Other names and synonyms
rheum.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
Rhubarb is a remedy for sucklings and children esp. during dentition and suited to pregnant and nursing women. It affects liver, duodenum; bile ducts and intestines. Sourness is very marked; the whole child smells sour; washing does not remove it. сolicky children who are always screaming and crying. Sour; taste, vomits, stools, sweat etc. Difficult dentition. Requires very little sleep and not much food. Sensation of crepitation.
Dentition. Eating; plums. Summer. Nursing women. Motion. вefore, after and during stools.
Warmth. Wrapping up. Lying bent. Odd position.
Warmth. Wrapping up. Lying bent. Odd position.
Psyche and consciousness
Impatient; child asks for different things vehemently, with crying, dislikes even its favourite things. Impetuous desire for particular objects. Restless; with weeping.
Head, face, and ears
Sweat on hairy scalp; hair; wet, sopping.
Weak when looking steadily at any object. сonvulsive twitching of eyelids.
Cool sweat on; esp. about mouth and nose; on upper lip. Forehead wrinkled. Twitching.
Weak when looking steadily at any object. сonvulsive twitching of eyelids.
Cool sweat on; esp. about mouth and nose; on upper lip. Forehead wrinkled. Twitching.
Mouth and throat
Offensive mucous in the mouth; after sleep. вreath sour. Salivation; with colic or diarrhoea. Food tastes bitter even sweet things. Teeth feel cold.
Gastrointestinal tract
Desire for various things, but cannot eat them. Loathing after first bite. Plums and prunes disagree. Requires little food.
Colic, with screaming, better doubling up, worse uncovering any part; then pappy, sour, brown, green, fermented, slimy or acrid stools; worse eating unripe fruit; worse in the evening. Shivering with stools. Diarrhoea only when walking. Jaundice from eating unripe fruits, with white diarrhoea.
Colic, with screaming, better doubling up, worse uncovering any part; then pappy, sour, brown, green, fermented, slimy or acrid stools; worse eating unripe fruit; worse in the evening. Shivering with stools. Diarrhoea only when walking. Jaundice from eating unripe fruits, with white diarrhoea.
Urogenital system
Burning in bladder and kidney, before and during urination. Unsuccessful urging to urinate, before stool.
Urinary complaints after abortion. Milk in nursing women yellow and bitter; infant refuses breast. Diarrhoea after parturition.
Urinary complaints after abortion. Milk in nursing women yellow and bitter; infant refuses breast. Diarrhoea after parturition.
Limbs and spine
Stiffness in sacrum and hips, cannot walk straight. сutting pain in lumbar region worse after stools.
Limb on which he lies falls asleep. Twitching in arms, hands and fingers. вubbling sensation in elbow joint, from bend of knee to heels. Lameness of wrist and knee, after sprains and dislocations.
Limb on which he lies falls asleep. Twitching in arms, hands and fingers. вubbling sensation in elbow joint, from bend of knee to heels. Lameness of wrist and knee, after sprains and dislocations.
Restless; with whining and crying. Twitching of face and fingers. Requires very little sleep and not much food.
Sweat on scalp, about mouth, nose; upper lip.
Dif. diagnostics
Included in the composition
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- 5.2-12.7€ Dantinorm Baby (БУАРОН )