on arms and hands, becoming red after rubbing, with violent itching.
Involuntary movements of hands.
Trembling of hands when writing.
Numbness of arms and hands better from rubbing.
Stitches in wrist joint.
Stitches in muscles and joints of hands and fingers.
Swelling of right hand.
Hands burn or are sweaty.
Skin of hands, especially about nails, dry, cracked ; hangnails.
Warts in palms of hands.
Brown spots on hands.
Finger joints move with difficulty.
Blistering festers on fingers, containing watery fluids (often caused by arsenical wall paper).
Panaritium starts from a hangnail.
Pain in hip as if sprained, with stitches.
Stitches in right hip joint.
Coxalgia, first stage, emaciation not great, but thighs and neck particularly atrophied.
Sciatica, chronic cases, with painful contraction of hamstrings ; intermittent ; abuse of quinine.
Drawing pain in right thigh, extending to knee.
Sensation as if limb had gone to sleep.
Twitching of muscles of thighs.
Trembling of lower extremities from weakness, on rising from sitting, better on continued walking.
Involuntary jerkings of legs, fidgets or jerks in sleep.
Paresis of lower limbs after sexual excesses or onanism ; after grief or violent outbursts of passion.
Painful tension in bends of limbs.
Drawing pain in knees while sitting.
Pain as if knees and ankles were sprained.
Stitches in left knee.
Gnawing pain in knee, worse at night ; tightness, cannot move it.
Weakness in knees and calves.
Chronic swelling of knee, particularly if scrofulous.
Housemaid’s knee, enlargement of bursa.
Herpes in bend of knee.
Restless in legs, must move them constantly.
Great heaviness of legs and feet.
Legs feel as if paralyzed, especially the ankles.
Legs hurt after least exertion ; tarsal joints feel bruised.
Drawing pain in lower limbs.
Cramps in lower legs and calves ; tension while walking.
Swelling of lower extremities, from middle of leg downward, with a feeling as though feet were filled with lead, in evening.
Varicose ulcer of leg, of six years’ standing, covering nearly entire surface of anterior and inner leg, and extending on to foot ; borders not raised ; ulcer not deep nor callous ; bottom of ulcer of a dirty greenish yellow color, covered more or less with yellow serum ; much itching at night in bed ; heaviness and stiffness in both legs ; symptoms worse in wet weather (salt bath).
Children do not learn to walk.
Ankles weak and turn easily.
Lame feeling of ankle joint, while sitting or walking.
Urticaria about joints, particularly about ankles.
Uneasiness of feet, so that she was constantly obliged to move them ; worse while walking.
Great heaviness of feet.
Sensation in tarsal joint as if bruised, when walking and when touching it.
Cramplike stitching pain in feet.
Swelling of feet.
Burning of feet or great coldness.
Suppressed foot sweat.
Veins of feet distended.
Feet emaciated.
Herpes on ankles.
Big toe red, with tearing and stinging on walking or standing.
Soreness of toes or between toes.
Cracks between toes, with violent itching.
Corns : stitching, boring, stinging pains.
Periodical attacks of gout.
Restlessness in limbs ; they have to be moved constantly.
Weakness of arms, heaviness ; also of knees and feet.
Pressing, drawing in limbs.
On motion all muscles are painful, especially those of thighs and upper arms, as if flesh was loose.
Limbs feel weak and as if bruised, worse in morning after rising.
Sensation as if limbs had gone to sleep.
Tingling in limbs, especially in tips of fingers and toes.
Cramps in arms, hands and calves.
Sensation of coldness in joints, a feeling as if water was trickling over them in open air.
Stiffness, rigidity of a paralytic nature.
Shortening contraction of muscles.
Stiffness and arthritic swellings.
Rheumatism ; chronic, of joints.
Cracking of joints on moving them ; stiffness ; arthritic swellings.
Swelling of right hand ; also of feet.
Coldness of hands and feet.
Eruption in bends of knees and elbows.
During rest : beating of pulse through whole body ; eccentric dilatation of heart ; weak.
Position in bed : showed intense debility.
Lying down : vertigo ; headache ; constriction of scalp ; at night head begins to ache ; cough.
Lying with head high : beating in head .
Lying with head buried in pillow : ulceration of cornea.
Lying on left side : pain from left hypochondrium to right scapula ; irregular beating of heart and pulse.
Cannot lie on right side : pain under ribs.
Lying on back : aching in lumbar region ; backache .
Must lie down : weak, faint feeling, with valvular diseases.
Compelling one to lie down : tearing headache.
Bending head down : weight in forehead.
Sitting still : headache ; constriction of scalp ; erect, cough ; pinching in diaphragm.
When he sat down : urine came away.
Must sit down : to prevent prolapsus.
Must bend forward when seated : weight across pelvis.
When standing : palpitation ; eccentric dilatation of heart ; tearing and stinging in big toe ; weariness.
When standing near a window : vertigo.
Stooping : frequent obscuration of sight ; nosebleed ; prolonged, causes bruised pains in back.
Disinclination to move and walk : lassitude.
Moving : beating in head.
Least exertion : short breath ; cough.
Every motion : excites circulation.
After violent exercise : nettlerash.
Exercising arms : breathing .
Rising : vertigo.
Walking : vertigo ; after a while as though stepping on air ; frequent obscuration of sight ; soreness about anus ; involuntary escape of urine ; leucorrhoea.
Going up stairs : palpitations ; twitching ; headache.
Cannot stretch left leg, must walk with a hitch.
Must move limbs constantly : restlessness.
Manual labor : dyspnoea ; cough.
While at work : oppression of chest.
When writing : trembling of hands.
Laughing : headache.
Chewing : pain in malar bones.
Touch : on hair causes it to fall out ; on sensitive spot on left parietal bone, after blow, causes trembling of whole body ; swelling of nose painful to touch ; lower jaw painful ; teeth sensitive ; of food and ulcers in mouth causes smarting and burning ; toothache.
Pressure : weight in forehead.
Must loosen clothing : tightness of skin across abdomen from hip to hip.
Lying on something hard : better pains in spine.
Rubbing : hives on arms and hands become red ; better numbness of arms and hands.
After injury : to head ; chronic effects ; three months after a blow on head, headache ; after blow on left parietal bone, there remained a sensitive spot over seat of injury.
Nervous system
Restlessness with chilliness ; limbs have to be moved constantly.
Twitching in muscles and limbs ; frequent starts of upper part of body.
Muscles of back and extremities stretched, whilst wrists and joints of feet are flexed, every morning at 8 o’clock, lasting until 11 ; loss of appetite ; palpitation of heart and loss of breath from least exertion ; hydremic constitution. θ Intermitting tonic spasms.
Hysterical spasms which in course of time developed into severe convulsions and finally into cataleptic attacks, which often lasted for hours ; attacks begin with headache and painful tension in spine, followed by loss of consciousness ; usually once a week.
Spasms : with full consciousness ; chronic and hysterical ; come on at full moon ; from water on brain ; in feverish diseases.
Lethargic state, jerking or starting of limbs, excessive drowsiness, stupor, eyes half open.
During attacks almost inconceivable motions of arms, head and legs, often distorting whole body, and jumping about room regardless of furniture, so that he often injures himself ; often jumps as high as a foot and a half from floor ; all these movements are extremely rapid, and are accompanied by most curious distortions of face ; attacks last from four to fifteen minutes and are followed by prostration and sleep ; occur from four to six times a day, and at times are absent for several days ; worse during full moon and when vexed. θ сhorea.
Chorea for two years, caused by fright ; pale, delicate, anemic ; drinks much water ; feverish ; white tongue ; sore mouth.
Jerkings of right side and head.
Epileptic attacks between 9 and 10 A. M. for three years ; usually preceded for a few days by twitching of arms and legs ; aversion to bread.
Epilepsy with consciousness.
Trembling : of whole body ; in nerves at night.
Tobacco smoking causes sweat and trembling.
Pains make tears come into eyes.
Neuralgic pains recurring at certain times, with flow of saliva or tears.
Easily fatigued ; lassitude after rising ; disinclination to move and walk, with great heaviness and indolence ; limbs feel weak and as if bruised.
Weakness of whole body ; feet heavy, weary while standing ; painful sensitiveness of skin to slightest touch, mostly on loins.
Great prostration from carrying of heavy child and losing sleep.
Great debility ; excessive thirst ; great inclination to weep. θ Hysteria.
Feels so weak that he declines to move, feels weak when at rest (Arsen., feels weak on attempting to move).
Great weakness and relaxation of all physical and mental powers, from exertion or after long talking.
Prostration, knows that he is weak and does not want to move.
Hysterical debility ; weakest in morning in bed.
Debility resulting from loss of fluids, particularly after onanism.
Sensation of numbness in suffering parts.
Paralysis. From intermittents ; from sexual excesses or other nervous exhaustion ; from diphtheria ; from anger or emotions ; from pains ; of flexors.
Threatened collapse with intermitting pulse and great thirst. θ Shock of injury.
Useful for congenital malformation caused by contractions of muscles (externally with friction).
Takes cold easily.
Twitching in muscles and limbs ; frequent starts of upper part of body.
Muscles of back and extremities stretched, whilst wrists and joints of feet are flexed, every morning at 8 o’clock, lasting until 11 ; loss of appetite ; palpitation of heart and loss of breath from least exertion ; hydremic constitution. θ Intermitting tonic spasms.
Hysterical spasms which in course of time developed into severe convulsions and finally into cataleptic attacks, which often lasted for hours ; attacks begin with headache and painful tension in spine, followed by loss of consciousness ; usually once a week.
Spasms : with full consciousness ; chronic and hysterical ; come on at full moon ; from water on brain ; in feverish diseases.
Lethargic state, jerking or starting of limbs, excessive drowsiness, stupor, eyes half open.
During attacks almost inconceivable motions of arms, head and legs, often distorting whole body, and jumping about room regardless of furniture, so that he often injures himself ; often jumps as high as a foot and a half from floor ; all these movements are extremely rapid, and are accompanied by most curious distortions of face ; attacks last from four to fifteen minutes and are followed by prostration and sleep ; occur from four to six times a day, and at times are absent for several days ; worse during full moon and when vexed. θ сhorea.
Chorea for two years, caused by fright ; pale, delicate, anemic ; drinks much water ; feverish ; white tongue ; sore mouth.
Jerkings of right side and head.
Epileptic attacks between 9 and 10 A. M. for three years ; usually preceded for a few days by twitching of arms and legs ; aversion to bread.
Epilepsy with consciousness.
Trembling : of whole body ; in nerves at night.
Tobacco smoking causes sweat and trembling.
Pains make tears come into eyes.
Neuralgic pains recurring at certain times, with flow of saliva or tears.
Easily fatigued ; lassitude after rising ; disinclination to move and walk, with great heaviness and indolence ; limbs feel weak and as if bruised.
Weakness of whole body ; feet heavy, weary while standing ; painful sensitiveness of skin to slightest touch, mostly on loins.
Great prostration from carrying of heavy child and losing sleep.
Great debility ; excessive thirst ; great inclination to weep. θ Hysteria.
Feels so weak that he declines to move, feels weak when at rest (Arsen., feels weak on attempting to move).
Great weakness and relaxation of all physical and mental powers, from exertion or after long talking.
Prostration, knows that he is weak and does not want to move.
Hysterical debility ; weakest in morning in bed.
Debility resulting from loss of fluids, particularly after onanism.
Sensation of numbness in suffering parts.
Paralysis. From intermittents ; from sexual excesses or other nervous exhaustion ; from diphtheria ; from anger or emotions ; from pains ; of flexors.
Threatened collapse with intermitting pulse and great thirst. θ Shock of injury.
Useful for congenital malformation caused by contractions of muscles (externally with friction).
Takes cold easily.
Frequent yawning and stretching ; aversion to motion ; sleepy, but cannot sleep.
Sleepy by day, sleepless at night.
Drowsiness with inability to sleep.
Sopor : from water in brain ; in diphtheria ; in acute diseases ; in smallpox.
On falling asleep twitching in limbs and electric shocks through whole body.
Talking in sleep, and restless nights.
Very anxious dreams, with weeping in sleep.
Much too vivid dreams ; visions in sleep.
Wakefulness for hours, or difficult falling asleep after awaking.
Dreams. Anxious ; vivid, like a living reality ; frightful ; of robbers in the house and will not believe the contrary until search is made ; about which she is busy for a long time after waking ; of burning thirst ; during siesta.
Starts and talks in sleep, tosses about.
Somnambulism ; rising and sitting about room.
Sleeplessness : from nervous restlessness, with desire to sleep ; restlessness especially marked in legs ; awakes agitated ; unrefreshed ; with great nervous irritability and coldness in extremities ; coldness is subjective ; a kind of struggle between sleep and wakefulness ; tormenting ; after gnawing grief ; from depressing events.
Awakens often : with pain causing dyspnoea and one sided paralysis ; with fright, violent headache, sweat, erethism, throbbing of arteries, thirst, desire to urinate.
Unrefreshed in morning.
Morning : headache ; dulness of head ; when rising from bed, vertigo ; beating and pulsating in head.
At 10 A. M. : right sided headache.
Forenoon : dulness of head ; horripilations.
Towards noon : ravenous hunger.
Afternoon : heat ; indescribable pain in knees ; chill.
All day : depressed, sad, disheartened ; pressing, throbbing headache.
During day : vomiting and diarrhoea ; brownish diarrhoea ; sweat.
Evening : pain above right eye ; in bed itching stitches in rectum ; cough after lying down ; cough without expectoration ; severe pressure below heart ; icy coldness of feet.
Day and night : ulcer on gum painful ; incontinence of urine ; cough with loss of breath.
Night : coughing causes nosebleed ; wakened with burning on tip of tongue ; toothache ; itching on scrotum disturbs sleep ; menses more ; leucorrhoea ; in bed suffocative cough ; pains in back ; trembling in nerves ; talking in sleep and restless ; profuse sweat ; fever nearly all night.
Before and after midnight : toothache.
Sleepy by day, sleepless at night.
Drowsiness with inability to sleep.
Sopor : from water in brain ; in diphtheria ; in acute diseases ; in smallpox.
On falling asleep twitching in limbs and electric shocks through whole body.
Talking in sleep, and restless nights.
Very anxious dreams, with weeping in sleep.
Much too vivid dreams ; visions in sleep.
Wakefulness for hours, or difficult falling asleep after awaking.
Dreams. Anxious ; vivid, like a living reality ; frightful ; of robbers in the house and will not believe the contrary until search is made ; about which she is busy for a long time after waking ; of burning thirst ; during siesta.
Starts and talks in sleep, tosses about.
Somnambulism ; rising and sitting about room.
Sleeplessness : from nervous restlessness, with desire to sleep ; restlessness especially marked in legs ; awakes agitated ; unrefreshed ; with great nervous irritability and coldness in extremities ; coldness is subjective ; a kind of struggle between sleep and wakefulness ; tormenting ; after gnawing grief ; from depressing events.
Awakens often : with pain causing dyspnoea and one sided paralysis ; with fright, violent headache, sweat, erethism, throbbing of arteries, thirst, desire to urinate.
Unrefreshed in morning.
Morning : headache ; dulness of head ; when rising from bed, vertigo ; beating and pulsating in head.
At 10 A. M. : right sided headache.
Forenoon : dulness of head ; horripilations.
Towards noon : ravenous hunger.
Afternoon : heat ; indescribable pain in knees ; chill.
All day : depressed, sad, disheartened ; pressing, throbbing headache.
During day : vomiting and diarrhoea ; brownish diarrhoea ; sweat.
Evening : pain above right eye ; in bed itching stitches in rectum ; cough after lying down ; cough without expectoration ; severe pressure below heart ; icy coldness of feet.
Day and night : ulcer on gum painful ; incontinence of urine ; cough with loss of breath.
Night : coughing causes nosebleed ; wakened with burning on tip of tongue ; toothache ; itching on scrotum disturbs sleep ; menses more ; leucorrhoea ; in bed suffocative cough ; pains in back ; trembling in nerves ; talking in sleep and restless ; profuse sweat ; fever nearly all night.
Before and after midnight : toothache.
Common symptoms
Great inclination for open air and washing in cold water.
Heat of stove unbearable.
Worse in heat of sun (feel exhausted) ; ailments worse at seaside ; worse in summer.
Open air : right sided headache ; constriction of scalp ; as if water was trickling over joints.
Desire for air : oedema of lungs.
Air of room : cough.
Sultry air : sensitive, but not to drafts.
Drawing in air : toothache.
Likes to be covered up, though no relief is experienced from it.
When becoming warm in bed : cough.
From warm food : toothache.
Warmth : headache.
In hot weather : squint more marked.
In sun : walking, faint, weak feeling in head and chest.
Uncovering head during day causes stoppage of nose at night.
In every slight wind : inflammation of eyes.
Cold water : putting feet in, suppressed menstruation.
Cold drinking : toothache.
Cold : toothache.
In winter : squint.
Getting wet : causes severe headache.
Sweat : with aversion to uncover ; in hands ; in axilla and soles of feet ; sour, weakening ; relieving headache and other pains, though it weakens ; profuse at night ; in morning ; during day ; from exertion ; while walking.
Tendency to sweating, and sensitiveness to cold or sultry air, not to drafts. θ Amenia.
Violent chill, with thirst, every fourth afternoon ; blueness of lips and nails, spasmodic tightness of breathing ; one hour after, heat, lasting until night ; sweat after midnight ; during apyrexia, pressure in region of liver, sometimes alternating with pain in spleen ; labor-like drawing in abdomen, in intestinal canal ; sensation of pressure in chest ; weakness and appearance as if worn out. θ Ague.
Chill every other day at 10 A. M., continuing one and a half hours with severe shaking ; heat all afternoon ; profuse and offensive sweat all night ; severe aching in knees and legs, during chills ; during heat much thirst, terrible headache and delirium ; complete relief during sweat. θ Ague.
Febris intermittens quartana, since two years ; paroxysms violent, with great thirst ; probable cause suppressed itch ; eight days after Natr. mur. [400] a fine vesicular eruption appeared between fingers, which itched very much, and chills and fever disappeared.
Chill begins in hands and feet, with no shaking, becomes general ; likes to be covered up, though no relief is experienced from it ; before chill, dull headache, worse during chill ; no thirst ; chill begins generally about 5.30 P. M. and last half an hour ; paleness ; heat felt first in face ; headache very severe in forehead ; restless ; dry lips ; bitter taste ; belching up of tasteless, inodorous gas ; urine high colored, smarts and burns urethra ; great thirst ; fever lasts nearly all night ; face flushed ; eyes reddened ; sweat not profuse ; apyrexia ; constant thirst ; anorexia ; painless diarrhoea ; constant dull headache ; hypochondriac mood. θ Tertian ague.
Quotidian, from 1 to 3 P. M. ; before attack, tearing cough, oppression on chest, numbness of fingers and toes, trembling of limbs ; during chill, nausea, sometimes vomiting, passes much red urine ; during heat, thirst, delirium, at times stupor, pain in head ; during sweat ; some thirst, pain in head ; delirium during apyrexia, depression, bitter taste, craves fruit. θ Ague.
Complains first of intense itching over entire body, lasting from twelve to fifteen hours, followed by paroxysm ; skin looking like gooseflesh ; chill accompanied by tremendous shuddering ; hydroa on lips. θ Ague.
Hard chill at 11 A. M., lasting until 1 P. M. ; headache during fever ; little sweat ; sallow complexion ; no appetite ; food tastes bitter ; swelling in right hypochondriac region.
In early life suffered severely from ague and had taken much Quinine ; every Spring and Autumn has symptoms of chill and fever ; after exposure to malarial influences suffered first from a diminished appetite, followed by frequently returning watery, but painless diarrhoea ; several weeks after felt very cold on retiring, and was awakened about 2 A. M. by a very heavy chill which made her teeth chatter ; she had to rise, feeling nausea and a desire to have a stool ; after a very profuse, watery evacuation was overcome by weakness and fell to the floor ; chattered and shook all over from chill, became stiff and icy cold to touch, and in an unconscious state was carried to bed ; heat was applied ; when consciousness returned was totally blind, not being able to see with the strongest gaslight ; about 4 A. M. fever set in and she fell into a doze, breathing being very much oppressed ; next morning great prostration, complained that the external and icy coldness was not to be compared with the icy coldness she had felt about the heart ; slight headache and backache ; no perspiration after slight fever heat ; pulse weak and irregular, small and less than 50 ; dry mouth, but no thirst ; aversion to food ; her position in bed showed intense debility, of which she complained bitterly. θ Ague.
Continual stitches in hepatic region during apyrexia ; urine red and muddy, with sandy deposit. θ Ague.
Pain in right side under ribs ; cannot lie on right side ; calves very painful to touch, hard and stiff ; left leg semi-flexed, cannot stretch it, must walk with a stick, hobbling gait, great pain from motion ; urine muddy and red ; skin tawny ; conjunctiva yellow. θ Ague suppressed by сinchona.
After suffering one and a half years with ague, for which much Quinine had been taken, body bent and emaciated, eyes sunken, yellowish, earthy color of face, entire loss of interest in work and life generally, despondent, anxious, wishes himself rid of his miserable existence, slinks about like a ghost ; attacks at times quotidian, at times quartan, latterly of an anteponing tertian type ; chill lasts two to three hours, accompanied by great thirst ; heat with great thirst and severe tearing in head, lasting about as long as chill and followed by profuse sweat ; during apyrexia loss of taste, anorexia, thirst.
Obstinate, anteponing, tertian ague ; thirst during chill ; during fever and apyrexia severe twitching headache on moving head or ascending steps ; profuse epistaxis in morning.
Chill and heat in alternation, at various times of day, without sweat. θ Ague.
Headache and vertigo with gauze before eyes and feeling as though some displacement in head had taken place, and he felt moidered and homesick ; face haggard ; chills excessive ; perspired copiously when not in chill.
Very hard chill at 11 A. M., with great thirst which continued through all the stages ; during fever violent headache and sensation as if eyes were filled with sharp salt ; temperature 105-6 ; tongue white, taste bitter when taking food, salty when not ; water tasted bad ; no appetite. θ Ague.
Chill at 9 or 10 A. M., lasting an hour ; then fever three hours ; intense headache ; a sort of paralysis of limbs, he would lie as if dead ; thirst during chill ; fever subsided with moderate sweat. θ Tertian ague.
Indescribable pain in knees in afternoon, followed next day by chill, also in afternoon ; pain in head ; better by sweat ; quinine cachexia. θ Ague.
After living in a neighborhood where there were many lots filled with water, became sallow, anemic, suffered from boils and running sores and he seemed not likely to live.
Chronic cases with great enlargement of spleen and liver ; great hydremia and weakness ; constipation and loss of appetite. θ Ague.
Intermittent after abuse of quinine, living in damp regions, or newly turned ground.
Paralysis after intermittent fevers.
Prodroma : patient dreads chill ; languor ; headache ; thirst.
Apyrexia : stitches about liver and spleen ; great languor ; emaciation ; sallow complexion ; urine muddy, with red sandy sediment ; loss of appetite ; fever blisters ; sexual desire diminished or lost ; drawing in limbs, etc.
Scarlet fever, with drowsiness, twitching, vomiting of watery fluids.
Rheumatic fever, with chilliness.
Hay fever, with watery discharges from eyes and nose.
Typhus fever when stupor and chilliness are great ; twitchings ; watery vomiting ; after typhus suppuration of parotis.
Typhus versatilis ; gastric symptoms ; on getting up sinks down to floor ; unquenchable thirst, dry tongue ; water tastes spoiled ; nausea from drinking ; unconsciousness.
Periodical : vertigo with nausea ; pains in eyes ; prosopalgia ; attacks of gout ; attacks of neuralgic pains.
Alternately : stool and constipation ; pressure in region of liver and pain in spleen ; chill and heat.
Lasting four to fifteen minutes : attacks of chorea.
For half an hour : dazzling like lightning in eyes.
One hour after chill : heat lasting until night.
Lasting an hour : chill.
Every hour at night : urination.
Two to three hours : heat lasts ; chill lasts.
Lasting three hours : fever.
Several hours after eating : eructations ; burning in stomach ; distension in right hypochondrium.
Four or six times a day, or absent for several days : attacks of chorea.
Several times a day : chill and heat.
For hours : palpitation.
At 7 A. M. regularly : neuralgia of ophthalmic branch of trigeminus.
At 9 or 10 A. M. : chill.
Between 9 and 10 A. M., for three years : epileptic attacks.
From 10 to 11 A. M. : chill ; fever without chill.
At 11 A. M. : chill.
At 11 A. M. : hard chill lasting until 1 P. M.
Every night : seminal emissions.
Every morning : awakes with headache ; at 10 A. M. dark veil passes before eyes ; spasms of sneezing ; pressing and pushing towards genitals ; cough with phlegm tinged with blood.
Every morning at 8 o’clock, lasting until 11 : muscles of back and extremities stretched, while wrists and joints of feet are flexed.
After midnight : sweat.
From morning till noon : sick headache ; diarrhoea.
From 1 to 3 P. M. : quotidian.
At 2 A. M. : awakened by very heavy chill.
At 4 A. M. : fever set in.
At 5.30 P. M. : chill begins and lasts half an hour.
Daily : at regular time, lachrymation ; two or three stools.
Lasting twenty-four hours : attacks of sick headache.
Going off with sun : pains in and over right eye.
Coming on and going off with sun : neuralgia in right eye.
From sunrise till sunset, worse at midday : headache.
From twelve to fifteen hours : intense itching.
Day after pain in knees : chill.
Every other day from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. : headache ; toothache ; constipation.
Every other day from 10 A. M. for one and a half hours : chill with severe shaking.
For a day or two : menses scanty, then copious.
Every fourth afternoon : violent chill.
Every five or six days : stool.
Seven days too soon : menses.
Once a week : hysterical spasms which last for hours.
During latter half of pregnancy : vomiting.
At full moon : spasms.
Spring and Summer : toothache.
Every Spring and Autumn : has symptoms of chill and fever.
One and a half years : suffered with ague.
For several years : severe pain in right side.
For two years : febris intermittens quartana.
Ten years’ standing : singultus.
Right : pains in and over eye ; eye congested ; headache on side ; piercing pain above eye ; sticking in eye ; stye on side ; ringworm on side of tongue ; severe pain in side ; distension in hypogastrium ; pain from left hypochondrium to scapula ; pinching pain in side of abdomen ; affection of ovary with pain in abdomen ; pain in ovarian region ; pain in throat worse side ; pain from middle chest to shoulder ; swelling of hand ; jerking of side and head ; swelling in hypochondriac region ; cannot lie on side.
Left : as if she would fall towards ; pain in frontal region ; pain like a nail driven into side of head ; clavus on side ; fissure in external canthi ; swelling of side of nose ; redness of cheek ; neuralgia of ophthalmic branch of trigeminus ; ulcer on cheek ; bending towards side causes stiffness in liver ; pain and soreness in hypochondrium ; lying on side pain goes to right scapula ; pressive pain in side of abdomen ; pain like a cutting cramp through chest ; tearing stitching pain from upper region of chest to shoulder joint ; stitches under ribs ; leg semi-flexed.
From right to left : dark veil passes before eyes ; facial supraorbital neuralgia.
From left to right : swelling on gums.
First left then right : fissure in external canthi.
As if something was going to happen ; head as if too heavy ; head as if it would fall forward ; as if she would fall to left ; as if a cold wind was blowing through head ; when coughing seems as though forehead would burst ; as if head would burst ; throbbing in head as from little hammers ; head as if in a vice ; as if a nail was driven into left side of head ; pain like a rope around head drawing tighter and tighter ; after walking feels as if stepping on air ; dazzling like lightning before eyes ; as if knives were in occiput ; face shiny as if greasy ; surface of head raw as if scalded ; as if looking through gauze or feathers ; as of sand in eyes ; as if eyeballs were too large ; as if foreign body was in eyes ; as if it was being torn open ; as if a small worm was squirming in nostril ; as if acrid matter flowed from nose ; face shines as if greasy ; cheek bones pain as if bruised ; as of a hair on tongue ; as if a splinter was in throat ; as of a plug in throat ; as if everything in throat would be closed ; as of a swelling or lump in throat, as if passing over a sore spot ; difficulty of talking as if organs of speech were weak ; as if a foreign body was sticking in cardiac orifice and behind sternum ; when walking, abdominal viscera feel as if loose, dragging ; as of a weight hanging across pelvis and bladder ; pain as if spermatic cord would be torn to pieces ; as of a foreign substance or very rough, hard feces lying in rectum ; as if there was a string between uterus and sacrum in hind part of fornix ; as if one had to swallow over a lump ; beating as of hammers in head ; chest as if constricted or as if lungs were too tight ; pain in chest as from tension ; as if lungs had not room to expand ; as if a pressure came from abdomen and compressed ; as from pressure upon a nerve ; back as if bruised ; back as if beaten ; back as if broken ; sacral region as if beaten ; as of a sprain in shoulder joint ; hip as if sprained ; as if limb had gone to sleep ; as if knees and ankles were sprained ; legs as if paralyzed ; as if feet were filled with lead ; tarsal joints as if bruised ; as if muscles of thighs and arms were loose ; as if water was trickling over joints ; weakness as if worn out ; as if some displacement in head had taken place ; as if eyes were filled with sharp salt.
Pain : across forehead ; in and over right eye ; on right side of head ; in malar bones ; in stomach ; in liver ; in hypochondria and abdomen ; in abdominal ring to testicles ; after stool ; in uterus ; in right ovarian region ; on both sides of larynx, mostly right side ; during cough in head, throat, trachea, chest, testicle, spermatic cord ; like a cutting cramp through left chest to scapula ; in back ; in region of kidneys ; in hip ; in knees and ankles ; in spleen ; in right side under ribs ; in old scars ; muscles as if torn from bones.
Terrible pain : in head.
Violent pain : in head.
Indescribable pain : in knees.
Severe pain : in head ; in abdomen ; in right side ; in back ; in forehead.
Sharp pain : over right eye.
Much pain : in left hypochondrium.
Lancinating pain : at anus.
Severe tearing : in head.
Tearing : about anus ; in chest ; in big toe ; in bones.
Tearing, stitching pain : from left upper region of chest to shoulder joint.
Tearing, stitching pain : in head.
Sharp, piercing pain : above right eye.
Bursting pain : in forehead.
Shooting : in head ; in skin.
Cutting : in head ; in abdomen ; in urethra ; in groins ; in chest.
Cutting, pulsating feeling : in back.
Neuralgic pains : in eyes.
Violent stitches : in temples.
Sharp stitches : transversely through small of back.
