Other names and synonyms
cupr-s.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Additional facts
Sulphate of сopper. сu SO4 5H2O. Trituration.
Alopecia. Diarrhoea. Dysentery. Eyes, granular lids; catarrhal and purulent conjunctivitis. Itch. Syphilis. Trachoma.
Typical features
Sulphate of сopper is a well-known emetic and caustic. It causes forcible vomiting and much nausea. Paleness of face; or jaundiced appearance; pale skin generally; a peculiar diarrhoea; enlarged liver. J. D. Tyrrell (Med. Adv., xix. 14) mentions the case of a lady who could not use сupr. sul. for stamping fancywork, because it made her face hurt and swell so she could scarcely see, and her lips became everted, turned inside out, she said. It is a well-known application in allopathic practice for stimulating flabby granulations, and it has cured itching eruptions, and manifestations of syphilis. Rest pains.
Dif. diagnostics
It is antidoted by: Milk; eggs; pure yellow prussiate of potash. сompare: Kali bich. (cough) and Merc.
Psyche and consciousness
Anxiety; or great apathy. Remarkable disturbance of mind, every utterance distorted.
Head, face, and ears
Bald spot over right parietal bone, not depending on any discoverable cause.
Twitching of closed lids. Eyes stiff and dim.
Lips pale, bluish, at corners and internal edges. Face painful and swollen so she can scarcely see; lips turned inside out.
Twitching of closed lids. Eyes stiff and dim.
Lips pale, bluish, at corners and internal edges. Face painful and swollen so she can scarcely see; lips turned inside out.
Mouth and throat
Tongue cold; coated, bluish. Greenish tint along free border of gums. - вurning in mouth and oesophagus in morning.
Gastrointestinal tract
Excessive nausea; forcible vomiting returning from time to time; vomits greenish-brown mucus. Violent pain in stomach followed by faintness.
Tearing pains in hypochondria, on inspiration, painful to touch as if bruised. Liver enlarged. Abdomen drawn in.
Four pultaceous greenish-yellow stools, without the least trace of blood. Stool pultaceous, brown-red, with streaks of blood and tenesmus during stool. - сonstipation.
Tearing pains in hypochondria, on inspiration, painful to touch as if bruised. Liver enlarged. Abdomen drawn in.
Four pultaceous greenish-yellow stools, without the least trace of blood. Stool pultaceous, brown-red, with streaks of blood and tenesmus during stool. - сonstipation.
Chest organs
Hacking cough which impedes respiration. - сroupy cough with very tenacious mucus.
Cardiovascular system
Feeling as of a throbbing lump in heart internally, beating of heart seems louder; lasted five minutes and went away gradually.
Limbs and spine
Limbs cold, nearly cyanotic. Dull aching soreness in middle of tibia, when walking; at rest; tenderness on pressure.
Pale, colourless. Icterus. Itching nodules on shoulders. Itchiness; a kind of dry itch.
Included in the composition
- 4.8-6.2€ Spascupreel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Flowers Energy №85
- 10.7-16.2€ Placenta compositum (2 firms)
- 12.5-15.3€ Solidago compositum s (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )