Other names and synonyms
sulfon.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Diethylsulphone-dimethyl-methane. (CH3)2C(C2H5S)2. Trituration.
Albuminuria. сramps. сyanosis. Ears, noises in. Epilepsy. Headache, with tinnitus. Haematoporphyrinuria. Locomotor ataxy. Paralysis, ascending. Reflexes abolished.
Typical features
Sulfonal was at first regarded as one of the safest of hypnotics, but many cases of poisoning by medicinal doses have occurred, and my Schema is made up of reported effects produced on patients. The accounts will be found in recent numbers of H. W. Prominent symptoms were: Stupor. Headache, with noises in ears. Vomiting and diarrhoea. Urine retained, or secretion arrested; claret-coloured; containing albumen; porphyrin. Ataxic gait and diminished or abolished reflexes point to locomotor ataxy. Ascending paralysis has been observed. The heart is weak; fainting occurs; and death takes place by heart failure. Rashes have been noticed on the skin, purpuric, erythematous, &c. One man (H. W., xxxii. 174) observed uniform skin effects every time he took Sfo., more intense the larger the dose. This occurred from gr. v. Patches of erythema appeared (1) first on inner side of first phalanx of right little finger; (2) next over proximal ends of metacarpal bones of left thumb and index; (3) on posterior surface of left forearm a little below elbow; (4) fourth on prepuce. The symptoms were by cold douches.
Psyche and consciousness
Stupidity. Unconscious, with dilated and fixed pupils and profuse sweat.
Head, face, and ears
Headache and tinnitus aurium.
Pupils dilated and fixed.
Face livid.
Pupils dilated and fixed.
Face livid.
Mouth and throat
Breath smells of onions.
Gastrointestinal tract
Vomiting, diarrhoea, and violent chills. - сonstant retching, vomiting, and soreness over epigastrium. Great disturbance of digestion with scanty urine.
Spleen enlarged; hyperaemic.
Diarrhoea and vomiting. Great constipation.
Spleen enlarged; hyperaemic.
Diarrhoea and vomiting. Great constipation.
Urogenital system
Dark brown urine. Urine very scanty; albuminous; almost solid when cooled. Haematoporphyrinuria and death; urine oscillated between deep claret and light claret colour. Retention of urine; had to be drawn off; dark-coloured. Urine cherry-colour, later like dark port wine.
Erythema on prepuce.
Erythema on prepuce.
Chest organs
Oedema of lungs. Signs of broncho-pneumonia.
Cardiovascular system
Death from heart failure and oedema of lungs. Heart s action feeble, occasionally intermittent.
Limbs and spine
Chronic leptomeningitis, circumscribed softening of dorsal portion of cord, with hypostatic pneumonia of right lung, and cyanosis of liver and kidneys (post mortem of poisoning cases).
Gait ataxic; reeled about. Plantar reflex deficient. Paralysis of lower limbs. Cramps of legs and single muscles.
Gait ataxic; reeled about. Plantar reflex deficient. Paralysis of lower limbs. Cramps of legs and single muscles.
Common symptoms
The symptoms disappear slowly. Paralysis of body. вy cold water; cold douches. Great prostration. Progressive paralysis affecting legs first then arms. Paralysis sometimes progressive sometimes with hyperaesthesia and abnormal sensation. Twitching of muscles, especially of face and flexors:
Discoloured patches like purpura on skin. Patches of erythema, of intensity proportionate to dose:-(1) On inner side of first phalanx of right little finger; (2) over proximal ends of metacarpal bones of left thumb and index; (3) on posterior surface of left forearm, a little below elbow; (4) on prepuce. Erythematous measles-like eruption.
Stupor. Heaviness and drowsiness. Sleepiness and weariness with unsteady gait.
Violent chills.