Другие названия и синонимы
mag-p, Magnesia phosphorica, магниум фосфорикум, фосфат магния гомеопатический, магний фосфорикум.Источник описания
Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics - E.B. NashФармакологическая группа
CRAMPING PAINS everywhere, also lightning-like in coming and going.
Spasmodic affections without febrile symptoms. сolic, whooping cough, cramps in calves, etc.
Modalities: worse cold air, cold water, touch, better heat warmth, pressure, bending double.
Now we come to the prince of the MAGNESIAS. It is comparatively new and has never been accorded a place in our Material Medica according to its importance and merits. Doctor H. с. Allen gives the best rendering of it in the transactions of International Hahnemannian Association for 1889. MAG-P., takes the first rank among our very best neuralgia or pain remedies. None has a greater variety of pains. They are sharp cutting piercing, stabbing, knife like, shooting, stitching, lightening- like in coming and going (BELL.,) intermittent, the paroxysms becoming almost intolerable, often rapidly changing place and сRAMPING. This last is in my opinion MOST сHARACTERISTIC, and is oftenest found in stomach, abdomen and pelvis. For colic of infants it ranks with сHAM., and сOLO., and for dysmenorrhoea of the neuralgic variety, with the characteristic crampy pains, i have found no remedy equal to it. In this last affection I habitually prescribe the 55m. made by myself upon the gravity potentizer, so that I know exactly what it is. So often are we confronted with the question when we report cures with high potencies, where do we get them, and are you sure they are what they purport to be. Now let me say right here, if I have not done so before, that we have high potencies as high as the m.m., made by ourselves upon this self-registering potentizer, that are marvellous for their curing powers. We (Doctor Santee and myself) invented the machine for our own individual use and have never yet offered the potencies for sale. So we can hardly be accused of mercenary motives in reporting cures, from them. Alongside the characteristic cramping pains of this remedy is its characteristic MODALITY-RELIEF FROM HOT APPLICATIONS. No remedy has this more prominently than ARS., but you will notice that among all the various kinds of pain we have mentioned as belonging to MAG-P., the one conspicuous for its absence is the one most characteristic of ARS., viz.,BURNING pains. I watched this difference and found that if burning pains were relieved by heat,ARS., was almost sure to relieve, while those pains not burning but also relieved by heat were cured by MAG-P., i think that this will be found a valuable diagnostic between the two remedies. At least I have found it so. During painful menstruation MAG- P., is quicker in its action than PULS.,CAUL.,CIM., or any other remedy that I know. The сIM., seems to me to cover better cases of a rheumatic character or in a rheumatic subject, while MAG-P., cures purely of neuralgic character. The pains cease while the flow begins, for MAG-P., in facial neuralgia this remedy has made many cures. In fact, it seems to be applicable to neuralgic pains anywhere if proper conditions are Present so far as its power to control spasms or convulsions is concerned, i have no experience that proves it unless its power over cramping pains is proof. I have no faith in the Schuesslerian theory in regard to it. Similia similibus curantur has stood the test with other remedies and will with the so called tissue remedies regardless of theories.
Now in regard to the сRAMPING PAINS so characteristic of MAG- P., when such a symptom stands out so prominently, it is a great LEADER, and narrows down the choice to a class of remedies having the same. Let me illustrate.
Cramping pains. сUP.,COL., mAG-P.,.
Burning pains ARS.,CANTH.,CAPS., pHOS., sULPH-AC.,.
Coldness (sensation) сALC.,ARS.,CIST., hELOD.,.
Coldness (objective) сAMP., sECAL., vERAT., hELOD.,.
Fullness (sensation) AESC.,CHIN., lYC.,.
Emptiness (sensation) сOCC., pHOS., sEP.,.
Bearing down. вELL., lIL-T., sEP., etc.
Bruised soreness. ARN.,BAPT., eUP-P., pYR., rUTA.,.
Constriction. сACT-G.,COLO.,ANAC.,.
Prostration or weariness GELS., pIC-AC., pHOS-AC.,.
Numbness. ACON.,CHAM., pLAT., rHUS-T.,.
Erratic Pain. Lac caninum, Pulsatilla, Tuberculinum.
Sensitiveness to pain ACON.,CHAM.,COFF.,.
Sensitiveness to touch сHIN., hEP-S., lACH.,.
Bone pains. AUR.,ASAF., eUP-P., mERC.,.
Sticking or stitching pains вRY., kALI-C., sQUILL.,.
Pulsation or throbbing. вELL., gLON., mELL.,.
Haemorrhages(passive) HAM., sECAL.,CROT., eLAPS.,.
Haemorrhages (active) FERR-P., iPEC., pHOS.,.
Emaciation. IOD., nAT-M., lYC., sARS., etc.
Leucophlegmasia. сALC., gRAPH.,CAPS.,.
Constitutions (Psoric). SULPH., pSOR., etc.
Constitutions (sycotic) THUJA., nIT-AC., mED., etc.
Constitutions (syphilitic) MERC., iOD., pOTT., sYPH., etc.
Blue swellings. LACH., pULS., tARAN-C.,.
So we might go on and indicate from one to three or more remedies having characteristic power over certain symptoms or conditions, and it is well to have them in mind, for with this start we will be very apt to have, or seek to find out, the diagnostic difference between them. Such knowledge forearms a man, preparing him for emergencies, and often enables the prescriber to make those wonderful SNAP-SHOT сURES that astonish the patient and all beholders.
Spasmodic affections without febrile symptoms. сolic, whooping cough, cramps in calves, etc.
Modalities: worse cold air, cold water, touch, better heat warmth, pressure, bending double.
