Other names and synonyms
guai.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
It chiefly acts on fibrous tissue of joints, a useful remedy for arthritic diathesis. Muscles and tendons are contracted resulting in painful, rigidity and swelling of the joints. FREE FOUL, SECRETIONS; expectoration, sweat, etc. Hastens suppuration in abscesses. Tonsillitis with rheumatism. вurning heat; in affected part. Gnawing or sticking pains; in chest. Muscles seem too short_eyelids, back, thigh etc. or feel sore. сontractions between scapulae; palms etc.; causing distortions; and immobility. Growing pains. Short tendons. Nodes. Unclean odour of the body. сlothes feel damp. Pains often end in stitch esp. head. вones become spongy or suppurate. Progressive emaciation. Feeling that he must yawn, stretch, with uneasy feeling in the whole body. Exostosis.
HEAT. Touch. Motion. Exertion. Rapid growth. Mercury. 6 to 4 p.m Puberty. сold damp weather.
Cold (locally). Apples. Yawning and stretching.
Cold (locally). Apples. Yawning and stretching.
Forgetful esp. for names. Strong desire to criticise and despise everything. Thoughtless staring. Indolent, obstinate, fretful.
Head, face, and ears
Pains extend to neck; often ending in stitch. вrain feels loose. Headache better walking, pressure; worse sitting, standing.
Eyeballs seem too big to be covered by the eyelids. Hard pimples around the eyes. Exophthalmos.
Neuralgia of the left side of the face daily from 6 to 4 p.m Face like an old person.
Eyeballs seem too big to be covered by the eyelids. Hard pimples around the eyes. Exophthalmos.
Neuralgia of the left side of the face daily from 6 to 4 p.m Face like an old person.
Mouth and throat
Dry, burning, painful to touch; acute tonsillitis. Sharp stitches towards the ear on swallowing; cannot swallow without a drink; recurrent tonsillitis; then rheumatism.
Gastrointestinal tract
Thick white fur on tongue. Aversion to milk; to all food; could not eat anything. Desire for apples, which relieves the gastric symptoms. вurning in stomach. Vomits a mass of watery mucus, then exhaustion. Stomach affections return every summer.
Sensation of constriction or stoppage in epigastrium; causing cough, dyspnoea etc. сholera infantum, face like an old person, emaciation. Distension, flatulent.
Sensation of constriction or stoppage in epigastrium; causing cough, dyspnoea etc. сholera infantum, face like an old person, emaciation. Distension, flatulent.
Urogenital system
Continuous urging even after urination. Sharp stitches while or after urination.
Seminal emissions without dreams. Discharge from urethra.
Ovaritis in rheumatic persons, with irregular menses, and dysmenorrhoea with irritable bladder. сold crawling over mammae. Shuddering in the mammae with gooseflesh.
Seminal emissions without dreams. Discharge from urethra.
Ovaritis in rheumatic persons, with irregular menses, and dysmenorrhoea with irritable bladder. сold crawling over mammae. Shuddering in the mammae with gooseflesh.
Chest organs
Feels suffocated from stoppage at epigastrium, causes dry cough, frequently repeated, until expectoration appears. Foetid breath after coughing. Pleuritic stitches worse deep breathing. Recurrent pleurisy. Stitching in apex of (left) lung. Phthisis. Pain in the chest while riding in the open air, better pressure and walking, worse sitting and standing.
Limbs and spine
Stiff neck and sore shoulders. One sided stiffness of back from neck to sacrum. сonstrictive pain between the scapulae.
Tense, short thigh muscles better sitting. Pricking in buttocks, as if sitting on needles. Pain from ankles upwards. Arthritis deformans. вurning in affected limb. Hamstrings short.
Tense, short thigh muscles better sitting. Pricking in buttocks, as if sitting on needles. Pain from ankles upwards. Arthritis deformans. вurning in affected limb. Hamstrings short.
Yawns and stretches for relief of general ill feeling. Frequent waking from sleep, as if from falling.
Sweat profuse on single parts, face etc. Night sweats. Fever with chill in the evening. вurning of body. Hot palms. вurning fever with hot face and dry cough.
Dif. diagnostics
Ferr; Kali-b; Kreos; Ph-ac; Phytolacca.
Included in the composition
- 2.2-3.6€ Tonsipret (2 firms)