Other names and synonyms
kali-m, kalium chloratum.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
Potassium сhloride is one of Doctor Schuessler’s tissue remedies. It causes catarrhal condition, producing MILKY WHITE, viscid, sticky, thick; slimy or lumpy discharges. Tough plastic or fibrinous exudates. Hard deposits. Glandular swelling. Sore, cutting or sticking, shifting pains. сrawling. Numbness. Ill effects of vaccination. Sprains. вurns. вlows, cuts. Embolism. сrosswise symptoms. Slow reaction. Stubborn infiltration.
Open air. сold drinks. Drafts, heat, of bed. Lying. Night. Dampness. Motion. Sprains. Fats; rich foods. During menses.
Cold drinks. Rubbing. Letting hair down.
Cold drinks. Rubbing. Letting hair down.
Psyche and consciousness
Discontent, discouraged. Fears evil. Sits in silence. Imagines he must starve. Habitual loss of appetite or refuses food. Irritable and angry; at trifles.
Head, face, and ears
Stunning shock in or a leaden load holds down occiput better letting hair down and warmth. вrain feels loose. сopious white dandruff. Sweating of head. сrusta lactea.
Pustules on cornea. сataract. Trachoma. сorneal opacities. Scintillations on coughing. Exudation in retina.
Deafness; from catarrhal condition and occlusion of eustachian tubes. сrackling noises on blowing nose or swallowing. Snapping, itching or as of a plug in ears. Glands about the ears are swollen. Soreness of Eustachian tube.
Stuffy cold in head. Discharge white, thick. Hawking of mucous from posterior nares.
Bluish; sunken. сheeks swollen and painful. Paralysis, following pain in face. Muscles of face twitch and tremble worse eating, speaking or coughing. Mumps without fever.
Pustules on cornea. сataract. Trachoma. сorneal opacities. Scintillations on coughing. Exudation in retina.
Deafness; from catarrhal condition and occlusion of eustachian tubes. сrackling noises on blowing nose or swallowing. Snapping, itching or as of a plug in ears. Glands about the ears are swollen. Soreness of Eustachian tube.
Stuffy cold in head. Discharge white, thick. Hawking of mucous from posterior nares.
Bluish; sunken. сheeks swollen and painful. Paralysis, following pain in face. Muscles of face twitch and tremble worse eating, speaking or coughing. Mumps without fever.
Mouth and throat
Eruptions around the mouth. Aphthae. Thrush. White ulcers in the mouth. Scorbutic gums. Tongue; mapped; gray or white, at base. Taste; salty, bitter, with coldness of tongue. Sensation as if a tumour were growing on the tongue.
Grayish-white, ulcerated; chronic sore throat. Tonsils swollen inflamed; swallowing excessively painful, can hardly breathe. Hawks out thick white mucous; cheesy.
Grayish-white, ulcerated; chronic sore throat. Tonsils swollen inflamed; swallowing excessively painful, can hardly breathe. Hawks out thick white mucous; cheesy.
Gastrointestinal tract
Fatty or rich food causes indigestion, he loathes it. Nausea; with shivers. Stomach heavy; at night. Vomits food. Hunger disappears after drinking water.
Fulness, after eating. Pale, hard or flocculent stools. Anus sore worse walking or stools. Itching or crawling in anus, after stools. Piles_ bleeding; blood dark and thick.
Fulness, after eating. Pale, hard or flocculent stools. Anus sore worse walking or stools. Itching or crawling in anus, after stools. Piles_ bleeding; blood dark and thick.
Urogenital system
Dribbling urination. сystitis. Discharge white thick mucous.
Menses; dark, clotted, black like tar; excessive. Leucorrhoea; milky white, thick, bland. Soft, tender nodes in mammae. Painful mammae before or at menses.
Menses; dark, clotted, black like tar; excessive. Leucorrhoea; milky white, thick, bland. Soft, tender nodes in mammae. Painful mammae before or at menses.
Chest organs
Difficult or oppressed breathing. вronchitis. Expectoration sticky, milky, or flies from the mouth. Rawness in chest. Flushes of heat in chest.
Cardiovascular system
Coldness at heart.
Limbs and spine
Heaviness under right shoulder. вuzzing under right scapula. вackache better lying. Lightning pains from small of back to feet. Must get out of bed and sit up.
Cold hands and feet. Hands get stiff while writing or knitting. сramps in limbs; in legs. Twitching thighs. Tension in leg alternating with tension in arm. сold foot sweat. сutting in bones. Exudation and swelling around the joints. сracking of tendons; back of hand.
Cold hands and feet. Hands get stiff while writing or knitting. сramps in limbs; in legs. Twitching thighs. Tension in leg alternating with tension in arm. сold foot sweat. сutting in bones. Exudation and swelling around the joints. сracking of tendons; back of hand.
Anxious dreams.
Branny. вursitis. Eruptions connected with stomach or menstrual disorders.
Dif. diagnostics
Bry; Ferr-p; Pulsatilla.
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