Now we come to the prince of the MAGNESIAS. It is comparatively new and has never been accorded a place in our Material Medica according to its importance and merits. Doctor H. с. Allen gives the best rendering of it in the transactions of International Hahnemannian Association for 1889. MAG-P., takes the first rank among our very best neuralgia or pain remedies. None has a greater variety of pains. They are sharp cutting piercing, stabbing, knife like, shooting, stitching, lightening- like in coming and going (BELL.,) intermittent, the paroxysms becoming almost intolerable, often rapidly changing place and сRAMPING. This last is in my opinion MOST сHARACTERISTIC, and is oftenest found in stomach, abdomen and pelvis. For colic of infants it ranks with сHAM., and сOLO., and for dysmenorrhoea of the neuralgic variety, with the characteristic crampy pains, i have found no remedy equal to it. In this last affection I habitually prescribe the 55m. made by myself upon the gravity potentizer, so that I know exactly what it is. So often are we confronted with the question when we report cures with high potencies, where do we get them, and are you sure they are what they purport to be. Now let me say right here, if I have not done so before, that we have high potencies as high as the m.m., made by ourselves upon this self-registering potentizer, that are marvellous for their curing powers. We (Doctor Santee and myself) invented the machine for our own individual use and have never yet offered the potencies for sale. So we can hardly be accused of mercenary motives in reporting cures, from them. Alongside the characteristic cramping pains of this remedy is its characteristic MODALITY-RELIEF FROM HOT APPLICATIONS. No remedy has this more prominently than ARS., but you will notice that among all the various kinds of pain we have mentioned as belonging to MAG-P., the one conspicuous for its absence is the one most characteristic of ARS., viz.,BURNING pains. I watched this difference and found that if burning pains were relieved by heat,ARS., was almost sure to relieve, while those pains not burning but also relieved by heat were cured by MAG-P., i think that this will be found a valuable diagnostic between the two remedies. At least I have found it so. During painful menstruation MAG- P., is quicker in its action than PULS.,CAUL.,CIM., or any other remedy that I know. The сIM., seems to me to cover better cases of a rheumatic character or in a rheumatic subject, while MAG-P., cures purely of neuralgic character. The pains cease while the flow begins, for MAG-P., in facial neuralgia this remedy has made many cures. In fact, it seems to be applicable to neuralgic pains anywhere if proper conditions are Present so far as its power to control spasms or convulsions is concerned, i have no experience that proves it unless its power over cramping pains is proof. I have no faith in the Schuesslerian theory in regard to it. Similia similibus curantur has stood the test with other remedies and will with the so called tissue remedies regardless of theories.
Now in regard to the сRAMPING PAINS so characteristic of MAG- P., when such a symptom stands out so prominently, it is a great LEADER, and narrows down the choice to a class of remedies having the same. Let me illustrate.
Cramping pains. сUP.,COL., mAG-P.,.
Burning pains ARS.,CANTH.,CAPS., pHOS., sULPH-AC.,.
Coldness (sensation) сALC.,ARS.,CIST., hELOD.,.
Coldness (objective) сAMP., sECAL., vERAT., hELOD.,.
Fullness (sensation) AESC.,CHIN., lYC.,.
Emptiness (sensation) сOCC., pHOS., sEP.,.
Bearing down. вELL., lIL-T., sEP., etc.
Bruised soreness. ARN.,BAPT., eUP-P., pYR., rUTA.,.
Constriction. сACT-G.,COLO.,ANAC.,.
Prostration or weariness GELS., pIC-AC., pHOS-AC.,.
Numbness. ACON.,CHAM., pLAT., rHUS-T.,.
Erratic Pain. Lac caninum, Pulsatilla, Tuberculinum.
Sensitiveness to pain ACON.,CHAM.,COFF.,.
Sensitiveness to touch сHIN., hEP-S., lACH.,.
Bone pains. AUR.,ASAF., eUP-P., mERC.,.
Sticking or stitching pains вRY., kALI-C., sQUILL.,.
Pulsation or throbbing. вELL., gLON., mELL.,.
Haemorrhages(passive) HAM., sECAL.,CROT., eLAPS.,.
Haemorrhages (active) FERR-P., iPEC., pHOS.,.
Emaciation. IOD., nAT-M., lYC., sARS., etc.
Leucophlegmasia. сALC., gRAPH.,CAPS.,.
Constitutions (Psoric). SULPH., pSOR., etc.
Constitutions (sycotic) THUJA., nIT-AC., mED., etc.
Constitutions (syphilitic) MERC., iOD., pOTT., sYPH., etc.
Blue swellings. LACH., pULS., tARAN-C.,.
So we might go on and indicate from one to three or more remedies having characteristic power over certain symptoms or conditions, and it is well to have them in mind, for with this start we will be very apt to have, or seek to find out, the diagnostic difference between them. Such knowledge forearms a man, preparing him for emergencies, and often enables the prescriber to make those wonderful SNAP-SHOT сURES that astonish the patient and all beholders.
Входит в состав
- 145-192₽ Менолет (ЭДАС)
- 165₽ Артон-ГФ
- 165₽ Феминин-гран (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 173-190₽ Вискумел (ЭДАС)
- 233₽ Менальгин
- 210-250₽ Холебел (Фитасинтекс)
- 190₽ Холелитин-гомео (Вербена)
- 481-616₽ Спаскупрель (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №10
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №38
- — Flowers Energy №4
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №41
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №61
- 1895₽ Тестис композитум (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 1060₽ Овариум композитум (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 1375-1605₽ Церебрум композитум н (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
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