Stitches : over eyes ; in head ; to neck and chest ; in occiput ; in ear ; in throat ; in stomach ; in hepatic region ; in region of spleen ; in rectum ; in bladder ; from loin into uterus ; in liver ; in chest and side under left ribs ; single, along sternum ; in region of heart ; in neck and back part of head ; in back ; in wrist joints ; in muscles and joints of hands and fingers ; in hip ; in right hip joint ; in left knee.
Itching stitches : in rectum.
Stitching, boring, stinging pains : in corns.
Drawing and stitching pains : from ear down to neck and shoulder ; from teeth up to ear.
Severe sticking : in temples.
Sticking : in right eye.
Labor-like abdominal pains : during stool ; in intestinal canal.
Pinching pain : in right side of abdomen ; in diaphragm.
Gnawing pain : in knee.
Clawing : in epigastrium.
Griping : in abdomen.
Severe cramps : in abdomen.
Cramp : in arms, hands, fingers and thumb ; in lower legs and calves.
Cramplike stitching pain : in feet.
Cramping pain : in lower abdomen.
Severe aching : in knees and legs.
Rheumatic tearing : from root of nose to forehead.
Violent pressive pain : in hepatic region.
Pressive, throbbing pain : in forehead.
Pressive pain : in forehead and eyeballs ; on both sides of head ; from navel to pelvis ; in left side of abdomen.
Dull, heavy pain : in head ; about liver ; in right hypochondrium.
Paralytic pain ; in small of back.
Aching : in eyes ; in testicles ; in lumbar region ; in back ; in head ; in teeth.
Drawing pain : in right thigh to knee ; in knees ; in lower limbs.
Severe drawing pain : in lower jaw.
Sharp drawing : in back and through hips.
Pressing, drawing : in limbs.
Dragging : in forehead.
Painful tension : in bends of limbs ; in spine.
Painful contraction : of hamstrings.
Painful stiffness : of neck.
Ripping up sensation : in anus.
Beaten, bruised, lame feeling : in back.
Bruised or burrowing pain : in upper arm.
Bruised feeling : in epigastrium ; in chest ; in tarsal joints.
Scraping pain : in face ; in larynx.
Smarting pain : on red of lips.
Sore pain : on left side of nose.
Burning pains : in nasal bones ; in throat ; in stomach.
Smarting, burning : in eyes ; of gums ; in anus ; during coitus ; on edges of mucous surfaces.
Violent burning : in eyes ; on tip of tongue.
Burning : on vertex ; in eyes ; of ears ; in nose ; of lower lip, in throat ; in epigastrium ; in stomach ; in intestines ; in anus ; in urethra ; in groins ; in vagina ; in hands ; of feet.
Burning, boring, beating : in teeth.
Smarting : in rectum and anus ; in urethra ; in vulva ; of hemorrhoids.
Stinging : in teeth ; in tongue ; in hemorrhoids ; on glans penis and on scrotum ; in head ; in chest ; in big toe ; in skin ; of rash all over.
Biting : in eyes.
Soreness : of nostrils ; of tongue ; in left hypochondrium ; in hypogastrium ; in vulva ; between scrotum and thighs ; of vagina ; in larynx and trachea ; of toes and between toes.
Heat : in head ; in occiput ; in face ; in forehead.
Sensitiveness : between vertebra.
Tingling : in limbs.
Violent jerks and shocks : in head.
Jerks : in epigastrium.
Jerkings : of right side and head.
Twitching : of muscles and limbs ; of arms and legs.
Beating : in head ; in ears.
Throbbing : in forehead ; in occiput ; in ears ; in epigastrium.
Pulsation : in head ; in ear ; in teeth ; in rectum.
Severe pressure : below heart.
Pressure : in frontal region ; in region of root of nose ; in epigastrium ; in stomach ; in region of spleen ; in upper abdomen ; from navel downwards ; in region of liver ; in chest.
Pressing, pushing : towards genitals.
Violent constriction : in heart.
Contraction : in hypogastrium.
Constricted feeling ; of scalp : in throat ; in stomach.
Drawing, stiff sensation : in muscles ; of eyes.
Drawing : in spine.
Tension : in forehead ; in hepatic region ; in renal region ; in inguinal glands ; in spine ; in lower legs.
Stiffness : in liver ; in legs ; of joints.
Lameness : in shoulder joint.
Lame feeling : of ankle joint.
Weight : in forehead ; in back and shoulders.
Heaviness : in head ; in stomach ; across bladder and pelvis ; of eyes ; of arms ; of legs and feet ; of feet.
Oppression : of stomach ; of chest.
Fulness : at stomach.
Painful cracking : in ear.
Distension : of stomach ; about liver ; in right hypochondrium.
Uneasiness : of feet.
Restlessness : in legs ; in limbs.
Numb feeling : of one side of nose ; of.
Lips ; of one side of tongue ; of arms and hands ; of fingers and toes.
Scratching : in rectum.
Dryness : of nose ; of tongue ; of throat ; in larynx ; of anus ; of vagina ; of mouth ; of skin.
Dulness : in head.
Fluttering : of heart.
Great weakness : in stomach.
Great prostration.
Great debility.
Sinking down : of arms.
Weak, faint feeling : in head and chest ; in heart.
Weakness : in male sexual organs ; of arms ; in knees and calves ; of feet ; of whole body.
Tired sensation : in back.
Weariness : in head.
Empty feeling : in head.
Fainting : at epigastrium.
Sinking : at epigastrium.
Goneness : in epigastrium.
Faint, gone feeling : at pit of stomach.
Intense itching : over whole body.
Violent itching : on head and nape of neck ; on scrotum ; of cracks between toes ; of nettlerash.
Gnawing, itching : of skin.
Itching : eruption on boundaries of heavy scalp ; in eyes ; in canthi ; behind ears ; of herpes ; of eruption on face ; on face ; about anus ; at corona glandis ; on glans penis and on scrotum ; between scrotum and thighs ; of vulva of pudendum ; on pubes ; of liver ; on arms and hands ; of ulcer on leg ; of eruption between fingers ; of skin.
Crawling : at corona glandis ; all over body.
Tickling : in throat pit ; in throat or pit of stomach ; in epigastrium.
Icy coldness : about heart.
Coldness : of feet ; in joints.
Cold sensation ; on vertex ; in stomach ; about heart ; in back.
Coolness : of vagina.
Chilliness : over whole body ; over back.
Loses flesh while living well.
General emaciation, most conspicuous about neck, which is very thin and shrunken.
Emaciation, anemia, weariness and complete prostration of vital forces.
Infantile marasmus from defective nourishment.
Chlorosis with dirty, flaccid, torpid skin.
Anemia, particularly if provoked by loss of fluids ; in women from menstrual disease, in men from loss of semen.
Deterioration of blood, of a scorbutic nature.
Cachexia from ague plus Quinine.
Hemorrhages bright red or dark red, thin and watery, not coagulated.
Tendency to take cold.
Wounds become painful, suppurate ; pain in old scars.
Muscles as if torn from bones.
Rheumatic affections, with shortening of tendons.
Stiffness of joints ; they crack on moving them.
Acts upon cartilage, mucous follicles and glands, salivary and mesenteric glands.
Tendency to dryness or to erosions of mucous membrane ; secretion acrid, scanty ; smarting, burning at edges of mucous surfaces.
Catarrhs of all mucous membranes, with secretions of transparent, watery, coarse, frothy mucus ; white mucus full of bubbles, color of white of egg or like boiled starch.
Watery vomiting, increased aqueousness of any part of body, hydrocephalus ; serous effusions.
Anasarca, accumulation of serum in areolar tissues ; puffiness.
Dropsy : after scarlatina ; caused by heart, liver or kidney complaints.
Collection of serum in joints and in closed sacs ; hydrocele.
Chronic swelling of lymphatic and sebaceous glands.
Chronic inflammation of salivary glands, excess of saliva.
Gonorrhoea last stage ; gleet.
Fistulous, phagedenic ulcers.
Heat of stove unbearable.
Worse in heat of sun (feel exhausted) ; ailments worse at seaside ; worse in summer.
Open air : right sided headache ; constriction of scalp ; as if water was trickling over joints.
Desire for air : oedema of lungs.
Air of room : cough.
Sultry air : sensitive, but not to drafts.
Drawing in air : toothache.
Likes to be covered up, though no relief is experienced from it.
When becoming warm in bed : cough.
From warm food : toothache.
Warmth : headache.
In hot weather : squint more marked.
In sun : walking, faint, weak feeling in head and chest.
Uncovering head during day causes stoppage of nose at night.
In every slight wind : inflammation of eyes.
Cold water : putting feet in, suppressed menstruation.
Cold drinking : toothache.
Cold : toothache.
In winter : squint.
Getting wet : causes severe headache.
Sweat : with aversion to uncover ; in hands ; in axilla and soles of feet ; sour, weakening ; relieving headache and other pains, though it weakens ; profuse at night ; in morning ; during day ; from exertion ; while walking.
Tendency to sweating, and sensitiveness to cold or sultry air, not to drafts. θ Amenia.
Violent chill, with thirst, every fourth afternoon ; blueness of lips and nails, spasmodic tightness of breathing ; one hour after, heat, lasting until night ; sweat after midnight ; during apyrexia, pressure in region of liver, sometimes alternating with pain in spleen ; labor-like drawing in abdomen, in intestinal canal ; sensation of pressure in chest ; weakness and appearance as if worn out. θ Ague.
Chill every other day at 10 A. M., continuing one and a half hours with severe shaking ; heat all afternoon ; profuse and offensive sweat all night ; severe aching in knees and legs, during chills ; during heat much thirst, terrible headache and delirium ; complete relief during sweat. θ Ague.
Febris intermittens quartana, since two years ; paroxysms violent, with great thirst ; probable cause suppressed itch ; eight days after Natr. mur. [400] a fine vesicular eruption appeared between fingers, which itched very much, and chills and fever disappeared.
Chill begins in hands and feet, with no shaking, becomes general ; likes to be covered up, though no relief is experienced from it ; before chill, dull headache, worse during chill ; no thirst ; chill begins generally about 5.30 P. M. and last half an hour ; paleness ; heat felt first in face ; headache very severe in forehead ; restless ; dry lips ; bitter taste ; belching up of tasteless, inodorous gas ; urine high colored, smarts and burns urethra ; great thirst ; fever lasts nearly all night ; face flushed ; eyes reddened ; sweat not profuse ; apyrexia ; constant thirst ; anorexia ; painless diarrhoea ; constant dull headache ; hypochondriac mood. θ Tertian ague.
