Other names and synonyms
kali-fcy, c6n6fek4 homeopathy.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Additional facts
Kali ferrocyanidum, Kali ferrocyanuratum, Yellow Prussiate of Potash, Potassic Ferrocyanide. K4Fe (CN)6 3H2O. Trituration. Solution.
Chlorosis. Debility. Dysmenorrhoea. Dyspepsia. Heart, fatty degeneration of. Leucorrhoea. Menorrhagia. Rheumatism.
Typical features
The Ferrocyanide of Potash is prepared by fusing animal substances such as the cuttings of horns, hoofs, and skins with сarbonate of Potash in an iron pot, lixiviating the crude product with water, and purifying the salt with crystallisation (Brunton). In the old school the only uses made of this salt are as a test, and in the preparation of Hcy. ac. Thanks to a proving made under the guidance of J. в. вell, homoeopaths have found in it a remedy rivalling Sepia in the uterine sphere, and Kali c. in its action on the heart. The Kali element seems the predominating power in this salt. The bearing-down sensation and the gastric sinking are prominent indications. Menses too frequent and too profuse. Passive uterine haemorrhages. There is a periodicity in the complaints of K. fcy. Debility, tremors, numbness, haemorrhages, chlorosis, wandering neuralgic pains are among its general effects. W. G. Dietz reports (Amer. Hom., xxiii. 58, quoting N. A. J. H.) this case: Mrs. H., 23, mother of three children, small, anaemic, weak. Four years ill with incurable heart disease, as she had been told. Symptoms: Much distress in heart region. Frequent attacks of pain, a severe ache with occasional sharp plunges; generally by rest; occasionally the conditions are reversed. Palpitation generally accompanies the paroxysms, but may occur independently. Mentally depressed, knows she has heart disease and is going to die. Appetite fitful bowels inclined to be constipated. Urine pale, 1,014, passed frequently. No abnormal constituents. сhilly, hands and feet cold. No organic disease of heart discovered. Has taken quantities of patent medicines. K. fcy. 1x three times a day, improved in two weeks and cured in four months. The symptoms are In afternoon. Touch . On waking, sensation as if fauces raw and tonsils swollen.
Gastrointestinal tract
Sinking. Slight nausea when dressing. Acidity; sour eructations; flatulence, sour or tasting of ingesta; pressure at stomach after eating accompanying symptoms of uterus.
Urogenital system
Too early emissions and little pleasure. Nocturnal emission with indistinct amorous dreams.
Menses: too frequent and too profuse; late; metrorrhagia. Passive painless flow, natural colour, thin, causing much debility. Leucorrhoea: like pus, yellowish, creamy, profuse, unirritating; only after menses, usually by day; with pain in small of back. Sensitiveness of hypogastrium to pressure, womb tender (during pregnancy).
Menses: too frequent and too profuse; late; metrorrhagia. Passive painless flow, natural colour, thin, causing much debility. Leucorrhoea: like pus, yellowish, creamy, profuse, unirritating; only after menses, usually by day; with pain in small of back. Sensitiveness of hypogastrium to pressure, womb tender (during pregnancy).
Cardiovascular system
(Fatty heart with weak, irregular pulse. Heart s action weakened and slowed. Hypertrophy with dilatation. Functional heart disorders with anaemia.
Common symptoms
Debility; pale lips, gums, and skin; cold hands and feet; frequent profuse watery urine, sometimes with traces of clotted blood; wandering neuralgic pains; periodic neuralgia of head following sun.