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Convallaria majalis

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Description Source

Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics - E.B. Nash

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations


 I believe the lily of the valley is to become one of our very valuable remedies. It ought to receive a Hahnemannian proving. I have used it with much satisfaction in women who complained of great SORENESS IN THE UTERINE REGION AND SYMPATHETIC PALPITATION OF THE HEART. It has also served me well in dropsies of cardiac origin, especially in women who have at the same time the above- mentioned soreness in uterine region. I once checked the progress of a very bad case of cardiac dropsy after the effusion in the chest had so increased that the patient could not breathe when lying down, and there was much bloody expectoration. I used the 30th potency in this case, though many times very fine results follow the use of the remedy in much lower preparations. The dropsy all disappeared and she was able to be around and enjoy life very well, though the organic heart trouble was not removed.
 BOVISTA has been of use to me in only one affection, but in that it is invaluable-menorrhagia. The FLOW IS ALWAYS WORSE, or sometimes FLOW ONLY IN THE NIGHT IN вED. I do not know of a more reliable symptom. It has helped and cured many cases, both acute and chronic.
 It has also sometimes a flow вETWEEN the periods like, AMBRA GRISEA, but the latter remedy has more nervous or hysterical symptoms.
 USTILAGO MAYDIS is also a remedy that is very useful in menorrhagia or metrorrhagia, and I think I have observed that it is best adapted to those cases where the flow is of a passive nature. THLASPI вURSA PASTORIS. There is apt to be more or less pain and irritation, at the same time, in one or both ovaries. It is especially useful in these cases at the climacteric. I have cured some very bad cases, and always use both this remedy and вOVISTA in the 200th potency.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Available only when using PRO account
Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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