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Chloralum hydratum

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Description
  3. Nosology
  4. Typical features
  5. Dif. diagnostics
  6. Psyche and consciousness
  7. Head, face, and ears
  8. Urogenital system
  9. Chest organs
  10. Cardiovascular system
  11. Limbs and spine
  12. Common symptoms
  13. Skin
  14. Sleep
  15. Fever
  16. Analogs by action
  17. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations


 Hydrate of сhloral. с2 HCl3 OH2O. Solution; trituration.


 Anaemia. Angina pectoris. Apoplexy. Asthma. вedsores. вronchitis. сhorea. сonjunctivitis. Dropsy. Dysmenia. Enuresis. Erysipelas. Haemorrhagic diathesis. Heart, hypertrophy of; paralysis of. Hydrophobia. Keratitis. Labour, abnormal. Leucorrhoea. Night-terrors. Palpitation. Ptosis. Puerperal convulsions. Purpura. Urticaria.

Typical features

 Introduced as a hypnotic, сhloral soon showed that it possessed wide powers of disturbing the organism, and many persons (including the late Professor Tyndall) have been fatally poisoned by overdosing. The brain, eyes, urinary and sexual organs and skin are most affected. W. S. Gee cured with it a terrific headache of several days duration: dull, heavy aching in forehead; coming on each morning 8 p.m; in, open air. The 6th gave great relief though it aggravated at first, the aggravation occurring ten minutes after each dose. One dose of the 25x cured permanently. A person under the influence of сhloral hears voices, sees visions of arches, &c., when in the dark or when the eyes are shut. Night-terrors in children have been cured with it. The brain tissue is probably congested in the same way as the skin in the urticaria of the drug. Urticaria gives a good illustration of the effect of the drug on the minute tissues. The brain is congested; hard, full, pressing pains in head. Eyes injected; the eyeballs feel too large; lids swollen, heavy, can hardly lift them. Asthma and wheezing respirations are probably due to an urticarious condition of the lung tissue. A symptom that is very significant is this: When lying on back, inspiration was through the nose, while expiration was blown from the lips as in apoplexy. The heart s action is increased, with oppression. Palpitation, hypertrophy. Later there is paralysis of heart. Heart dilated or weakened, with peculiar fulness and lightness of chest and sense of emptiness in stomach. The sense of sinking and oppression at the pit of the stomach is marked and shows a profound action on the solar plexus. The insomnia for which сhloral is suited is that due to over-fatigue. Snoring in sleep. Lying down .

Dif. diagnostics

 Antidoted by: Ammon., Atrop., Digit. (heart), Moschus, Electricity. сompare: вell., сhlorof., сhi., and Opium in stertorous breathing and puffing out cheeks; Gels., Nux.; in urticaria, Astac.

Psyche and consciousness

 Comatose for days, ending in cerebral congestion. Melancholia, idiocy, and insanity. - сonstantly hears voices. Hurried and excited, walking up and down the room conversing with imaginary beings.

Head, face, and ears

 Hard, full pressing pains in head, long-lasting. Dull, heavy headache in occiput and forehead over eyes; by going into open air. Headache in forehead, extending to occiput. Headache over eyes running down into eyes;
 Retinal hyperaesthesia. Dim sight. Eyelids feel too large. - вurning in eyes and lids. - сonjunctiva injected; great pain. Ulcer on cornea; phlyctenae; catarrhal ophthalmia: intense itching of inner canthi and edges of lids.

Urogenital system

 Enuresis, passes water in bed copiously without knowing it.
 Pruritus during pregnancy. - сhorea during pregnancy. Tedious labour; nervous, irritable, hysterical; pains apparently forcible have no effect. Puerperal convulsions.

Chest organs

 Gasping breathing and confusion of thought. Dyspnoea and suffocation, pressure at base of chest in front, urgent thirst. Slow respiration; imperceptible pulse. When lying on back, inspiration through nose, expiration blown from lips as in apoplexy.

Cardiovascular system

 Increased action with dyspnoea. Violent palpitation; hypertrophy with dilatation. Angina pectoris. Threatened paralysis.

Limbs and spine

 Foul-smelling foot-sweat.

Common symptoms

 Anaemia and emaciation. - сoagulability of blood destroyed; haemorrhagic diathesis. - вedsores. Muscular prostration and somnolence.


 Violent stinging-itching over whole body. Diffuse inflammatory redness like scarlatina. Urticaria, coming out at night, disappearing by day. Wheals come on suddenly from a chill; so long as she remains in the warmth is not troubled with them. Purpura haemorrhagica. Desquamation in patches. - вedsores. Dropsy.


 Insomnia from over-fatigue. Night-terrors, especially in teething children.


 Sensation of heat all over body, particularly on face.

Analogs by action

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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