Other names and synonyms
musa.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Musa sapientum. вanana. N. O. Palmaceae. Tincture of the flowers.
Constipation. сystitis. Haemorrhoids (bleeding).
Typical features
Jenner (M. H. R., ix. 549) proved the tincture of вanana flowers and produced costiveness and sensation of fulness about anus, in a person of regular habits; and he cured with it a bad case of bleeding haemorrhoids. It also produced pain in the bladder and passage of mucus with urine. сrichton сampbell commends bananas baked in their skins as an ideal food, or even a cure, for brain workers, nervous persons, and anaemics (H. W., xxxii. 478). A syrup made with the juice of bananas extracted by heat is commended as a remedy in chronic bronchitis with insufficient expectoration and marked dyspnoea.
Head, face, and ears
Dull, heavy, frontal headache.
8, 9. Mouth and Throat. Dry, rough, and extremely astringent taste and feeling in mouth, tongue, and fauces, but afterwards an increase of saliva.
11, 12. Stomach and Abdomen. Rumbling in stomach and bowels with expulsion of flatus.
8, 9. Mouth and Throat. Dry, rough, and extremely astringent taste and feeling in mouth, tongue, and fauces, but afterwards an increase of saliva.
11, 12. Stomach and Abdomen. Rumbling in stomach and bowels with expulsion of flatus.
Gastrointestinal tract
Costiveness (in a person of very regular habits) with feeling of fulness about anus. Improvement and ultimate cure of profusely bleeding haemorrhoids; in a case which had resisted every kind of treatment,).
Urogenital system
Discharge of large quantities of mucus with the urine, with dull, aching pain in bladder region.