Other names and synonyms
lob-s.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Lobelia syphilitica. L. coerulia. Great вlue Lobelia. Grows in low grounds in U.S. N. O. Lobeliaceae. Tincture of fresh plant. Acetum.
Acidity. Adenoids. Asthma. вack, pains in. вorborygmi. сartilages, pains in. сatarrh. сoryza. сough. Dyspepsia. Eustachian catarrh. Flatulence. Hay-fever. Influenza. Kidneys, pains in. Lumbago. Melancholia. Post-nasal catarrh. Pylorus, pain in. Sciatica. Spine, pains in. Spleen, affections of. Stomach cough. Throat, sore.
Typical features
The symptoms of the Lob. syph. proving, whilst in many points analogous to those of the other Lobelias, do not bring out the emetic properties of Lob. inflata. There is, however, epigastric sinking, flatulence, dyspepsia, and diarrhoea. Lob. card., Lob. inf., and Lob. syph. all have a milky juice. Hale quotes Rafinesque as saying that the analysis of Lob. syph. shows it to contain Silex, Iron, and Muriate and Phosphate of Lime. The marked action of Lob. syph. on the posterior nares led сooper to use it with success in cases of deafness arising from an unhealthy, soft, swollen, easily bleeding catarrhal condition of the naso-pharynx. This is emphasised by another symptom: Dull aching pain in centre of forehead, over root of nose. сooper (who uses an acetic preparation) considers that with this, as well as with the Inflata, a history of suppression is a leading indication. There are many notable symptoms in the back, back of chest, and about the lower ribs. Some of these led Jeanes (the first prover) to make a very fine cure of melancholia in an educated, intelligent man, of which these were the characteristics: Great depression of spirits; unhappy state of mind, always associated with pain about and under short ribs in back on left side, extending outward nearly to left side posterior aspect of region of spleen. In the proving there was this: Pain on inside of right scapula. Farrington adds this: Pain under (not below) inner border of left scapula,.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: Other Lobelias; Puls. (mental depression and weeping); сhel. and Ranunc. (scapular pains); Hydrast. (postnasal catarrh); сean. (spleen). Lob. i. has one-sided coating of tongue. Lob. s. has left half of palate dry. Pod. relieved the diarrhoea of Lob. s., but not the acute abdominal pains.
Grief. Suppressions.
Psyche and consciousness
Frequent mistakes in spelling and writing (with confused feeling and slight aching in head (after 15 min. Depressed, temper unhappy; with pain in posterior aspect of spleen. - вrain weakness, exertion of mind intolerable; seemed as if he would go wild.
Head, face, and ears
Heaviness over eyes, like a weight, but no pain; with drowsiness. - вurning in right eye with a tear. Itching of left internal canthus; in external canthus. - вoring pain in right orbit. Drawing sensation under right eye, afternoon. Feeling of foreign body under right upper lid with smarting and burning. Soreness of right tarsi. Soreness of eyeballs from turning them.
In left ear: pain; continued itching about posterior edge of meatus.
Frequent sneezing with severe and painful jarring in breast and larynx; larynx feels stretched almost to bursting, with copious discharge of thick mucus from both nostrils, at sunset. Painful irritation of both sides of cartilaginous septum;
Flushed face, with heat, when lying down. Face flushed and headache after dinner, with drowsiness and lassitude, but inability to sleep when lying down; open air. Sensation of dropping under left cheekbone, afternoon. Drawing pain in right cheekbone. Perfect dryness of lips, and a feeling of dryness and sensitiveness of nostrils so that inhalation of air of moderate temperature (60°) = a painful feeling. Pain in right jaw-joint and in middle of right lung, afternoon.
Heaviness over eyes, like a weight, but no pain; with drowsiness. - вurning in right eye with a tear. Itching of left internal canthus; in external canthus. - вoring pain in right orbit. Drawing sensation under right eye, afternoon. Feeling of foreign body under right upper lid with smarting and burning. Soreness of right tarsi. Soreness of eyeballs from turning them.
In left ear: pain; continued itching about posterior edge of meatus.
Frequent sneezing with severe and painful jarring in breast and larynx; larynx feels stretched almost to bursting, with copious discharge of thick mucus from both nostrils, at sunset. Painful irritation of both sides of cartilaginous septum;
Flushed face, with heat, when lying down. Face flushed and headache after dinner, with drowsiness and lassitude, but inability to sleep when lying down; open air. Sensation of dropping under left cheekbone, afternoon. Drawing pain in right cheekbone. Perfect dryness of lips, and a feeling of dryness and sensitiveness of nostrils so that inhalation of air of moderate temperature (60°) = a painful feeling. Pain in right jaw-joint and in middle of right lung, afternoon.
Mouth and throat
Frequent shooting pains through right teeth. - вleeding of gums with putrid taste. A renewed secretion of thick mucus, apparently on inferior surface of palate, renewed by snuffing and hawking, with still further diminution of throat soreness. Dryness of left half of palate. - сonstrictive feeling of skin of mouth and tongue, especially at left commissure of jaws; ten minutes later towards root of tongue. Great soreness, rawness, pricking, dryness of lower surface of palate; extending forward through mouth; by secretion of mucus and at noon, but still continued.