Quotidian, from 1 to 3 P. M. ; before attack, tearing cough, oppression on chest, numbness of fingers and toes, trembling of limbs ; during chill, nausea, sometimes vomiting, passes much red urine ; during heat, thirst, delirium, at times stupor, pain in head ; during sweat ; some thirst, pain in head ; delirium during apyrexia, depression, bitter taste, craves fruit. θ Ague.
Complains first of intense itching over entire body, lasting from twelve to fifteen hours, followed by paroxysm ; skin looking like gooseflesh ; chill accompanied by tremendous shuddering ; hydroa on lips. θ Ague.
Hard chill at 11 A. M., lasting until 1 P. M. ; headache during fever ; little sweat ; sallow complexion ; no appetite ; food tastes bitter ; swelling in right hypochondriac region.
In early life suffered severely from ague and had taken much Quinine ; every Spring and Autumn has symptoms of chill and fever ; after exposure to malarial influences suffered first from a diminished appetite, followed by frequently returning watery, but painless diarrhoea ; several weeks after felt very cold on retiring, and was awakened about 2 A. M. by a very heavy chill which made her teeth chatter ; she had to rise, feeling nausea and a desire to have a stool ; after a very profuse, watery evacuation was overcome by weakness and fell to the floor ; chattered and shook all over from chill, became stiff and icy cold to touch, and in an unconscious state was carried to bed ; heat was applied ; when consciousness returned was totally blind, not being able to see with the strongest gaslight ; about 4 A. M. fever set in and she fell into a doze, breathing being very much oppressed ; next morning great prostration, complained that the external and icy coldness was not to be compared with the icy coldness she had felt about the heart ; slight headache and backache ; no perspiration after slight fever heat ; pulse weak and irregular, small and less than 50 ; dry mouth, but no thirst ; aversion to food ; her position in bed showed intense debility, of which she complained bitterly. θ Ague.
Continual stitches in hepatic region during apyrexia ; urine red and muddy, with sandy deposit. θ Ague.
Pain in right side under ribs ; cannot lie on right side ; calves very painful to touch, hard and stiff ; left leg semi-flexed, cannot stretch it, must walk with a stick, hobbling gait, great pain from motion ; urine muddy and red ; skin tawny ; conjunctiva yellow. θ Ague suppressed by сinchona.
After suffering one and a half years with ague, for which much Quinine had been taken, body bent and emaciated, eyes sunken, yellowish, earthy color of face, entire loss of interest in work and life generally, despondent, anxious, wishes himself rid of his miserable existence, slinks about like a ghost ; attacks at times quotidian, at times quartan, latterly of an anteponing tertian type ; chill lasts two to three hours, accompanied by great thirst ; heat with great thirst and severe tearing in head, lasting about as long as chill and followed by profuse sweat ; during apyrexia loss of taste, anorexia, thirst.
Obstinate, anteponing, tertian ague ; thirst during chill ; during fever and apyrexia severe twitching headache on moving head or ascending steps ; profuse epistaxis in morning.
Chill and heat in alternation, at various times of day, without sweat. θ Ague.
Headache and vertigo with gauze before eyes and feeling as though some displacement in head had taken place, and he felt moidered and homesick ; face haggard ; chills excessive ; perspired copiously when not in chill.
Very hard chill at 11 A. M., with great thirst which continued through all the stages ; during fever violent headache and sensation as if eyes were filled with sharp salt ; temperature 105-6 ; tongue white, taste bitter when taking food, salty when not ; water tasted bad ; no appetite. θ Ague.
Chill at 9 or 10 A. M., lasting an hour ; then fever three hours ; intense headache ; a sort of paralysis of limbs, he would lie as if dead ; thirst during chill ; fever subsided with moderate sweat. θ Tertian ague.
Indescribable pain in knees in afternoon, followed next day by chill, also in afternoon ; pain in head ; better by sweat ; quinine cachexia. θ Ague.
After living in a neighborhood where there were many lots filled with water, became sallow, anemic, suffered from boils and running sores and he seemed not likely to live.
Chronic cases with great enlargement of spleen and liver ; great hydremia and weakness ; constipation and loss of appetite. θ Ague.
Intermittent after abuse of quinine, living in damp regions, or newly turned ground.
Paralysis after intermittent fevers.
Prodroma : patient dreads chill ; languor ; headache ; thirst.
Apyrexia : stitches about liver and spleen ; great languor ; emaciation ; sallow complexion ; urine muddy, with red sandy sediment ; loss of appetite ; fever blisters ; sexual desire diminished or lost ; drawing in limbs, etc.
Scarlet fever, with drowsiness, twitching, vomiting of watery fluids.
Rheumatic fever, with chilliness.
Hay fever, with watery discharges from eyes and nose.
Typhus fever when stupor and chilliness are great ; twitchings ; watery vomiting ; after typhus suppuration of parotis.
Typhus versatilis ; gastric symptoms ; on getting up sinks down to floor ; unquenchable thirst, dry tongue ; water tastes spoiled ; nausea from drinking ; unconsciousness.
Periodical : vertigo with nausea ; pains in eyes ; prosopalgia ; attacks of gout ; attacks of neuralgic pains.
Alternately : stool and constipation ; pressure in region of liver and pain in spleen ; chill and heat.
Lasting four to fifteen minutes : attacks of chorea.
For half an hour : dazzling like lightning in eyes.
One hour after chill : heat lasting until night.
Lasting an hour : chill.
Every hour at night : urination.
Two to three hours : heat lasts ; chill lasts.
Lasting three hours : fever.
Several hours after eating : eructations ; burning in stomach ; distension in right hypochondrium.
Four or six times a day, or absent for several days : attacks of chorea.
Several times a day : chill and heat.
For hours : palpitation.
At 7 A. M. regularly : neuralgia of ophthalmic branch of trigeminus.
At 9 or 10 A. M. : chill.
Between 9 and 10 A. M., for three years : epileptic attacks.
From 10 to 11 A. M. : chill ; fever without chill.
At 11 A. M. : chill.
At 11 A. M. : hard chill lasting until 1 P. M.
Every night : seminal emissions.
Every morning : awakes with headache ; at 10 A. M. dark veil passes before eyes ; spasms of sneezing ; pressing and pushing towards genitals ; cough with phlegm tinged with blood.
Every morning at 8 o’clock, lasting until 11 : muscles of back and extremities stretched, while wrists and joints of feet are flexed.
After midnight : sweat.
From morning till noon : sick headache ; diarrhoea.
From 1 to 3 P. M. : quotidian.
At 2 A. M. : awakened by very heavy chill.
At 4 A. M. : fever set in.
At 5.30 P. M. : chill begins and lasts half an hour.
Daily : at regular time, lachrymation ; two or three stools.
Lasting twenty-four hours : attacks of sick headache.
Going off with sun : pains in and over right eye.
Coming on and going off with sun : neuralgia in right eye.
From sunrise till sunset, worse at midday : headache.
From twelve to fifteen hours : intense itching.
Day after pain in knees : chill.
Every other day from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. : headache ; toothache ; constipation.
Every other day from 10 A. M. for one and a half hours : chill with severe shaking.
For a day or two : menses scanty, then copious.
Every fourth afternoon : violent chill.
Every five or six days : stool.
Seven days too soon : menses.
Once a week : hysterical spasms which last for hours.
During latter half of pregnancy : vomiting.
At full moon : spasms.
Spring and Summer : toothache.
Every Spring and Autumn : has symptoms of chill and fever.
One and a half years : suffered with ague.
For several years : severe pain in right side.
For two years : febris intermittens quartana.
Ten years’ standing : singultus.
Right : pains in and over eye ; eye congested ; headache on side ; piercing pain above eye ; sticking in eye ; stye on side ; ringworm on side of tongue ; severe pain in side ; distension in hypogastrium ; pain from left hypochondrium to scapula ; pinching pain in side of abdomen ; affection of ovary with pain in abdomen ; pain in ovarian region ; pain in throat worse side ; pain from middle chest to shoulder ; swelling of hand ; jerking of side and head ; swelling in hypochondriac region ; cannot lie on side.
Left : as if she would fall towards ; pain in frontal region ; pain like a nail driven into side of head ; clavus on side ; fissure in external canthi ; swelling of side of nose ; redness of cheek ; neuralgia of ophthalmic branch of trigeminus ; ulcer on cheek ; bending towards side causes stiffness in liver ; pain and soreness in hypochondrium ; lying on side pain goes to right scapula ; pressive pain in side of abdomen ; pain like a cutting cramp through chest ; tearing stitching pain from upper region of chest to shoulder joint ; stitches under ribs ; leg semi-flexed.
From right to left : dark veil passes before eyes ; facial supraorbital neuralgia.
From left to right : swelling on gums.
First left then right : fissure in external canthi.
As if something was going to happen ; head as if too heavy ; head as if it would fall forward ; as if she would fall to left ; as if a cold wind was blowing through head ; when coughing seems as though forehead would burst ; as if head would burst ; throbbing in head as from little hammers ; head as if in a vice ; as if a nail was driven into left side of head ; pain like a rope around head drawing tighter and tighter ; after walking feels as if stepping on air ; dazzling like lightning before eyes ; as if knives were in occiput ; face shiny as if greasy ; surface of head raw as if scalded ; as if looking through gauze or feathers ; as of sand in eyes ; as if eyeballs were too large ; as if foreign body was in eyes ; as if it was being torn open ; as if a small worm was squirming in nostril ; as if acrid matter flowed from nose ; face shines as if greasy ; cheek bones pain as if bruised ; as of a hair on tongue ; as if a splinter was in throat ; as of a plug in throat ; as if everything in throat would be closed ; as of a swelling or lump in throat, as if passing over a sore spot ; difficulty of talking as if organs of speech were weak ; as if a foreign body was sticking in cardiac orifice and behind sternum ; when walking, abdominal viscera feel as if loose, dragging ; as of a weight hanging across pelvis and bladder ; pain as if spermatic cord would be torn to pieces ; as of a foreign substance or very rough, hard feces lying in rectum ; as if there was a string between uterus and sacrum in hind part of fornix ; as if one had to swallow over a lump ; beating as of hammers in head ; chest as if constricted or as if lungs were too tight ; pain in chest as from tension ; as if lungs had not room to expand ; as if a pressure came from abdomen and compressed ; as from pressure upon a nerve ; back as if bruised ; back as if beaten ; back as if broken ; sacral region as if beaten ; as of a sprain in shoulder joint ; hip as if sprained ; as if limb had gone to sleep ; as if knees and ankles were sprained ; legs as if paralyzed ; as if feet were filled with lead ; tarsal joints as if bruised ; as if muscles of thighs and arms were loose ; as if water was trickling over joints ; weakness as if worn out ; as if some displacement in head had taken place ; as if eyes were filled with sharp salt.
