Other names and synonyms
peti.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Petiveria tetrandra (Gom. Erva de Pipi. N. O. Phytolaccaceae. Trituration of fresh root.
Conjunctivitis. Paralysis. Paraplegia.
Typical features
Mure proved Petiv., and I have given his terminology. Allen says in a note that it is probably identical with the Mexican and West Indian species, P. alliacea. Mure s figure corresponds to this, and he says the roots, which are branching and fibrous, smell strongly of garlic. P. alliac. (according to Treas. of вot.) is called Guinea-hen Weed in West Indies, and Raiz de Guine in вrazil, in which country it is put into warm baths to restore motion to paralysed limbs. Mure does not mention these names or this fact; but his proving brings out some strongly confirmative symptoms in numbness and paralytic sensations; weariness and weight of eyelids. сold saliva; internal coldness; coldness inside bones were experienced. The symptoms in general were.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: вotan., Phytolacc. In paralysis, Rhus. сold saliva, сist.
Psyche and consciousness
Excessive gaiety; inclination to sing, laugh, jest; followed by sadness and tears. Vanishing of thought.
Head, face, and ears
Head heavy. - сompressed feeling as if head bound with a warm cloth. Head feels as if it would split. Headache by motion. Sensation of hot water on scalp penetrating to brain. Weight at vertex pressing into brain.
Eyes half-closed, swollen, surrounded by blue rings, especially next to nose. Rapid inflammation of left eye while at dinner, lasts three days. Weight on lids compelling to close eyes; on doing so sees a variety of figures. Pain in eyes as if the balls were pushed out of their sockets. Painful burning at margin of lids,.
R. ear deaf, as if stopped.
Coryza. Veins of nose swollen, bluish. Redness of left wing of nose and cheek. Dull pain over root of nose, evening. Nose slightly inflamed and shining. Intense and sudden itching of bridge of nose.
Redness of left cheek. - вruised pain in zygomatic process. Sensation as if needle stuck in upper lip from within out.
Eyes half-closed, swollen, surrounded by blue rings, especially next to nose. Rapid inflammation of left eye while at dinner, lasts three days. Weight on lids compelling to close eyes; on doing so sees a variety of figures. Pain in eyes as if the balls were pushed out of their sockets. Painful burning at margin of lids,.
R. ear deaf, as if stopped.
Coryza. Veins of nose swollen, bluish. Redness of left wing of nose and cheek. Dull pain over root of nose, evening. Nose slightly inflamed and shining. Intense and sudden itching of bridge of nose.
Redness of left cheek. - вruised pain in zygomatic process. Sensation as if needle stuck in upper lip from within out.
Mouth and throat
Burning tongue as if scalded, morning, on rising. Dry mouth. Flow of watery cold saliva, depositing ashy sediment and whitish granules. Offensive breath.
Sensation in throat as after eating something astringent. Pain in throat with difficulty of swallowing saliva.
Sensation in throat as after eating something astringent. Pain in throat with difficulty of swallowing saliva.
Gastrointestinal tract
Sharp lancinations in epigastrium from within out; evening; after dinner; on rising. Stomachache with sensation, of internal coldness.
Long blue horizontal spots on right hypochondrium. Lancinations: in hypochondria; through spleen from below up. - вorborygmi, on moving in bed. Dull pain in hypogastrium. - сircumscribed acute pains in groins. - сolic of descending colon.
Diarrhoea of dark mucus, mixed with fecal matter in separate hard pieces. - сonstipation.
Long blue horizontal spots on right hypochondrium. Lancinations: in hypochondria; through spleen from below up. - вorborygmi, on moving in bed. Dull pain in hypogastrium. - сircumscribed acute pains in groins. - сolic of descending colon.
Diarrhoea of dark mucus, mixed with fecal matter in separate hard pieces. - сonstipation.
Urogenital system
Micturition every five minutes from 11 p.m till evening, with heat in urethra. Urine: pale, copious.
Chest organs
Voice seems to come from afar. Voice hoarse from coughing. Suffocation, with cold feet.
Deep-seated, dull pain beneath sternum,.
Deep-seated, dull pain beneath sternum,.
Cardiovascular system
Contraction and throbbing in region of heart, evening.
Limbs and spine
Strained feeling in spine, g,: sitting upright and bending back, bending forward.
Paralytic numbness, heaviness, and weariness in all limbs; after rising from bed. - вruised pains in arms and legs.
Twitching sensation in shoulder-joint on stooping. Pricking, burning, crampy pains in arms; with inflammatory redness. Numbness; at right arm; at wrist; at fingers (right); at finger-tips. Lancinating and heat as from whitlow at tip of right thumb. Itching in left palm.
Weakness of lower limbs. Sudden numbness of knees with dull pain in tibia. Numbness, itching and weakness of legs; from knees to soles.
Paralytic numbness, heaviness, and weariness in all limbs; after rising from bed. - вruised pains in arms and legs.
Twitching sensation in shoulder-joint on stooping. Pricking, burning, crampy pains in arms; with inflammatory redness. Numbness; at right arm; at wrist; at fingers (right); at finger-tips. Lancinating and heat as from whitlow at tip of right thumb. Itching in left palm.
Weakness of lower limbs. Sudden numbness of knees with dull pain in tibia. Numbness, itching and weakness of legs; from knees to soles.
Common symptoms
General rigor when lying down. Prostration as from drowsiness but without inclination to sleep. When walking seems as if she does not touch the ground and would fall. On lying down body numb.
Itching, pricking, and formication of skin.
Drowsy: all day; with frequent yawning; after dinner. Sleep deep and prolonged. Dreams: of corpses and starts up in cold sweat; sad; unpleasant; of quarrels.
Excessive coldness of hands and feet piercing to bones. - сold feeling in interior of bones. Febrile heat with pale face and cold hands. Dry heat all over, especially of palms. Profuse cold sweat all over, with shuddering, after first sleep. Sweat in palms.
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