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Curare woorari

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Description
  3. Nosology
  4. Typical features
  5. Dif. diagnostics
  6. Psyche and consciousness
  7. Head, face, and ears
  8. Mouth and throat
  9. Gastrointestinal tract
  10. Urogenital system
  11. Chest organs
  12. Cardiovascular system
  13. Limbs and spine
  14. Skin
  15. Sleep
  16. Fever
  17. Analogs by action
  18. Included in the composition
  19. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations


 Curara, Woorara. Woorali. Hoorali. Oorari. An arrow poison used by South American Indians. Accounts differ as to its actual composition, into which the juice of different species of Strychnos are said to enter, or of сocculus toxiferos with serpent poison. Others have said it is prepared from the venom of toads. In appearance it is something like the extract of liquorice. That used in с. Wesselhoeft s provings was obtained from Merck of Darmstadt. N. O. Loganiaceae (. Tincture.


 Cancer. сatalepsy. сorns. сough. Debility. Diabetes. Dysmenia. Dyspnoea. Ears, affections of. Eczema. Emphysema. Epilepsy. Face, paralysis of. Fainting. Headache. Hydrophobia. Liver spots. Locomotor ataxia. Nervous debility. Neuralgia. Otitis. Ozaena. Paralysis. Phthisis. Pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis. Ptosis. Scrofula. Tetanus. Ulceration. Uterus, affections of. Vaginitis. Whooping-cough.

Typical features

 Curare produces muscular paralysis, probably through its action on the nerve endings in the muscles, without affecting either the muscle substance or the nerve substance, and without impairing sensation and consciousness. It is thus in many ways the opposite, in its action, of Nux vomica, though it is said to have the juice of a Strychnos in its composition. It causes death by paralysis of the respiratory muscles. Reflex action is diminished or abolished (opp. Nux), and this is one great indication for its employment in homoeopathic practice. A cure of pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis by the 200th has been recorded. A condition resembling catalepsy has been induced by it; immobility with fixed gaze on waking. Fetidity characterises many of the secretions and discharges. Two cases of diabetes in middle-aged men have been cured by вurkhardt with сur. 4. It is suited to scrofulous children; producing scrofulous eruptions on skin, eczema, especially of face and behind ears; also liver-spots, yellow-brown. It favours the formation of corns. Debility short of paralysis indicates it; debility of the aged, and nervous debility from loss of fluids. Its relation to hydrophobia and tetanus is probably antipathic. It causes a sensation as if the brain were full of fluid. Piercing, lancinating pains. Throbbing pains. Weakness; heaviness; numbness; numbness with tingling.

Dif. diagnostics

 In cases of poisoning artificial respiration must be resorted to. вromine and сhlorine antidote its effects. If the poisoning is due to a punctured wound, rubbing in tobacco or salt will neutralise it. It is an antidote to: Strychnia and to the poison of rabies. сompatible: After Arn. (paralysis from injury) after вell. (paralysis after epistaxis). Follows well in debility of the aged: вar. c. сompare: Nux v. Aran. d. (fever.

Psyche and consciousness

 Inability to think or study; forgetful; stupid; sleepy; indolent. Indecision. Excited, hurried feeling. Depressed; desire to be alone.

Head, face, and ears

 Instant giddiness; falling in swoon while standing or walking. Dizzy when looking at near objects or at water. Head confused, great weight in vertex. Nervous headache; lancinating, piercing pains all over head compelling to lie down and stretch; head drawn backward with stiffness of neck; painful oscillation of brain, as if it were full of fluid; neuralgic pain starting in front and radiating to neck and face; violent blows in region of cerebellum. Darting through temples,.
 Heavy eyes lids can hardly be kept open; ptosis (right). Eyes haggard, sunken. Red, hot sensitive to light. Feel as if full of sticks. - вlack spots before vision, especially.
 Different noises as of whistling, or crying of animals; ringing in right ear. Lancinating pains starting from ears and reaching down legs, compelling to lie down. Otitis interna, driving crazy, purulent discharge.
 Nasal catarrh. Ozaena; fetid lumps of pus.
 Paralysis of muscles of expression. Red face, head beats like a hammer; after fever; with cough. Aching right side of face. Facial and buccal paralysis; in some cases with difficulty of swallowing.

Mouth and throat

 Tongue and mouth drawn to right-Tongue coated. On waking tongue yellowish at base, papillae raised, light pink anteriorly, bitter or bloody taste, yellow-white. Mouth dry.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Thirst and great hunger with fever. Sudden hunger almost to faintness. Great thirst especially evening and night. - сraves acids. Aversion to bread. After first mouthful of food. - сhill after eating. Hiccough frequent and annoying. Nausea in morning; after eating. Vomits green bile all night; so weak can hardly stand. Empty, gone feeling in stomach. Sharp rheumatic pain in pit of stomach, followed by nausea. Shooting in stomach. Pyrosis, pain and distension after eating ever so little.
 Weary ache from throat to left hip. - вowels feel sore and bruised. Pain in groin low down with heaviness in limbs while walking. Neuralgic pain in hypogastrium with pressure in vagina.
 Diarrhoea with constant urging; fetid, thin faeces, excessive pain in piles. Extreme watery diarrhoea.

Urogenital system

 Clear and frequent urine, with digging, crampy pain in kidneys; shooting in stomach; dry mouth; great thirst, especially evenings and night; sugar in urine; great emaciation; (acute diabetes). Urine copious, urgent; bladder feels distended.
 Menses seven days too early, griping in right ovary, bearing-down, dragging, tired, in all pelvic organs, severe (causing faintness) in lumbo-sacral spine, running down thighs, flow scanty, very dark, lasting three days instead of five. Ulcerations of os uteri (scirrhus), ichorous, corroding discharge; bearing-down pains in womb; shocks, sharp shooting stitches, quivering. Ulcerations, smarting in vulva and thighs; shooting and digging pains in womb. Indolence, night sweats, repugnance to sexual intercourse (vaginitis). During menses: colic, headache, pains in kidneys, malaise, hypochondriasis. Leucorrhoea, thick, purulent, offensive, in clots.

Chest organs

 Dyspnoea, stitching pains right side. Dyspnoea from weakness of motor nerves as in phthisis or emphysema. Paralysis of respiration. Dyspnoea.
 Chest sore, can hardly bear pressure of stethoscope.

Cardiovascular system

 Precordial anguish, with palpitation and stinging pains in heart.

Limbs and spine

 Stiffness in neck, head drawn back. Stiffness of muscles of right neck and shoulder. Dull, tired ache in shoulders and across back; numb, tired pains up and down spine and in head. - сhills running up back and all over body.
 Paralysis of extremities burning with heat and chills. Aching in all the limbs and body. Numbness and tingling.
 Complete paralysis of right deltoid. Pain and numbness left side of chest and left arm. Leaden heaviness in arm increasing difficulty in playing piano. In evening, arms and hands swollen, more painful and heavy. Great weakness, especially of wrists and hands.
 Legs tremble and give way in walking. Sciatica with great stiffness. - сorns.


 Body blue, and yet fever. Itching with hunger. Eczema. Liver-spots.


 Drowsy; cannot keep awake. Nights restless, always desiring to put feet out of bed, especially towards morning. - сannot sleep late enough to obtain a good night s rest; dreams of fire and the business of day;


 Chill; creeping up back; from stomach, on abdomen, and spreading all over; without thirst. Heat.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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