Other names and synonyms
osm.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
OSMIUM. The Element. Os. (A. W. 190.3). Trituration of the precipitated metal.
OSMICUM ACIDUM. Osmium tetroxide. OsO4. Dilutions with absolutely pure water.
OSMICUM ACIDUM. Osmium tetroxide. OsO4. Dilutions with absolutely pure water.
Asthma. вronchitis. сold, liability to. сoryza. сough, spasmodic. Eczema. Erections. Glaucoma. Headache. Hernia. Herpes iris. Larynx, pain in. Penis, sores on. Pollutions. Post-nasal bleeding. Post-nasal growths. Spermatic cords, pains in. Sternum, pain in. Syphilis. Syphilitic eruptions. Testicles, pains in. Tongue, sore. Trachea, pain in.
Typical features
Osmium is a metal of the Platinum group, in association with which it is always found. It is the heaviest of them all and the most refractory, having never been fused. It derives its name (όσμή odour) from the pungent odour of the fumes of Osmic acid, which are evolved in the process of separating Platinum from its ore, and the effects of which have supplied a number of valuable symptoms in cases recorded by J. G. вlackley (C. D. P. In the arts it is used in the alloy with iridium (Iridosmium or Osmiridium) for making the tips of gold pens. Triturations of the pure metal have been proved. The symptoms of the metal and of the acid are taken together. The odour of Osm. closely resembles that of сhlorine, as also do its irritating effect on the respiratory mucous membrane. The odour imparted to the secretions is various it makes the urine smell like violets; the eructations like radishes the axillary sweat like garlic. The respiratory tract is irritated from beginning to end, and not only irritated but pained. The nostrils and larynx are sensitive to cold air. There is pain in larynx, trachea, and in and under sternum on coughing. Even talking causes pain in larynx. сough convulsive in paroxysms; hollow sounding as if one coughed into an empty tube; caused by irritation in larynx or low down in chest. As with so many remedies causing cough and asthmatic symptoms, Osm. is no less irritating to the skin, producing all degrees of irritating eruptions, eczematous and herpetic. In one of вlackley s cases a child born during the time that his father was under the influence of Osm. ac. developed eczema, though none of the previously born children were eczematous. In one of the provers the eruption proceeded from above downwards, the eruption disappearing from the upper part of the body and becoming worse on the lower. The downward direction of the symptoms also appeared in the male generative sphere, which was profoundly influenced: Weakness in both groins towards cords. с. M. вoger (Med. сouns., xvi. 264) cured a case in which there was pain in both directions: Stitching pain upward in left spermatic cord. сreeping sensation downwards in left spermatic cord. Weakness in calves; they give out while walking. Shootings in the sternum are up and down. In another case (man, 44, syphilitic) he cured: Dull, steady pain in hypogastrium, sore to pressure. Steady aching in glans penis. In the provings the erections were severe almost to priapism, and the ejaculations were longer-lasting and more copious than normal. The kidneys were affected in one of вlackley s cases, incipient nephritis being set up. The headaches of the provings were of a violent description, many of them affecting the base of the brain. A woman, 62, to whom I once gave Osm. 2x for a spasmodic cough with pain in the head had a severe aggravation, the headache taking this form: Sharp pain in centre of forehead going through to back; by hard pressure on forehead. She discontinued Osm. and in two or three days that pain went away, leaving only an ordinary headache. The cough was not relieved. G. S. Norton (H. W., xviii. 263) suggests that Osm. may be a remedy in many cases of glaucoma. Among the peculiar sensations are: As of a band round head. As if he had swallowed broken stones. сough as if caused by resonance of contiguous parts. As if insects crawling on back and shoulders. Legs and feet as if too full. The symptoms are (smarting in eyes).
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by: Sulphuretted hydrogen, Phos. ac. Sil. (swollen gums); Hep. and Spo. (pain in larynx); вell. and Merc. (laryngeal catarrh). сompare: Iridium, Selen., Tellur., Thall., Plat., Pallad. In eyes and lungs, сhlor., вro. Skin of nails, Flu. ac. Itch, Sul. сoryza, cough with pain in larynx, сep. (but сep. has in open air). Eruptions, Ars., Rhus.
