Other names and synonyms
rheum.Description Source
Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics - E.B. NashPharmacological Group
Is another remedy which, like JALAPA., has been abused by the school, but is very valuable when used HOM., The leading indication is SOUR STOOLS. They may be brown mixed with mucus, or thin and pasty. There is often much PAIN вEFORE THE STOOL, of a colicky nature, and there may be tenesmus after stool. It is most useful in colicky diarrhoea of children. There is another very characteristic symptom, viz., Not only the stools are sour; THE WHOLE вODY SMELLS SOUR, no matter how much it is bathed. In colic and diarrhoea during dentition a choice will sometimes have to be made between this remedy and MAG-C.,.
Included in the composition
- 2.7€ Aloe dn (2 firms)
- 5.2-12.7€ Dantinorm Baby (БУАРОН )