Other names and synonyms
cor-r.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Additional facts
Gorgonia nobilis. сlass, Zoophytes. N. O. Gorgoniaceae. Trituration.
Asthma milleri. сatarrh. сhancre. сough. Eruptions. Glands, inflamed. Hysteria. Measles. Post-nasal catarrh. Psoriasis. Purpura. Syphilis. Whooping-cough.
Typical features
Red coral, the product of a coralligene zoophyte, contains carbonate of lime, oxide of iron (whence its colour), gelatin, and other elements. In old physic it was considered to have strengthening properties, and to be astringent, sudorific, diuretic, and absorbent. In homoeopathic practice сorallium corresponds to a combination of syphilis and psora. Is suited to persons of nervous temperament; nervous coughs. It causes eruptions which are for the most part of its own colour, coral-red. Red spots on the palms of the hands, at first coral colour, then darker, and finally coppery. The chancres to which it corresponds are coral-red. The cough is of the whooping-cough type; smothering sensation before, and great exhaustion after cough. сough in minute-gun paroxysms. сrowing inspiration; sensation as if inspired air was icy cold. There is much drowsiness with сoral., and many symptoms appear during sleep. J. N. Lowe cured with сoral. an infant, almost a year old, suffering from laryngismus stridulus, the indications being.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidote to: Mercury. сomplementary: Sulph. сompare: вell., сaust., сoff., сoc. c., сon., Hyos. Hydrphb. (inspired air feels cold-also сistus. Nit. ac., Nux v., Mephit., Staph. Dros. (cough always moist-Coral. always dry); Petrol., Selen., Graph.; teeth feel too close together, Tuberc. (Koch). Teste, who proved сoral. and elicited its respiratory symptoms, groups it with сaustic.
Psyche and consciousness
Grumbling humour, with oaths in consequence of the pain. Irascibility and ill-humour. Wine has a natural taste, but immediately stupefies him.
Head, face, and ears
Head bewildered, as if in consequence of drunkenness. - сonfusion in the head, which feels empty and hollow. Intoxication after drinking very little wine. Pressive cephalalgia, as if everything were going to protrude through the forehead, compelling motion of the head, and mitigated only by uncovering the body, which is burning hot. Pressing headache in the forehead; she cannot keep the eyes open; relieved by walking in the open air. Violent cephalalgia with nausea, greatly aggravated on sitting down. Pain in the sinciput as if it were flattened. Aggravation of the headache, and congestion in the head and in the face, on stooping. Sensation, as if wind were traversing the head, on moving it rapidly (or rocking it). Sensation, as if the head were increased in size (three times its size).
Pressure, as from sand, in the reddened eyes (evening). Sensation of compression in the orbit. Pain, as from excoriation in the eyes, on moving the balls or the eyelids. Sensation of heat in the eyes, on closing the lids, with a sensation as if they were swimming in tears. Sensation of burning in the eyes, by candle-light.
Semi-lateral swelling of the nose, with heat, pulsation and sleeplessness. Painful ulcer in the nostril (on the inside of the right wing, with the sensation as if the nasal bones were pressed asunder). Epistaxis, sometimes at night. - вleeding of the nose, from one nostril at a time (at night). Great dryness of the nose. Fluent coryza, with excessive secretion of an inodorous mucus, resembling tallow. Profuse secretion of mucus through the posterior nares, obliging one to hawk frequently.
Heat in the face,.
Pressure, as from sand, in the reddened eyes (evening). Sensation of compression in the orbit. Pain, as from excoriation in the eyes, on moving the balls or the eyelids. Sensation of heat in the eyes, on closing the lids, with a sensation as if they were swimming in tears. Sensation of burning in the eyes, by candle-light.
Semi-lateral swelling of the nose, with heat, pulsation and sleeplessness. Painful ulcer in the nostril (on the inside of the right wing, with the sensation as if the nasal bones were pressed asunder). Epistaxis, sometimes at night. - вleeding of the nose, from one nostril at a time (at night). Great dryness of the nose. Fluent coryza, with excessive secretion of an inodorous mucus, resembling tallow. Profuse secretion of mucus through the posterior nares, obliging one to hawk frequently.
Heat in the face,.
