Other names and synonyms
chlor.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
This gas is proved in the form of сhlorine water. It has a marked action on respiratory organs producing spasms of the glottis. Sensation of constriction is another marked feature. Patients rapidly emaciate. Mucous membranes are inflamed and ulcerated.
Open air. Motion.
Expiration. After midnight. Lying.
Expiration. After midnight. Lying.
Psyche and consciousness
Fears insanity or losing senses. Forgets names and persons.
Head, face, and ears
Smoky or sooty. сoryza; acrid; with headache, suddenly running in drops, with lachrymation.
Swollen with protruding eyes.
Smoky or sooty. сoryza; acrid; with headache, suddenly running in drops, with lachrymation.
Swollen with protruding eyes.
Mouth and throat
Putrid odour from mouth. Putrid aphthae. Tongue; dry, black.
Choking sensation, inability to swallow. Aching tickling or whistling in throat pit.
Choking sensation, inability to swallow. Aching tickling or whistling in throat pit.
Chest organs
Sudden DYSPNOEA from spasms of the vocal cords, with protruding eyes, blue face, cold sweat. Inspiration free but сAN NOT EXHALE. Laryngitis. Laryngismus stridulous. Asthma of hay fever. As if air were forced into upper chest.
Sensitive, dry, yellow, shrivelled.
Easy sweat.
Dif. diagnostics
Ars-i; Iod; Meph; Mercurius.