Increased secretion of mucus. Thick mucous secretion in throat with of constricting rawness, dryness, and soreness. Dryness of throat with sensation as if pharynx was open like a funnel. Pain in region of left tonsil (immediately); of right tonsil (after 16 minutes). Sensation of a lump in upper part of oesophagus.
Increased secretion of mucus. Thick mucous secretion in throat with of constricting rawness, dryness, and soreness. Dryness of throat with sensation as if pharynx was open like a funnel. Pain in region of left tonsil (immediately); of right tonsil (after 16 minutes). Sensation of a lump in upper part of oesophagus.
Gastrointestinal tract
(Acid eructations 5 to 6 p.m). Water-brash 8 p.m - Dyspepsia uniformly by drinking cold water. Sinking in stomach followed by borborygmi below epigastrium. Slight pain in region of pylorus. Awoke 6 p.m with violent pain in stomach and pain and borborygmus in bowels, followed by copious watery stools with tenesmus and soreness of anus; four attacks one day increasing in violence, colic and diarrhoea by Podoph., but the pain in stomach with sense of distension increased, with hunger. Jolting of an easy carriage = pain in stomach and both hypochondria.
Borborygmi: below epigastrium.
Copious watery stools with tenesmus and soreness of anus. Loose stools. Ineffectual effort at stool, but free evacuation of tasteless wind on rising from bed.
Borborygmi: below epigastrium.
Copious watery stools with tenesmus and soreness of anus. Loose stools. Ineffectual effort at stool, but free evacuation of tasteless wind on rising from bed.
Urogenital system
Itching and smarting in fore part of urethra. Increased quantity of urine with free discharge. A small quantity of water, which he is obliged to retain for some time, = pain in bladder; when evacuated, of deep amber colour.
Chest organs
Larynx feels stretched almost to bursting. Much tickling about top of larynx with disposition to hacking cough, evening. Morning hoarseness from state of stomach. Dyspeptic stomach cough. Slight mucous expectoration, evening. Dry, hacking cough of four weeks duration, day and night, with pain right side about junction of sixth rib with its cartilage, of a year s duration; dryness of back of throat.
Pain middle right lung and right jaw-joint. Pain just anterior to cartilaginous margin of short ribs. Pain between shoulders and neck both sides. Aching pain in cartilage of sixth left rib. Rheumatic pain along right clavicle. Pain along juncture of sixth right rib with its cartilage. Pain in left chest near axilla with aching in left shoulder and arm. Oppression in lower chest as if breath did not reach there; distress in region of heart and audible knocking respiration (like sound of chopping wood); pain under short ribs and dry cough. Pain under left breast. Severe and painful jarring in breast and larynx; larynx feels stretched to bursting, frequent sneezing; at sunset.
Pain middle right lung and right jaw-joint. Pain just anterior to cartilaginous margin of short ribs. Pain between shoulders and neck both sides. Aching pain in cartilage of sixth left rib. Rheumatic pain along right clavicle. Pain along juncture of sixth right rib with its cartilage. Pain in left chest near axilla with aching in left shoulder and arm. Oppression in lower chest as if breath did not reach there; distress in region of heart and audible knocking respiration (like sound of chopping wood); pain under short ribs and dry cough. Pain under left breast. Severe and painful jarring in breast and larynx; larynx feels stretched to bursting, frequent sneezing; at sunset.
Cardiovascular system
Severe pain in region of heart about sunset.
Limbs and spine
Stiffness of nape (.
Severe aching of shoulder and fingers, whilst writing. Heavy pain in radial muscles of left arm; later in same of right-Stiff, numb feeling in right palm. Sticking pain in left thumb, fleshy part of last phalanx.
Pain in both hips, occasionally. Sensation of coldness, as if from the weather, with aching, in both knees through the day. Stitching pain in left tibia. Rheumatic pain over right inner ankle. Pain in upper part of left heel. Pricking stinging sensation as if asleep, in both soles. Pain in fleshy part of last phalanx of left great toe; sore pain in its joints.
Severe aching of shoulder and fingers, whilst writing. Heavy pain in radial muscles of left arm; later in same of right-Stiff, numb feeling in right palm. Sticking pain in left thumb, fleshy part of last phalanx.
Pain in both hips, occasionally. Sensation of coldness, as if from the weather, with aching, in both knees through the day. Stitching pain in left tibia. Rheumatic pain over right inner ankle. Pain in upper part of left heel. Pricking stinging sensation as if asleep, in both soles. Pain in fleshy part of last phalanx of left great toe; sore pain in its joints.
Common symptoms
Lassitude, after dinner. Transient pain over left kidney, and soon after in left hypochondrium.
(Itching here and there on skin, worse than usual.
Drowsy but unable to sleep, when lying down after dinner. Slight drowsiness and oppression over eyelids. Restless sleep with frequent wakings through the night.
Cold sensation as if alcohol had been spilled on outer left thigh. - сold hands, hot forehead. Feeling of heat in back, shoulders, face, with burning of ears.