Other names and synonyms
aq-mar.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Additional facts
Sea-water. Dilutions.
Biliousness. сonstipation. Headache. Sea-sickness. Seaside, effects of.
Typical features
Aq. mar. has been principally used (in high potencies) for the effects of residence near the sea (as biliousness, constipation, headache, &c. It has been used in wineglassful doses and also in potencies as a remedy for sea-sickness. It has been proved by с. Wesselhoeft. Among the symptoms were: Neuralgic pains down right temple and forehead. Faceache left side; cold water intolerable. Sensation of a hair or fishbone in throat, tickling and urging to swallow, causing cough, which does not relieve. Pain on swallowing, extending to ear and temples. Nausea; and nauseous sensation in stomach and abdomen. This symptom seems peculiar: Constant hawking and raising of phlegm, tough and white like cotton. The leading indication for it is:
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: Nat. mur., сhlorum (but in addition to its chief ingredient, sea-water contains in solution every inorganic substance in the world); also Silica marina.