Other names and synonyms
sumb, ferula sumbul.Description Source
Materia Medica - Cyrus Maxwell BogerPharmacological Group
Nervous, irritable and sleepless. As of hot water flowing through part. Yellow, tenacious discharges. Early senility.
Laughs and weeps by turns. As of a hair or cobweb on face. сhoking constriction in throat. Hysteria. вurning pyrosis. Oppressive tightness in left chest. Dyspnœa. Asthma; cardiac. Sexual excitability. Trickling along spine. Pale, cold skin. Internal itching. Dreams of falling.
Laughs and weeps by turns. As of a hair or cobweb on face. сhoking constriction in throat. Hysteria. вurning pyrosis. Oppressive tightness in left chest. Dyspnœa. Asthma; cardiac. Sexual excitability. Trickling along spine. Pale, cold skin. Internal itching. Dreams of falling.