Другие названия и синонимы
ter, Terebinthinae oleum, терпентинное масло гомеопатия, скипидар очищенный гомеопатия, теребинтина ларицина гомеопатия, terebinthina laricina homeopathy.Источник описания
Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics - E.B. NashФармакологическая группа
Burning and smarting on passing urine; urine red, brown, black or SMOKY in appearance.
Tongue smooth, glossy, red, with excessive tympanites (typhoid).
Haemorrhages from outlets especially in connection with urinary or kidney troubles.
TEREBINTHINA ought to come in here, because it, like вERBERIS, has much pain in the back with kidney and bladder troubles. Painters working under the smell of turpentine are often seriously affected by it. Some are unable to work in it. In the turpentine kidney troubles there is apt to be more strangury then the вERBERIS and more blood in urine. The urine becomes brown, black, or more smoky in appearance from more or less admixture of blood. For burning and smarting on passing urine, tURPENTINE stands nearer to сANTHARIS or сANNABIS SATIVA than it does to вERBERIS. All 4 may be found useful in the first stage of albuminuria, tURPENTINE taking the lead, and it may sometimes require considerable study to choose between them. MERC сOR., generally comes later. TEREBINTH. is one of our best anti haemorrhagic remedies. Haematuria, haemoptysis, and haemorrhage from the bowels, especially in typhoid, and even in purpura it may do splendid work. One of the chief characteristics for its use is the SMOOTH, gLOSSY, rED TONGUE (CROTALUS, pYROGEN); another is EXCESSIVE TYMPANITES. These two symptoms are often found in typhoids, and then TEREB., is the remedy. Dropsy after scarlatina, with smoky urine, may find its remedy here, but LACH.,APIS., hELL., or сOLCH., will often dispute claims with it. The old school makes great use of it in many other affections as a local application. I have seen some bad effects from its use in that way for the chest in pneumonia in their hands. I would not recommend it.
Tongue smooth, glossy, red, with excessive tympanites (typhoid).
Haemorrhages from outlets especially in connection with urinary or kidney troubles.
TEREBINTHINA ought to come in here, because it, like вERBERIS, has much pain in the back with kidney and bladder troubles. Painters working under the smell of turpentine are often seriously affected by it. Some are unable to work in it. In the turpentine kidney troubles there is apt to be more strangury then the вERBERIS and more blood in urine. The urine becomes brown, black, or more smoky in appearance from more or less admixture of blood. For burning and smarting on passing urine, tURPENTINE stands nearer to сANTHARIS or сANNABIS SATIVA than it does to вERBERIS. All 4 may be found useful in the first stage of albuminuria, tURPENTINE taking the lead, and it may sometimes require considerable study to choose between them. MERC сOR., generally comes later. TEREBINTH. is one of our best anti haemorrhagic remedies. Haematuria, haemoptysis, and haemorrhage from the bowels, especially in typhoid, and even in purpura it may do splendid work. One of the chief characteristics for its use is the SMOOTH, gLOSSY, rED TONGUE (CROTALUS, pYROGEN); another is EXCESSIVE TYMPANITES. These two symptoms are often found in typhoids, and then TEREB., is the remedy. Dropsy after scarlatina, with smoky urine, may find its remedy here, but LACH.,APIS., hELL., or сOLCH., will often dispute claims with it. The old school makes great use of it in many other affections as a local application. I have seen some bad effects from its use in that way for the chest in pneumonia in their hands. I would not recommend it.
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