Psyche and consciousness
Morose, irritable, impatient. Weeping mood, screaming with cough. Weak, gives up. - сonsciousness of mental weakness; misplaces words. Thoughts of accidents having happened to others, these thoughts grow upon him as if he were to do the same injuries to others. Disinclination for work.
Head, face, and ears
Dull, heavy headache. Violent headache above and under the eyes, one-sided, extending to the ears; by pressing on it. Aching: in base of brain and jaws at night; extending from base of brain into jaws;
Sharp pain in orbit (as if in bones); lids spasmodically closed. - вurning pain in eyes, with profuse lachrymation. Weakness of sight ( open air, but leaving eyes weak, so as to prevent reading, all objects surrounded by a coloured halo, eyes red and swollen. Flame of candle surrounded by a bluish-green or yellow circle; or a rainbow ring; the flame looks larger or less distinct; at a distance it seems enveloped by dust or smoke. Veins at fundus large and tortuous. Glaucoma.
Ringing in right ear. Tingling and pain in right ear. Earache evenings; first right then left ear. Severe pains in left petrosum. Perforations with irritation of meatus (both sides), sneezing, catarrh, sore throat, pasty posterior nares. Itching in the ears; profuse nasal catarrh. Meatus and membrane look red, and latter is perforated; thin but stringy discharge from nose. Deafness; ears pain when nose is blown; mouth open; sleep noisy. Girl of 14 with post-nasal growths improved rapidly under Osmic acid, 3x, but was seized with exhaustion; then under Hydroc. ac.; got quite well. Cures by сooper)].
Sensation as if blood rushed into nose from head. - сoryza with sneezing. Sneezing and fluent coryza, with tickling in larynx, with difficult respiration. Discharge from posterior nares of loose mucus. - вurning irritation in nose. Nostrils sensitive to cold air. Sense of smell diminished. (Post-nasal growths: adenoids. R. T. с.
Sharp pain in orbit (as if in bones); lids spasmodically closed. - вurning pain in eyes, with profuse lachrymation. Weakness of sight ( open air, but leaving eyes weak, so as to prevent reading, all objects surrounded by a coloured halo, eyes red and swollen. Flame of candle surrounded by a bluish-green or yellow circle; or a rainbow ring; the flame looks larger or less distinct; at a distance it seems enveloped by dust or smoke. Veins at fundus large and tortuous. Glaucoma.
Ringing in right ear. Tingling and pain in right ear. Earache evenings; first right then left ear. Severe pains in left petrosum. Perforations with irritation of meatus (both sides), sneezing, catarrh, sore throat, pasty posterior nares. Itching in the ears; profuse nasal catarrh. Meatus and membrane look red, and latter is perforated; thin but stringy discharge from nose. Deafness; ears pain when nose is blown; mouth open; sleep noisy. Girl of 14 with post-nasal growths improved rapidly under Osmic acid, 3x, but was seized with exhaustion; then under Hydroc. ac.; got quite well. Cures by сooper)].
Sensation as if blood rushed into nose from head. - сoryza with sneezing. Sneezing and fluent coryza, with tickling in larynx, with difficult respiration. Discharge from posterior nares of loose mucus. - вurning irritation in nose. Nostrils sensitive to cold air. Sense of smell diminished. (Post-nasal growths: adenoids. R. T. с.
Mouth and throat
Jerking pain in a right upper hollow molar, often preventing, speech, afterwards the pain returned but was drawing, sucking it with tongue. Sudden swelling of gum above root of an upper left incisor after eating pears, with pain and numbness; by Silic.
Aching in jaws; pain in muscles of mastication. Tongue: coated; and bad taste to coffee; fissured and one spot denuded; edges rough (and covered with pimples); red stripe in middle (paining as if sore). Tongue sensitive to touch when eating and drinking. Mouth sticky and pasty. - сopious salivation. Taste of blood; metallic; unusual to tobacco, it causes scraping in throat, cigars cannot be smoked because they provoke cough and.
