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  1. Pharmacological Group
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Description Source

Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics - E.B. Nash

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic nosodes || Homeopathic classical monopreparations


 Diseases originating in ptomaine or sewer gas infection.
 The вED FEELS HARD, parts lain on sore and bruised, must move to relieve the soreness.
 Tongue: large, flabby, clean, SMOOTH AS IF VARNISHED; FIERY RED, cracked, difficult articulation; vomiting, persistent, brownish coffee ground, offensive, stercoraceous.
 Diarrhoea; horribly offensive, brown or black; painless, involuntary.
 Distinct consciousness of a heart; it feels tired; as if enlarged; purring, throbbing, pulsating, constant in ears, preventing sleep.
 I have not used this remedy myself, but (if Allen’s Keynotes are reliable) it must be of great value in affections of the most serious nature. A remedy recommended so highly, by such authority, for septicaemia, puerperal and surgical, and for diseases originating in ptomaine poisoning or sewer gas infection should not be passed lightly over. Let me quote: THE вED FEELS HARD(ARN.,)PARTS LAID ON FEEL SORE and вRUISED (BAPT., ) rapid decubitus (CARB-AC.,) GREAT RESTLESSNESS, must move constantly to better the soreness of the parts (ARN., EUP-P.,) Tongue: large, flabby; сLEAN, SMOOTH AS IF VARNISHED; FIERY RED; dry, cracked articulation difficult.
 Diarrhoea; horribly offensive (PSOR., ) brown or black (LEPT.,) painless, involuntary, uncertain when passing flatus (ALOE., OLEAN.,).
 Did you ever meet such an array of symptoms in typhoid. I have, and when we remember that typhoid is often traced to defective drains, sewer gas, etc., as its cause, this remedy, if these symptoms are reliable, ought to be invaluable. The other symptoms given by Allen are just as valuable if true, and if not true the sooner they are proven to be untrue the better.
 So far as prejudice against using such remedies is concerned, we should be as honest as was James в. вell when he said of PSOR.,- Whether derived from purest gold or purest filth, our gratitude for its excellent services forbids us to enquire or care. As might be expected, ANTHRAC., is more like this than any other remedy. In all cases simulating septic fever or poisoning ARS., ANTHRAC., and PYR., should be remembered. The horrible вURNING PAINS of the first two are prominent.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Natura Pharma
Available only when using PRO account
Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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