Другие названия и синонимы
carb-v, Carbo vegetabilis, уголь древесный гомеопатия.Источник описания
700 Red Line Symptoms - J.W. HutchinsonФармакологическая группа
208. Head painfully sensitive to pressure, especially of the hat; sensation remains after hat is taken off, as if bound up with a cloth.
209. Gums painfully sensitive while chewing.
210. Aversion to meat, fat and milk which causes flatulence.
211. Excessive flatulence, abdomen full to bursting; worse from lest food; better from eructations and passing flatus.
212 Violent, almost constant, empty, sour and rancid eructations.
213. Great roughness in the larynx, with deep rough voice, which failed if he exerted it; worse evenings.
214. Hoarseness and rawness worse evenings; aphonia worse mornings.
215. вurning in the chest as from glowing coals, with rawness and soreness.
216. Vital forces nearly exhausted, cold surface, especially from knees to feet; lies as if dead; breath cool; pulse intermittent, thready; cold sweat on limbs. 217. Ailments from quinine, especially suppressed chills and fever; from abuse of mercury, from salt and salt meats from putrid meat of fish or rancid fats.
218. Desire to be fanned, must have more air.
219. Abdomen feels as if hanging heavily: must walk bent.
220. Vertigo, must hold on to something; when stooping; also0 from flatulence.
221. Morning Leucorrhoea, milky acid and excoriating the parts.
209. Gums painfully sensitive while chewing.
210. Aversion to meat, fat and milk which causes flatulence.
211. Excessive flatulence, abdomen full to bursting; worse from lest food; better from eructations and passing flatus.
212 Violent, almost constant, empty, sour and rancid eructations.
213. Great roughness in the larynx, with deep rough voice, which failed if he exerted it; worse evenings.
214. Hoarseness and rawness worse evenings; aphonia worse mornings.
215. вurning in the chest as from glowing coals, with rawness and soreness.
216. Vital forces nearly exhausted, cold surface, especially from knees to feet; lies as if dead; breath cool; pulse intermittent, thready; cold sweat on limbs. 217. Ailments from quinine, especially suppressed chills and fever; from abuse of mercury, from salt and salt meats from putrid meat of fish or rancid fats.
218. Desire to be fanned, must have more air.
219. Abdomen feels as if hanging heavily: must walk bent.
220. Vertigo, must hold on to something; when stooping; also0 from flatulence.
221. Morning Leucorrhoea, milky acid and excoriating the parts.
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