Other names and synonyms
nat-m, natrium chloratum.Description Source
700 Red Line Symptoms - J.W. Hutchinson
Pharmacological Group
501. Headache as if bursting, beating and stitches through the neck and chest, with heat in head, red face, nausea and vomiting before, during and after menses, or during the fever stage, decreasing gradually after the sweats.
502. Lips dry, cracked, upper lip swollen, breaks out around the mouth.
503. вlisters like pearls upon the lips, especially in intermittent fever.
504. Great complaints about the dryness of the tongue, which is not very dry.
505. Great aversion to bread of which she was once very fond.
506. When the throat and neck of children emaciate rapidly during summer complaints.
507. сonstipation, with sensation of constriction of the anus, difficult expulsion of a stool fissuring the anus, with flow of blood, leaving a sensation of much soreness.
508. Irregular intermission of the beating of the heart and pulse, especially when lying on the left side.
509. Intermittent fever, especially inveterate or badly treated cases, after quinine, in damp regions or newly turned ground, chill at 10 or 11 p.m.
502. Lips dry, cracked, upper lip swollen, breaks out around the mouth.
503. вlisters like pearls upon the lips, especially in intermittent fever.
504. Great complaints about the dryness of the tongue, which is not very dry.
505. Great aversion to bread of which she was once very fond.
506. When the throat and neck of children emaciate rapidly during summer complaints.
507. сonstipation, with sensation of constriction of the anus, difficult expulsion of a stool fissuring the anus, with flow of blood, leaving a sensation of much soreness.
508. Irregular intermission of the beating of the heart and pulse, especially when lying on the left side.
509. Intermittent fever, especially inveterate or badly treated cases, after quinine, in damp regions or newly turned ground, chill at 10 or 11 p.m.
Included in the composition
- 1.8-2€ Defecol (ЭДАС)
- 2.5€ Герпес (гомеопатический комплекс) (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.3-2.5€ Риобелитон (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Селентал (Фитасинтекс)
- — Sepia-plus (Доктор Н)
- 4.4-6.6€ Selencinum (3 firms)
- — Psorinoheel n (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Flowers Energy №12
- 11€ Flowers Energy №2
- 11€ Flowers Energy №21
- 11€ Flowers Energy №22
- 11€ Flowers Energy №29
- — Flowers Energy №31
- 11€ Flowers Energy №56
- 11€ Flowers Energy №57
- 11€ Flowers Energy №72
- — Flowers Energy №9
- 11€ Flowers Energy №90
- 11€ Flowers Energy №92
- 11€ Flowers Energy №94
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug