Другие названия и синонимы
am-m, Ammonium muriaticum, хлорид аммония гомеопатия, аммониум хлоратум.Источник описания
700 Red Line Symptoms - J.W. HutchinsonФармакологическая группа
46. Influenza; acrid, watery coryza, corroding the lips; sore throat, hoarseness with rawness and burning in larynx; dry, tickling cough.
47. сonstipation, stool hard and crumbling, requiring great effort to expel.
48. During menses a bloody discharge from the bowels.
49. сannot walk erect on account of a pain as from sprain in the groins.
47. сonstipation, stool hard and crumbling, requiring great effort to expel.
48. During menses a bloody discharge from the bowels.
49. сannot walk erect on account of a pain as from sprain in the groins.
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