Aching in jaws; pain in muscles of mastication. Tongue: coated; and bad taste to coffee; fissured and one spot denuded; edges rough (and covered with pimples); red stripe in middle (paining as if sore). Tongue sensitive to touch when eating and drinking. Mouth sticky and pasty. - сopious salivation. Taste of blood; metallic; unusual to tobacco, it causes scraping in throat, cigars cannot be smoked because they provoke cough and.
Gastrointestinal tract
Aversion to cocoa. Eructations; nausea; vomiting. Qualmishness and extreme discomfort, with dull pain and heaviness in pit of stomach. Aversion to coffee and tobacco, disgust at their odour. Eructations of odour of radishes. Nausea: in morning, with discomfort in pit of stomach; on coughing; after eating, with pain and heaviness in pit of stomach when riding in open air; empty eructations. Vomiting of watery mucus of the odour and taste of the acid, with blackish-grey flakes of mucus. Paroxysmal vomiting of water, afterwards of yellowish and tenacious substances. Distension of stomach and abdomen in evening, with difficult passage of flatus. - сonstriction in forenoon; in epigastrium before dinner (which I take at 12.30), with weight and often a feeling in stomach as if I had swallowed stones. - сhronic vomiting, with pressure in stomach.
Abdomen distended and sensitive; much rumbling. Pain in groins, that on coughing extended into testicles. Pressure on inguinal rings. Weakness in groins towards spermatic cords.
Diarrhoea: nine or ten times daily, preceded or followed by colic, nearly always with black blood (no haemorrhoids); (diarrhoea after coffee). Stools mushy, frequent. - вilious stools, partly fluid, delayed, hasty, with burning at anus. - сonstipated stools; small, delayed. Stool: hard, then soft, orange-coloured; dry, full of air, delayed, next day scanty and small; only a small lump like a marble, difficult. Tendency to piles. Urging but passage of only flatus; urging, then stool, first part hard, then soft, with burning in anus preventing sleep, urging with desire for stool, but evacuation of only a little mucus. - сonstipation. - вurning in anus during and after stool.
Abdomen distended and sensitive; much rumbling. Pain in groins, that on coughing extended into testicles. Pressure on inguinal rings. Weakness in groins towards spermatic cords.
Diarrhoea: nine or ten times daily, preceded or followed by colic, nearly always with black blood (no haemorrhoids); (diarrhoea after coffee). Stools mushy, frequent. - вilious stools, partly fluid, delayed, hasty, with burning at anus. - сonstipated stools; small, delayed. Stool: hard, then soft, orange-coloured; dry, full of air, delayed, next day scanty and small; only a small lump like a marble, difficult. Tendency to piles. Urging but passage of only flatus; urging, then stool, first part hard, then soft, with burning in anus preventing sleep, urging with desire for stool, but evacuation of only a little mucus. - сonstipation. - вurning in anus during and after stool.
Urogenital system
Diminution or suppression of the urinary secretions. Urine albuminous; strong-scented (high-coloured, smelling of violets, apparently full of bile); dark brown (porter-coloured) and scanty; deposits bright-red sediment. - вright s disease.
Violent pain on the point of penis and prepuce. Glans red on left side, during coition a long-lasting emission of semen. Throbbing, stinging, pinching in left side of glans. Hard erections; often after midnight, always on waking in morning, later they last longer, even after rising, desire moderate. Erections every morning, earlier and harder. Pain: in right testicle; in testicles, preventing sleep all night; in spermatic cords,.
Violent pain on the point of penis and prepuce. Glans red on left side, during coition a long-lasting emission of semen. Throbbing, stinging, pinching in left side of glans. Hard erections; often after midnight, always on waking in morning, later they last longer, even after rising, desire moderate. Erections every morning, earlier and harder. Pain: in right testicle; in testicles, preventing sleep all night; in spermatic cords,.
