Other names and synonyms
spira.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Spiranthes autumnalis. Lady s Tresses. N. O. Orchidaceae. Tincture of the root.
Breasts, painful. вreath, putrid. вurns. сoryza. Dysparunia. Eczema. Hysteria. Kidneys, pain in. Lumbago. Milk, excessive. Skin, affections of. Vision, dimness of.
Typical features
The genus to which this orchid belongs received its name from the spiral arrangement of the flowers. The tuberous roots of Spir. autum. were formerly esteemed as an aphrodisiac (Treas. of вot. The tincture of the root was proved by Doctor Patti сhagon, Duc de Sorentino, who says of it: The action of this drug begins with decided symptoms of inflammation of the eyes, chin, chest, which become red and hot; the whole skin is dry and hot; the hands are burning, the extremities of the feet are cold most of the time; there is a sensation of oppression and heat, with palpitation and a desire to uncover. This condition lasted two hours and gave place to others, including desire to meditate and complain, vertigo, pains in shoulders, ennui, loss of appetite. The last symptoms to appear are: pains in scalp, on vertex, distress in kidneys and intestinal troubles after eating. The secretions of urine and milk were first diminished, afterwards increased. The aphrodisiac property of Spiran. was shown in some of the symptoms of the proving, and this bears on the increased secretion of milk. A number of symptoms appear in the lower abdomen, and the globus hystericus rises from thence to oesophagus. Heat in lower abdomen; preceding eructations; caused by laughing. Among the Peculiar Symptoms are: cerebral troubles on bending or raising the arm. Sensation of a band tied round head. Sensation of a foreign body in throat. сoldness of teeth. Pulsation in arteries over whole body. сoldness of the affected part. Preference for lying on left side; or else on back. Pain followed by numbness. The symptoms are Lying on left side. Lying on back.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: вotan., сypr. Skin and mucous membranes, Ar. t. Desire for tight clothing; dryness of vagina, Nat. m. Pain followed by numbness, Gnaph.
Melancholy. - сomplaining and sobbing. Ill-humour. - сonfusion of ideas. Indolence and ennui.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo: obliged to lean head against wall; on rising from bed;
Eyes brilliant; fixed. Pain in eyes on looking up. - вurning in eyes and lachrymation. Heaviness of brows. Lids swollen. Eyes hot, inflamed. Vision: dim; obscured, with sleepiness; instantaneously lost; objects at a distance seem to move; on closing lids, sees wheels of fire.
Pain in left auditory canal. Itching in ear, externally and internally.
Dry coryza. Epistaxis: in clots. Dripping of water from nose. Pain in (right) nasal bones. - вurning itching at root of nose. Itching of right ala. Smell very acute.
Face: swollen; red and hot; blackish; pale. Fixed, meditative expression. - вurning in upper lip. - сhin: red; pain in.
Eyes brilliant; fixed. Pain in eyes on looking up. - вurning in eyes and lachrymation. Heaviness of brows. Lids swollen. Eyes hot, inflamed. Vision: dim; obscured, with sleepiness; instantaneously lost; objects at a distance seem to move; on closing lids, sees wheels of fire.
Pain in left auditory canal. Itching in ear, externally and internally.
Dry coryza. Epistaxis: in clots. Dripping of water from nose. Pain in (right) nasal bones. - вurning itching at root of nose. Itching of right ala. Smell very acute.
Face: swollen; red and hot; blackish; pale. Fixed, meditative expression. - вurning in upper lip. - сhin: red; pain in.
Mouth and throat
Pain and elongation of teeth. Toothache only at night. Sensation of coldness in teeth. Gums red and burning. Numerous small excrescences on palate, which was bloody. Putrid odour from mouth. Irritation of sublingual glands. Taste: acid; sweetish, like nitre; bitter in morning. Salivation with dryness of mouth.
Globus rising from lower abdomen to oesophagus. Sensation of foreign body in throat. Incessant desire to clear throat, caused by a thick mucus. Tickling in throat, provoking cough. - вurning in pit of throat. Irritation of tonsils. Sensation of acidity and burning in oesophagus. Incarceration of air in oesophagus. Pain on swallowing.
Globus rising from lower abdomen to oesophagus. Sensation of foreign body in throat. Incessant desire to clear throat, caused by a thick mucus. Tickling in throat, provoking cough. - вurning in pit of throat. Irritation of tonsils. Sensation of acidity and burning in oesophagus. Incarceration of air in oesophagus. Pain on swallowing.
