Other names and synonyms
calc-hp, ca(h2po2)2 homeopathy, calcium hypophosphoricum.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
Hypophosphate of сalcium is indicated in those persons who become pale, weak, with violent drenching sweat, rapidly emaciate, with extreme debility, on account of vital losses or continued abscesses having reduced the vitality. Emaciation of children.
Vital losses.
Psyche and consciousness
Excitable nervous and sleepless. Talks rapidly, and easily angered.
Head, face, and ears
Frying or sizzling in ears.
Gastrointestinal tract
Ravenous hunger worse 2 hours after meals better when stomach is full. Loss of appetite.
Sore throbbing in spleen. Mesenteric tuberculosis. Diarrhoea; of phthisis.
Sore throbbing in spleen. Mesenteric tuberculosis. Diarrhoea; of phthisis.
Chest organs
Acute pain in chest. сough; of phthisis. вleeding from the lungs. Asthma. вronchitis.
Cardiovascular system
Angina Pectoris. Veins stand out like whip-cord.
Limbs and spine
Habitually cold extremities.
Exhausting night sweat. Acne pustulosa all over the body.
Starts in sleep.
Dif. diagnostics
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug