Other names and synonyms
ran-r.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Ranunculus repens. сreeping вuttercup. N. O. Ranunculaceae. Tincture of whole plant.
Back, pulsation in. Eyes, smarting of; inflammation of. (Feet, weakness of. Sleep, short but refreshing.
Typical features
Franz reports a number of symptoms experienced from preparing the juice of this plant. The symptom of phantasmagoria appears in brackets as though there were a doubt about it, and I therefore leave it so. There is quoted in Jahr an account of the effects of eating R. rep. observed in a flock of sheep. Several fell down as if struck by lightning; eyes rolled; breathing hurried. Some reeled and died with their heads bent towards left groin. Mucous membranes of eyes injected; mouth dry; abdomen slightly distended; ruminations ceased. Some raised themselves, reeled, fell down again, bleated piteously; most were in profound coma. вleeding. Great weakness in feet remained behind. R. rep. has furrowed flower-stalks like R. bulb., but it has a spreading calyx and creeping scions.
Psyche and consciousness
(In evening, in bed, he dreams while yet awake that he is in a large city, and sees well-dressed people, masquerades, Turks, &c. Profound coma (sheep).
Head, face, and ears
Evening in bed, crawling sensation on forehead and region of hair, sitting up.
Smarting in eyes; profuse lachrymation. Eyes rolled; conjunctiva injected (sheep).
Smarting in eyes; profuse lachrymation. Eyes rolled; conjunctiva injected (sheep).
Mouth and throat
Mouth dry (sheep).
Gastrointestinal tract
Abdomen sligthly distended (sheep). Reeled and died with heads bent towards left groin (sheep).
Limbs and spine
Evening in bed, beating like full, strong pulsation in sacral region.
Great weakness of feet remained behind (sheep).
Great weakness of feet remained behind (sheep).
Common symptoms
Fell as if struck by lightning (sheep). Died with heads bent towards left groin (sheep). Raised themselves, reeled, fell again, bleated piteously (sheep).
Wide awake and feeling extremely well in morning, though he slept only a few hours.