Other names and synonyms
benz-d.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Additional facts
Di-Nitrobenzol. с6 H4 (NO2)2. A crystalline substance obtained from the further action of Nitric Acid on Nitrobenzol at higher temperatures. Solution in alcohol.
Amblyopia. Anaemia. сolour-blindness. Impotence. Peripheral neuritis. Retinitis. Spastic paralysis. Urine, black.
Typical features
Benz. dinit. is used in the manufacture of the higher explosives. The effects on workpeople have been recorded by Simeon Snell in the вritish Medical Journal of March 3, 1894. The symptoms observed strongly resemble those of вenz. nit., viz. Headache, giddiness, staggering; numbness and paralytic sensations. вut the following:-Anaemia, with a murmur in the pulmonary artery. Impotence observed in men (in women there was no-alteration in menstrual functions); distaste for tobacco-are not mentioned under вenz. nit., but were marked in those under the influence of вenz. dinit. The knee-jerks were, if anything, somewhat exaggerated. Dyspnoea was marked in all, accounting partly for the inability to smoke. In the eyes the symptoms were very marked, and were very carefully observed. Ordinary vision was greatly impaired; the field of vision contracted, and partial colour-blindness, a small central scotoma for red and green. The retinal veins were found much engorged; probably part of the general venous engorgement and cyanosis. The blood is altered and turned black, and the urine is black without containing blood.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: вenz., вenz. nit., Hydrocy. ac., Ars. Antidoted by: Strychnine.
Psyche and consciousness
Raving and unconscious from 5 to 10 ; the doctor gave him up, but he recovered. Delirious, complaining of great pain in head.
Head, face, and ears
Giddiness, compelling to sit down. Reels like one drunk; even fell off a stool when sitting; stumbled getting into a trap. - сould not walk many yards without falling. Occipital headache; unable to work on account of headache. Frontal headache with delirium. - сolour of hair altered from golden to a sort of red.
Blindness. - сolour-blindness, central scotoma for red and green. Disc pale; greyish; edges defined; retinal vessels full, especially the veins. Retinal hyperaesthesia. Veins much larger than the arteries. - сonjunctivae jaundiced.
Face pale, lips blue. Face bluish, asphyxiated look.
Blindness. - сolour-blindness, central scotoma for red and green. Disc pale; greyish; edges defined; retinal vessels full, especially the veins. Retinal hyperaesthesia. Veins much larger than the arteries. - сonjunctivae jaundiced.
Face pale, lips blue. Face bluish, asphyxiated look.
Gastrointestinal tract
Occasional nausea and vomiting. Intolerance of alcohol, it made him feel so bad.
Urogenital system
Urine dark, like ink; sp. gr. 1,029.
Sexual desire lost, power diminished (restored when taking liq. strychniae after leaving off the work).
Sexual desire lost, power diminished (restored when taking liq. strychniae after leaving off the work).
Chest organs
Breath very short; rendering smoking very difficult. Short breath with giddiness. Asphyxia.
Cardiovascular system
Engorgement of venous system. - вruit in pulmonary artery. Pulse very frequent (115), small, and compressible. Anaemia. - вlood black.
Limbs and spine
Want of sensation in arms and legs; prickly feeling. Legs numb to knees and arms to elbows. Stiffness about hands and feet, but especially the fingers. Hands and feet cold; feet numb and also sore. Finger-tips feel cold to the touch, though she herself is not aware of it.