Pain : across forehead ; in and over right eye ; on right side of head ; in malar bones ; in stomach ; in liver ; in hypochondria and abdomen ; in abdominal ring to testicles ; after stool ; in uterus ; in right ovarian region ; on both sides of larynx, mostly right side ; during cough in head, throat, trachea, chest, testicle, spermatic cord ; like a cutting cramp through left chest to scapula ; in back ; in region of kidneys ; in hip ; in knees and ankles ; in spleen ; in right side under ribs ; in old scars ; muscles as if torn from bones.
Terrible pain : in head.
Violent pain : in head.
Indescribable pain : in knees.
Severe pain : in head ; in abdomen ; in right side ; in back ; in forehead.
Sharp pain : over right eye.
Much pain : in left hypochondrium.
Lancinating pain : at anus.
Severe tearing : in head.
Tearing : about anus ; in chest ; in big toe ; in bones.
Tearing, stitching pain : from left upper region of chest to shoulder joint.
Tearing, stitching pain : in head.
Sharp, piercing pain : above right eye.
Bursting pain : in forehead.
Shooting : in head ; in skin.
Cutting : in head ; in abdomen ; in urethra ; in groins ; in chest.
Cutting, pulsating feeling : in back.
Neuralgic pains : in eyes.
Violent stitches : in temples.
Sharp stitches : transversely through small of back.
Stitches : over eyes ; in head ; to neck and chest ; in occiput ; in ear ; in throat ; in stomach ; in hepatic region ; in region of spleen ; in rectum ; in bladder ; from loin into uterus ; in liver ; in chest and side under left ribs ; single, along sternum ; in region of heart ; in neck and back part of head ; in back ; in wrist joints ; in muscles and joints of hands and fingers ; in hip ; in right hip joint ; in left knee.
Itching stitches : in rectum.
Stitching, boring, stinging pains : in corns.
Drawing and stitching pains : from ear down to neck and shoulder ; from teeth up to ear.
Severe sticking : in temples.
Sticking : in right eye.
Labor-like abdominal pains : during stool ; in intestinal canal.
Pinching pain : in right side of abdomen ; in diaphragm.
Gnawing pain : in knee.
Clawing : in epigastrium.
Griping : in abdomen.
Severe cramps : in abdomen.
Cramp : in arms, hands, fingers and thumb ; in lower legs and calves.
Cramplike stitching pain : in feet.
Cramping pain : in lower abdomen.
Severe aching : in knees and legs.
Rheumatic tearing : from root of nose to forehead.
Violent pressive pain : in hepatic region.
Pressive, throbbing pain : in forehead.
Pressive pain : in forehead and eyeballs ; on both sides of head ; from navel to pelvis ; in left side of abdomen.
Dull, heavy pain : in head ; about liver ; in right hypochondrium.
Paralytic pain ; in small of back.
Aching : in eyes ; in testicles ; in lumbar region ; in back ; in head ; in teeth.
Drawing pain : in right thigh to knee ; in knees ; in lower limbs.
Severe drawing pain : in lower jaw.
Sharp drawing : in back and through hips.
Pressing, drawing : in limbs.
Dragging : in forehead.
Painful tension : in bends of limbs ; in spine.
Painful contraction : of hamstrings.
Painful stiffness : of neck.
Ripping up sensation : in anus.
Beaten, bruised, lame feeling : in back.
Bruised or burrowing pain : in upper arm.
Bruised feeling : in epigastrium ; in chest ; in tarsal joints.
Scraping pain : in face ; in larynx.
Smarting pain : on red of lips.
Sore pain : on left side of nose.
Burning pains : in nasal bones ; in throat ; in stomach.
Smarting, burning : in eyes ; of gums ; in anus ; during coitus ; on edges of mucous surfaces.
Violent burning : in eyes ; on tip of tongue.
Burning : on vertex ; in eyes ; of ears ; in nose ; of lower lip, in throat ; in epigastrium ; in stomach ; in intestines ; in anus ; in urethra ; in groins ; in vagina ; in hands ; of feet.
Burning, boring, beating : in teeth.
Smarting : in rectum and anus ; in urethra ; in vulva ; of hemorrhoids.
Stinging : in teeth ; in tongue ; in hemorrhoids ; on glans penis and on scrotum ; in head ; in chest ; in big toe ; in skin ; of rash all over.
Biting : in eyes.
Soreness : of nostrils ; of tongue ; in left hypochondrium ; in hypogastrium ; in vulva ; between scrotum and thighs ; of vagina ; in larynx and trachea ; of toes and between toes.
Heat : in head ; in occiput ; in face ; in forehead.
Sensitiveness : between vertebra.
Tingling : in limbs.
Violent jerks and shocks : in head.
Jerks : in epigastrium.
Jerkings : of right side and head.
Twitching : of muscles and limbs ; of arms and legs.
Beating : in head ; in ears.
Throbbing : in forehead ; in occiput ; in ears ; in epigastrium.
Pulsation : in head ; in ear ; in teeth ; in rectum.
Severe pressure : below heart.
Pressure : in frontal region ; in region of root of nose ; in epigastrium ; in stomach ; in region of spleen ; in upper abdomen ; from navel downwards ; in region of liver ; in chest.
Pressing, pushing : towards genitals.
Violent constriction : in heart.
Contraction : in hypogastrium.
Constricted feeling ; of scalp : in throat ; in stomach.
Drawing, stiff sensation : in muscles ; of eyes.
Drawing : in spine.
Tension : in forehead ; in hepatic region ; in renal region ; in inguinal glands ; in spine ; in lower legs.
Stiffness : in liver ; in legs ; of joints.
Lameness : in shoulder joint.
Lame feeling : of ankle joint.
Weight : in forehead ; in back and shoulders.
Heaviness : in head ; in stomach ; across bladder and pelvis ; of eyes ; of arms ; of legs and feet ; of feet.
Oppression : of stomach ; of chest.
Fulness : at stomach.
Painful cracking : in ear.
Distension : of stomach ; about liver ; in right hypochondrium.
Uneasiness : of feet.
Restlessness : in legs ; in limbs.
Numb feeling : of one side of nose ; of.
Lips ; of one side of tongue ; of arms and hands ; of fingers and toes.
Scratching : in rectum.
Dryness : of nose ; of tongue ; of throat ; in larynx ; of anus ; of vagina ; of mouth ; of skin.
Dulness : in head.
Fluttering : of heart.
Great weakness : in stomach.
Great prostration.
Great debility.
Sinking down : of arms.
Weak, faint feeling : in head and chest ; in heart.
Weakness : in male sexual organs ; of arms ; in knees and calves ; of feet ; of whole body.
Tired sensation : in back.
Weariness : in head.
Empty feeling : in head.
Fainting : at epigastrium.
Sinking : at epigastrium.
Goneness : in epigastrium.
Faint, gone feeling : at pit of stomach.
Intense itching : over whole body.
Violent itching : on head and nape of neck ; on scrotum ; of cracks between toes ; of nettlerash.
Gnawing, itching : of skin.
Itching : eruption on boundaries of heavy scalp ; in eyes ; in canthi ; behind ears ; of herpes ; of eruption on face ; on face ; about anus ; at corona glandis ; on glans penis and on scrotum ; between scrotum and thighs ; of vulva of pudendum ; on pubes ; of liver ; on arms and hands ; of ulcer on leg ; of eruption between fingers ; of skin.
Crawling : at corona glandis ; all over body.
Tickling : in throat pit ; in throat or pit of stomach ; in epigastrium.
Icy coldness : about heart.
Coldness : of feet ; in joints.
Cold sensation ; on vertex ; in stomach ; about heart ; in back.
Coolness : of vagina.
Chilliness : over whole body ; over back.
Loses flesh while living well.
General emaciation, most conspicuous about neck, which is very thin and shrunken.
Emaciation, anemia, weariness and complete prostration of vital forces.
Infantile marasmus from defective nourishment.
Chlorosis with dirty, flaccid, torpid skin.
Anemia, particularly if provoked by loss of fluids ; in women from menstrual disease, in men from loss of semen.
Deterioration of blood, of a scorbutic nature.
Cachexia from ague plus Quinine.
Hemorrhages bright red or dark red, thin and watery, not coagulated.
Tendency to take cold.
Wounds become painful, suppurate ; pain in old scars.
Muscles as if torn from bones.
Rheumatic affections, with shortening of tendons.
Stiffness of joints ; they crack on moving them.
Acts upon cartilage, mucous follicles and glands, salivary and mesenteric glands.
Tendency to dryness or to erosions of mucous membrane ; secretion acrid, scanty ; smarting, burning at edges of mucous surfaces.
Catarrhs of all mucous membranes, with secretions of transparent, watery, coarse, frothy mucus ; white mucus full of bubbles, color of white of egg or like boiled starch.
Watery vomiting, increased aqueousness of any part of body, hydrocephalus ; serous effusions.
Anasarca, accumulation of serum in areolar tissues ; puffiness.
Dropsy : after scarlatina ; caused by heart, liver or kidney complaints.
Collection of serum in joints and in closed sacs ; hydrocele.
Chronic swelling of lymphatic and sebaceous glands.
Chronic inflammation of salivary glands, excess of saliva.
Gonorrhoea last stage ; gleet.
Fistulous, phagedenic ulcers.
Horripilations, especially in forenoon. θ Amenia.
Constant chilliness and want of animal heat.
Frequent internal chilliness.
Chill predominates, mostly internal ; hands and feet cold.
Coldness in joints ; a feeling as if water was trickling over them.
Chilliness over whole body, with heat in forehead, pressure in region of root of nose and violent thirst.
Chilliness, with frequent yawning.
Chill. With thirst, drinking often and much at a time ; with languor, yawning, severe headache, great dyspnoea ; stupefaction or unconsciousness ; face cyanotic ; from morning until noon ; fever blisters around mouth ; in nursing children ; 10 to 11 A. M., beginning in feet or small of back ; blue nails ; thirst ; bursting headache ; nausea and vomiting ; debility ; pale face ; tearing pains in bones ; chattering of teeth ; internal as from want of animal heat ; icy coldness of hands and feet, principally in evening.
Fever : with violent headache ; much heat in face ; great thirst, drinks much and often ; excessive weakness ; with nausea and vomiting ; stitches in head ; unconsciousness ; blindness, blurred sight ; faintishness ; aversion to uncover ; without chill, 10 to 11 A. M.
Flushes of heat with violent headache ; chilliness over back and sweat in axilla and soles of feet.
Constant chilliness and want of animal heat.
Frequent internal chilliness.
Chill predominates, mostly internal ; hands and feet cold.
Coldness in joints ; a feeling as if water was trickling over them.
Chilliness over whole body, with heat in forehead, pressure in region of root of nose and violent thirst.
Chilliness, with frequent yawning.
Chill. With thirst, drinking often and much at a time ; with languor, yawning, severe headache, great dyspnoea ; stupefaction or unconsciousness ; face cyanotic ; from morning until noon ; fever blisters around mouth ; in nursing children ; 10 to 11 A. M., beginning in feet or small of back ; blue nails ; thirst ; bursting headache ; nausea and vomiting ; debility ; pale face ; tearing pains in bones ; chattering of teeth ; internal as from want of animal heat ; icy coldness of hands and feet, principally in evening.
Fever : with violent headache ; much heat in face ; great thirst, drinks much and often ; excessive weakness ; with nausea and vomiting ; stitches in head ; unconsciousness ; blindness, blurred sight ; faintishness ; aversion to uncover ; without chill, 10 to 11 A. M.
Flushes of heat with violent headache ; chilliness over back and sweat in axilla and soles of feet.
Skin : yellowish color, delicate ; dirty looking, dry, withered ; irritable ; itching, pricking, stinging ; gnawing, itching, shooting.
Crawling sensation all over body, beginning at feet and gradually ascending.
Great rawness and soreness of skin ; smarting ; intertrigo.
Vesicles, with watery contents, burst and leave a thin scurf.
Herpes : about mouth and on arms and thighs ; humid on scrotum and thighs ; during fevers ; in bends of elbows and knees ; moist oozing.
Herpes circinatus ; pemphigus, blisters starting up on burning spots, with clear, watery contents ; watery blebs.
Shingles or herpes zoster.
Rupia, blisters, not pustular.
White scales on scalp ; dandruff.
Nettlerash : over whole body ; large red blotches, with violent itching ; after violent exercise ; chronic urticaria.
Red spots as large as head of pin over whole body, preceded by sensation of heat in face.
Miliary eruption all over.
Rash on legs and in groups all over.
Stinging rash over whole body.
Acne punctata.
Eczema, raw and inflamed ; scurfy and discharging a corrosive fluid, which eats hair ; worse in edges of hair, on genitals and legs.
Tetter in bends of joints, oozing of an acrid fluid ; crusts with deep cracks, scaly eruptions on flexor surfaces ; scabs on head and in axilla.
Eczema from eating too much salt.
Suffused redness, but no rash ; tongue resembling burned appearance, produced by continual use of salt. θ Scarlet fever.
Superficial ulcers ; red, angry looking, smarting, surrounded by vesicles, no suppuration.
Dermoid swellings.
Fungus hematodes.
Measles, with excessive secretion of tears or saliva.
Smallpox, with salivary flow, confluence of pustules and drowsiness.
Boils, small ; blood-boils.
Scars become painful and redden.
Effects of insect bites ; stings of bees, mosquitoes.
Crawling sensation all over body, beginning at feet and gradually ascending.
Great rawness and soreness of skin ; smarting ; intertrigo.
Vesicles, with watery contents, burst and leave a thin scurf.
Herpes : about mouth and on arms and thighs ; humid on scrotum and thighs ; during fevers ; in bends of elbows and knees ; moist oozing.
Herpes circinatus ; pemphigus, blisters starting up on burning spots, with clear, watery contents ; watery blebs.
Shingles or herpes zoster.
Rupia, blisters, not pustular.
White scales on scalp ; dandruff.
Nettlerash : over whole body ; large red blotches, with violent itching ; after violent exercise ; chronic urticaria.
Red spots as large as head of pin over whole body, preceded by sensation of heat in face.
Miliary eruption all over.
Rash on legs and in groups all over.
Stinging rash over whole body.
Acne punctata.
Eczema, raw and inflamed ; scurfy and discharging a corrosive fluid, which eats hair ; worse in edges of hair, on genitals and legs.
Tetter in bends of joints, oozing of an acrid fluid ; crusts with deep cracks, scaly eruptions on flexor surfaces ; scabs on head and in axilla.
Eczema from eating too much salt.
Suffused redness, but no rash ; tongue resembling burned appearance, produced by continual use of salt. θ Scarlet fever.
Superficial ulcers ; red, angry looking, smarting, surrounded by vesicles, no suppuration.
Dermoid swellings.
Fungus hematodes.
Measles, with excessive secretion of tears or saliva.
Smallpox, with salivary flow, confluence of pustules and drowsiness.
Boils, small ; blood-boils.
Scars become painful and redden.
Effects of insect bites ; stings of bees, mosquitoes.
Patient type and constitution
Salt eaters seldom have male issue. Old book.
Adapted to cachectic persons and to those who have lost animal fluids ; quinine cachexia.
Suits old people, teething children, anemic, chlorotic people with catarrhal troubles, and tuberculous subjects of scrofulous habit.
Baby, a few months old ; catarrhal stenosis of lachrymal duct.
Boy, at. 11 months ; marasmus.
Girl, at. 3, dark hair and eyes ; incontinence of urine.
Child, at. 4 ; scarlatinal dropsy.
Girl, at. 6 ; fear of robbers at night.
Child, at. 6 ; ague.
Child, at. 7, suffering two years ; chorea.
Girl, at. 8, brown hair, blue eyes ; ague.
Girl, at. 9, after easy recovery from diphtheria and scarlatina ; dropsy.
Boy, at. 10, weak, small, irritable, after being frightened by dog two years ago ; chorea.
Boy, at. 10, ill four months ; quartan ague.
Boy, at. 12, living in paludal district ; ague.
Boy, at. 13, scrofulous habits, much behind in corporeal and mental development, fat and lazy ; scrofulous ophthalmia.
Boy, at. 14, suffering two months ; tertian ague.
Girl, at. 14, scrofulous ; hypertrophy of tonsils.
Girl, at. 16, small, scrofulous, pale, formerly suffering from eczema, menses not yet appeared ; leucorrhoea.
Boy, at. 16, suffering ten days ; quotidian ague.
Boy, at. 16 ; tertian ague.
Girl, at. 17, suffering three weeks ; hoarseness.
Girl, at. 18, blonde, suffering three months ; ague.
Girl, at. 19, suffering eight weeks ; double quartan ague.
Man, at. 20, after getting thoroughly wet ; mania.
Patient, at. 20, after an attack of inflammatory rheumatism during childhood ; strabismus.
Young lady, at. 20, salivated by abuse of calomel while sick during previous summer.
Man, at. 20, soldier, became sick while on march ; affection of chest.
Girl, at. 20, suffering ten weeks, attacks at first tertian, now quotidian ; ague.
Man, at. 20, slender, blonde, troubled with pimples ; ague.
Man, at. 21, weak, two years ago suffered from cough, with hamoptysis ; tertian ague.
Girl, at. 22, sick four weeks ; ague.
Mrs. A., at. 23 ; chronic headache.
Man, at. 23, suffering one and a half years, rubbing and electricity without benefit ; weakness of arms.
Woman, at. 24, slender, short, blonde ; dysmenorrhoea.
Man, at. 24 ; tertian ague.
Farmer, at. 24 ; ague.
Man, at. 24, strong, small, blonde ; ague.
Girl, at. 24 ; tertian ague.
Woman, at. 25, suffering five weeks ; quartan ague.
Workman, at. 25, Italian, dark complexion, previously robust ; ague.
Man, at. 25, blonde ; tertian ague.
Man, at. 28, bookkeeper ; asthenopia.
Man, at. 28, small, slim, dark hair, suffering nine months ; ague.
Two men, at. 28 ; ague.
Man, at. 29, suffering several years ; rheumatic, catarrhal inflammation of eyes.
Seaman, at. 29 ; suppressed ague.
Man, at. 30, nervo-sanguine, light complexion, blue eyes, auburn hair, previously remarkably robust, after severe and long continued mental application ; brain exhaustion.
Man, at. 30, suffering from progressive locomotor ataxy ; headache.
Woman, at. 30, delicate build, sad and melancholic disposition ; headaches.
Woman, at. 30 ; chronic leucorrhoea.
Two women, at. 30 ; ague.
Woman, at. 32, without children, melancholic disposition, irritable temperament ; headache.
Mrs. P., at. 32, mother of two children, ulceration of womb treated locally by nitrate of silver ; sore throat.
Woman, at. 32, delicate, irritable, chlorosis ; spasms.
Woman, at. 34, several years ago had tapeworm removed by heroic treatment, since then suffering headache.
Man, at. 34, robust, suffering three weeks, chill at first every third day, now daily ; ague.
Man, at. 34 ; tertian ague.
Woman, at. 35, well built, during sixth pregnancy ; severe vomiting.
Man, at. 35, short, shining black hair ; ague.
Man, at. 35, medical student, strong and well ; ague.
Woman, at. 36, sick three months ; ague.
Mrs. D., at. 40, after suppressed ague ; inflammation of eyes.
Mrs. с., at. 40, perpendicular half sight.
Man, at. 40, for last three years has had thick itching eruption on upper lip, taken much Quinine ; ague.
Man, at. 40, seaman ; ague.
Man, at. 40, sick three weeks ; ague.
Physician, at. 49 ; coryza and bronchitis, complicated with muscular asthenopia.
Man, at. 50, corpulent, healthy ; lachrymal fistula.
Man, at. 50, weak, addicted to drink, suffering a long time with abdominal troubles ; hematemesis.
Mrs. с., at. 50, in early life suffered severely from ague, and still more from enormous doses of Quinine.
Quinine which had been administered year after year, every Spring and Autumn, has symptoms of chill and fever, after exposure to malarial influences ; ague.
Man, at. 50, bilious temperament, hard working farmer, living in an aguish locality ; ague.
Mrs. с., at. 51, suffering for nineteen years ; constipation.
Man, at. 54, several weeks previously inflammation of oesophagus ; stenosis.
