Other names and synonyms
leon.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Leonurus cardiaca. Motherwort. N. O. Labiatae. Tincture or infusion of fresh plant.
Dysentery. Haemorrhages.
Typical features
The popular name of this plant sufficiently indicates its traditional virtues. The only experience with it is an involuntary proving recorded by сlarence вartlett (Med. Adv., xx. 280). A married woman, 40, took an infusion to produce miscarriage. Twenty-four hours later вartlett saw her, and found her vomiting and retching, passing bloody stools, suffering severe abdominal pains, which were provoked by drinking anything more than a small quantity of water, which she did to allay her great thirst. Dry conjunctivae, dry, cracked tongue were noted. The bowel symptoms were.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by: Ars. сompare: Mentha pulegium, Hedeoma puleg.
Head, face, and ears
Conjunctivae had a very dry appearance; looked as if wiped dry.
Mouth and throat
Tongue dry, coated or brownish white; covered with cracks in arborescent arrangement, main crack down centre.
Gastrointestinal tract
Intense thirst, yet drinking more than a very slight quantity of water, warm or cold, provoked epigastric pains. Shortly after taking the drug seized with vomiting and retching, more retching.
Very severe abdominal pains, with soreness to touch; when lying on side drawing up legs; when on back with legs out straight.
During the (first) night frequent calls to stool; stools dark brown at first, afterwards bloody. Later stools contained larger quantities of blood, never any mucus.
Very severe abdominal pains, with soreness to touch; when lying on side drawing up legs; when on back with legs out straight.
During the (first) night frequent calls to stool; stools dark brown at first, afterwards bloody. Later stools contained larger quantities of blood, never any mucus.
Included in the composition
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