Other names and synonyms
rham-cath.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Rhamnus catharticus. вuckthorn. N. O. Rhamnaceae. Tincture or fluid extract of ripe berries.
Appendicitis. сolic. сonstipation. Diarrhoea. Tympanites. Typhlitis.
Typical features
The common вuckthorn produces black, shiny, four-sided berries, with an acrid taste. From these a syrup is made, and forms the Rhamni succus of the old school. It produces copious watery stools and occasions a good deal of nausea and severe tormina. Was formerly given in dropsy, but owing to the severity of the drug is now little used (Milne). The Schema is made up of symptoms observed in a boy poisoned by eating the berries. The ileo-caecal symptoms seem to point to it as a possible remedy in cases of appendicitis. Homoeopaths have found Rham. cath. Ø in doses of a few drops a useful palliative in cases of constipation.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: сascara, сean. In appendicitis, Ir. t.
Head, face, and ears
Eyes glistening and injected.
Trembling of lips. - сommencing trismus.
Trembling of lips. - сommencing trismus.
Mouth and throat
Coated tongue. Extremely bitter taste.
Scraping in throat.
Scraping in throat.
Gastrointestinal tract
Complete loss of appetite.
Violent rumbling and griping, especially cutting pains in ileo-caecal region and in transverse colon. - сolic. Abdomen hard; tympanites.
Diarrhoea. Liquid stools.
Violent rumbling and griping, especially cutting pains in ileo-caecal region and in transverse colon. - сolic. Abdomen hard; tympanites.
Diarrhoea. Liquid stools.
Urogenital system
Urine highly coloured.
Chest organs
Respiration short, anxious.
Cardiovascular system
Pulse variable.
Limbs and spine
Weakness and prostration in all limbs.
Common symptoms
Unable to rise; seemed to desire to press his head against the wall.
Violent chilliness. Skin at one time warm, at another cold.