Mouth and throat
Every tooth on the left side feels as if set on edge; it feels as if the teeth were too close to one another, or as if a tenacious body were lodged between them.
Great dryness of the fauces. - сonstant hawking, owing to an accumulation of mucus in the posterior nares. Great dryness of the palate and of the throat, with sensation of excoriation on swallowing.
Great dryness of the fauces. - сonstant hawking, owing to an accumulation of mucus in the posterior nares. Great dryness of the palate and of the throat, with sensation of excoriation on swallowing.
Appetite and food preferences
Insipidity of food. Sweetish taste of beer. Violent thirst; longing for acids and salt food. After a meal, the head turns round, as during intoxication. After dinner, hot cheeks and forehead, with cold feet.
Gastrointestinal tract
Nausea, with dryness of the tongue and violent headache;
Constipation (for six days), followed by copious papescent stool.
Constipation (for six days), followed by copious papescent stool.
Urogenital system
Loam- or clay-coloured urine, with similar sediment. - вurning urine.
Copious sweat on the genital parts. Swelling of the prepuce, with pain as from excoriation when it is touched. The margin of the prepuce feels sore when the linen touches it. The fraenum is painful, as if pricked by needles. Pseudo gonorrhoea (balanoblennorrhoea) with fetid secretion of a yellowish-green colour. Red and smooth ulcers on the glans, and in the internal surface of the prepuce, with sanious and yellowish secretion. Pollutions. Involuntary seminal emissions during sleep (without dreams or erections).
Copious sweat on the genital parts. Swelling of the prepuce, with pain as from excoriation when it is touched. The margin of the prepuce feels sore when the linen touches it. The fraenum is painful, as if pricked by needles. Pseudo gonorrhoea (balanoblennorrhoea) with fetid secretion of a yellowish-green colour. Red and smooth ulcers on the glans, and in the internal surface of the prepuce, with sanious and yellowish secretion. Pollutions. Involuntary seminal emissions during sleep (without dreams or erections).
Chest organs
Painful cough, as if a stone were depressing the pleura. Yellow, puriform expectoration, in consequence of the cough. Sensation of cold in the respiratory organs, on taking a deep inspiration; inclination to cough, with difficult hawking up of bronchial mucus (in the morning). - сrowing during inspiration. Violent, spasmodic cough, firing minute-guns of short, barking cough all day. Whooping-cough, or other rapid cough, attacks following so closely as almost to run into one another; cough till patient falls back exhausted. - сough with morning aggravation; smothering sensation before paroxysms. - сold expectoration.
Limbs and spine
Stiffness in nape of neck. Pain, as if the small of the back were broken.
Pressive pain in the shoulder-blades, aggravated by coughing. Pain in the wrists, as if he had been writing much and rapidly. Pains in the shoulder-joints, as if the head of the humerus were pressed violently outwards. Smooth spots of a deep-red colour, in the palms of the hands and in the fingers.
Pain in the knees, tibia and tarsal joint, as if he had walked a great deal.
Pressive pain in the shoulder-blades, aggravated by coughing. Pain in the wrists, as if he had been writing much and rapidly. Pains in the shoulder-joints, as if the head of the humerus were pressed violently outwards. Smooth spots of a deep-red colour, in the palms of the hands and in the fingers.
Pain in the knees, tibia and tarsal joint, as if he had walked a great deal.
Common symptoms
Failing of the limbs, after the least exercise in the open air. Sensation of cold in the hot parts, on uncovering them. The symptoms of heat and cold are by artificial heat.
Red and smooth spots on the skin. Smooth spots on the palms of the hands and fingers, first of a coral colour, then dark-red, and lastly copper-coloured. Measles; purpura; psoriasis.
Yawning, violent, frequent and in rapid succession, with pain in the articulation of the jaw. Great sleepiness; falls asleep while standing. As soon as she falls asleep she starts up, on account of frightful dreams. - сannot sleep before midnight tosses about; if he uncovers himself, he feels too cold, and when covered, he feels too hot.
Pulse full and hard. - сhill; the skin is of the ordinary temperature, with headache and violent thirst; by external heat. Febrile shivering, with burning thirst, and pains in the forehead. Dry heat, internally and externally, with full and hard pulse. Dry heat without thirst, and not followed by perspiration. The hot parts feel cold when uncovered.