Other names and synonyms
chen-a.Description Source
Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics - E.B. NashPharmacological Group
I have the 30th pot., marked сHENOPODIUM GLAUCI, with which I cured one case of pain under the left shoulder blade. This case was of several years standing, the pain at times becoming very severe. I have also used it in other cases with benefit. I always think of this remedy where I find such a pain and of сHELI., where it is under right shoulder blade. According to Doctor Jacob Jeanes, сHENOPODIUM ANTHELMINTICUM., cures a pain under the RIGHT shoulder blade similar to that of сHELI., The pain in both seems to depend upon some hepatic derangement. Having succeeded with the сHELI., so well, I have never used it. сHELI., is well proven, and a full proving of the сHENOP., may enable us to distinguish between them. вetween the two сHENOPODIUMS and сHELI., we have an important trio for infra- scapular pains which ought to be better understood. Such single symptoms are, of course, small guides to follow, but are sometimes the only ones we have, and when, after full proving, the drug having them is developed, we often find that they were reliable though we could not at first give their pathological significance. I would, I think, as often follow such a guide, as speculations and theories. For instance, here are some such single symptoms which have often been verified. Inframammary pains at climacteric, ACTEA-R., Pain drawing through from nipple to back when child nurses, сROT-T., (SIL.,) Pain in upper left chest through to scapula, MYRT., PIX-L., THERID., and SULPH., Pain through lower right chest, сHELI., MERC., and KALI-C., Pain through upper right chest, сALC., and ARS., Pain through lower left chest, NAT-S., We might add many more such to the list, and they are very valuable.