Mrs. W., at. 60, suffering three months ; sleeplessness.
Man, at. 60 ; tertian ague.
Woman, at. 65 ; tertian ague.
Man, at. 65, six years ago had ague sixteen months in spite of Quinine, now suffering five months ; ague.
Woman, at. 70, has worn a green shade over eyes for many years ; inflammation of eyes.
Man, at. 72 ; chronic conjunctivitis.
Girl, hydremic constitution ; intermitting tonic spasms.
Young woman, after labor had necrosis of tibia, suffering thirteen years ; headache.
Man, suffering over three months, treated heroically seven weeks by crude doses of сinchona ; ague.
Woman, tall, dark hair, eyes and complexion, suffering thirty years ; hemicrania.
Woman, tall, thin, brunette ; vomiting during pregnancy.
Patient suffering from bronchitis cured by сonium ; epilepsy.
Mrs. P., seamstress ; sick headache.
Elderly lady, teacher, after loss of daughter ; excessive grief.
Old woman, from her youth up ; hemicrania.
Adapted to cachectic persons and to those who have lost animal fluids ; quinine cachexia.
Suits old people, teething children, anemic, chlorotic people with catarrhal troubles, and tuberculous subjects of scrofulous habit.
Baby, a few months old ; catarrhal stenosis of lachrymal duct.
Boy, at. 11 months ; marasmus.
Girl, at. 3, dark hair and eyes ; incontinence of urine.
Child, at. 4 ; scarlatinal dropsy.
Girl, at. 6 ; fear of robbers at night.
Child, at. 6 ; ague.
Child, at. 7, suffering two years ; chorea.
Girl, at. 8, brown hair, blue eyes ; ague.
Girl, at. 9, after easy recovery from diphtheria and scarlatina ; dropsy.
Boy, at. 10, weak, small, irritable, after being frightened by dog two years ago ; chorea.
Boy, at. 10, ill four months ; quartan ague.
Boy, at. 12, living in paludal district ; ague.
Boy, at. 13, scrofulous habits, much behind in corporeal and mental development, fat and lazy ; scrofulous ophthalmia.
Boy, at. 14, suffering two months ; tertian ague.
Girl, at. 14, scrofulous ; hypertrophy of tonsils.
Girl, at. 16, small, scrofulous, pale, formerly suffering from eczema, menses not yet appeared ; leucorrhoea.
Boy, at. 16, suffering ten days ; quotidian ague.
Boy, at. 16 ; tertian ague.
Girl, at. 17, suffering three weeks ; hoarseness.
Girl, at. 18, blonde, suffering three months ; ague.
Girl, at. 19, suffering eight weeks ; double quartan ague.
Man, at. 20, after getting thoroughly wet ; mania.
Patient, at. 20, after an attack of inflammatory rheumatism during childhood ; strabismus.
Young lady, at. 20, salivated by abuse of calomel while sick during previous summer.
Man, at. 20, soldier, became sick while on march ; affection of chest.
Girl, at. 20, suffering ten weeks, attacks at first tertian, now quotidian ; ague.
Man, at. 20, slender, blonde, troubled with pimples ; ague.
Man, at. 21, weak, two years ago suffered from cough, with hamoptysis ; tertian ague.
Girl, at. 22, sick four weeks ; ague.
Mrs. A., at. 23 ; chronic headache.
Man, at. 23, suffering one and a half years, rubbing and electricity without benefit ; weakness of arms.
Woman, at. 24, slender, short, blonde ; dysmenorrhoea.
Man, at. 24 ; tertian ague.
Farmer, at. 24 ; ague.
Man, at. 24, strong, small, blonde ; ague.
Girl, at. 24 ; tertian ague.
Woman, at. 25, suffering five weeks ; quartan ague.
Workman, at. 25, Italian, dark complexion, previously robust ; ague.
Man, at. 25, blonde ; tertian ague.
Man, at. 28, bookkeeper ; asthenopia.
Man, at. 28, small, slim, dark hair, suffering nine months ; ague.
Two men, at. 28 ; ague.
Man, at. 29, suffering several years ; rheumatic, catarrhal inflammation of eyes.
Seaman, at. 29 ; suppressed ague.
Man, at. 30, nervo-sanguine, light complexion, blue eyes, auburn hair, previously remarkably robust, after severe and long continued mental application ; brain exhaustion.
Man, at. 30, suffering from progressive locomotor ataxy ; headache.
Woman, at. 30, delicate build, sad and melancholic disposition ; headaches.
Woman, at. 30 ; chronic leucorrhoea.
Two women, at. 30 ; ague.
Woman, at. 32, without children, melancholic disposition, irritable temperament ; headache.
Mrs. P., at. 32, mother of two children, ulceration of womb treated locally by nitrate of silver ; sore throat.
Woman, at. 32, delicate, irritable, chlorosis ; spasms.
Woman, at. 34, several years ago had tapeworm removed by heroic treatment, since then suffering headache.
Man, at. 34, robust, suffering three weeks, chill at first every third day, now daily ; ague.
Man, at. 34 ; tertian ague.
Woman, at. 35, well built, during sixth pregnancy ; severe vomiting.
Man, at. 35, short, shining black hair ; ague.
Man, at. 35, medical student, strong and well ; ague.
Woman, at. 36, sick three months ; ague.
Mrs. D., at. 40, after suppressed ague ; inflammation of eyes.
Mrs. с., at. 40, perpendicular half sight.
Man, at. 40, for last three years has had thick itching eruption on upper lip, taken much Quinine ; ague.
Man, at. 40, seaman ; ague.
Man, at. 40, sick three weeks ; ague.
Physician, at. 49 ; coryza and bronchitis, complicated with muscular asthenopia.
Man, at. 50, corpulent, healthy ; lachrymal fistula.
Man, at. 50, weak, addicted to drink, suffering a long time with abdominal troubles ; hematemesis.
Mrs. с., at. 50, in early life suffered severely from ague, and still more from enormous doses of Quinine.
Quinine which had been administered year after year, every Spring and Autumn, has symptoms of chill and fever, after exposure to malarial influences ; ague.
Man, at. 50, bilious temperament, hard working farmer, living in an aguish locality ; ague.
Mrs. с., at. 51, suffering for nineteen years ; constipation.
Man, at. 54, several weeks previously inflammation of oesophagus ; stenosis.
Mrs. W., at. 60, suffering three months ; sleeplessness.
Man, at. 60 ; tertian ague.
Woman, at. 65 ; tertian ague.
Man, at. 65, six years ago had ague sixteen months in spite of Quinine, now suffering five months ; ague.
Woman, at. 70, has worn a green shade over eyes for many years ; inflammation of eyes.
Man, at. 72 ; chronic conjunctivitis.
Girl, hydremic constitution ; intermitting tonic spasms.
Young woman, after labor had necrosis of tibia, suffering thirteen years ; headache.
Man, suffering over three months, treated heroically seven weeks by crude doses of сinchona ; ague.
Woman, tall, dark hair, eyes and complexion, suffering thirty years ; hemicrania.
Woman, tall, thin, brunette ; vomiting during pregnancy.
Patient suffering from bronchitis cured by сonium ; epilepsy.
Mrs. P., seamstress ; sick headache.
Elderly lady, teacher, after loss of daughter ; excessive grief.
Old woman, from her youth up ; hemicrania.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by : Nitr. spir. dulc., Phosphor. (especially abuse of salt in food), Arsen. (bad effects of sea bathing).
It antidotes : nitrate of silver, in all cases where this agent has been used for cauterization ; quinine, when diseases continue intermittent and patients suffer from headache, are constipated and have disturbed sleep ; bee stings.
Compatible. Sepia ; after Kali mur. in articular and chronic rheumatism, itch, shingles and other eruptions, exudations, glandular swellings, deafness, aphtha, gonorrhoea with orchitis ; after Kali phos. in deafness, suppuration of parotid, oedema of lungs, hemorrhages ; after Kali sulph. in catarrh of chest with rattling ; after Natr. sulph. in bitter taste, gastro-enteric diseases, eruptions ; after сalcarea phos. in glandular swellings, chronic rheumatism of joints, hygroma of patella, catarrhs in scrofulous subjects, hydrocele ; after Ferrum phos. in pertussis, headache of young girls during menses.
Complementary : Apis. mel.
Compare : Alumina, Graphit. in dryness of mucous membranes ; Ledum in stings of insects ; Ambra gris. in ranula ; сaustic., Phosphor., Pulsat., Staphis. in escape of urine when coughing ; Hepar in sensitiveness to cold air.
It antidotes : nitrate of silver, in all cases where this agent has been used for cauterization ; quinine, when diseases continue intermittent and patients suffer from headache, are constipated and have disturbed sleep ; bee stings.
Compatible. Sepia ; after Kali mur. in articular and chronic rheumatism, itch, shingles and other eruptions, exudations, glandular swellings, deafness, aphtha, gonorrhoea with orchitis ; after Kali phos. in deafness, suppuration of parotid, oedema of lungs, hemorrhages ; after Kali sulph. in catarrh of chest with rattling ; after Natr. sulph. in bitter taste, gastro-enteric diseases, eruptions ; after сalcarea phos. in glandular swellings, chronic rheumatism of joints, hygroma of patella, catarrhs in scrofulous subjects, hydrocele ; after Ferrum phos. in pertussis, headache of young girls during menses.
Complementary : Apis. mel.
Compare : Alumina, Graphit. in dryness of mucous membranes ; Ledum in stings of insects ; Ambra gris. in ranula ; сaustic., Phosphor., Pulsat., Staphis. in escape of urine when coughing ; Hepar in sensitiveness to cold air.
Included in the composition
- 1.8-2€ Defecol (ЭДАС)
- 2.5€ Герпес (гомеопатический комплекс) (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.3-2.5€ Риобелитон (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Селентал (Фитасинтекс)
- — Sepia-plus (Доктор Н)
- 4.4-6.6€ Selencinum (3 firms)
- — Psorinoheel n (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Flowers Energy №12
- 11€ Flowers Energy №2
- 11€ Flowers Energy №21
- 11€ Flowers Energy №22
- 11€ Flowers Energy №29
- — Flowers Energy №31
- 11€ Flowers Energy №56
- 11€ Flowers Energy №57
- 11€ Flowers Energy №72
- — Flowers Energy №9
- 11€ Flowers Energy №90
- 11€ Flowers Energy №92
- 11€ Flowers Energy №94
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug






