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Viola tricolor

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Description
  3. Nosology
  4. Typical features
  5. Dif. diagnostics
  6. Reasons
  7. Psyche and consciousness
  8. Head, face, and ears
  9. Mouth and throat
  10. Gastrointestinal tract
  11. Urogenital system
  12. Chest organs
  13. Cardiovascular system
  14. Limbs and spine
  15. Common symptoms
  16. Skin
  17. Sleep
  18. Fever
  19. Analogs by action
  20. Included in the composition
  21. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations


 Viola tricolor. Jacea. Pansy. Heartsease. N. O. Violaceae. Tincture of fresh plant in flower.


 Crusta lactea. Eczema. Enuresis. Gonorrhoea, suppressed. Gout. Impetigo. Leucorrhoea. Ophthalmia, scrofulous. Orchitis. Plica polonica. Rheumatism. Ringworm. Seminal emissions. Syphilis. Throat, ulceration of.

Typical features

 The Pansy was proved by Hahnemann and his provers. It had an ancient reputation in asthma and epilepsy, and especially in obstinate skin diseases. Teste quotes from old observers (Starck, Haase, Murray, &c.) the following as cured by V. tri. (1) Milk-crust in children at the breast, [or] recently weaned. (2) Milk-crust with violent cough and excessive oppression. (3) Impetigo of hairy scalp and face in children and adult females. (4) Favus and serpiginous crusts in children and adults, with swelling and induration of cervical glands. (5) Large boils all over body in a scrofulous child. (6) Pustules and ichorous exanthema of feet. (7) Squamous spots on skin. (8) Rheumatism and gout; articular rheumatism with itch-like eruption round the joints. (9) Impetigenous exanthema on forehead. (10) Ichorous ulcers with violent itching. In Russia a decoction of Pansy is a popular remedy for scrofula; and Schlegel, of Moscow, used it with good effect in syphilitic affections, especially venereal ulcers. Teste (from whom I take all the above) puts V. tri. in two groups, whose types are Lyc. and сham. Homoeopathy has brought out some characteristics of V. tri. which single out its cases. One of these is concomitance of urinary symptoms with skin affections: Tinea capitis with frequent involuntary urination. Eczema with urinary disturbances; too copious urination; or sudden arrest of secretion. Urine smelling like cat s urine is a keynote. The male sexual organs were much excited. Emissions with vivid dreams occurred; swelling, itching, and pains in prepuce and glans, with erections. Peculiar Symptoms are: Face hot and sweating after eating. Dyspnoea after eating. Hands twitch and are clenched in sleep. Nervous paroxysms followed suppressed milk-crust. The axillae and clavicular regions were noticeably affected; and stitches and burning stitches were prevailing pains. The symptoms are: , heaviness in head. Walking = vertigo; stitches through chest and abdomen. Sitting = stitches in abdomen and groin (standing them). headache; = chilliness. Aversion to open air.

Dif. diagnostics

 Antidoted by: сamph., Merc., Puls., Rhus. сompatible: Puls., Rhus, Sep., Staph. сompare: Tension of integuments of face and forehead, V. od. сrusta lactea, Vinca m. (V. tri. has urinary concomitants). Eruptions, ulcers, &c., сham., Graph., Hep., Merc., Olean., Petrol., Staph. Stitches, K. ca. вotan., see Viol. od.


 Suppressed milk-crust (nervous paroxysms).

Psyche and consciousness

 Sadness respecting domestic affairs. Precipitation as from internal anguish, with sensation of great weakness. Tendency to shed tears. Ill-humour, moroseness, with dislike to conversation. Great sensitiveness, inclination to scold, and combativeness. Disobedience. Aversion to labour. Great dulness of the intellect.

Head, face, and ears

 Head bewildered and perplexed. Vertigo and dizziness when walking. Headache from root of nose to brain, disappearing in open air. Heaviness of head, which draws it backwards, principally when getting up, by stooping. Pressive headache, especially in forehead and temples (extending outward). Shootings in occiput day and night. The brain shakes when walking. - вurning stitches in scalp, especially in forehead and temples (tearing stitch externally in left temple). Scurfs on head, unbearable burning, most at night. Impetigo of the hairy scalp and face. - сrusta lactea in children recently weaned. Thick incrustations, pouring out a large quantity of thick, yellow fluid, which mats the hair.
 Pain in eyes, as if a hard body were between upper eyelid and eyeball. Smarting and incisive and itching shootings in eye. - сontraction and closing of eyelids, with inclination to sleep. Myopia.
 Heat in face at night in bed, sometimes semilateral, and in cheek on which patient is not lying. Heat and perspiration of face after eating. Thickness and hardness of skin of face. Scabs on face with burning itching, especially at night, and running of a yellow and viscid pus; also behind ears. Tension in integuments of face and forehead.

Mouth and throat

 Tongue loaded with whitish mucus of a bitter taste. Accumulation of saliva in the mouth, with sensation of dryness.
 Sore throat in evening. Swelling of cervical glands. Much phlegm in throat = hawking, 11 p.m - Swallowing difficult and very painful (syphilis). - сhancroid ulcer on posterior surface of fauces and soft palate (syphilis).

Gastrointestinal tract

 Stitches and cutting pain in abdomen, with urging to stool and crying and lamentations, followed by discharge of lumps of mucus and flatulence. Pressing-stinging in diaphragm.
 Chopped soft stools. Stool with mucus and much flatus.

Urogenital system

 Urging (frequent) to urinate, with profuse discharge of urine. Fetid urine; it smells like cat s urine. Very turbid urine. Stitches in the urethra.
 Swelling of the prepuce with itching. Stitching in penis or pressing in glans; burning of glans. While standing voluptuous itching of prepuce, accompanied by an erection which prevented scratching. Itching stitches in scrotum. Involuntary seminal discharges, with vivid dreams. Loss of seminal fluid at stool. Suppressed gonorrhoea; indurated testicle.
 Stitch in region of mons veneris, right side. Painful pustules on labia. Leucorrhoea: with stitching pain; in children; in syphilis. - сhancroid ulcers about breasts.

Chest organs

 Stitches in left side of chest;
 Syphilitic ulcers on clavicles. Shooting in chest. Stitches in the chest, on the ribs, sternum, and intercostal muscles.

Cardiovascular system

 Oppression and lancinations in region of heart on bending forwards while sitting. Anxietas praecordium, with palpitation of heart when lying down (with beating like waves).

Limbs and spine

 Swelling of glands of neck. Spasmodic pain and contraction, with pinching between shoulder-blades (with cutting, tingling, and crawling in the skin).
 Lancinations in joints of shoulder, elbows, forearms, and fingers; on motion. Painful pustules in axillae (syphilis). - сutting stitches with itching in axillae.
 Pain, as of broken thighs, on waking in morning. Flexion of knees when walking; with drawings in thighs and calves. Jerking of muscles in calves. Fine stitches in right tibia when walking. Shootings in patellae, tibiae, and feet. Pustulous and ichorous exanthema on feet.

Common symptoms

 [The principal use for this remedy is for nocturnal emissions accompanied by very vivid dreams; they are not very exhausting, but cause an uneasy and played-out state of the mind. Loss of seminal fluid at stool and in the urine, trembling, poor appetite, feels dull, sleepless. Very vivid, amorous dreams. Pricking in skin; pricking Itching. After rising from a seat. H. N. G. Dejection, sometimes as from insufficient sleep. Lancinating pains in the limbs. Miliary eruption over whole body, with lancinating, gnawing sensation.


 Stinging-biting rash. Dry scabs over the whole body; when they are scratched they exude yellow water. Eruption over face (except eyelids) and behind ears, with burning, itching,.


 Inclination to sleep in afternoon. Disturbed sleep, with frequent waking. Awakens frequently without cause. Sleep retarded by a concourse of ideas, with difficulty in waking in morning. Vivid and amorous dreams. Jerking of the (child s) hands and retraction of thumbs when sleeping, with redness of face and general dry heat.


 Chill, or chilliness in forenoon and in open air. Dry, anxious heat at night in bed, with red face. General heat, especially in face, with anxiety; dyspnoea immediately after eating. Night-sweats.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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Natura Pharma
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