Other names and synonyms
nabal.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Nabalus serpentarius. Prenanthes serpentaria. White Lettuce. Rattlesnake-root. N. O. сompositae (subord. сhicoraceae). Tincture of whole fresh plant.
Constipation. Ophthalmia.
Typical features
Nabalus is a native American plant much used in domestic practice as a remedy for diarrhoea and dysentery. There is only one proving, with 1st and 3rd dilutions by a married woman, aged 19. The symptoms resemble somewhat those of its botanical relative, Lactuca, especially in constipation and somnolence. The most curious symptom was susceptibility to magnetism and to the personal aura of others. Irritability of temper and occipital pain was.
Psyche and consciousness
Depression followed by unusual buoyancy. - сontinued melancholy. Irritable.
Head, face, and ears
Tipsy sensation. Deep-seated frontal pains behind right eyeball and over eye. Headache with irritability and irritation of eyes, throat, and skin. Occipital pains with stiffness in nucha,.
Great and lasting irritation of eyelids and margins; the margins sting and smart and are slightly swollen. Sight weak.
R. nostril sore. Smell and taste slightly impaired.
Great and lasting irritation of eyelids and margins; the margins sting and smart and are slightly swollen. Sight weak.
R. nostril sore. Smell and taste slightly impaired.
Mouth and throat
Throat sore; tickling and scraping (left),.
Gastrointestinal tract
Appetite and thirst diminished. Desire for lemons. - вurning eructations.
Constipation: only three stools in twelve days, hard, painful, followed by prostration.
Constipation: only three stools in twelve days, hard, painful, followed by prostration.
Urogenital system
Sharp pain (transient) in right kidney. Urine diminished.
Sharp throbbing in uterus. White, jelly-like discharge from vagina; with weakness. Menses delayed.
Sharp throbbing in uterus. White, jelly-like discharge from vagina; with weakness. Menses delayed.
Common symptoms
Dull pains in joints and numbness on waking. Susceptibility to magnetic contact and to the personal aura of her friends. Heaviness, as if blood-vessels filled with lead; body heavy, she leans about.
Subcutaneous glands irritated and swollen, especially behind right ear and in neck. Prickling as from suppressed perspiration; itching, general.
Somnolence. Night sleep prolonged, afterwards lighter and more broken.
Chilliness not by heat of fire. No febrile reaction except occasional flushes over head and face.