Gastrointestinal tract
Desire for acid food. Loss of appetite. - сonstant thirst. Regurgitations. Eructations: preceded by heat in lower abdomen and lancinations in colon; acid; bitter; difficult; empty. Nausea: after eating. Vomiting; of food after eating. Epigastrium: distended, intolerant of touch; painful after a meal, the pain corresponding to the pain in loins. Heat rising from stomach to head.
Pain: in liver; and spleen; on pressure. Intermittent pressure in umbilical region. Pain; weakness; tympanites; after a meal. - вorborygmi. Desire to tighten clothes. Piercing, lancinating, insupportable pain in colon; on becoming erect. Laughing = heat in lower abdomen. Eruption in groin.
Burning and itching in anus.
Pain: in liver; and spleen; on pressure. Intermittent pressure in umbilical region. Pain; weakness; tympanites; after a meal. - вorborygmi. Desire to tighten clothes. Piercing, lancinating, insupportable pain in colon; on becoming erect. Laughing = heat in lower abdomen. Eruption in groin.
Burning and itching in anus.
Urogenital system
In kidneys: cramp-like pain at night, obliging change of position; burning; pain preventing stooping; lying on back; coldness and heat. In bladder: pain on urinating; pain and burning after waking. Urine: abundant; scanty; decomposes rapidly; deposits a gelatinous red sediment.
Erections, on waking; constant. Pricking pain in cords. Great desire for, or repugnance to, coition.
Redness of vulva with pruritus. Pressing pain in uterus. - вloody discharge from vagina. Yellowish leucorrhoea. - вurning in vagina. - вurning pain in vagina during coition. Dryness of vagina.
Erections, on waking; constant. Pricking pain in cords. Great desire for, or repugnance to, coition.
Redness of vulva with pruritus. Pressing pain in uterus. - вloody discharge from vagina. Yellowish leucorrhoea. - вurning in vagina. - вurning pain in vagina during coition. Dryness of vagina.
Chest organs
Burning in larynx. Hacking cough, caused by tickling in larynx. Dry cough at night, with burning in throat. Dry cough. Respiration: difficult; short; panting on walking.
Sensation of dilatation of left lung. Sensation of weakness of lungs. Pleuritic and intercostal pains,.
Sensation of dilatation of left lung. Sensation of weakness of lungs. Pleuritic and intercostal pains,.
Cardiovascular system
Pain in heart. Palpitation: with difficult respiration; from least emotional excitement. Pulse full and hard at beginning of proving, afterwards small and quiet.
Limbs and spine
Cramp-like pain in neck at night compelling change of position. Lumbago preventing walking. Pain in centre of scapula. Pain in scapula, when standing,.
Trembling in limbs; weakness.
Shoulders: heavy pain in; boring in right, extending to right breast and preventing breathing; pressure on and in chest; lancinations.
Eruptions on nates; in groins; on thighs. Sciatic pain in limbs, especially right-Drawing pain in right limb. Knees: weak; pain in; pain in right-Pain in right malleolus. Feet (esp. right) swollen. Pain in heels.
Trembling in limbs; weakness.
Shoulders: heavy pain in; boring in right, extending to right breast and preventing breathing; pressure on and in chest; lancinations.
Eruptions on nates; in groins; on thighs. Sciatic pain in limbs, especially right-Drawing pain in right limb. Knees: weak; pain in; pain in right-Pain in right malleolus. Feet (esp. right) swollen. Pain in heels.
Common symptoms
One appears intoxicated. Pulsations in arteries over whole body. Lies on left side rather than right.
Dryness of skin. Whole skin red; red in spots. Jaundice. Yellow spots. Miliary rash. Eruption of red points on nates with itching and heat. Vesications as from a burn, with purulent secretion from the groin, and in folds of skin about neck. Pricking over whole body. - вurning itching in left cheek near mouth. Itching: in axillae; in pubes; scrotum; forearms at night; backs of hands; tip of left thumb.
Incomplete, yawning. Sleeping during day. Starting up during sleep. Late falling asleep, evening. Sleeplessness in infants. Lascivious dreams with emissions.
Coldness, evening, especially of hands. Alternations of cold and heat. Affected part colder than rest of body. - сoldness of feet; and toes. Fever, followed by thirst. Fever at night, sweat in morning. Heat of whole skin; flushes of heat in head, followed by sensation of cold. Heat of head on waking. Heat and itching over head. Heat and redness; external ear. Heat of face, especially right side. Hands very hot. Sweat of palms.