Другие названия и синонимы
diphth, Diphtherinum nosode, Нозод дифтерии.Источник описания
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakФармакологическая группа
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The potencies of this nosode are prepared either from the Diphtheritic virus or membranes. It is useful as a prophylactic in Diphtheria and post-diphtheritic complication, paralysis etc., when anti diphtheritic toxin is used. In Diphtheria the malignancy is present from the start. Patient is greatly prostrated, yet restless; without any pain. Wants to be held. Jerking in single muscles. Internal trembling. Drawing in muscles then sudden snap. сatarrhal affections of the respiratory passage. Offensive discharges. сarphology. Relapsing diphtheria.
Cold. Drinking milk in sips.
Cold. Drinking milk in sips.
Психика и сознание
Carphology. Sees imaginary objects.
Голова, лицо и уши
Moisture at the margin of hair.
Sees visions.
Fanning of the alae nasi with snoring. Yellow thick nasal discharge. Epistaxis.
Flushed, centre of cheeks purple.
Sees visions.
Fanning of the alae nasi with snoring. Yellow thick nasal discharge. Epistaxis.
Flushed, centre of cheeks purple.
Ротовая полость и горло
Tongue moist, with red tip; or dark red spot back of tip. Red papillae.
Dark. Thick grey membrane; on tonsil (left). Painless diphtheria, swallows without pain but fluids are vomited or returned through the nose. Relapsing diphtheria. Obstinate tonsillitis. Wants cold air down the throat or craves cold drinks.
Dark. Thick grey membrane; on tonsil (left). Painless diphtheria, swallows without pain but fluids are vomited or returned through the nose. Relapsing diphtheria. Obstinate tonsillitis. Wants cold air down the throat or craves cold drinks.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Faintness at; better sips of milk.
Talks in sleep, with open eyes.
Chilly, then hot. Low temperature.
Диф. диагностика
Dry, hot palms; they feel withered. Dry skin.
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