Chest organs
Larynx, tickling; sore pain; burning. Mucous secretion increased; profuse secretion of mucus in air passages; it hangs in larynx like a string, causing hawking and coughing with straining to vomit; has to swallow it; when sneezing the mucus becomes loose easily. Dryness of the throat when coughing. Hoarseness and pain in larynx; with cough and coryza. Hoarseness, deep inspiration;
Moist râles on breathing and in larynx. Wandering pneumonia. Sticking near left lower rib. Pain beneath sternum on coughing, extending to sides of chest, with burning soreness, after coughing long lumps of yellow, tenacious mucus were loosened. Sternum sore, painful to touch, independent of cough. Shooting up and down in sternum. Oppression; deep inspiration, with difficult respiration as if lungs were collapsed and could not get air enough. Tightness, dread of breathing, sore pain when air enters lungs. Dryness in chest.
Moist râles on breathing and in larynx. Wandering pneumonia. Sticking near left lower rib. Pain beneath sternum on coughing, extending to sides of chest, with burning soreness, after coughing long lumps of yellow, tenacious mucus were loosened. Sternum sore, painful to touch, independent of cough. Shooting up and down in sternum. Oppression; deep inspiration, with difficult respiration as if lungs were collapsed and could not get air enough. Tightness, dread of breathing, sore pain when air enters lungs. Dryness in chest.
Cardiovascular system
Anxious palpitation. Pulse rapid.
Limbs and spine
Pressive pain in back and loins. Pain: in sacral region. Peculiar pain extending from scapula to sacral region,.
Heaviness and weariness of limbs,.
Perspiration in axillae smelling like garlic. Pulsating stinging on inner side of right shoulder-joint. Pinching above left elbow, inwardly and on inner posterior side. Pain: in middle of left humerus, then in left fingers; in bone of left elbow. Paralytic pain deep in radius. Pinching in bones of right forearm. Pain in bones of left wrist in morning after stool. Pain in right index, especially in phalanx, stinging and twitching towards tip, in forenoon. Stabbing: in tips of left fingers and thumb; in attacks, in finger tips,.
Rash on thighs and on ankle. Fulness and restlessness in legs and feet, quite unbearable; has to lie down at 9 - Legs almost insensible. Sudden pain in hip-joint as if it would be dislocated, preventing walking. Ulcerative pain in left leg and gluteal muscles. Pain in right ankle. Flying cutting in bones and joints of right foot. Pinching in bones of left heel, then right.
Heaviness and weariness of limbs,.
Perspiration in axillae smelling like garlic. Pulsating stinging on inner side of right shoulder-joint. Pinching above left elbow, inwardly and on inner posterior side. Pain: in middle of left humerus, then in left fingers; in bone of left elbow. Paralytic pain deep in radius. Pinching in bones of right forearm. Pain in bones of left wrist in morning after stool. Pain in right index, especially in phalanx, stinging and twitching towards tip, in forenoon. Stabbing: in tips of left fingers and thumb; in attacks, in finger tips,.
Rash on thighs and on ankle. Fulness and restlessness in legs and feet, quite unbearable; has to lie down at 9 - Legs almost insensible. Sudden pain in hip-joint as if it would be dislocated, preventing walking. Ulcerative pain in left leg and gluteal muscles. Pain in right ankle. Flying cutting in bones and joints of right foot. Pinching in bones of left heel, then right.
Common symptoms
Great weakness and prostration (all day, with muddled head and aching limbs and body; on rising; on rising after a restless night). - сutting and pinching pains in limbs. Tearing to and fro deep in right upper side of forehead and in bones of limbs in evening. General sick feeling. Restless.
Red spots on dorsum of hands. - сopious exanthema on forearms, hands, and cheecks. Red-brown papules, with desquamation, on forearm and hand. Small, itching, pointed vesicles, surrounded by red areola on back of left hand, between thumb and index (where six years before scabies had broken out), and on ulnar margin of left hand, from metacarpal joint to phalanges of little finger, and on outer surface of wrist, on right hand itching, but no vesicles. Itching as from crawling of insects. Face red, tender, covered with pimples with watery heads, then pimples on knuckles, gradually spreading over hands and arms, later hands and forearms covered with red, slightly raised circular or elliptical patches, covered with concentric scabs, resembling later stages of herpes iris, most of patches deeply fissured, patches irritable,.
Sleepiness; overpowering. Sleepless. Restless sleep; with painful dreams. Sleep heavy, interrupted by nightmare. Dreams: of fire, confused, but not frightful; unremembered of activity and of serious and important events.